This document also forms Appendix X2.4 of the book ‘Conquest to Dissolution 1067- 1538 – A History of Eastern Sussex’ by Keith Foord, published by BDHS 2019 Lay Subsidy Roll for the Rape of Hastings 1296 Transcribed from various open access sources This does not include the citizens of the Cinque Ports of Hastings (therefore of Bulverhythe, Filsham, Hastings, Hollington or Cortesley townships which lay within the Liberty), Rye or Winchelsea Hundreds in alphabetical order Modern name equivalents applied to townships Baldslow Hundred Although they lay within Baldslow Hundred Hastings, Hollington and Bulverhyhe lay within the Cinque Ports Liberty of Hastings with its own taxation arrangements Ore Wilting £ s. d. £ s d Johanne de Ore 18 10½ Baldewyno de Stouwe 7 4¼ Matilde de Croham 19 6¼ Nicol' atte Groue 3 8½ Marger' de Weystefeld 15 6 Pho ater Herst 2 7½ Thoma de Horseforde 2 10 Gregor' de Wyltyng 1 3¼ Ricro de Horseforde 2 1 Willo de Filesham 6 7 Willmo de Wadynthon 1 8¾ Galfro ater Herst 1 2¾ Johanne atte Burn 1 4½ Ricro atte Wynde 2 0½ Gilibro de Wadynton 1 5 Robro atte Wynde 2 3¾ Thoma Rogger 2 6½ Robro de Baldeslouwe 1 Alano atte Fenne 1 1¾ Henr' de Wyltyng 3 Robro Kynget 1 2¼ Robro Coco 2 6½ Thom' Aleyn 1 4½ Henr' Clerico 2 9¾ Stepho de Mapelherst 12 7¾ Pupelota ater Dune 1 7¾ Willmo ater herst 1 8¾ Willmo Auerey 1 Robro ater Dene 2 9¼ Henr' ater Bregg 4 11 Johanna de Twystryde 1 9¾ Robro Eldrech 1 8¾ Alic' de Twystryde 2 10½ Nicol atte Stone 1 Emma Kyngreue 1 11 Andr' de Ilesbem 2 6½ Johanne de Sandherst 4 11½ Emma Bath 1 7¾ Rogo de Twystryde 6 7¼ Robro Robyn 1 0½ Ingram ater Rede 2 2¾ Sum £2 12 Johanne a gate 3 9¾ Willmo Reyner 3 9¾ Crowhurst Johanne de Lentenex 1 2¼ £ s d Galfro de Langherst 3 Osbro de Blankewell 3 5½ Robro Isebele 1 Robro Burdon 1 8¾ Sum £5 19 11¼ Willmo de Cherlehelde 4 4½ Willmo Kyng 3 3¼ Westfield Johanne atte Holme 4 £ s d Ricro atte Forde 2 3¼ Johanne Simo 3 0½ Augustino Kyng 2 0½ Ricro de Bredsete 3 8¼ Robro atte Hethe 1 6½ Thoma Breman 2 1 Augustino Stertesenere 1 0½ Gilibro de Blakebroke 6 7¾ Alic' aten Eysse 1 9¼ Willmo Hereward 5 Robro ater Dene 1 Walto de Decheham 4 1 Willmo Kent 1 4½ Alano de Decheham 1 10¾ Rogo Kottere 3 6 Willmo Erl 1 4½ Willmo Crul 1 0½ Alano Sare 2 8¾ Bartho de Twynhem 2 3¼ Alex' de Nytherton 2 3¼ Willmo Yde 2 8¼ Rogo Gocelyn 6 Galfro Walter 4 Matild' de Decheham 1 2¼ Ricro de Natele 4 8¾ Johanne atte Wode 3 3½ Johanne de Grundhely 4 3¼ Galfro de Croham 7 8¾ Willmo atte Broke 12 7¾ Willmo de Crouherst 3 5½ Johanne de Twynhem 8 6 Henr' Longo 1 Robro Kyng 7 1¾ Johanne de Glepenex 2 8¾ Sum £3 18 8 Symone ater Legh 6 5 Robro Walter 3 1 Jurats Willo de Euwelond 1 1¾ £ s d Rado Longo 2 6 Robro de Langherst 5 Marger' de Nytherton 1 Robro de Pertlynton 4 Galfro atte Forde 1 Johanne atte Forde 2 Sma £3 13 4¼ Willmo de Natele 5 Jacob Partrich 1 8 Robro Aleyn 3 Johanne de Sothynthon 1 1 Johanne de Sarndenn 3 2 Gilibro de Genesyng 3 4 Alan' Knyt 2 6 Thom' de Bredsete 3 Gilibro de Northon 4 Sum £1 17 9 Total sum £18 1 8½ Telham, Glaseye*, Barnhorn** and Bucksteep*** * Outlier In Goldspur hundred formerly named Glesham ** Outlying Manor to west of Bexhill Sandlake, Mountjoy and Uckham ***Outlier near Warbleton £ s. d. £ s. d. Henr' le Gardener 4 5½ Johanne atte Forde 7 1 Regin' atte Felde 3 9¼ Willmo Serreue 1 8 Ad' de Molendino 3 9¾ Thoma le Brond 1 3¼ Willmo Kenet 1 3¼ Johanne Sherreue 1 2¼ Johanne de Cruce 1 3¾ Johanne Styuward 1 Thom' Webbe 1 9¼ Johanne de Loxebeche 2 1 Willmo Turnur 1 5 Robro de Pukehole 3 Robro Umfray 2 3½ Sampson de Pageham 12 3¾ Thom' atte Stone 4 7¾ Willmo Kyng 1 2¾ Johanne Dyket 1 9¾ Waltero Wodelond 1 Willmo Molendinar' 1 11 Waltero de Lodelegh 4 8¼ Alex' fabro 1 3 Matho le Hay 1 8¼ Willmo molendinar' 1 9¾ Johanne Gentyl 2 2¾ Ricro de Blakebroke 1 8¼ Margar' atte Gate 1 Rogo de Eggelonde 2 5½ Johanne Edward 4 8½ Robro de Eggelonde 2 1 Simon' Kornet 1 Willmo le Rypyere 1 0¾ Robro atte Grene 2 2¼ Willmo de Watlyngethon 10 3¾ Johanne de Keywerth 1 11 Johanne de Itynton 4 5¼ Willmo de Keywerth 2 3 Elena de Itynton 2 11 Willo de Pynyngelegh 1 6½ Juliana atte Hegh 2 2¼ Johanne atte Holme 1 3¼ Luca de Deramford 1 3¼ Willo Elys 2 2¼ Joceo le gerneter 3 2¼ Sum £2 18 6 Stepho de Itynton 3 2¼ Johanne Wyllard 3 8¼ Jurats Johanne le Wylde 2 11¼ £ s. d. Rogo le Wylde 2 5½ Regin' de Beche 7 2¼ Joceo le cupere 1 7 Nicolao le Weuere 4 4¼ Galfro le Manyere 1 4½ Robro le Bordere 2 Maur' Carpentar' 1 Willmo Aurifabro 4 9¼ Johanne de Safford 1 Thoma' Fuke 2 8¾ Robro atte Park 2 7¾ Petro Sherreue 3 9¼ Johanne de Loxebeche 3 2 Sum £1 4 9¾ Ada le Mone 8 Total Sum £11 1 2¾ Johanne Forestar' 1 0½ Nicolao de Brede 1 Waltero Turald 1 Matho le Pessoner 1 Joceo le Celer 1 Agnete Golyon 1 Simon' Wynter 1 5½ Simon' Pitoch 1 9¾ Sarra Plumer 2 Simon' Hunyman 1 11½ Johanne Knyst 2 Rado de Petle 3 5½ Simon' de Ukeham 5 0½ Robro Reolf 1 11 Ingram' de Botherstgate 5 5 Martino de Botherst 7 Alano de Botherst 4 7 Elia ater Beche 1 0½ Sum £6 17 11 Bexhill Half-hundred £ s. d. Johanne de Peplesham 14 Robro de Bulington 3 0½ Willmo Eylward 2 1¾ Cota de Wertlesham 2 7¾ Johanne de 1 7¼ Wertlesham Elia de Wertlesham 1 Willmo de Bokholte 1 7¼ Robro de Herchingthon 1 7¼ Henr' de Hassok 3 4 Waltero atte Groue 1 4¼ Alic' de Bedesore 1 0¼ Geruas' Lang 2 8 Johanne Hamund 2 0½ Johanne Hamund 4 9¼ senior' Johann' de Knolle 3 1½ Galfro de Wyke 1 5½ Stepho Heckewode 1 6½ Johanne Post 1 Alano atte Halle 1 Alic' relicta Petri 1 6½ Johanne de Sutingthun 1 domino Robro Vicario 2 6 Willmo de Stok' 9 2¼ Sum £3 5 2¼ Jurats £ s. d. Pho de Wode 2 11½ Johanne de Glynde 3 7¾ Alano de Yrchinthon 4 10¾ Waltero Hunyghe 3 2½ Johanne Reyner 2 7¾ Johanne de Sedeleghe 2 Sum 19 4¼ Total for half-hundred £4 4 6½ Hundr' de Foxherle (Foxearle) Herst (Herstmonceux) Ashburnham £ s. d. £ s. d. Johanne de Muncews 1 4 10¼ Rado Bret 1 4½ Petro Mortemer 12 Ricro de Brykyndenn 2 4¼ Micael de Ifold 2 5 Martino de Bukholte 1 7¾ Johe Kech 1 6½ Ricro Schot 1 10½ Matild' Relicta Rocker 1 2½ Rado de Bukholte 1 9¼ Robro de Stonakre 1 1¼ Willmo de Frankewelle 1 Walto atte Pette 1 5¼ Stepho de Bukholte 3 8¾ Michaele de Unnyngeham 2 11 Johanne Niuweman 2 2¼ Wyhott' fabro 3 Johanne de Brykyndenn 2 9¾ Laur' ater Dune 1 0¾ Willmo Twyt 1 2¾ Alic' Bek 1 5½ Willmo Anyce 1 8¾ Pho atte Pette 3 Johanne atte Bokholte 1 5½ Johanne Synoth 1 4½ Robro de Wylesham 1 8¾ Willmo de Cordham 1 6¾ Ricro Janekyn 1 11 Elia de Stonakre 1 3¼ Ad' Potekyn 1 Johanne le Reue 1 Ricro de Kollyngeham 2 8¾ Matild' Relicta Johis Rockere 1 2¼ Elia de Kechenham 1 Thom' de Eyswelle 1 3¼ Julian' de Rode 2 Johanne de Unnyngeham 3 2¼ Matild' atte Wode 6 2 Symone ater Dune 1 2¼ Robro Wynote 4 7¾ Luca Rockere 1 3¼ Johanne de Esburnham 1 2 6½ Johanne Fraunceys 1 7½ Sum £3 6 10¾ Isabell Ruth 2 3¼ Willmo atte Forde 5 2¼ Wartling Johanne Korde 1 3¼ £ s. d. Willmo Molendinar' 1 Johanne de Sco Leodegar' 1 3 4½ Ricro le Reue 1 2¾ Johanne de Kudenn 1 2¾ Ada Smale 1 Thoma Kuke 3 5½ Ada Byrchet 1 2½ Rogo Hokoc 1 6¼ Willmo Korde 1 1½ Willmo atte Grene 1 1 Sum £4 5 2¾ Ricro de Tresselegh 1 8¾ Symone Trys 1 Copperbeech Rikeward Kupere 4 9¾ £ s. d. Robro Kudele 1 10¾ Symone de Stoddenn 3 1¼ Robro Baron 1 2¾ Robro le Webbe 2 4 Johanne Long' 1 Elia de Studdenn 3 5½ Ricro fabro 4 11 Jacobo de Batelesforde 1 Rogo Pak 1 4 Willmo de Chelewesham 4 6½ Ad' Tinctor 2 6 Gilibro fabro 3 5½ Ad' fabro 2 4½ Johanne Baron 3 3¼ Herbelott Someter 2 11 Rogo de Blakeforde 1 1¼ Johanne Kneder 1 Ricro de Bembselle 1 5½ Regin' Kolebrond 1 3 Thoma Pollard 2 4½ Ad' Shauenore 1 4½ Robro atte Hole 1 3¼ Johanne de Occumbe 2 Thom' Turgys 1 4½ Robro atte Walle 3 7¾ Willmo Cobbe 2 4½ Willo de Tresselegh 1 6¾ Symone Louekok 2 10¾ Henr' de Tresselegh 1 3¼ Elia Bernard 1 5½ Henr' Schot 1 4½ Rado atte Thylle 1 4¼ Julian' de Occumbe 2 5½ Johanne atte Stocke 2 Wybro atte Shamele 1 Symone Noth 2 1¼ Thoma Herbert 1 9½ Johanne de Bukestep 1 Willmo Burry 1 Ricro Crul 2 Willmo Bedell 2 7¾ Relicta Alan' Bothel 9 7½ Benedicto ater Halle 2 3¼ Ada de Twychesherst 2 3¾ Willmo de Tresselegh 1 Robro de Twychesherst 1 Sum £4 2 0¼ Gilibro de Herleghe 3 6½ Hamone atte Stocke 2 4½ Jurats Andr' Kyffe 1 6¾ £ s.
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