
ISSN: 2170-1822, Al-Naciriya: Journal of Sociological and Historical EISSN: 2600-6189 Studies Vol. 11 Issue 1 June 2020 PP. 51-78 American consul’s Role in U.S-Algerian relations American consul’s Role in U.S-Algerian relations: Richard O’Brien and William Shaler Samples Sana HADDO) 1, Rahmouna BELLIL 2 Mascara )niAersi y, sana.haddouBuniA-mascara.dC 1 Mascara )niAersi y, rahmouna.bellilBuniA-mascara.dC2 ReceiAed: 15 E01 E2020F Accep ed: 13E0IE2020 @Z òîØíŠßþa@òíŠöaŒ¦a@pbÓýÈÛa@¿@æbØíŠßþa@Ý•bäÔÛa@‰ë… @@ bu‡ì¸c@ŠÛb‘@âbîÛëë@åíaŠiëc@…‰b’ní‰ @ @ Z—‚ܽa @āì§a@¿@a‹‰bi@a‰ë…@Š’Ç@åßbrÛa@æŠÔÛa@Þý@ŠöaŒ¦a @òÛbíg @ojÈÛ @òîië‰ëc@òÛë…@òíþ@|àm@åØm@@sî¡@LÁìn½a@œîiþa@ŠzjÜÛ@ïiŠÌÛa @åß@ ÉÓìß@ ‹aìu@ óÜÇ@ Þì–§a@ …ŠvàjÏ@ Lbèäß@ —îŠm@ æë…@ òyý½bi @Éß@ð…bÇ@ÝØ’i@ð‰bvnÛa@bèb’ã@÷‰b·@òîië‰ëþa@Þë†Ûa@oãb×@ða†Ûa @ñ†zn½a@pbíüìÛa@Þë†Ûa@ÙÜm@åà™@åßë N@ òí‰bv nÛa@bèäÐÛ@òíbà§a@Ïìm @bèm‰b£@ ædi @ bè×a‰…g @ ˆäàÏ@ LÚaˆãe@ ñd’äÛa@ òrí†y@ oãb×@ Ûa@ òîØíŠßþa @LÁìn½a@œîiþa@ŠzjÛa@ì−@oèuìm@bß a‡g@ @Šİ@¿@òí‰bvnÛa@bèäÐë @ÙÜm@åØm@ N@ë ŠöaŒ¦a@ða…@Éß ñ@ †çbÈß@ÉîÓìmë@áÜ Ûa@ÕîÔ¤ µg@ @oÈ @a†èu @a늆í@@åíˆ Ûa@òÛbí ⁄a@¿@Ý•bäÔÛa@† uaìm@üìÛ@ÉÓìnÛ @pa†çbȽa @œÈi@ ¿@ Ù‘ìm@ oãb×@ ÙÛ‡@ áˉë@ L áç…ýi@ b–ß@ ò߆@ Ýîj@ ¿ @òÛbí ¿@⁄a @aìäîÇ@åíˆÛa @Ý•bäÔ Ûa @òØäy@üìÛ@pa†çbȽa@êˆç@ÖŠ¢@æbîyþa @pbíüìÛa@ é’îÈm @ oãb×@ b¾ @ åyc@ oîÛ@ bÏëŠÃ@ æì’îÈí@ aìãb× ë @ÑÈšÛa @µg@ðŠöaŒ¦a@ðŠzjÛa@Âb’äÛa@āŠÈm @oÓìÛa@‰ëŠ¶@éãc@üg Nñ†zn½a ا0/.-,+* 2345 11 271د :9ان 2020 51 ISSN: 2170-1822, Al-Naciriya: Journal of Sociological and His orical EISSN: 2600-6189 S udies Vol. 11 Issue 1 June 2020 PP. 51-78 American consul's Role in ).S-Algerian rela ions @µg@ô…c@ÑÈšÛa@aˆç@†íaŒmë@LŠ’Ç@ÉbnÛa@æŠÔÛa@òía†i@ˆäß@”bàØãüaë @åß@ òîÜa†Ûa @ pbiaŠİ™üa@ åÇ@ á¬@ ðˆÛa@ òÛbífiÛ@ òíŠzjÛa@ ñìÓ@ ï‘ým @òЖi@òîië‰ëþa@Ýîbþa@bènjn×a@Ûa@ñ‰bè½aë@ïÇbä–Ûa@â†ÔnÛaë@Lòèu @¿@åí‹aì½a@lýÔãbi@ô…c@b¾@LôŠc@òèu @åß@ò•b@òЖi@bØíŠßcë@òßbÇ @ @ NòîØíŠßþa@òíŠöaŒ¦a@pbÓýÈÛa@lˆiˆm@ë@œîiþa@ŠzjÛa @ @ NŠÛb‘@[åíaŠiëc@[bØíŠßc@[ŠöaŒ¦a@[ƒí‰bm @Zòîybnнa@pbàÜØÛa Abstract: The regency of Algiers has played an impor an role in he wes par of he Medi erranean Sea because i did no allow any European s a e o sail in his sea wi hou au horisa ion. The passpor deliAered by he Dey allowed Europeans s a es o do business in a normal way proAided ha pro ec ion o i s commercial boa s was insured among hese coun ries. Then we haAe he ).S which was hen considered a new s a e. As soon as he ).S fel ha i business is in danger in he Medi erranean Sea, i worLed o haAe peace and signed a rea y wi h Algiers. These rea ies were no o be signed wi hou consuls in he regency who s ruggled o serAe heir coun ries despi e he hard imes in heir s ay. Despi e of all his, he ).S ransgressed he rea ies, hese consul s were appoin ed in Algiers and liAed circums ances similar o he ones of he ).S. HoweAer, ime affec ed he Algerian mari ime ac iAi y which has regressed a he beginning of MIMe cen ury and he weaLness has deepened and influenced nega iAely he Regency which was mined by in ernal crisis on one side and indus rial progress of European and American flee s on he o her side and he fac induced a re urning of he ا0/.-,+* 2345 11 271د :9ان 2020 52 ISSN: 2170-1822, Al-Naciriya: Journal of Sociological and His orical EISSN: 2600-6189 S udies Vol. 11 Issue 1 June 2020 PP. 51-78 American consul's Role in ).S-Algerian rela ions si ua ion in he Medi erranean and worsened he ).S Algiers rela ions. Keywords: His oryF AlgiersF AmericaF ConsulsF O'BrienF Shaler. Introduction The Medi erranean area was an impor an place because i Lnew a crea ion of many ciAiliCa ions his orically hey had many in errela ionships. S a es as poli ical and social ins i u ions couldn' surAiAe in isola ion of in erna ional enAironmen . Rela ion be ween he sou hern and nor hern coun ries of he Medi erranean led o es ablishmen of diploma ic represen a ion o deal wi h poli ical affairs. Diplomacy had become a symbol of o al soAereign y of he s a e: i had he righ o appoin and accep represen a iAes and Algiers was considered from he beginning as haAing in erna ional rela ions because of i s geos ra egic posi ion. This rela ion Lnew a progress during TurLish rule, we can find in he ci y of Algiers consuls o represen many coun ries. Europeans s a es couldn' do wi hou represen a iAes o pro ec i s business in eres s. Algiers was he s ronges in Nor h Africa and all European s a e had o aLe i in o considera ion and ried by all means o ge Algiers friendships and o sign peace rea ies in order o aAoid i s wra h, Algiers was a real mari ime power. During he second par of MVII h cen ury, colonies began o become independen from he Bri ish crown such as he uni ed s a es of American, which became aware ha i s deAelopmen was basely rela ed o i s in eres s in he ا0/.-,+* 2345 11 271د :9ان 2020 53 ISSN: 2170-1822, Al-Naciriya: Journal of Sociological and His orical EISSN: 2600-6189 S udies Vol. 11 Issue 1 June 2020 PP. 51-78 American consul's Role in ).S-Algerian rela ions Medi erranean Sea. I found i necessary o nego ia e peace rea ies wi h Algiers, so i appoin ed a number of consuls in Algiers bu heir efficiency differed from one ano her according o he rela ion be ween he wo coun ries, some imes peaceful rela ions some imes war. Tha is why we haAe chosen in his research paper wo consuls, he firs was appoin ed while Algiers was more powerful han he ).S, he second was appoin ed while he ).S were in a powerful posi ion. Thus he following Oues ions: How did he wo consuls influence in he ).S- Algerian rela ions and o wha eP en his influence goQ Did heir behaAiour and ac ions come from heir personali ies or were hey resul ing of American goAernmen Q The beginning of Algiers-U.S relations: Commercial ships during he period of coloniCa ion of he ).S were secured in he Medi erranean Sea, because of heir Bri ish flag and passpor s ha guaran ee heir crossing he Medi erranean, and aLe charge of i s ci iCens. Bu independence has aLen off hese priAileges and ).S ships became wi hou pro ec ion and he prey of pira es in he Medi erranean Sea RIsmailArbi:1798 :62S, af er he declara ion of independence he I h of July 1776 RAbdelaCiC Neaouar, AbdelmadTid naanai:1988:09S, and he separa ion from he Bri ish crown, ships had new American flags unLnown in he Medi erranean Sea hus became an enemy for Algiers which was proceeding o search Europeans ships. If i had regular papers or copies of rea ies and passpor s hey are lef and allowed o be in he Medi erranean RAbu Uassim Saadallah: 2007: 28IS. ا0/.-,+* 2345 11 271د :9ان 2020 5I ISSN: 2170-1822, Al-Naciriya: Journal of Sociological and His orical EISSN: 2600-6189 S udies Vol. 11 Issue 1 June 2020 PP. 51-78 American consul's Role in ).S-Algerian rela ions Vong American na ion, af er i s independence war, is facing an enemy represen ed by big na ion ha had a monopole in business and do no allow free rade, ha is why merchan s and businessmen haAe learned ha will no benefi from priAileges Tus liLe hose giAen o he Bri ish RVoussra Mohammed Salama: Wn.dX:I0S, bu his didn' preAen he ).S ships from adAen uring in crossing s rai s and his is done hrough purchasing false or au hen ic passpor s RJames Yilson S eAens: 2007:69S. Algiers was he firs which recogniCed America shor ly af er i s independenceF in addi ion Algiers has proclaimed hrough an official declara ion ha i recogniCed he legali y of American ReAolu ion and i s independence in 1776. The clarifica ion of ha s and was Hussein's Rcfno e nZ1S, saying: [ he was fond of he ).S. his new na ion has go en rid of powerful na ion liLe Bri ain and i mus be recogniCed for ha \ ] RNai BelLacem Mouloud Lacem:1982: 28IS. Despi e Algerian a emp s, he ).S from i s independence had plo ed agains Algiers wi h he European arguing ha Algiers is a burden which aPes Chris ian na ions, and he piracy fac or as a problem for American in eres s RJames Leinder Ca hcar :2007:165S, hus he ).S ried o federa e agains Algiers and approached DenmarL, I aly, Holland, Spain, France and Russia.
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