Zoological Museum of Moscow State University Çîîëîãè÷åñêèé ìóçåé ÌÃÓ ÇÎÎËÎÃÈ×ÅÑÊÈÅ ÈÑÑËÅÄÎÂÀÍÈß N¹ 16 ÏÐÅÑÍÎÂÎÄÍÛÅ ÁÐÞÕÎÍÎÃÈÅ ÌÎËËÞÑÊÈ, ÎÏÈÑÀÍÍÛÅ ß.È. ÑÒÀÐÎÁÎÃÀÒÎÂÛÌ ÒÎÂÀÐÈÙÅÑÒÂÎ ÍÀÓ×ÍÛÕ ÈÇÄÀÍÈÉ ÊÌÊ ÌÎÑÊÂÀ v 2014 ZOOLOGICHESKIE ISSLEDOVANIA No. 16 FRESHWATER GASTROPODS DESCRIBED BY YA.I. STAROBOGATOV KMK SCIENTIFIC PRESS MOSCOW v 2014 ISSN 1025-5320 ISBN 978-5-9906071-3-2 ZOOLOGICHESKIE ISSLEDOVANIA No. 16 ÇÎÎËÎÃÈ×ÅÑÊÈÅ ÈÑÑËÅÄÎÂÀÍÈß N¹ 16 Editorial Board Editor in Chief: M.V. Kalyakin D.L. Ivanov, K.G. Mikhailov, I.Ya. Pavlinov, N.N. Spasskaya (Secretary), A.V. Sysoev (Deputy Editor), O.V. Voltzit Ðåäàêöèîííàÿ êîëëåãèÿ Ãëàâíûé ðåäàêòîð: Ì.Â. Êàëÿêèí Î.Â. Âîëöèò, Ä.Ë. Èâàíîâ, Ê.Ã. Ìèõàéëîâ, È.ß. Ïàâëèíîâ, Í.Í. Ñïàññêàÿ (ñåêðåòàðü), À.Â. Ñûñîåâ (çàì. ãëàâíîãî ðåäàêòîðà) Editor of the Issue A.V. Sysoev Ðåäàêòîð âûïóñêà À.Â. Ñûñîåâ Freshwater gastropods described by Ya.I. Starobogatov. Zoologicheskie Issledovania. No. 16. 62 p., 19 color plates. An eminent Russian zoologist Ya.I. Starobogatov (19322004) has described more than a thousand molluscan taxa of various rank. A considerable part of these are names of freshwater gastropod species introduced by him (often with coauthors). This issue is devoted to a state-of-the-art review of Starobogatovs species of the three families: Lym- naeidae, Planorbidae, and Physidae (101 taxa in total). The data include a complete bibliography of the species, an information about the types, ecology, distribution, as well as illustrations based on the type series. Ïðåñíîâîäíûå áðþõîíîãèå ìîëëþñêè, îïèñàííûå ß.È. Ñòàðîáîãàòîâûì. Çîîëîãè÷åñêèå èñ- ñëåäîâàíèÿ. ¹ 16. 62 ñ., 19 öâåòíûõ âêëååê. Âûäàþùèéñÿ ðîññèéñêèé çîîëîã ß.È. Ñòàðîáîãàòîâ (19322004) îïèñàë ñóììàðíî áîëåå òûñÿ÷è òàêñîíîâ ðàç- íîãî ðàíãà. Ñóùåñòâåííóþ ÷àñòü íàñëåäèÿ ýòîãî àâòîðà ñîñòàâëÿþò ââåä¸ííûå èì (â òîì ÷èñëå â ñîàâòîðñòâå) â çîîëîãè÷åñêóþ ïðàêòèêó íàçâàíèÿ âèäîâîãî óðîâíÿ ïðåñíîâîäíûõ áðþõîíîãèõ ìîëëþñêîâ. Äàííûé âûïóñê ïîñâÿù¸í îáçîðó íà ñîâðåìåííîì óðîâíå âèäîâ òð¸õ ñåìåéñòâ Lymnaeidae, Planorbidae, Physidae (âñåãî 101 òàêñîí). Ïðèâåäåíû ïîëíàÿ áèáëèîãðàôèÿ ïî ðàññìàòðèâàåìûì âèäàì, äàííûå ïî òèïîâûì ýêçåìïëÿðàì, ýêî- ëîãèè è ðàñïðîñòðàíåíèþ, à òàêæå èëëþñòðàöèè, îñíîâàííûå íà òèïîâûõ ñåðèÿõ. © Authors, text, illustrations, 2014 © Zoological Museum MSU, design, 2014 © KMK Scientific Press, publication, 2014 CONTENTS T.Ya. Sitnikova, A.V. Sysoev, L.A. Prozorova Types of freshwater gastropods described by Ya.I. Starobogatov, with additional data on the species: family Lymnaeidae.......................................................................................................... 7 T.Ya. Sitnikova, A.V. Sysoev, P.V. Kijashko Types of freshwater gastropods described by Ya.I. Starobogatov, with additional data on the species: family Planorbidae ........................................................................................................ 39 T.Ya. Sitnikova, A.V. Sysoev, P.V. Kijashko Types of freshwater gastropods described by Ya.I. Starobogatov, with additional data on the species: family Physidae ............................................................................................................. 55 ÑÎÄÅÐÆÀÍÈÅ Ò.ß. Ñèòíèêîâà, À.Â. Ñûñîåâ, Ë.À. Ïðîçîðîâà Òèïû ïðåñíîâîäíûõ áðþõîíîãèõ ìîëëþñêîâ, îïèñàííûå ß.È. Ñòàðîáîãàòîâûì, ñ äîïîëíèòåëüíûìè äàííûìè ïî âèäàì: ñåìåéñòâî Lymnaeidae ........................................... 7 Ò.ß. Ñèòíèêîâà, À.Â. Ñûñîåâ, Ï.Â. Êèÿøêî Òèïû ïðåñíîâîäíûõ áðþõîíîãèõ ìîëëþñêîâ, îïèñàííûå ß.È. Ñòàðîáîãàòîâûì, ñ äîïîëíèòåëüíûìè äàííûìè ïî âèäàì: ñåìåéñòâî Planorbidae ......................................... 39 Ò.ß. Ñèòíèêîâà, À.Â. Ñûñîåâ, Ï.Â. Êèÿøêî Òèïû ïðåñíîâîäíûõ áðþõîíîãèõ ìîëëþñêîâ, îïèñàííûå ß.È. Ñòàðîáîãàòîâûì, ñ äîïîëíèòåëüíûìè äàííûìè ïî âèäàì: ñåìåéñòâî Physidae .............................................. 55 Zoologicheskie Issledovania, 2014, No. 16: 737 TYPES OF FRESHWATER GASTROPODS DESCRIBED BY YA.I. STAROBOGATOV, WITH ADDITIONAL DATA ON THE SPECIES: FAMILY LYMNAEIDAE T.Ya. Sitnikova1, A.V. Sysoev2, L.A. Prozorova3 1 Limnological Institute of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Batorskaya Str., 3, Irkutsk, 664033, Russia; e-mail: [email protected] 2 Zoological Museum of Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State University, Bolshaya Ni- kitskaya Str., 6, Moscow, 125009, Russia; e-mail: [email protected] 3 Institute of Biology and Soil Science, Far East Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 100 let Vladivostoku Prosp., 159, Vladivostok, 690022, Russia; e-mail: [email protected] The work aims to illustrate the type specimens of 53 lymnaeid species described by Ya.I. Starobogatov with coauthors. The data on these species include the history of the name application in literature, the information about type locality, type depository, localities of subsequent findings, ecology, and comments on some species. The species are arranged according to the system of Starobogatov and Kruglov, without an account of current, sometimes controver- sial, views. ÒÈÏÛ ÏÐÅÑÍÎÂÎÄÍÛÕ ÁÐÞÕÎÍÎÃÈÕ ÌÎËËÞÑÊÎÂ, ÎÏÈÑÀÍÍÛÅ ß.È. ÑÒÀÐÎÁÎÃÀÒÎÂÛÌ, Ñ ÄÎÏÎËÍÈÒÅËÜÍÛÌÈ ÄÀÍÍÛÌÈ ÏÎ ÂÈÄÀÌ: ÑÅÌÅÉÑÒÂÎ LYMNAEIDAE Ò.ß. Ñèòíèêîâà1, À.Â. Ñûñîåâ2, Ë.À. Ïðîçîðîâà3 1 Ëèìíîëîãè÷åñêèé èíñòèòóò Ñèáèðñêîãî îòäåëåíèÿ ÐÀÍ, óë. Óëàí-Áàòîðñ- êàÿ, 3, Èðêóòñê, 664033, Ðîññèÿ; e-mail: [email protected] 2 Çîîëîãè÷åñêèé ìóçåé Ìîñêîâñêîãî ãîñóäàðñòâåííîãî óíèâåðñèòåòà èìåíè Ì.Â. Ëîìîíîñîâà, óë. Áîëüøàÿ Íèêèòñêàÿ, 6, Ìîñêâà, 125009, Ðîññèÿ; e-mail: [email protected] 3 Áèîëîãî-ïî÷âåííûé èíñòèòóò, Äàëüíåâîñòî÷íîå îòäåëåíèå ÐÀÍ, ïðîñï. 100- ëåòèÿ, 159, Âëàäèâîñòîê, 690022, Ðîññèÿ; e-mail: [email protected] Ïðåäñòàâëåíû èçîáðàæåíèÿ òèïîâ 53 âèäîâ ëèìíåèä, îïèñàííûõ ß.È. Ñòàðîáîãàòîâûì ñ ñîàâòîðàìè. Ñâåäåíèÿ î âèäàõ âêëþ÷àþò èñòîðèþ óïî- ìèíàíèÿ âèäîâ â íàó÷íîé ëèòåðàòóðå, èíôîðìàöèþ î òèïîâîì ìåñòîíàõîæ- äåíèè, î êîëëåêöèÿõ, â êîòîðûõ õðàíÿòñÿ òèïû, ìåñò íàõîäîê è ðàñïðîñòðà- íåíèè âèäîâ, èõ ýêîëîãèè, à òàêæå êðàòêèå çàìå÷àíèÿ ê íåêîòîðûì âèäàì. Ðîäîâàÿ è ïîäðîäîâàÿ ïðèíàäëåæíîñòü âèäîâ ñîõðàíåíà â àâòîðñêîì âàðè- àíòå Ñòàðîáîãàòîâà è Êðóãëîâà, ïåðå÷èñëåíèå âèäîâ ïðèâåäåíî áåç ó÷¸òà ñîâðåìåííûõ òàêñîíîìè÷åñêèõ èçìåíåíèé. 8 T.Ya. Sitnikova, A.V. Sysoev, L.A. Prozorova INTRODUCTION L. thiesseae (Clessin, 1879), is also not figured due to impossibility to recognize the types (see below). Yaroslav I. Starobogatov (19322004) was an All the types are stored in the collection of the eminent Soviet malacologist who contributed great- Zoological Institute, St.-Petersburg (ZIN). The reg- ly to exploration of freshwater molluscan fauna of istration numbers correspond to those in the system- northern Eurasia, primarily of the former Soviet atic catalogue, as accepted in the ZIN collection Union. Among more than 1,000 names in Mollusca (see also Kantor, Sysoev, 2006: 10). introduced by Starobogatov together with his disci- Lymnaeids are universally acknowledged as a ples and coauthors, there are more than 400 species- very taxonomically complex group. There is still no group names (see Sysoev, Kantor, 1992; the list is agreement even on the status of the genus Lymnaea incomplete). However, due to the main method of investigation used by Starobogatov (comparatory L., 1758, not to mention the generic composition of method), his new species were mainly illustrated the family (up to 37 recent genera and subgenera; by shell contours only (and some were not illustrat- see, for example http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lym- ed at all in the original descriptions). This makes naeidae and WMSD Worldwide mollusc species difficult the shell visualization, so necessary for still DB Family: LYMNAEIDAE). Some authors (e.g. habitus-oriented systematic malacology, and defi- Samadi et al., 2000) consider Lymnea species with- nitely hampers comparison of these species using in a single large genus Lymnaea sensu lato, follow- more traditional conchological methods. Therefore, ing the old classification of Hubendick (1951), but the aim of the present series of papers is to provide other authors accept numerous genera and subgen- photographic illustrations of Starobogatovs type era (e.g. Falkner et al., 2001). Based on nuclear and/ specimens, along with all currently available data or mitochondrial markers, most investigators recently on distribution of the respective species, their ecolo- treated it as a complex of phylogenetically distant gy, etc. These data are often unpublished and based genera (e.g. Bargues et al., 2001; Correa et al., on labels in respective collections. 2010). Besides, currently Vinarski (2013a) suggests This is the first paper of the series, dealing with allocating lymnaeids into 2 subfamilies Lym- the family Lymnaeidae. naeinae and Radiciinae, with 16 and 10 genera, The family Lymnaeidae Rafinesque, 1815 is one correspondingly. of the largest in freshwater gastropods, with hun- The system developed by Starobogatov together dreds of described species [more than 1000 taxa of with Kruglov (Kruglov, Starobogatov, 1993 a,b; Kru- the species level listed by Hubendick (1951)] and glov, 2005, 2008) treats Lymnaea as a large but with a world-wide distribution. The status of the monophyletic genus with numerous subgenera and majority of species still needs clarification. Star- sections. Here we follow this system, simply be- obogatov with coauthors described 58 species, mostly cause of easier comparison with original descrip- from waterbodies and streams of the former USSR tions. To facilitate navigation over this large and and Mongolia. Most of them (44) were described in complex genus, we provide a table summarizing coauthorship with N.D.
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