ALBANY STUDENT PRESS State University of New York at Albany Vol. LIX No. 18 Friday, March 24, 1972 Undergraduate Academic Council: Mandatory A-E Grading Approved by Debbie Natansohn the registrar to ease his load dur­ Photos by John Cho Delaney, Bonnie, Billy, Ken and Jim A grading proposal which would ing the final days of the semester. put all students, including fresh­ man and sophomores, on manda­ Divided Council by EricGraeber tory A-E grading except in those courses designated by depart­ Because the UAC proposal It is hereby resolved that: |he Dclutioy ami Bonnie el. nl. ci>nuerl I inlay niglil was a juke, a ments as "S-U" courses was passed by so narrow a margin, eiuel line ill lliiil. In :i way. I hero were six acls in all: lliree nl music passed Tuesday by a 5-4 vote of (5-4), a minority opinion will be .mil lliree nl waiting I'm music and as H turned mil llie |»eil'orui;iriees the Undergraduate Academic included in the proposal when it is wereu'i woilh lilt.' walk in Hie lain In llic gym. As usual Hie snuiitl Council. The proposal will be sent to Senate. Three out of four system was partly I" hliiim lull in ilus case, llic IIIIISK «as also weak brought to the Senate floor at its students on the Council were 1. Grading Kenny l.oggim ami Jim Messina played Insl and although il louk April 17 meeting for final action. against mandatory A-E grading. llieiti aliiuil nil evil mmuics In work mil siune kinks i hey evenliially If the proposal is passed by The Council has been sharply played si line ileeelll music. This Wiis Lupins' show all llic way. lie was Senate, SUNYA students will be divided on grading philosophies j a. Beginning with the Fall 1972 semester, all undergraduate students at the State University of New ,i ei Ii) cliaiiiclei Willi a good voice iillhmiu.li no pan Is splillei by graded in virtually the same way since last August, when student J York at Albany shall be graded A-E; •my inoiius. Mcssiiui was mi hand solely In leiul his name (ex-inemboi as they were before the present dissatisfaction with the manda­ liiilTalo .SpiiiigHeld. ex-niemhei I'ocol so Ihal people would he eulieed pass-fail system was initiated in tory S-U system prompted a re- lo come see lupins The best inouienls weie when logins and 1969. The only major change will evaluation. Various grading sys­ Messina lei il rip on guilai and nl I lie same n was a laugh I" walch I lie be the abolition of quality points, tems were considered, including b. Sections and/or courses may be registered through the Office of the Registrar at the discretion of the th inns ami hiiss try lo keep up Willi Hie uuil.insls tlies weie so lai and of the quality point defi­ an optional one, but the majority J Department or School as "S-U Graded;" Miind. lite) ii iii > as well have given up I lie chase Alllioue.li there ciency. Students instead will re­ of council felt that mixed grading weie some hi lull I spols, il appealed thai I otitis was si ill seiii chine I'm ceive "graduation points" and an in classes was undesirable, because a niche In Tail inlo average of these points called the it offered those on S-U no real I c. The only exception to A-E Grading for a student within a semester shall be in the case of a student Hill) I'leslon is an iiiimeusel) I.denied oigam.sl hill Ins laleill lies "graduation index." In order to difference in teaching methods. iwho registers for a course or section designated "S-U Graded." mote in heme able In combine lire styles nl nlhei iiiiisicians ihau in a in mid '()') wilh a band Ihal included the likes of Leon Russell, Bobby graduate, students must present Considerable discussion centered imisical lileiilil) ol Ins own. Since lie doesn'l ny In disguise this, (in Keys, and Carl Radio and even I hen. Ihey weie only barely passable as 120 credits with an index of 2.0. around whether the purpose of "Suiniucilniic" he even olTeis a iiinnhci nl ini|iiessiniis. including one euteilaiilHieiit, Delaney Hiauilell must be a pom iuiiingei I'm llie Academic retention will be based S-U was to ease the load of the Council members opposed to methods by course at the begin­ nl Kay Chalk's) lll.sacl is piesenlahle hill make no tluiibl ahull I II. II is sound is always loose with split ends hanging everywhere. The songs on the number of credits com­ student or to provide the student S-U grading was held when the the new grading proposal feel that ning of each semester. However, .in All 1'ieslou conies oil like a inixliiie nl SI) Slnne and lilldil) are punrly structured and the present band isn't competent enough to pleted per semester. with a new type of learning exper­ system was first initiated, but that it is reactionary in that it takes any compromise amendments of* Miles. Hie new black dailhf who would like In I ill llie void lel'l h) jam. Il your mother walked in on Delaney and Bonnie and complained ience. Needless to say, the major­ now student opinion was being A minor change from the pre­ away all student options. Students ferred to th e cou ncil by i ts Jimi llendrix and tantalize llie liciuls ol Hie while audience. I had Hie thai I heir music was only noise, she wouldn't have been Inn far ity of the faculty on the council virtually ignored. He and other sent system will be in the with­ voiced concern over whether de­ "minority" members were de­ I'eeliiig llutl I'resimi was playing Willi people's euiolioiis. gelling llie wrong. agreed with the latter, and thus student UAC members plan to drawal date. At present, the last partments would in fact make S-U feated. hold a caucus of all student sena­ .iiidienee In slaud h) aililieial miiiineiisiiis. llie cricoic. "Higher' was Good lock should be sharp and snappy, chop. chop. chop. Delaney the final grading proposal provides date to drop a course is the last courses available, or simply revert tors so that there will be a united pure iiighl eluh gieil.se Willi I'leslon shutting aioillld llie stage like a and Bonnie's hand has absolutely no sense ol* direction and there is no for all A-E or all S-U graded scheduled day of classes. This will back to old methods. Student student front against the grading da/ed peacock. Hill) I'leslon would kllock'eni dead in Vegas. one in the band who could pull a lew strings and give the music some courses - no mixture. It is hoped Students to Caucus lie changed to one week before Association President Michael proposal at the Senate's April 17 In songs such ,is "Thai's llie Wa) liod I'lanucd II" and "Them delinilion. As il was. the music was a glob and llie vocal harmonics that individual schools and depart­ the last day of classes. The change Lampert termed the proposal "ob­ meeting. Amendments to the pro­ Changes." I'reslon's nigaii Howed hill loo often il slnnped lo Hie level sloppy so there was mil lung lo hold on lo, the music was anything bin ments will designate courses as Steve Gerber, a student member has been explained as only an noxious" and said that students posal will probably be offered at nl ii demonstrator displaying I he wares nl an nigaii ill Maey's. Kit I It an atlciilion grabber. II I had had In piss during Hie conceit, I would S-U graded. of the countil, noted that a stu­ administrative one, requested by should be able to choose grading that time. I loot. The hand behind bun was useless except I'm a lew hoi licks have been in the toilet ptoiiln, if someone suggested I was missing a dent referendum on the issue of hull) llie guiliiiisi (die diumnici in p.uliciikn had anil unbelievable good, late nighl movie, there would have been no slopping me. I lack nl' iniiigin.iiionl and I'm .ill inlenls and pin poses u miglil as well 1 inelj leave before the end of a concert hut I couldn't help hut think SUNY Chancellor Boyer: have been liilK 1'ieslnii In his loiiesnine how much happiei I would have been it I was at O'llcany's toasting In cnilliasl, Delaney and limiiue's music lias .ilswa) s been depeiideui the luck nl llic lush and felt a sense ol relief when D&B and group Hi II oil llie euillilbuilons ol Viinoiis "hiends" who cniililhlile Hieii wiapped il up I'm Hie evening. 'Concept of University is Changing sei vices. When brie Cliiplon wen I mi mill Willi Iheni .1 couple ol yeais Some people started the obligatory clap lor an encore hill not me, I by Vicki Zeldin ago. Ihey weie leul some badly needed class. I lemembei seeing llieiu was looanxious lo gel out inlo llie cold ruin and mud. out of the question," but said that there was no the custom of "putting education in the bank and Capital Correspondent plan now to raise U in the future. The Chancellor drawing upon the interest..." will no longer work. emphasized that he does not want continued spiral­ Boyer spoke of the linking of campuses was SUNY Chancellor Ernest L.
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