Transit Study Public Engagement and Communications Results Final September 25, 2017 Prepared by Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 3 1.1 Communications - Project Context 3 1.2 Devon Community Engagement Framework 4 2.0 Community Engagement Approach 5 2.1 Public Notices 5 2.2.1 Community Engagement Advertisements and Notices 5 2.2.1 Social Media 6 2.2 Awareness 6 3.0 Stakeholder Groups - Engagement Summaries and Results 7 3.1 Town of Devon Mayor and Council 7 3.1.1 Summary of Conversations / Findings 7 3.1.2 Recommendations / Suggestions for Follow-up 8 3.2 Town of Devon - Employees 9 3.2.1 Summary of Meetings / Events 9 3.2.2 Empathy Mapping 11 3.3 Local Businesses 11 3.3.1 Summary of Conversations / Findings 12 3.4 Regional Employment and Business Centers 14 3.4.1 Regional Employers - High Level Meeting Summaries 15 U of A Botanical Gardens 15 Rabbit Hill Snow Resort 15 Acheson 15 Leduc/Nisku 16 Alberta Aerotropolis and the Edmonton International Airport 16 Century Casino / Race Track 16 Premium Outlet Mall 16 3.5 Regional Municipalities and Counties 17 3.6 Public Consultation - Citizen Groups 17 3.6.1 Youth Experience Group 18 Youth Group Event Summary 19 Recommendations 21 3.6.2 Community Workshop - Focus on Seniors and Physically Handicapped 21 Community Workshop Summary 21 Recommendations 23 3.6.3 Devon Farmer’s Market 24 Engagement Summary 24 Recommendations 25 1 3.7 Summer Shack Program - Parents with Children 26 Engagement Summary 26 Recommendations/Suggestions 26 4.0 Devon Transit Study Survey 27 Appendix I - Emerging Strategy Draft 29 Appendix II: Devon Transit Study Community Engagement Framework and Methodology 30 1.1 Public Engagement Framework 30 1.2 Communications Plan 31 1.3 Constraints and Risks 31 1.4 Consultation Methodology 32 Appendix III: Artifacts 33 Letter to Mayor and Council 34 Letter of Introduction - Devon Businesses and Community Organizations 35 Letter of Introduction - Surrounding Municipalities and Counties 36 Letter or Introduction - Regional Businesses 37 Appendix IV: Empathy Mapping Summary 38 Devon Transit Study 38 Empathy Map Summary 2017-07-24 38 The Empathy Mapping Process 39 “What is everyone’s bus to me?” Persona Information and Inputs 39 Persona I 39 “What is everyone’s bus to me?” Persona Information and Inputs 41 Persona II 41 “What is everyone’s bus to me?” Persona Information and Inputs 43 Persona III 43 Appendix V: Youth Engagement Event 44 Record of Youth Group Engagement Event 44 2. Description and Process 45 3. Pictures and Summaries of Comments 45 Community Transportation - Future 46 Appendix VI: “Did you know” 47 Information Campaign 48 Appendix VII: Community Workshop - Focus on Seniors and Persons with Disabilities 57 Appendix VIII: Schedule of Events and Deliverables 59 2 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Communications ­ Project Context In July 7, 2017, Bridging Consulting Group (BCG) was engaged to undertake a Transit Study for the Town of Devon. The study would provide options for the delivery of cost effective and sustainable transit services both within Devon and between adjacent communities and business areas. Consultation and engagement with Devon residents and business owners / managers was identified as a key component of the Study. At the request of the Town, the community consultation was to build on a 2015 public survey which had identified key factors that enabled or limited the use of transit services. Further, the Communication and Public Engagement Plan was to include consultation with transit providers in surrounding municipalities, as well as current and future major regional employers. This would help evaluate current transit service offerings, and identify future demands / opportunities for services and potential partnerships. A comprehensive Communications Strategy and Public Engagement Plan was developed to organize and manage this consultation. This document provides a summary of the Communications and Public Engagement activities, results and recommendations. 3 1.2 Devon Community Engagement Framework The Devon Transit Study Public Engagement and Communications Plan was designed to align with the Town of Devon Community Engagement Framework. The Framework in Fig. 1 was developed in consultation with the Town of Devon Community Development Facilitator. Given that the goal of the project is to provide Town Council with viable transportation alternatives that reflect and respond to the needs of the community, it was determined that BCG would primarily work to the “Involve” level of public engagement, with supporting activities in the “Inform” and “Consult” areas. The governing principles on which the plan was developed, including an outline of the Communications Plan Objectives, Risks and Constraints and the Public Engagement Methodology is included as Appendix II. Fig.1 Public Engagement Framework Continuum Inform Using advertisements in the Devon Dispatch, the Town of Devon web page, social media, and letters to key stakeholders, BCG worked to inform the community of the development of the Transit Study, as well as opportunities for their input. Consult Using primarily an online and paper survey BCG obtained residents feedback on public opinions, requirements and suggestions for transit/transportation. BCG also consulted with regional business leaders and surrounding municipalities to identify their needs for attracting and retaining employees (providing employment for residents of Devon) and with surrounding municipalities to determine their current and future transportation plans. This included conversations on development of alternative solutions such as service delivery partnerships. Involve Through workshops and conversations at public engagement events, as well as meetings with leaders in the Town of Devon, including Town Council and business owners/managers, BCG worked to ensure public concerns and aspirations were understood and reflected in the alternatives presented to Town Council. 4 2.0 Community Engagement Approach Conversations with the Town of Devon Administration were undertaken to identify: ● the key stakeholders for the Transit Study, ● the level of engagement required for each stakeholder group, and ● the alternatives for engagement. A Stakeholder Engagement Plan was developed to organize and manage the required engagement activities. The Public Engagement and Communications Plan was designed and implemented around the construct of “going to the people” to address two key risks that emerged from the risk assessment activity. The first was the risk associated with hosting events over the summer months when people are away and do not expect public consultation. The second was the risk associated with potential saturation due to a number of public engagement activities held during the past year. To effectively connect with the community and address these risks, the BCG team focused efforts towards reaching out and make it easy and convenient for people to engage. BCG: ● organized resident / citizen public engagement events to coincide with already planned and advertised public events. ● organized personal meetings with the larger employers within the Town of Devon (as identified by the Town Administration) as well as, major employers in the region. ● met with representatives of the municipalities in the region. ● developed and implemented a community survey, in consultation with the Town Administration. The survey was available on the Town of Devon website, and paper copies were brought to the meetings with Devon businesses as well as the four public engagement events. ● developed a “Did You Know” campaign to inform residents of the current services. In all cases the focus was on gathering relevant information on current service offerings and demands / opportunities for future service offerings. 2.1 Public Notices The public notice tools were chosen based on the needs of each stakeholder group and the resources available. 2.2.1 Community Engagement Advertisements and Notices The public notice / poster for the study and the advertisement were developed by the Town of Devon. The public notices and invitation to participate in events and the survey utilized the standard information channels used by the Town: a. An advertisement in the Devon Dispatch b. A Community Post on the Town of Devon Website 5 c. Posters / information sheets at Community gathering spots ­ Pioneer73 Club, Youth Center, and Town Hall d. Posters / information sheets distributed by the bus drivers to residents using the bus. The bus drivers were key advocates for the Everyone’s Bus service and actively worked to encourage residents to participate in the workshops and complete the survey. They also provided free rides to anyone participating in workshops at the Pioneer73 lodge. 2.2.1 Social Media Information on the study and opportunities to participate were posted on the Town of Devon Website and promoted on the Town Social Media Sites, specifically Facebook and Twitter. The Town of Devon also successfully administered a Facebook “bump” that increased survey awareness and participation of Devon residents. Finally, both the Youth Group and the Pioneer73 Club worked with BCG to increase awareness and participation with their respective members. ● Youth Group ­ emailed notices to members and posted on the Youth Group Twitter Account. ● Seniors ­ emailed members of the Pioneer73 Club from the Club Administration and posted the notice on both the front door of their facility as well as the Club Bulletin Board. ● Town of Devon Facebook ­ notice of the transit study was posted on
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