56 BRIDGEND. [ Wo'rrall' s Fa1·me1·s, cont'inued. Anthony Richard, Coychurch John Christopher, Biartha David Edward, Waterton John Thomas, Lan J enkins John, Llangan David Peter, Coychurcb John William, Bryngwenith J enkins Rees, Lla,ngan David 'l'homas, Coychurch Lewis Richard, Hendir U cha J enkins William, 'l'reoes Griffiths William, Brynffrwd Lewis William, W ern fawr John Thomas, Treoes Harding Thomas, Waterton Pritchard vVilliam, Rhiwcciliog John William, Treoes Hopkin 1\Trs. Jane, ·waterton Rees John. Drefach J ones John, Treoes James William, Brynglas Samuel Daniel, Hendir Isaf Miles Edward, Treoes Jenkins William, Coedymwstr Thomas David, Canner Bach Mordecai George, Llangan Lewis David, Coychurch 'l'homas Elizabeth, Tygwillim Mordecai William,. Treoes Lewis William, Coedymwstr 'l'ho~as John, Ty charles Mordecai Richard, Llangan Morgan 'Villiam, Tynynant Thomas Lewis, Ragland Richards Rees, Tynywaen Owen David, Coedymwstr Thomas Thomas, Plough Iun Thomas David, Treoes Phillips Evan, Tynycae Thomas William, Craiglas Thomas David, Treoes Rees John, 'Vaterton Williams Edmund, Penrheol Uchaf Thomas Evan, Moor Mill Th0mas John, Shelf. Williams Richard, Tynywain Thomas John, Llangan Thomas William, Torycoed Williams Thomas, Cwmciwc Thomas Lewis, Molechmydd Thomas William, Waterton court IN BAYDEN HAMLET. Thomas William, Gelliaril Thomas William, White Horse Gordon J ames, Poplar House IN ST. MARY HILL PARISH. Thomas William E., The Cottage John vVilliam, Bayden Bassett Christopher, St. Mary Hill IN COYCHURCH HIGHER. Morgan John, Tynewydd Earl Thomas, Tyny Cae David David, Llwyn Twrch 'Thomas David, Gellylase Howell's Brothers, Malpit David J enkin, Cadafarch Thomas David, Tytalw,yn Howell's Morgan, Pentruthyn fawr David John, Cwmcuve Isaf Thomas Edward, Cefnyddfa J enkin Lewis, Tynycaen Evans Thomas, Gellifeddgar Williams John, Bcyden John Thomas, Britway Evans 'l'homas, Tywith IN TYTIIEGSTON LOWER, Lewis Rebeca, The Court Griffiths David, Tynywain Mordecai Margaret, St. Mary hill Howell :Mrs. Rachel, Tythegston Griffiths David, Gwerntawr • J ones Morgan, Court Isaf Morgans Mary, New house Griffiths John, Penlyan Thomas Mrs., Tynylan John Thomas, Stormy Griffiths John, Carnal du Lewis Evan, Penyrhsol Williams John, Red farm Griffiths J ames, Pentre Williams M01·gan, Tycondu Powell William, Turnip House Griffiths Llewellyn, Tynewydd Stew Anthony, Mynydd Herbert IN COYCHURCH LOWER. Howell Thomas, Maesgwailed Thomas William, jun., Red hill farm Anthony Evan, Coychurch James Jenkin, Brynwith Williams Evan, Red hill R, WITH THE PARISHES AND VILLAGES OF LLANELLY, BLACKROCK, CLYDACH, GILWERN, AND MAES-Y-GWARTHA, COUNTY OF BRECON; ABERYSTRUTH, BLAINA, GARNVACH, NANT-Y-GLO, COALBROOK VALE, AND CWM-CELYN, COUNTY OF }fONMOUTH. ---< RYN-MA WR is a town and railway station ou In addition to the various mines and iron works the Merthyr, Tredegar and Abergavenny in the district, there is a fire brick works, an extensive branch of the London & North Western line ; 22 foundry and engineering works, and a brewery in the miles from Newport, 11 from Merthyr Tydfil, 9 from town. The Griffin Hotel, well situated in the centre Abergavenny, 8 from Crickhowel, and 5 from of the town, is an excellently conducted establishment, Tredegar. It is situated on the high road leading and affords every accommodation for commercial from Merthyr to Abergavenny, surrounded by coal gentlemen and other visitors to the locality. The and iron mines, and in the midst of extensive coal Mitre Hotel is also a comfortable house. The magis­ and iron works from which latter is derived the trates assemble in petty sessions here twice a month, principal support of the place. The town is governed in a court room adjoining the police office. There by a local board of health, consisting of 12 members, are fo-qr fairs held during the year, Easter, ""Whit­ who are appointed triennially, and retire by rotation. suntide, July and September. The market is on It is in the parish of Llanelly, with the exception Saturday. The population, which has inereased of of a small portion which is in that of Llangattock, late years, is returned with Llanelly parish. in the union and hundred of Crickhowel, and the LLA.NELLY is a populous and important parish in Tredegar County Court district. The district abounds the county of Brecon, in the union and hundred of in coal and iron stone which is extensively worked, Crickhowel, partly in the Tredcgar County Court to which and the large_ ironworks in the neighbour­ district and partly in that of Crickhowel. The hood may be attributed the rise and progress of the parish is rich in mineral wealth, consisting of coal, town. The places of worship comprise a neat Gothic iron, and limestone, and there arc extensive iron church of the establishment, erected as a Chapel of works. The parish church, a neat stone edifice, is Ease to the parish church of Llanelly, and numerous situated at Maes y Gwartha. The living is a rectory dissenting places of worship, including a Roman in the patronage of the Duke of Beaufort, who is Catholic chapel. National schools have beenreeently lord of the manor and principal owner of the soil. erected, and the school board are actively engaged The scenery in some portions of the parish is very in the erection of school premises, in King street, to picturesque, in others wild and romantic, including supply the wants of the district. several fine waterfalls. The parish comprises also -.
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