Nfld. D 523 092 1924 CONTENTS. PAGE MESSAGE FROM FIELD-MARSHAL EARL HAIG s-6 DIARY AND PRINCIPAL EVENTS OF THE GREAT WAR 7-59 BRITISH CoNsTITUTION . THE RoYAL NAVY •• • • THE BRITISH ARMY •• . THE RoYAL AIR FoRCE., TANKS AND MERCANTILE MARINE 64 BRITISH DoMINIONS 65/2 CROWN COLONIES AND PROTECTORATES 73-77 BRITISH EMPIRE SERVICE LEAGUE 78-8o ST. GEORGE's (EMPIRE SERVICE) CLuB 8I PRINCIPAL STEAMSHIP LINES TO THE DOMINIONS 82-83 POSTAL INFORMATION •• 84-85 PRINCIPAL SPORTING EVENTS, 1924 86 BRITISH EMPIRE EXHIBITION, &c. 87-end of book List of Illustrations. H.M. KING GEORGE Frontispiece H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF wALES facing page 5 FIELD-MARSHAL EARL HAIG .,, 7 ADMIRAL EARL BEATTY ,, ,., I2 AIR CHIEF MARSHAL SIR l-!UGH M. TRENCHARD .IF .,., RT. HoN. W. L. MAcKENZIE KING ,., - RT. HoN. STANLEY MELBOURNE BRUCE ,, ,, GEN. RT. HoN. J. C. SMuTs ,, RT. HoN. W. F. MAssEY ,, f.' HoN. W. R. WARREN ,. f 1 [D o'Wney. HIS MAJESTY THE KING. ( Reproduced by sPecial Permission). ' ' Our Empire ' ' Souvenir Containing an unique record of principal events of the War and valuable information regarding the Dominions, Crown Colonies and Protectorates of the British Empire. Price One Guinea EMPIRE SERVICE PUBLICATIONS LIMITED 130, BAKER STREET LONDON W.I Copyrighr. I ·~CHEL TEN HAM-nJ [Vandyke PATRON-BRITISH EMPIRE SERVICE LEAGUE. "OUR EMPIRE SOUVENIR" LETTER FROM EARL HAIG, THE GRAND PRESIDENT, BRITISH EMPIRE SERVICE LEAGUE. ..: ' : I 1 I I J • f J .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ':Ce- t04-te 4-- ''tk.n ~ .-~ s~ .. ~ c,~~c~ u - <:' ' • - "1.c....n-e. £..<.- - ~ ~ ~ c-.t.~ oJ' .• " 4...1-L ~ . u-r-~ t:rv~ . ~ ~ ~· /:(_._ ~ ~~ fo~ uo~~ .. - ~ tt::i c-0_ ~ \r~ tc::::::-9~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tL. ~CAL--(.__ ~ fi:;_._, to~ s~ trfCL_~~.;.~~ s-4_ - ~~ I~ · tc:. ~ ~~ t; 1:.:-p .. ~..J. ~ ~ ~ • a~.~ i;;; ~ ./C._ ~u. ... ._._ +- ~~ :A'-'--5' ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~J.t:... f;;~ Pf- ~ ~ r-s~ I~~ t'L ~---- . ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ C; ka·ny -/M._---: ~ />~~.~ - ~~~ ~sk, :~ ~~~~ ~ c..~ . r~-~ ~ J~~ .. ~ - . 0 f Drummond Young • • GRAND PRESIDENT-BRITISH EMPIRE SERVICE LEAGUE. JANUARY, 924. General Sir Douglas Haig promoted Field-Marshal. 1917. 1st, Tuesday Germans defeated at Yaunde, in Cameroons, by Gen. Dobell's force, 1916. ~Wednesday French Advance in Champagne, 1915. Government arms Merchant Ships, 1917. 3rd, Thursday First attempt to relieve K ut, 1916. 4th, Friday German attacksJ...East af Bullet:ourt. 1918. 5th, Saturday 7 JANUARY, 1924. H.M.S. " King Edward" sunk by mine, 1916. British daylight raid near Arras, 1911. 6th, Sunday · Turks defeated at Sheik-Saad (Palestine), 1916. 7th, Monday Cape Helles (Gallipoli) evacuated, 1916. Ypres heavily shelled, 1917. 8th, Tuesday Battle of Kut. British Victory at Rafa (Gaza). over Turks, 1917. H.M.S . ., Cornwallis" torpedoed, 1917. 9th, Wednesday Turks advance on Suez Canal, 1915. lOth, Thursday · Operations East of Beaumont Hamel (A ncre). Seventh Division attack. 1917. 11th, Friday Turks iHvade Persia, 191~ 12th, Saturday 8 JANUARY, 1924. Canadian raid North of Lens, 1918. 13th, Sunday · South Africans occupy Swakopmund, 1915. German Destroyers bombard Yarmouth, 1918. 14th, Monday British bomb Metz, 1918. Sharp fighting between Aisne and on Argonne, on French front , 1917. 15th, Tuesday Admiral of the Fleet (Earl Beatty) born, 1871. 16th, Wednesday Germans defeated by Russians at Dvinsk. 1916. 17th, Thursday German Attack on ( Yasinlbegins (East Afrit;a), 1915.J : 18th, Friday First Zeppelin air raid on England, 1915. 19th. Saturday 9 JANUARY, 1924. Naval action, Dardanelles, 1915. 20th, Sunday Turks, and mud, defeat us at : um-El-Hama.~ 1916. 21st, Monday Heavy fighting in the Argonne, 1915. German destroyers scattered by British in North Sea, 1917. 22nd, Tuesday German attack near N euville St. Vasst (Arras), 1916. 23rd, Wednesday Naval Battle off the Dogger Bank-German cruiser, " Blucher," sunk, 1915. 24th, Thursday Givenchy, 1915. 25th, Friday Fighting at Le Tra.nsloy (Somme)~ 1917. 26th. Saturday IO January--February, 1924. Turks on Suez Canal, 1915. 27~ Sunday Big air raid on London, 1918. 28th, Monday ! German attack on Cuinchy, 1915. Another air raid on London. 1918. 29th, Tuesday Fourteen tons of bombs dropped on Paris, 1918. :30th, Wednesday ~ Big air raid on England, 1916. Policy of "unrestricted naval warfare" announced by Germany, 1917. 31st, Thursday Guards' (Fourth Brigade) success at Givenchy, 1915. FEBRUARY. 1st, Friday Americans in Front Line for the first time, 1918. 2nd, Saturday II FEBRUARY, 1924. Turks attempt to cross Suez Canal, 1915. 3rd, Sunday Heavy fighting round Beaucourt, 1917. 4th, Monday British enter Senussi country f(Egypl), 1917. S.S. •• Tuscania" (carrying U.S. Troops) sunk by submarine, 1918. 5th, Tuesday British advance at Grandcourt,"!.on the A ncre, 1917. 6th. Wednesday Big GermanJattack in the Argonne, 1915. 7th, Thursday Sixty-third (Naval) Division oceupy Grandcourt (Ancre), 1917. S.S. "Calzfornia" to~pedoed, 1917. 8th. Friday Gordon Highlanders at Butte de Warlencourt (Somme), 1917. 9~ Saturda;v 2 -- FEBRUARY, 1924. Servian Army arrives at Corfu, 1917. Turkish trenches west of Kut, stormed, 1917. lOth, Sunday Thirty-second Division attacked on the A ncre, 1917. 1-/.M.S . ., Arethusa" sunk... by mine in North Sea. 1916. 11th, Monday Fighting at Passchendaele ( Ypres), 1918. 12th, Tuesday First neulral ships (Swedish) sunk without warning Genna submarine, 1915.. 13th, Wednesday German destroyers raid on the Straits of Dover. 1917. 14~ Thursday Capture of Erzeroum by Russians from Turks, 1916. 15th, Friday Great French attack in Champagne, 1915. 16th. Saturday FEBRUARY, 1924. Fighting on the A ncre-2nd, 18th and 63rd Divisions attack, 1917. 17th, Sunday British entirely occupy Cameroons, 1916. 18th, Monday British naval attack on Dardanelles, 1915.. 19th9 Tuesday II I i I - German attack on the Yser (Belgium). 1916. 20th, Wednesday First Battle of Verdun begun, Germans attack, 1916. British:._occupy Jericho, 1918. 21st, Thursday Bombardment of Rheims, 1915. .. 22nd; Friday . Continued German successes at Verdun, 1916. 1917. K ut re-occupied by British, ·- - 23rd, Saturday ' • February--~arch, 1924. Outer Forts of Dardanelles reduced, 1915. Battle of Kut ends, 1917. 24th, Sunday -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Germans capture Douaumont (Verdun), 1916. Australian success at Ligny Thilloy. 1917. 25th, Monday Sen ussi defeated (Egypt), 1916. Liquid fire first used by Germans on Western Front, 1915. 26th, Tuesday British take Gommecourt (A ncre), 1917. 27th, Wednesday British tak' Puisieux and Sailly-Sail/isel (Ancre), 1917. 28th, Thursday Naval encounter in North Sea, 1916. 29th, Friday H eavy fighting near Grodno, 1916. Germans defeat Russians. MARCH. 1st, Saturday 15 MARCH, Great German effort at Verdun, 1916. 2nd, Sunday Fighting on the Ancre, Puisieux and Warlencourt, 1917. Russia out of the war. 1918. Peace signed between Bolshevik Government and : Central Powers at Brest-Litovsk, 1918. 3rd, Monday - Second phase of Verdun-Germans repulsed, 1916. 4th, Tuesday British advance towards Bapaume (Ancre), 1917. 5th, Wednesday Naval attack on Dardanelles. 1915. 6th, Thursday General Smuts' advance on Kilimanjaro (German East Africa). 1916. 7th, Friday Heavy attack on Ypres, 1918. I ~ British repulsed before Kut, 1916. Heavy attack on Ypres, 1918. 8th, Saturday MARCH, 1924. Germany declares War on Portugal, 191.6. 53rd Division defeat Turks at Tel-Asur, 1918. 9th, Sunday Battle of Neuve Chapelle, Indian and 4th Corps attack, 1915. l.Oth, Monday Baghdad captured by Gen. Maude's force, ·1917. 11th, Tuesday Loupart Waod captured (A ncre), 1917. 12~ Wednesday French successes in Champagne, 1915. ·. · 13th, Thursday Germans attack at St. Eloi, 1915. Germans retreat to Hindenburg Line, 1917. 14th, Friday Canadians in action for first time. Heavy fighting at St. Eloi ( Ypres), 1915. 15th, Saturday .B I] MARCH, 1924. British continued advance on Somme, 1917. 16th, Sunday Second' Australian Division occupies Bapaume. 1917. 17th, Monday H.M.S . ., I"~sistibl~/' 11 Ocean ,. and " Bouvet., (Fren·ch) sunk in the Dardanelles, l9t5. Forty-eighth Division occupies Peronne, 1917. 18th, Tuesday Somme advance conti1rues (170 villages captured in three days), 1917. 19th, Wednesday Hospital ship. " Asturias/' torpedoed,. 1917. 20th, Thursday Great German offensive on Somme. on a fifty-mile front. opens-Battle of St. Quentilf, Bullecourt, Lagnicourt and Noreuil, 1918. 21st, Friday • Russians capture Przemysl, 1915. Heavy fighting round St. Quentin, 1918. 22nd, Saturday t 1------------------------------------------------------------------l 18 ·MARCH, 1924. Germans capture Monchy-le-Preux (4th Arras), 1918. Twenty-fourth Division defend Le Vergnier, 1918. 23rd, Sunday S.S. •• Sussex" (Captain Fryatt) torpedoed, 1918. First battle of Bapaume begins, 1918. 24th, Monday Germans capture Bapaume (4th Arrps). 1918. 25th, Tuesday First Battle of Gaza, 1917. Whippet tanks first used on Western Front, 1918. 26th, Wednesday Second Battle of St. Eloi ( Ypres), 1916. Germans take Albert. Montdidier and Sailly-le-Sec ( 12 miles from A miens}, 1918. 27th, Thursday German attack on Arras and Vimy Ridge (4th Arras) repulsed by 4th, 56th.Cuards, Third and Fifteenth Divisions, 1918. I 28th, Friday Canadians in heavy fighting near St. Eloi, 1916. 29th, Saturday I9 March-April, 1924. Marshal Foch Generalissimo, 1918. Bi'g Bertha first shelled Paris. 30th, Sunday British adva nee North of St. Quentin, 191 7. 31st, Monday British capture Savy and Savy Wood, 1917. Royal Air Force established, 1918. APRIL, 1st, Tuesday
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