BO OK 34PAGE 289 f):i. \notion by Fr ank Bon11er, seconded by Danny Slade, the follo\ving resolution was unanimously adopted: Approval to open bank accounts for Water Districts II and III, to accommodate the $75.00 tap on fee and for th~ 1992 CDBG program. The Board completed the workshop session on the recommended budget, with several noted changes. The Chairman recessed the meeting until Monday, June 28, 1993, at 7:30, Superior Courtroom, at which time there will be a public hearing on the proposed budget for fiscal year 1993-94. I I I I I I 3 !.i: ,£ \' ; ·, . ' ~ .; ··: ; ' •I ~ - 1 t JJI: '.'d \. ·' \. !: ·. ~. ~. I ' BOOK :J~P~GE~ 7.~e Beaufort County Board of Commissioners met in Superior Courtroom, June 28, 1993, 7:30 p.m. to conduct a Public Hearing on the 1993-94 proposed budget. The following Commissioners were present: Frank Bonner Elsa Desrochers Gene'Hodges Ned Kinsey Granville Lilley Danny Slade Alice Mills-Sadler Chairman Lilley opened the meeting and thanked everyone for ~oming to listen and express their views. The county Manager then gave a brief summary of the $29,131,469 proposed budget which included $227,328 for Home and Community Care Block Grant and then the Chairman opened the meeting for any Public ~... comment. ? Sheriff Nelson Sheppard thank the board for their consideration in providing additional personnel • Tim Fecktor, Beaufort County Developmental Center reiterated the request for a Transportation Director. Tom Allen, Chairman, Beaufort County Board of Education, felt that the Commissioners have been fair with Education and expressed his appreciation .. Bill Mayo discussed the increase in the tax rate of .35 in 1988 to .71 in 1993. He feels that 1.03% increase is too much. Arthur Lee Moore expressed her concern about the farmers and the ~etirees that must meet these additional increases. Ms. Moore asked the Commissioners to please try to distinguish between wants and needs. Jack Cherry, Chairman, Washington City Schools Board gave the last presentation for Washington City Schools and thanked the Board for all they have done. Steve Radar, a concerned citizen questioned the . increase in taxes. He said the Board is not supplying enough information to discuss the budget. Radar also said the Board should distinguish "" between mandates and discretionary items and that he felt this budget 'j was clearly "Clintonoimics" at the county level. · Tommy Campbell asked the Commissioners to please look at the budget and see if there is any way it can be reduced. Bob Scow£ asked the Board to be as conservative as possible. Garbo Tetterton stated that there are 4,695 living Veterans in Beaufort County. And there are also about 2,000 families of deceased Veterans in the Beaufort County. He asked for the Boards help in any way possible. Zeno Ratcliffe, said that he came wearing two hats, the first was that an independent farmer, asking the Board to try and make do with what we have instead of expanding and getting new and bigger. 1 ; ·~ .. .~·: I· -~,.ut :;t· ·... : ... o( <o.~ ...·>··':1'; :~ . ;-:r .... ,, ;:'' ' _;~.~; ~. ~ ~_,...· ... ~l: ..·J.Z·: . -~· ·-'~.· . ., ·~ .. .. -:· .... ; r.~·~·: :..· --·~ .. ,... ..<· .,.,:: .. ~t':'-; ;·' , ... BOOK ~~ PAGE ~~ i·lr. Ratcliff said the second hat was that as Chairman of the Legi sla tive Committee of the Farm Bureau and he e ncouraged the Board t o keep t he rate of increase as low as possible. J ohn Cantrel expressed his concern about the rate of increase. Ed Gibson questioned the solid waste revenues. J esse Tetterton informed the Board tha t he had to borrow money to pay last years taxes and that they just can not make it anymore . Chairman Lil ley announced that the Public Hearing was closed and again thanked everyone for corning. The Board reconvened in the Commissioners Room on the first floor for further business and to discuss the proposed budget in more detail . • The County Manager presented budget amendments for the Boards consideration. Upon motion by Fr ank Bonner, seconded by Danny Slade the following Budget Amendments were unanimously approved: LINE DEPARTMENT ITEM# DESCRIPTION DEBITS CREDITS FINANCE 104130.121 Salary 2, 200 104130.191 Contracted Services 2 , 200 SHERIFF 109910.991 Contingency 1,000 104310.350 M/R Oakland Blg 1,000 SOCIAL SERVICES 10531 0 . 314 Travel-IV-D-Deputy 1,000 105310 . 397 IV-D Blood Test 1, 0 00 105370.126 Salary - Chore 1,200 105370.181 FICA 10 105370.185 Unemployment Ins. 1,000 105310.600 State Foster Horne 210 105310.325 Postage 3,000 105580 . 311 Travel 100 105310.395 Training 500 105580.600 General Relief 500 105410.601 co. Issued Checks 4,100 HEALTH 105180.310 Tr avel 7 0 1 05180 . 340 Pr inting 70 2 I i ! i f ·- . I : .- · · . , ,; :' . ft\ . · ~ ·; p BOOK 34PAGE292 i.,ll-4E DEPAATMENT ITEMft DESCRIPTION DEBITS CREDITS HEALTH " 105110.238 Vaccines 5,000 103512.400 Immunization Fees 5,000 TAX ADMINISTRATION 104140.199 Contract Services 3,500 104140.321 Telephone 150 104140.352 M/R-Equipment 200 104140.340 Printing 1,850 104140.710 Lease-Principal 5,700 ~ COUNTY BUILDINGS :.04260.330 Utilities-Courthouse 500 104260.500 Capital outlay 2,000 104260.350 M/R- Courthouse 1,600 104260.351 M/R- Old Jail 900 COMMUNICATION 104311.197 E911 3,763 104311.500 Capital OUtlay 3,763 104311.321. Telephone 200 104311.395 Training 200 COUNTY MANAGER 104120.191 Contracted Services 6,100 104120.260 Supplies 100 104120.370 Advertising 1,000 104120.450 Ins. & Bonds 5,000 TAX (increase)103900.000 Lease Proceeds 198,000 ~ 104140.411 Lease Payoffs 75,100 104140.500 Capital OUtlay 122,900 ELECTIONS 104170.321 Telephone. 10 104170.410 Rent 10 JAIL 104320.121 Salaries 200 104320.260 Supplies 200 3 ~ ~~ -.g..· t : -~, • ·.. r~_,·.: . ~ .~ .. ·,::i:Y::: ·. - ... ; :~ .. "':. ::·:-r~{ -. ~.·_,~lt.. ·: .. · ... ·.. ::.- ... i- ::··:~1H; · :(<:ll~; .. -<.<~:-· . .•. ... : :~---· . "· il : ··.~t··· . ·~·~:~;~·... < ~ . ' BOOK 34PAG£ 293 ... -·,- ~o i.!..L 'tC DEPARTMENT ITEM# DESCRIPTION DEBITS CREDITS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 104330.352 M/R - Equipment 200 104330.500 Capital Outlay 200 COUNTY HOME 105800.182 Retirement 1,000 105800.183. Hospitalization 1,200 105800.191 Contract Service 1,200 105800.351 M/R Building 1,000 SALES TAX 103325.351 Sales Tax Refund 9,000 107000.298 4% Sales Tax 6,000 107000.298 2% Sales Tax 3,000 HEALTH (increase) 103512.333 Immunization Grant 3 , 270 105110 . 325 Postage 820 105110.500 Capital Outlay 2,450 COMMUNITY COLLEGE 465910 . 601 General Contract 5,875 465910.604 Elect. Contract 3 , 010 465910 . 606 Architect & Eng. Fees 272.5 465910 . 607 Contingency 9,157 . 50 COUNTY SCHOOLS 105912 . 634 Reimburse County Scho o l s 58,483 . 36 103981.980 Transfer From 58,483. 36 Capital Reserve 219840 . 981 Transfer to General Fund 58,483.36 213981.991 Capital Reserve 58,483 . 36 Fund Balance Upon motion by Danny Slade, s econded by Frank Bonner the Board unanimously gave the authorization to the County Manager to make Budget Amendments for 1992-93 year end close out and t o report those Amendments at a subsequent Commissio ner meeting. Washington City Schools Budget .Amendments Upon motion by Frank Bonner, seconded by Ned Kinsey the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendments #26-32 and 35-45 for the Washington City Schools. 4 -~·:{'l<V . ~}t.~ · - ~~~~; .i~~:. ..-~··~ . ,..~ ... · -. -... ·>' ·'*·:~.~~- ·\ ~1~ .....r;,.:. ~--!' ~ - -~:$; ·"-:~~; ~:~;:~ '.-".(J". ....Cc ~---' ~)~' .. '-"···· ,•'-' '.;...~! -;- . -~~:. ·:·~-:~:. :.t, .. :·f: . ~'·):·'fi;..;. Yt· .; • .; t ·~·' . ...., · .. --r:~ • ..:t"' ;·~- ·..·~ .. "- {~!.:}~ .;!~~ · ·~~1..;- :1~. ._,.t ..• ·}/- -! ''I" -· . ·" ·.. ~,;~ .j·"',;.. ' -~~ :':-71) . ;:r ~- ..· ; •' , =--t\\' ...t":.., . ; . ,.... ..... •·.. \;.r ·"'• :.. .• :~:~ ,lp,• i.. ·;~.; .' \?I: /r... ·. ·'. .. ,. .. BOOK 34PAGE 294 Th~ Board then turned their discussion to the proposed 1993-94 budget. After much discussion on various items the Chairman asked if anyone wished to make a motion approving the budget. Hearing no motion, Chairman Lilley made a motion to adopt the budget as presented with the revisions discussed by the Board. ~e motion died for a lack of a second. There was much discussion about the need for consensus on the budget since it was such an important item. There was not agreement on whether a consensus was that important. After a short break each Board member was given an opportunity to giv~ a statement regarding the Budget for 1993-94. ~ Ned Kinsey said he would like several things changed. He would like to see the Department of Social Services Building paid for out of ) ' Fund Balance. ' t! Alice Mill-Sadler stated she would also like to see the Department of Social Services Building paid for out of Fund Balance. Elsa Desrochers expressed that she was happy with some of the cuts, but would like to see more. Commissioner Desrochers said she would like to put an ad in all three county papers further explaining the facts of the budget. Gene Hodges said he has asked for some increases and has asked for reductions in same areas. Mr. Hodges said that he had not gotten either, but said that he had a clear conscious in knowing that he had tried. On a motion by Alice Mills-Sadler, seconded by Granville Lilley the Board adopted the Budget Ordinance (as attached). Voting Yes Voting No Kinsey Bonner Mills-Sadler Hodges Lilley Slade Desrochers There was considerable discussion about providing a news release from the Board of Commissioners regarding the budget. No consensus could be reached on whether to provide such information or the format of the information. On a motion by Gene Hodges, seconded by Frank Bonner the meeting was adjourned until July 12, 1993. srochers opposed adjourning the meeting. 5 '• ·. ~ .~ . ·.:.·: . ;- ~~ . ) !II / v~ BOOK :J~PtGE~:i ~nUNTY OF BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA ' FY 19 9 3 - 9 4 BUDGET ORDINANCE l_rpon motion by Alice Mills-Sadler, seconded by Granville Lilley, the following ordinance was adopted with the following vote: Voting·Yes Voting No Kinsey Bonner Mills-Sadler Hodges Lilley Slade Desrochers BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Beaufort County, North Carolina, as follows: SECTION 1.
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