9 223 S M a m Sueet McCotter, Kelley face off - Local news, A3 Plymouth, Mich 48170 Your hometown newspaper serving Plymouth and Plymouth Township for 117 years All the scores and \ highlights. Cl \ \ V October 13,2002 75 cents V o l u m e 117 N u m b e r 14 www.observerandeccentnc.com © 2 0 0 2 H o m e t o w n C ommunications N et w o r k Planners OK special use for Massey land BY BRAD KADRICH complex there Granting of the special- for nearly tw o hours as Jim A nulew icz, Jack grocery store The parties have been STAFF WRITER use designation was part of the deal the township’s director of municipal serv­ negotiating for some time on exactly before M assey and th e tow nship could ices, laid out the plan both for the town­ what the commercial development will Plymouth Township planning commis­ put finishing touches on the purchase of ship complex and the development of the look like, with the township insisting it sioners W ednesday pushed th e tow nship th e land other 17 acres owned by Massey that fit the design parameters of the Ann a baby step closer to a new township hall The action was taken at a public hear­ front Ann Arbor Road Arbor Road Corridor zoning preferences The planning com m ission voted unan­ in g before m ore than 5 0 residents at St The joint development is part of the “We didn’t want to see a typical shop­ imously to approve a special-use for land Kenneth’s Church on Haggerty The com­ agreement between Massey and the ping center,” Anulewicz said “We had a the township is negotiating to buy from mission moved the meeting, generally township Massey plans a commercial directive th at it w ould b e som ething dif­ ■ Cateriig chief Don M assey T he nine-acre parcel is cur­ h eld at tow nship hall, to accom m odate developm ent m th e front 17 acres, w hich feren t” Anyone who eats at the new rently zoned for residential, and th e w hat figured to b e a large crowd is zoned for th e Ann Arbor Road Westin Detroit Metropolitan township w ants to put a new tow nship Commissioners and residents listened Corridor District, anchored by a Farmer PLEASE SEE MASSEY, A10 Airport hotel and likes it has a Plymouth woman to thank Clothing bank settles in new home BY TONY BRUSCATO Dawn Giorgio has been STAFF WRITER hired as the director of cater mgand convention services It’s probably one o f the best-kept for the hotel Giorgio acerti secrets m the Plymouth and Canton tied meeting planner brings communities more than 15 years of hospi The Plymouth-Canton Clothing tality experience to the new Bank has a new home at Salem High Westin hotel officials said School, which provides more than Prior to her new appointment twice the space it previously occupied Giorgio was director of sales m a trailer behind Central Middle and marketing at Novi s Hilton School Hotel ‘Anybody w ho is needy and m need I d Her career includes sales o f clothing can find it here, ’ said Kelly and marketing positions at Warkoczeski of Plymouth Tbwnship, Novi s Doubletree Hotel who runs the clothing bank. We’ve Shangri La Resort in Afton got everything, from infants on up Okla and stints at the Hotel ‘And, th ey don t have to have kids m Ponchartram and the Westin th e schools W e g et singles senior citi- Renaissance Center in Detroit Carol Carpinelli right sorts clothing at the new Plymouth Canton Clothing Bank m Salem High School She also served as a sales PLEASE SEE C L O T H IN G , A 9 account executive for the Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau and a director of conference services at Garland Golf & Ski Resort in Lewiston AFSCME local OKs contract; township board Shes a member of Meeting Planners International Michigan Society of BY BRAD KADRICH that still need a lot of attention/ said agreements parameters Township table agreement It passed 27-1, so that’s Association Executives Hotel STAFF WRITER Nichole Hunt, president of the local supervisor Steve Mann did say earlier an outstanding indication it’s fair and 6 Sales Marketing Association “There are issues (the township) is aware that th e contract is ‘com parable to w hat eq uitable W e’re very happy w ith that ” and Society of Government After more than 18 months of wran­ need to be addressed Overall, the docu­ our other union groups received ” The clerical workers organized their Meeting Planners gling over the language of the first con­ m ent is a good base for us ” Township officials agreed to a contract union local m early 2000, but negotia­ tract between Plymouth Township and Most of the bones of contention, with its police officers last year that tions didn’t start until Feb 14,2001 ■ PTO meets the American Federation of State, according to Hunt, deal with the areas of included a 3 25 percent pay hike “It took lon ger th an w e w ould have The Farrand Elementary County and Municipal Employees, the classification andjob description While he couldn t comment on the liked, but there were a lot of issues to be School PTO meets Monday at sides have finally worked out a deal T h e five-year deal is retroactive to Jan specifics of the new deal, Mann said he hammered out/ Mann said 7 pm with State Rep John The township s AFSCME local 1, 2000 and expires Dec 31, 2004 The was glad the protracted procedure, Mann said he expects to have the con­ Stewart as a guest speaker Wednesday night voted 27-1 to ratify a union includes 36 clerical positions, which included informational pickets of tract on the agenda for board action at Stewart will present the contract with the township The town­ although some of them are currently township meeting by union employees, its Oct 22 meeting That meeting starts school with plaques connect ship board is expected to take up the unfilled w as finished at 7 p m at Plymouth Township Hall ed to Farrand s past courtesy matter at its Oct 22 meeting B ecause th e board s till has to vote on ‘We’re very pleased/ Mann the Plymouth Historical ‘ There are areas that were discussed it, neither side was ready to disclose the Wednesday night “I think it’s an equi­ bkadricli®oe fiomecomm net | (734) 459 2700 Museum The meeting starts at 7 pm with Stewart expecting to speak around 8 30 Officer ■ Campaign trailer New beat cop to focus Brian If as the saying goes all Walker talks politics is local than itsprob with Carole ably no big surprise that one on safety and parking Roberts, of the national trends in manager of recent years has worked its Angelo's way down to the 35th District BY TONY BRUSCATO “I’ll also get to know the shop Cards and Court race STAFF WRITER ow ners and h elp them w ith any Gifts, about We refer to the invitation we problems they have ” the new were handed at a local meet Business owners and patrons Parking has long been an Plymouth mg this week Women for will soon be seeing a familiar issue in Plymouth And, with Police Gerou hosting a coffee recep face patrolling downtow n the addition of new retail shops Department tion fund raiser for their guy - Plymouth and Old Village and restaurants, parking some­ downtown judicial candidate Michael J Officer Brian W alker’s d esig­ times is at a premium The beat Gerou nated beat is walking those two Downtown Development A female support group for areas of the city, helping busi­ Authority had begun a program the male candidate often ness owners w ith safety issues of enforcing parking rules appears in a race where the and relieving the two areas of However, the turnover m candidates are split along parking problem s enforcement personnel and gender lines Gerou faces “Parking w ill b e one o f th e their lack of authority ham- Karen Woodside in the Nov 5 issues I’ll address,” said Walker PLEASESEE POLICE, A9 election for the new judge ship In case you re interested the Gerou event is7 830am NANNY MATURE CONTACT US 'LOOKING AH W D1 Friday Oct 25 at Bakers experienced fulltime caring Newsrocm (734)459 2700 Square in Canton with an Oct for our school aged Apartments D7 New Homes D1 First-timers Newsroom fax (734) 459 4224 Automotive F3 Obituaries A5 21 reservation deadline Classifieds 1800 579 SELL See how students at Plymouth Classified DE,F Real Estate D1 Tickets are $25 each m wets m 'find.......... Home delivery (734) 591 0500 High School enjoyed their first Classified index D3 Service Guide F3 Call (734) 454 0770 for Pierre, ^ffyp'utr' ;g | i Crossword D5 Sports D1 Homecoming in Thursdays information jo bs E4 Observer W 3 29321 Orchard Lake Rd. 43711 Ford Road {Between Sheldon & Morten (One Block S. of 13 Mile) Taylor, across from Targe!) STOHHOOR&McrfFft 108 .SrtlM-Stjn 12-5 STOW HOWS MwrSol08»Sen12-5 A2 (P) Observer S Eccentric | Sunday October 13 2002 www observerandeccentric com BEN'S BASH into the Plymouth Community accepted by the Plymouth western Wayne County through appropriate that we have on-site honors in die categories for best Hall o f Fame More than 100 Community Chamber of a community-based station, leadership to work with our staff, stock picking and best for low The call is going out to supporters attended th e April Commerce, 386 S Mam, Huron Valley Ambulance has fire departments, community fees Franklm H igh alumni, staff and 2002 Hall of Fame banquet, Plymouth, MI 48170 Call the created an Eastern O perations leaders and the public,” said Paul “Jones charges the lowest com­ friends to attend ‘Bens Birthday w hich honored inductees Ron chamber, (734) 453-1540 division headquarters m the city Hood, HVAs vice president for m issions am ong d ie n in e largest Bash,” a celebration o f the Loiselle and E J McClendon of Plymouth Eastern Operations “In our first full-service brokerages, yet
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