RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS IN SWEDEN FROJl THE MEMORABLE UPPSALA SYliOD IN FEBRUARY 1593 TO THE ISSUANCE ON OCTOBER 23 1860 OF THE TWO ROYAL ORDIN'ANl.IES PROVIDI G FOR - GREATER RELIGIOUS LIBERTY IN SWEDD A Thes1s Subn1tted to The Facui ty of the Graduate school of the univexs1ty of M1nnesota Hel'IDan Olof Olson 1n Partial Ful.f'111ment of the ReqU1rements for the Degree of Kaster of Arts 19.1$ 1 • 1 ICI ...•'' .ICC ~ CONTENTS page Bibliography • • • • • . II Preface . VIII Introduction • • • • • • • • • • . 1 survey of Religious Movements from 159S to 1688 • • • 6 The Refol'll&d • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . The catholics • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Reaction against orthodoxy • • • • • • • • • . S5 Religious Liberty for Dissenters • • • • • • . SS The Jews • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . 42 P1et1sm . 45 D1pJ>011an1sm and the sJtev1lt1ans • . • • • • . 5S The Moravtans • • • • • • • • • • • . 58 swedenborg1an1sm • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • 6S taes tad1an1sm . 67 Methodism • • • . 70 The Baptists . '15 The Janson! tes • . 81 Crying Voices . 85 Ordinances Prov1d1ng for Religious Liberty • • • • . 9S supplement (A world survey of Present cond1t1ons) • • 125 •l) ,,, tf'>'l..t'!.!) I ' .. -II- BIBLIO'G RAPHY Printed sources Acta his~or1co-ecc1esiast1ca, Weimar 1736~58. Allmanna Orcsunds-posten, Hels1ngborg 1851, 52, (The oresund Post). Anjou, L. A., Svenska Icyrkans h1stor1a ifrAn upvsaia m~te Ar 1593, Stockh. 1866, (History of the Swedish uhurch from the Uppsala Synod 1593). Bender, w., Johann Konrad Dippel. ner Fre1ge1st aus d Pietismus, Bonn l882, (John Conrad Dippel, the Free-thinker of the Age of p1et1sm). Borgman, E. w., Ndgra bidrag till svenska kyrkans h1stor1a, Stockh. 1873, (Some uontr1but1ons to the History of the Swedish Church}. Bergroth, Elis, Ara Dissenters, Kuop1o 1893, (our Dissenters). Bexe11, s. p., Bidrag till svenska kYrkans och riksdagarnas historia, Kristianstad 1839, (contributions to the History of the Swedish uhurch and the R1ksdag). Blograriskt 1ex1kon, (Biographical D1ut1onary). Bromee, G., Framstallning af svenska iagsi,1ftn1ngen ang. statsre11g1on och re11g1onsfr1het, Lund 1861, (A Presentation of Swedish Legislation With reference to state Religion and Religious Liberty). uederschold, P. G., Riksdagen 1 Stockholm 1719, (The Riksdag in Stockh. 1719). uhyden1us, And., Pol1tiska skrifter, utg. af E. G. Palmen, Helsingfors 1880, (Tracts on Politics). corne11us, c. A., Svenska kyrkans h1stor1a efter refo:rmation­ en, u-ppsa1a 1886, (History of the Swedish Ghurch since the Reformation}. --III- corne11us, Q. A·, Handbok 1 svenska kyrkans historta, UpPsa1a 1892, (Textbook on Swedish Church History). Ekman, E. J., Den 1nre m1ss1onens histor.t.a, Stockholm 1896-1902, (History of the Inland Mission). E1:ikson, J. M., Metodismen 1 svertge, Stockh. 1895, (Methodism in Sweden) • .&'oster1andsvannen,, veckot1dn1ng, redigerad och utg1fven af Joh. Kvist, Orebro, (The Patriot, a weekly :periodical). Fryxe11, And., Ber&tte1ser ur svenska h1stor1en, Stockh·182S--, (Extracts from Swedish History). Handlingar rtlrande sver1ges h1storta, 1521-1649, Stockh. 186J..-.1912, (Acts conce::rn1ng the History of Sweden). Henning, x., Joh. Konr. DipPels v1ste1se 1 svertge samt D1p:peI1an1smen 1 Stockh. l727w41, Uppsaia 1981, (D1ppel's Sojourn in Sweden, and D1:ppe11an1sm in Stoclth., 1727~41). Henning, K., Bidrag till J.cannedomen o de relig1osa rtlre1- serna 1 sver1ge ooh .!!'inland efter 1730, UpPsa1a 1891, (A Gontr1but1on to our Knowiedge 0oncern1ng the Re11g1ous Movements in Sweden and F1IUand). Hildebrand, IDnil, sveriges h1stor1a 1nt111 tJugonde sek.let, stockh. 1eoa ..... 10, (History of Sweden up to the twentieth century). H1stor1ska handl1ngar, stockb. 1861-1910, (H1stor1ca.J. Acts). J. w., R1ksdagen 1689, stockh. 1837, (The Riksdag of 1689). Kong1. Placater, reso1ut., forordn1ngar ocb :tx1bud, m. , 1600-1741, ( estins sam1.) . (Royal Edicts, Heso1ut1ons, Ord1nanues, and D crees, etc., --.estin's 0011ections). K'a11str0m, Arv., Bidrag till den svenska :P1.et1smens h1sto­ r1a, Stockh. 1894, {A uontr1but1on to the History of Swedish P1et1sm). -IV- tevtn, u. H., samfundet pro fide et chris~ianismo; et"t hun­ dra~rigt rn1nnesblad, S"tockh. 1871, (The society --Pro ---Fide -et Ghrist1anisu10; a centennial Souvenir). 1ev1n, Hennan, ReligionstvAng och re11g1onsfrihet 1 sverige 1686•1782, stockh. 1896, (Re11g1ous rnto1erance and Be11g1ous Liberty in Sweden). Lindgren, J. A., Bidrag till den svenska p1etismens h1stor1a. Pietismen 1 Stockl101m 1702.... 1721, Uppsala 1879, (A contribution to the History of Swedish Piet1sm. P1et1sm in stoclth. 11oa~a1). Malmstrom,. B. E., Grunddragen ar Svenska vitterhetens h1s­ tor1.a, orebro 1866, {Elements of the History of Swedish t .itera"ture ). Ma1mstr<:5m, a. G., smarre skrifter rorande 1700-'t.alets h1s­ tor1a, S"tockh. 1889, (Tracts concerning the History of the Eighteenth uentury). I Modee, R. G., Utd:rag ur ~ubl1ka hand11ngar etc., 1719-1794, Stockh. 1743-1829, (Extracts r·rom Public Acts), Munckte11, Joh. 11·r., vesterAs st1fts herdaminne, Uppsa1a 1844, (Diocesan Annals from vesterds). Nauman, chr., sver1ges statsforfattn1ngsratt, stock. 1881, (The Polity of Sweden). Neander, And., B1drag till den svenska brod:raforsamitngens h1stor1a intill Ar 1750, Uppsala 1883, ( contr1 but ions to the History of the Swedish United Brethren to 1750). Nelson, o. N., History of the Scandinavians and successful Scandinavians in the United states, Mpls., Minn., 1893. Nordberg, J., Konung Karl XII:s his"tor1a, stockh. 1740, {History of uhar1es XII). - Nordin, Hj., ne ecklcs1ast1ka deputationerna under Fredrik r:s regering, strangnas 1895, (The Ecc1es1astical. Deputations during the Reign of Frederick I). Norlin, Theod., Svenska kyrkans h1stor1a efter reforma­ tionen, B. I:l,2, Lund 1864, (History of the Swedish uhurch after the Reformation). -v- od.bner, u. T., sveriges politiska h1storia under konung Gustaf rrr:s regering, I, stockh. 1885, (The Political History of Sweden during the Reign of Gustavus III). PUaux, .11·rank, H!stoire de 1 1 etab11ssement des protestants fran9ais en suede, Paris 1891. Samling af kong1. bref, 1736-1798, I-VI, (uo11ect1on of Royal Letters, 1736-1798, I-VI). Schuck och arburg, r11ustrerad svensk litteraturhistoria, stockh. 1895, (Illustrated History of Swedish Literature). v. st1ernman, A. A., Samling utaf ~tskilliga kungliga stad­ gar, bref och forordningar angAende religion, stockh. 1744, (co11ection of various Royal Statutes, Letters, and Ordinances concerning Religion). v. Stiernman, A. A., Samling utaf kong1. bref, stadgar och forordn. angAende sveriges commerce, P<>litie och oekonomie, l52S-l718, stockh. 1747-75, ( uo11ect1on of Royal Letters, statutes, and Ordinances con-­ ce1:n:tng the commerce, Polity, and Economy of Sweden). Sundelin, Rob., svedenborgianismens h1stor1a 1 sver1ge under fo:rra Arh., uppsala 1886, (History of swedenbo.tgian1sm in Sweden during the Last century). svensk forfattnings-sam11ng, 1825~1911, (The Rolls of the Riksdag, etc.). svensk ky:rkolag af Ar 1886 jMmte dithorande stadganden, som utkon:nn1t till i mars 1910, utgifven af p. RYdholm, (The Ecc1es1ast1ca1 Law of 1686 with Additional Ordinances to Mareh 1910). svensk Tidning. Dagligt Allahanda 1 stockh. (morgon... och aftonupp1agan), 1852-54, (Swedish Da11Y). sveriges regexingsfo.tmer 1634~1809 samt Konungaforsakringar 16ll-1SOO, utgifna af Emil Hildebrand, stockh. 1891, (The const!tutions of Sweden 1634-1809, and the Gharters 1611... 1800 ) • sveriges r1kes lag, gillad och antagen p;\ Riksdagen l834, stockb. 1836, (The Law of Sweden, acopted 1834). sver1ges r1kes lag, af 1834, med f6rordningar och stadgan­ den, som utkonmnt till 1910, stockh. 1910, (The taw of Sweden, adopted 1834, as changed and revised Up to 1910). sver1.ges rikes ridderskaps och adels riksdags protokoll fmn sjuttonde Arhund.:radet, utg. af w. Tham & B. Taube & s. Berg, !•XVII (tiden l62'1wl714), Stockh. 1855•1908. Ny ser1.e fn\n 1719, utg. af E. v. Montan och c. G. s11vc·r ... stolpe, samt f:n\n 1747 G. o. Berg, I ff, stockh. 1875, (The R1ksdag RePC>rt of the Nobility during the seventeenth century, 1627-1714, New series fro 1719, and one fro 1747). Tottie, H. ., Jesper svedbergs 11f och verksamhet, Uppsala 1885, (Life and work of Jesper Swedberg). Wallqvist, Olavus, Ecc1es1astique sam11ngar, 1788, (Ecc1es1ast1ca1 Go11ections). Widekind1, Johan, Gus~av Adolphs den and.res och stores his­ toria, stockh. 1691, (History of Gustavus II Adolphus). Wilskman, s., Svea rikes ecc1es1astique verk, orebro 1781,82, (An Ecc1es1astica1 work of Sweden). aktaren, T1dn1ng for stat och kyrka, for 1854, Stockholm, (The Watchman, A Periodical for the State and the uhuxch). Q Ars~rycket for skilda Ar, (The Yearwtook, or Annual Publication, for Different Years). Unprinted sources I • 1Q th Government Archives, Sto ckho 1m. Acta ecc1es1astica, (Ecc1es1ast1ca1 Acts). BondestAndets protokoll, (.Hepart of Peasantry). BorgarstAndets protokoll~ (Re:part of commonalty). PraststAndets protokoll och r1ksdagshandl1ngar, (Reports and Acts of the Ecc1. Estate). .... vyr .... Rdd.Bpro-tokoll, ( Re:port of counc11 ) • Svenska ecc1esiastika hand.11ngar, (Swedish Eccl. Acts). sto,ckhol:ms kons1stor11 prot.okoll och hamU1.ngar, (Gonsistoria1 Re:ports and Proceedings). stockho1ms konsistor11 skrifve1se till k. m:t, (consistory's Letters to His Majesty). II· In Uppsa.J.a University Library. Nordi nska samlingar, (Nordin's uo11ect1ons). In different works there are extracts printed from that JX>rtion of the unprinted sources which dates before
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