DUNLOP/DUNLAP FAMILY SOCIETY INSIDE THIS MERITO HTTP://WWW.CLANDUNLOP.ORG ISSUE: VOLUME 4, ISSUE 1 DECEMBER '03 Where Have We 4 Been Quartermaster’s 6 President’s Address Report By: Peter Dunlop, President Treasurer’s 7 Report My best Holiday Greetings to all The state of our Society contin- to be a member in good standing members of the Dunlop/Dunlap ues to improve, although we still to be eligible to vote - that Family Society. I hope you are all have a lot of work to do. Most means your dues have to be Membership 7 looking back on a most enjoyable of the major issues facing us are current! Please send your 2004 Report summer, and forward to a happy being resolved, albeit at a some- membership dues of $25 to me and healthy 2004. what measured pace. First and in the new year. Your continuing Scottish 8 foremost, however, we feel that support of our Society is greatly We had lots of rain this summer Publications we have ensured the continua- appreciated. in my part of the world, but did tion of our Society. We con- manage to squeeze in 6 beautiful Enjoy the holiday season and all Upcoming Events 8 tinue to attract new members sunny days. As luck (or good the blessings that it brings. As and, most encouragingly, we fortune) would have it, those always, I look forward to hearing continue to receive many enquir- were the days I attended 6 High- from you - please send any com- Are You Scots- 9 ies from potential new members. land Games - in NY, PA, Ohio, ments or suggestions that you Irish? We are hopeful that 2004 will North Carolina and Ontario. have for the Society to me - prove to be a watershed year for We had a really great time at all mail: P.O. Box 652, East Aurora, Major Alistair 11 the growth of our Society. Dunlop events. We had a Dunlop tent NY 14052 or e-mail: for the first time ever at the Next year will be an election [email protected] Fergus Games (Ontario), and we cycle for all officers and direc- Genealogy 12 Yours Aye, Queries hope to have a first-time Dunlop tors. We will deal with the tent at the Ohio Games in 2004. nomination process in the spring Peter Dunlop I look forward to meeting many issue of Merito, with the election Society Officers 13 more of our clan members (both (balloting) during the summer. existing and new) next year. Please remember that you have Early Scots in the 14 Republic of Texas EACHDRAIDH DUNLOP - FOOTSTEPS OF OUR CLAN HERE BE TRUE HISTORIES OF OUR NAMESAKES READ…AND WALK WITH THEM THROUGH TIME… By: Mike Dunlap, Clan Historian Major General Sir James patam, India. Returning to Britain, troops for service in India. And on Dunlop of Dunlop, 21rst of he attained the rank of major October 25th it was directed that that Ilk, third son of Frances general under Wellington during it should be known as the 77th Wallace. He succeeded his the Peninsular War of 1808-1814 Foot.. Each company had 4 offi- brother Andrew in 1804 to the and was present at Waterloo. cers, 3 sergeants, 4 corporals 2 Estate of and Chiefship of Dunlop. (House of Dunlap, John Hanna, drummers and 71 rank and file. He served in the American war 1956) The first Lieutenant Colonel was where he attained the rank of 1787 James Balfour, who was appointed Major in the King's service. He on October 12th from the 6th then commanded an assaulting In the autumn of 1787 it became Foot, in which he had been com- column at the siege of Seringa- necessary to provide additional missioned as ensign on March PAGE 2 Eachdraidh Dunlop - cont’d 28th, 1762. The actual com- serving in India. Both in 1789 mand of Lieutenant-Colonel mand of the regiment rested and in 1790 strong drafts were Dunlop of the 77th, whilst Lieu- with him, and so many of the received from home, so that at tenant-Colonel Montesor, also early officers of the 77th were the end of the latter year the of the 77th, had the right bri- Scots that it seems probable total of all ranks was 755. gade of native troops. The 77th that Balfour was responsible for itself was commanded by Major In 1788 Lord Cornwallis came their selection. The senior cap- Spry. Major Laclan Macquarie of out to India as Governor- tain was Bulstrode Whitelocke, the 77th was major of brigade General. At the close of the who had entered the army as a to the King’s troops. Lieuten- following year an attack by Tip- boy of fifteen on May 1st, 1776, ants Gray and Archibald Camp- poo on the Rajah of Travancore, and was a captain of five years’ bell were also serving as brigade who was an ally of the English, standing in the 17th Foot when majors. precipitated war. he was appointed to the 77th On February 21st the Bombay on November 1st, 1787. Other In April 1797 four companies army set out from Cannanore, officers of whom we shall hear under Major Spry embarked for and for the third time the 77th of again were James Dunlop, Tellicherry to take part in an crossed the Ghauts by the pass who came from the old 76th expedition against the Rajah of of Poudicherrim to the Foot, John Montresor from the Cotiote under the command of neighbourhood of Peripatam. old 99th, and William Frederick Lieutenant-Colonel Dunlop. In On March 1st the 77th, a little Spry of the 64th, who, though the Detachment Orders on May “An attack by under 600 strong, was en- only eighteen had already seven 13th they were thanked for camped at Verajunderpett. The Tippoo on the years’ service. Dunlop and their steadfastness, zeal and nature of the country, which Montresor were captains; Spry obedience to orders, whilst was everywhere covered with Rajah of was the first captain-lieutenant special commendation was given thick jungle, compelled Stuart to of the 77th. Nor must we omit to "the conspicuous intrepidity, Travancore, who place his army in several divi- to mention amongst their jun- coolness and gallantry" with sions, and Montresor’s Brigade iors, Lieutenant Lachlan Mac- which a party under Lieutenant was an ally of was some miles in advance on quarie and Ensign Archibald Lawrence had dislodged the the hill of Sedaseer. On the Campbell. Out of these seven enemy from a house near the the English, morning of March 5th a recon- officers five rose to the rank of Canote River. noitring party at Sedasser de- precipitated general. On August 1st, 1797, White- tected a large encampment to war.” 1788 locke had leave for Europe and be forming under the fort of Dunlop took command. Peritapam, where a green tent The 77th embarked in the seemed to be betoken the pres- Downs off Deal between March During 1798 Tippoo was ac- ence of the Sultan. Early on the 28th and April 10th, 1788, on tively engaged in intrigue with next morning the enemy ad- board the Indiamen Dublin, the French. The Earl of Morn- vanced through the jungle with Northumberland, Prince Wil- ington, who was then lately such secrecy and expedition liam and Winterton. The arrived as Governor-General, that they attacked Montresor’s destination of the regiment was determined on vigorous action. position in rear and front almost Bombay, where it arrived on As in the previous war, the main at the same instant. Directly August 4th and remained rather army operating from Madras Stuart received the intelligence over two years. The comple- was to be assisted by a force he started with the two flank ment of officers was made up in from Bombay. For this purpose companies of the 75th and the November 1787 by the appoint- 6000 men under Lieutenant- whole of the 77th. At about ment on the nomination of the General James Stuart were half-past two they came in sight East India Company of Major assembled at Cannamore in of the enemy on the west of Marlborough Parsons Sterling February 1799. Sedaseer, and after a smart fire from the 36th Foot, of Captain 1799 of musketry for nearly half-an- Charles Gray from the 52nd, hour completely routed them. and of twenty-one officers from The European brigade of three By twenty minutes past three various other regiments then regiments was under the com- the attack on the front of Se- MERITO daseer was also abandoned, and ued, till at one o’clock Baird drew his add, that his wound is not mortal -- but PAGE 3 Tippoo’s troops retreated in all di- sword, with the words, "Men are that he is in a fair way of being well -- rections. Montresor, though hard you ready?", "Yes" was the answer. and of even recovering, in time, the use pressed, had held his position with "Then forward, my lads," and both of his Right Hand again. --- great gallantry, and was highly com- parties started for the breach. L. Macquarie, Camp before Ser- mended by General Stuart, who also From the trench to the breach was a ingapatam - 5th. May 1799. praised the spirited conduct of quarter of a mile, and the rocky Macquarie University. Dunlop and his brigade. riverbed with water in places waist- When the breach was carried Tippoo had thought to crush Stuart’s deep had to be crossed, whilst under Dunlop’s column turned the left and force before the arrival of the main the fort lay a broad ditch.
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