S P R I N G B O A R D A Publication of Primavera Foundation “Providing Pathways Out Of Poverty” Spring 2011 PRIMAVERA GOES GREEN SOLar panELS on PriMAVEra’S JIM and ViCKI CLICK Training CEntER BUILD agENCY SUstainabiLitY, LEVEragE REsoURCES The Primavera Foundation’s planet for generations to come,” practices throughout the agency, premiere service site is now says Peggy Hutchison, Primavera’s including installing solar screens, benefiting from harvested solar Chief Executive Officer. relocating thermostats for opti- energy, thanks to two significant The installation of solar panels mum energy efficiency, reducing grant awards that have made it at this location is one of many the number of light bulbs used in possible to install photovoltaic projects Primavera is launching overly lit areas, installing energy solar panels. to conserve energy and to reduce efficient lighting, using compact NeighborWorks® America and organizational utilities. fluorescent lights, reducing paper stimulus funds awarded through Over the last three years, Pri- product usage, cleaning air ducts, the Arizona Department of Com- mavera has undergone two green recycling, reusing furniture, and merce provided $140,000 in audits, which have both con- perhaps of equal importance-- funding to support Primavera’s firmed that Primavera employees educating and encouraging staff first wave of solar installation. are highly committed to “green” and residents to be more energy The 39.95kW system now sits practices and to environmental conscious. atop Primavera’s Jim and Vicki responsibility. Primavera’s leadership is creat- Click Training Center, 151 W. Primavera staff has been im- ing a Green Mission Statement that 40th Street, and will provide the plementing numerous “green” integrates green components into organization with a tremendous the organization’s strategic and cost savings of $76,783 over operational plans with measurable the next 10 years. These cost “We are excited to be build- outcomes for all lines of business, savings are being reinvested ing our ‘green’ capacity as an including emergency services, into the programs and proper- organization. This commitment transitional housing, workforce ties, maximizing community re- development, property and asset sources and Primavera’s ability reflects our guiding principles management, homeownership to serve southern Arizona. of integrity, respect, account- promotion, education, and pres- “Implementing ‘green’ strat- ability, compassion, and lead- ervation, neighborhood revitaliza- egies throughout the orga- tion, and community engagement. nization is very challenging, ership. We must continue to be Primavera’s dedication to “going but we want to make sure that the change we wish to see in green” reflects its commitment to everything we do at Primav- our community and world.” building a more sustainable orga- era is healthy and sustainable nization, and a more sustainable for our community and our --Peggy Hutchison city, county and state. AG E N CY U PDAT E AG E N CY U PDAT E NEW LOGO LIFE OF PRIMAVERA BOARD PRimaveRA SQUash blossom GRows with the agencY MEMBER RICK ECK REMEMBERED Many of you will notice a new look to the After several years, the hand drawn version AND ENDOWMENT ANNOUNCED Primavera Squash Blossom. The squash blos- made its debut in the electronic world as graphic som has been Primavera’s logo for a very long artists translated it into design file formats for use It is with deep sadness that I share with you precious life is and how important it is to value time—in fact the squash blossom pre-dates the in Primavera’s messaging and marketing. Since that our beloved board member, Rick Eck, every moment and every encounter with an- organization’s name. In 1984, Nancy Bissell, co- then the blossom would be visually tweaked here passed away on Thursday, February 3rd, af- other human being. No matter how big the founder of Primavera Foundation, drew the very and there as it moved through the types of for- first squash blossom by hand. This ancient Zuni mats used in design. Prompted in large part by a ter a brave battle fighting mesothelioma. challenges or how unfair the injustice, Rick al- symbol, a reflection of the unique desert setting need to have the logo in newer and more usable Rick first joined the Pri- ways had a ready smile and of Tucson, lent itself to the specific philosophy of file formats, Primavera undertook a process to mavera board in April, brought humor when people Primavera. “From its early beginnings the blossom update the logo. reflected what was important to Primavera,” Nan- The updated logo, a silhouette of the blossom 1993. He was deeply around him felt discouraged. cy explained. “The circle at the center represented on a field of turquoise, creates a bolder visual im- devoted to Primavera’s Rick was generous with a model of spiritual integration, made possible by age simply by adding color and greater degree mission and vision. His his time and resources, and the roots growing into the earth below (security, of contrast, yet it stays faithful to important de- sustainability, safety), and resulting in the flower- sign elements from the original: circular, flowing expertise in behavioral was the driving force behind ing of personality and individual worth.” It was af- shapes that represent the energies of re-growth; health and his passion for the creation of a Board- ter the squash blossom came into fruition that the roots anchoring to a strong foundation; and the helping people with spe- advised endowment to en- name Primavera, Spanish for spring, became a distinct squash blossom five-petaled flower that speaks to new life. cial needs were especial- sure Primavera’s long term perfect complement to the organization’s image. ly beneficial to us through sustainability. When others the years. Rick was a laughed at the idea that Pri- fighter against systems mavera could raise $1 mil- that allow people to fall lion to start an endowment, through the cracks and he Rick said, “Why not?” After NEW WEBSITE always believed that we $1 million was raised for the could create supportive, endowment, Rick said we NEW website Reflects GRowth and changes at PRimaveRA valuable programs and would raise $5 million. In 2010 the Primavera Foundation launched a redesign of its website. The new streamlined site provides systems to bring about In memory of Rick’s tremen- easy-to-find information about programs, as well as video, success stories, and updates about the organization. justice in our time. Rick was a tremendous dous vision and contributions to Primavera, asset and advocate for Primavera and was it gives me great pleasure to announce that STABILITY also tons of fun- a person truly in love with the Board of Directors has named Prima- SURVIVAL Visit “Rental Housing” SECURITY life. He had a special gift of being present in vera’s board-advised endowment to take a photo tour of “Shelter” Go to “Foreclosure the moment and his example reminded us “The Richard Eck Memorial Endowment”. Click on our rental properties. Prevention” to register all and continues to remind us about how to find out about our for foreclosure classes Rick, we miss you! --Peggy Hutchison family shelter, Grey- and counseling with hound, and read our certified foreclo- about the Furst family. sure counselors. “He was the perfect fit for “A good friend of Primavera and just a great Primavera through person to be around.” our long journey.” Gordon Packard, Primavera Co-Founder: Nancy Bissell, Primavera Co-Founder: SUSTAINABILITY SUPPORT US Rick’s passing is a great loss to Primavera, I was so sad to hear about Rick. He was a Learn how Primavera partners to revitalize the community, and those of us whose lives rare person: passionate, indomitable, quick to Sign up to prepare were graced by his kindness, keen wit, intel- see the comic side yet thoughtful and serious breakfast or lunch for the City of South the homeless men at Tucson- click on ligence, and good judgment. He was the per- when the occasion demanded. And a good our Men’s Shelter- visit “Purchase a Home” fect fit for Primavera and just a great person to friend of Primavera through our long journey. “Volunteer” be around. He helped Primavera from its in- I’ll miss him…naming the endowment fund for fancy with wise advice for Nancy and me when him is a perfect living memorial. the two of us were trying to build a supportive If you are interested in contributing to the community of people with mental challenges Richard Eck Memorial Endowment, please contact at Pueblo Court, and he was an important the development team at (520) 623-5111. support to me at Primavera Builders. PARTN E RSHIPS PARTN E RSHIPS PRIMAVERA IN THE COMMUNITY HUndrEDS attEnd TUCson NEIGHBORHOOD WORKS TUCson hoMELEss MEMoriaL BEN’S BELLS rings OUT HOMELEss ConnECT EVEnt TOGETHER TO CLEAN UP HELD at pottErs FIELD For HEALing Tucson Homeless Connect is an annual one day, one stop, As part of NeighborWorks® Week, Primavera joined a partner- Every year, local and national groups commemorate Nation- In response to the January 8th shootings in Tucson, “Ben’s community outreach event created to put homeless individuals ship of volunteers to beautify the City of South Tucson through al Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day to bring attention to the Bells” organized a kindness project in which 1,400 bells were in touch with agencies that provide services for Tucson’s home- a city-wide cleanup of the streets and neighborhoods, along tragedy of homelessness and to remember those who paid hung throughout the community, in an effort to restore hope less population. This year’s event was held at Dunbar Audito- with a trash pickup by City Public Works of bulky unwanted the ultimate price for our nation’s failure to end homeless- and connectedness in our city.
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