Table of Contents Weloe To The Courtards at UMD! Iportat Phoe Nuers & Wesites Meet The Staf Residet Series Reeiig Mail Cluhouse Pool Trasportaio Maiteae Leasig Iforaio Your Apartet Cale / Iteret / Telephoe TV Chael Lieup Safet Tips Sustaiailit Loal Resoures Courtards Map Welcome To The Courtyards at UMD! Weloe to The Coutads at UMD – ou e hoe! We ae delighted that ou hae hose to lie ith us ad hope that e a a ou sta a eoale oe. Please use this hadook as a efeee guide to ou ouit ad all the featues ad aeiies that e ofe. Whethe ou ae lookig fo the pool hous o ou faoite teleisio hael, this guide has the ases. Ou staf is hee to assist ou ad ase a uesios ou a hae. Duig the da, feel fee to stop the ai oie ad sa hello. I the eeigs ad o eekeds, ou Cluhouse is ope ith ou Residet Adisos at the Ate Hous Desk. Whe the Cluhouse is losed, e alas hae soeoe aailale i ase of a eege. Thee ill e plet of geat pogas hosted at The Coutads thoughout the ea. Fo pool paies to uildig-ide eets, ad Residet Appeiaio Week, e hope that ou ill joi us ad ig ou fieds o oe ad ake e oes. The Coutads is hoe to hudeds of UMD studets just like ouself. We hope that ou ae geig setled i ad look foad to eeig ou soo! The Coutads at UMD Staf Important Phone Numbers Oie .. RA O-Dut .. Cale Outage --CATV Capus Ifoaio .. Copute Assistae / UMD IT Help Desk .. Couselig Cete .. Health Cete .. ID Cads, Replaeet Coute Mithell Buildig .. Shutle-UM .. UMPD Eegeies -- UMPD Eegeies apus phoe UMPD No-Eege .. Important Websites The Coutads at UMD Hoepage .udoutads.o The Coutads at UMD Residet Potal te.ps/i Uiesit of Malad Hoepage .ud.edu Depatet of Residet Life eslife.ud.edu MDRL Potal dl.ud.edu Depatet of Taspotaio Seies taspotaio.ud.edu Diisio of Ifoaio Teholog it.ud.edu UMD Alet Eege Noiiaio alet.ud.edu Uiesit Couselig Cete ouselig.ud.edu Uiesit Health Cete health.ud.edu Uiesit of Malad Polie upd.ud.edu Meet The Staff Jeife Houkle Dieto [email protected] Chistophe Maso Assoiate Dieto [email protected] Rih Siei Assistat Dieto – [email protected] Residet Life Jusi Leak Residet Dieto [email protected] Mist Adas Aouts Maage [email protected] Bado Gade Leasig Maage [email protected] Chis Adas Assoiate Dieto – [email protected] Maiteae Opeaios Vito Kaaa Maiteae Supeiso [email protected] Baaa Ashto Failiies Coodiato [email protected] Meet The RAs Keli Fitzpatik Buildig RA [email protected] )elik Steatso Buildig RA [email protected] Eauel Dio Buildig RA [email protected] Laet Aee Buildig RA [email protected] Adul Alaoof Buildig RA [email protected] Moiue Roiso Buildig RA [email protected] Haa )edu Buildig RA [email protected] Chieee Akujoi Buildig RA [email protected] Chisie Ejiogu Buildig RA [email protected] Oluatoike Adeoejo Buildig RA [email protected] Siea Tao Buildig RA [email protected] Idia Hailto Buildig RA [email protected] Doald Disuke Buildig RA [email protected] Julie Ko Buildig RA [email protected] Resident Ser6ices Residet Adisor o Dut Thee is a Residet Adiso RA o dut fo :p to :a o the eekdas ad hous o the eekeds ad holidas to addess a issues i the ouit. The RA a e eahed at --. Uiersit of Marlad Polie Departet The Uiesit of Malad Polie Depatet UMPD poides patol ad espose seies to The Coutads. The UMPD also poides a esot seie fo aoe ho feels usafe he alkig aoud apus. Esots ae oduted the Studet Polie Auilia foot patol poga. If ou ould like a esot, please all the polie depatet at - to euest oe. Residet Portal You Residet Potal is a olie sste that gats ou aess to ou lease aout, lease ifoaio. Though the Residet Potal ou a ake ad ie the status of paets, suit ok odes ad aiteae euests ad tak thei status, update ou otat ifoaio, ad oplete ou Roo Codiio Repot upo oe-i. Please ake sue ou egiste ou Residet Potal aout ia .udoutads.o. Lok Outs & Spare Ke Chek Out If ou hae loked ou kes i ou oo, ou a hekout a spae ke fo the Mai Oie o Ate Hous Desk. Whe the Ate Hous Desk ad Mai Oie ae oth losed, the Residet Adiso o Dut a e otated fo assistae. Whe ou eeie ou kes at the egiig of ou lease, ou ill sig fo the o a kead, hih lists the folloig ke poliies: • If a esidet loses the fot doo ke o edoo ke, a oe hage is adato ad the esidet ill e haged $ fo eah oe hage. • If a esidet loses a ailo ke, the esidet ust pa a $ eplaeet fee. • To hekout a spae ke, the esidet ust eif ideit ith a Uiesit ID. • If a loaed ke is ot etued ithi oe hou, the esidet ill e haged a $ fee. • If a loaed ke is ot etued ithi tet-fou hous, the esidet ill e haged $ pe ke to oplete a adiistaie oe hage fo oth a loaed fot doo ad edoo ke. • If a esidet is loked-out of thei apatet ate :p o he the Cluhouse is losed, the esidet ill e haged a $ lok out fee. • All hages listed aoe ill e haged to the esidet's aout, ad ae due ithout a addiioal oie ie das ate the eplaeet euest, oe hage euest, o loa. Recei6ing Mail Mailoes Mailoes ae loated at the kiosk outside the luhouse. Eah apatet shaes a ailo ad eah esidet is issued a ke. The ail kiosk has a slot fo outgoig ail o the side faig the Cluhouse. Whe eeiig ail, addesses should e ite ased o ou uildig ue as follos: Buildig Buildig Your Nae Your Nae Botele Lae, Apt # Botele Lae, Apt # College Pak, MD College Pak, MD Buildig Buildig Your Nae Your Nae Botele Lae, Apt # Botele Lae, Apt # College Pak, MD College Pak, MD Buildig Buildig Your Nae Your Nae Botele Lae, Apt # Botele Lae, Apt # College Pak, MD College Pak, MD Buildig The Cluhouse Your Nae Maageet Oie o staf ae Botele Lae, Apt # Botele Lae College Pak, MD College Pak, MD Pakage Aeptae/Pikup The oie ad seie desk ill aept pakages o ou ehalf he the delie opa is uale to delie dietl to ou doo. I this ase, ou ill eeie a e-ail oifig ou heee a pakage has ee delieed fo ou at the oie. Please ig ou Uiesit I.D. to the Oie o Ate Hous Desk to lai ou pakage. Pakages a ol e piked up the esidet to ho the ae addessed. Please ote that pakages ill ot e aepted uil ou oiiall oe i. I addiio, a peishale pakages, paels, ad delieies a ot e stoed i a liate-otolled eioet. Fiall, a pakages, paels o delieies ot laied ithi foutee das, ill eithe e etued to the sede. Clubhouse Cluhouse Hours Moda – Thusda: a – p Fida: a – p Satuda: p – p Suda: p – p *Hous a a duig aadei eaks, suh as Wite Beak, Spig Beak, ad the sue. Residets ill e oiied eail he the hous hage. * Oie The oie is loated i the Cluhouse ad ope Moda though Fida, a – p. Please feel fee to stop aie if ou hae a uesios egadig ou sta at The Coutads at UMD. Ater Hours Desk The Ate Hous Desk is ope duig the eeig ad o eekeds. Ou Residet Adisos ae hee to assist all esidets he the Cluhouse is ope ad the oie is losed. Rereaio Roo The Reeaio Roo is loated toads the ak of the Cluhouse ad iludes a lat-see TV, a Pool tale, ad a Pig Pog tale. Euipet a e ooed fo the oie o Atehous Desk to uilize these aeiies. Studets a also oo a aiet of oad gaes o ideo gaes fo ou Xo Oe. The Reeaio Roo is ope duig posted Cluhouse hous. Fitess Roo The Fitess Roo is loated i the ak of the Cluhouse ad iludes a aiet of adio ad stegth taiig euipet. The Fitess Roo is ope duig posted Cluhouse hous. Coputer Ceter Thee ae to oputes loated ehid the Ate Hous desk that a e used esidets. Residets a pit fo fee if the ig thei o pape. Pool Pool Hours The pool is ope das a eek. The hous a eah oth. August: Dail, p – p Septee: Dail, p – p The pool ill lose fo the seaso o Suda, Septee th. It ill eope eal i Ma . Pool Rules Aess – All esidets ust sho thei ID he eteig ad ait to e heked o the guest list. Residets ae stitl pohiited fo eteig the pool a eas othe tha the fot gate o outside posted pool hous. Guests – Residets ae peited a aiu of fou guests hile peset at the pool. Guests a ot e let uateded. Residets ae esposile fo guest ehaio. Refreshets – Beeages ae peited ol i oigial plasi otaies o sealale otaie to peet spills ad dageous odiios fo oke glass. Aloholi eeages ad glass otaies ae ot peited i the pool aea. Behaior – Please e espeful of all othe patos of the pool, the lifeguad, as ell as ea apatets. Transportation Parkig at The Courtards at UMD All esidets pakig a ehile at The Coutads ae euied to egiste fo a Lot pakig peit.
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