megatije bus nurns time RECORDSept ember 25 • Football and freeing the wild goose within • In this issue Youth camps change lives Blind and deaf funding increased "Man of God" dies of cancer 33 6 5 19- TV temperance time NO ISS edit o r i al a THE END OF THE WORLD SHOW n July 4 an article appeared As we hope and pray for the 24: 36-44) that the time of His return in the English Sunday Times return, we're to take notice of the is not known. To speculate beyond 0entitled "It's the end of the words of Jesus when He said, "False that revealed by revelation is to world show." The article was written messiahs and false prophets will engage in a kind of quasi-date set- for the fourth of July because appear and produce great signs and ting. Nostradamus had "prophesied that omens, to lead astray, if possible, 2. No significance can be placed the 'King of Terror' would arrive in even the elect." Then He added, on the year 1000 or the year 2000 the seventh month of 1999." "Take note, I have told you before- because Jesus was born some three Somewhere in the prophecy is a hand" (Matthew 24: 24-25, NRSV). or four years BC. Dionysius Exiguus, reference to an eagle, which led At the dawn of the new millenni- who drafted the anno domini calen- some to believe the apocalypse of um, we who are living in the expec- dar, was three to four years out in his Nostradamus would occur on tation of the imminent return of Jesus calculation—the third millennium AD • America's Independence Day. Christ and committed to the certainty has already started. Our evangelists The article talked about several of His literal, visible return need to be teach this when they explain that quasi-Christian and non-Christian vigilant. We need to ensure that we Jesus was about 30 years old when groups that have become obsessed don't allow apocalyptic speculation to he was baptised in AD 27. with the new millennium and its sup- sway our thinking. Many scholars 3. While we earnestly await the posed connection with the end of the have sought to lay such a charge at return of our Lord and Saviour there world. The writer cautioned, "As the our feet. The origins of our church is the danger that faith becomes moti- millennial dawn approaches, a caul- and the predisposition of the vated in an unbalanced way by dron of prophets and doomsday cults Millerites to set dates for the return of expectation alone. The New is coming ominously to the boil. Christ are happy hunting grounds for Testament writers were very clear that The dawn of a new era holds a pro- those who wish to do us a disservice. the Christian Church and its faith are found fascination for cults, evangelical While we believe there are signs of to be grounded on the life, death, Christ's return and that He has made burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christians and modem soothsayers, which could easily turn dangerous." it clear that we should be alert, apoc- The knowledge of the person of On Wednesday evening, July 28, alyptic speculation that thrives on the Jesus Christ as the incarnated revela- • the well-advertised "Seven Signs of sensational and speculative has no tion of God gave substance to faith Christ's Return" was broadcast in place in authentic Seventh-day and grounded the hope of the early prime time by the Nine Network in Adventism. I refer particularly to pub- Christians. The formula has not Australia. While we cannot concur lications, for example, that attempt to changed. with most of the theology presented, make more of the Y2K bug than can The Seventh-day Adventist Church, the fact that a program on Christ's possibly be known at this time. as an apocalyptic movement of return was aired in prime time on a Generalisations, logical inconsisten- prophecy, must ensure that it national network is of considerable cies and the emotive language that remains distinct from other apocalyp- significance. In the past, religious pro- often appears in publications of this tic movements. It is gramming just didn't happen in prime nature is unacceptable. The truth is imperative that we, of time on major commercial networks. more important than speculation, no all people, maintain a There has been a tremendous matter how desirable the end may be. balanced theological upsurge of interest in the millennium The tragedy is that many Adventists perspective. and the end of the world as we are being enticed by just such forms approach the year 2000. We, as of reasoning and speculation. Adventists, are certainly interested in We must avoid this kind of specu- Barry Oliver events leading up to the return of our lation for three reasons: Secretary Lord, but we do need to be cautious. 1. Jesus told us clearly (Matthew South Pacific Division Next week Official Paper Manuscripts Should be sent to The Editor, RECORD, South Pacific Division Signs Publishing Company, Warburton, Victoria 3799. ACN 000 003 930 Manuscripts or computer disks will only be returned if SEVENTH-DAY accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. ADVENTIST Editor Bruce Manners CHURCH Phone: (03) 5966 9111 Author tells Senior assistant editor Lee Dunstan Fax: (03) 5966 9019 Editorial assistant Brenton Stacey recordeal.com.au creation book's Editorial secretary Meryl McDonald-Gough Senior consulting editor Barry Oliver Subscriptions South Pacific Division, $A40.00 $NZ73.00. All other regions, $A70.00. Air mail rates on story. application. Order from Signs Publishing Company, Vol 104 No 37 Warburton, Victoria 3799, Australia. Printed weekly by Cover photo: N Brown Signs Publishing Company. • September 25, 1999 a d v e n t is t l i FREE THE WILD GOOSE WITHIN by Nathan Brown made our way somewhat An answer rereverently into the assembly. An answer—not necessarily the We seated ourselves on the answer, but an answer—is that we hard wooden pews and shivered have to be prepared to take risks. because of the cold. A large congre- Being a Christian is a risk. That's gation was shuffling in, all dressed what faith is about—it is being appropriately. The Record was distrib- sure of something about which one uted at the door. An offering was col- can't really be sure. lected, announcements were made God takes risks: He took a risk and a couple of hymns sung. creating us, He took a risk in giv- • One shouldn't be surprised at what ing freedom of choice, He took a happened next, but you might be: as risk in sending His Son and He the main presentation began, the con- took a risk in leaving us to tell gregation began to cheer, applaud everybody about Him. We have and support the cause in which they a God who takes risks. believed. Welcome to a gathering of The opposite of risk is comfort one of Australia's largest religions. and contentment. That's what the The Australian Football League had whole Laodicean luke-warm thing a total attendance that weekend of is about. God wants a church that approximately 280,000.* The Seventh- will take risks. day Adventist Church averages On occasions, I've been told around 35,000# weekly attendance that we should not take risks in across Australia. the church and in our attempts Last weekend, I attended a gather- to reach out. But when working + ing of each of these denominations. for a God of risks, there is no In my brief Victorian sojourn, I have excuse in clinging to the comfortable. to its community. Let's be creative; been amazed at the fanaticism in rela- In commenting upon the general let's be daring. When it comes down tion to their particular brand of foot- decline in mainstream church atten- to it, the answer to the question ball; it truly is a religion. So I took the dance, the report of the National over the church's continued rele- opportunity to observe this bizarre Church Life Survey concludes: "Our vance is practical, not doctrinal or social phenomenon in the hallowed greatest need is to release the wild theological. surrounds of the Melbourne Cricket goose presently locked within us, and Wouldn't it be great to get a bit of Ground on a cold and windy Sunday to follow where it leads. In following footy-esque enthusiasm into our afternoon—and, yes, they do sell the the wild goose, we take big risks. church, into our worship, into our AFL Record outside the games. There's such a thing as a wild goose outreach and into our lives? The main difference I noticed was chase. Yet to go with the Holy Spirit, This kind of attitude cannot be cre- the excitement and commitment that I with all the attendant risks, is the only ated artificially—it requires something observed in that of the larger denomi- way. If we are to save our life, we to be excited about. Our communities nation. And it wasn't that it was a must lose it. That means risk. And must be able to see that Christianity is close and exciting game—it was a there are no safety nets." something with real, practical value. • decidedly one-sided affair. To be per- While being careful in taking And I think that it might be an fectly honest, I think Australian Rules risks—it doesn't have to mean com- encouragement to us to see some football is a bit of a silly game and I promise, recklessness or change for practical result of our professed faith wasn't terribly excited about the the mere sake of change—we must as well.
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