Agony ttagInM PMo/MmchcMir Hwald 4 Challenger tapes DOWN AND OUT — George Parkhurst, owner of Fred’s Package Store at 117 Spruce St., stands next to his broken Lotto machine before it was fixed “• -I ordered released /II Friday afternoon. Parkhurst says he lost about $1,000 worth of business after the machine failed Thursday. The sign hanging on the front of the machine is a spoof of the lottery advertisement, "You can't win if you don’t play." Story on page 4. J »• w«*«>f8-»>.««sr-1*4 « ».« U Dr. Crane’s Plant settleifnent Koop renews battle cry on smoking 1. A tactful young man calls his wife a “peach” Smokeless cigarette ‘a drug in a cigarette-shaped dispenser’ because she makes him think of which apple? JONATHAN WINESAP GREENING DEUCIOUS dispute hinges on money WASHINGTON (AP) - Surgeon drug in a cigarette-shaped Several organizations, including cosmetics. 2. Which North American creature was becoming General C. Everett Koop on Friday dispenser.” the American Lung Association.the FDA Commissioner Frank E. almost extinct because of hunters in helicopters? renewed his call for the nation to Koop testified to the House Energy American Cancer Society and the Young told the House subcommittee FOX WOLF GRIZZLY BEAR POLAR BEAR Bv Andrew Yurkovskv L escalate the battle against smoking and Commerce subcommittee on Manchester Herald American Medical Association, have the agency is reviewing the petitions 3. Which one of these is especially linked with (M ayor Peter P.) DiRosa expressed anger with the same fervor it devotes to health and the environment about the petitioned the FDA to take jurisdic­ “to determine whether this product Oregon? illicit drugs, and he assailed a new 618-page, anti-smoking report Re U.S. Attorney Stanley A. Friday over disclosure of details of the tion over the proposed product by should be regulated under the FDC MONSOON CHINOOK WIND HURRICANE smokeless cigarette as “a drug in a issued in May. “Careful examination classifying it a drug. (Food, Drug and Cosmetic) Act.” CYCLONE Twardy Jr. and Mayor Peter P. negotiations. He said he didn’t know the source cigarette-shaped dispenser.” of the data,” he said, “makes it clear DiRosa Jr. said Friday that a Several bills have been introduced 4. It will take the longest time to boil eggs in which of the leaks but “if I find out, they’re going to be Koop and other anti-smoking wit- that cigarettes and other forms of in Congress to give the FDA authority “One can see that the agency must one of these cities? settlement might be reached nesKs told Congress that the Food tobacco are addicting. An extensive to regulate the proposed cigarette. attempt to differentiate between the LOS ANGELES DENVER MIAMI NEW early next week that would one sorry puppy dog.’’ and Drug Administration should body of research has shown that traditional tobacco product, mar­ ORLEANS resolve the dispute over a we­ regulate any sales of the “smokeless nicotine is the drug in tobacco that Currently most regulation of to­ keted without medical claims, and 5. Which type of creature will whine? tlands permit for the town’s cigarette” being developed by the causes addiction.” bacco products is administered by the therefore not regulated by FDA, and FELINE BOVINE EQUINE CANINE sewage treatment plant. might be reached by the begin­ The town Board pf Directors on R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., even Charles O. Whitley, representing Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and the newer innovations designed to 6. Complete the blanks below with the names of “Negotiations, discussions are though the agency does not have the Tobacco Institute, said the FDA Firearnris in the Treasury Depart­ deliver nicotine 'to satisfy nicotine appropriate beans. ongoing, and we are guardedly ning of the week. Monday rejected a proposed Neither Twardy nor DiRosa settlement that would have called jurisdiction over regular tobacco barely has the resources to carry out ment and the Federal Trade Commis­ dependence or otherwise to affect the (a) Which type of bean suggests Biblical Noah? optimistic that we will be able to products. its current duties without adding sion. The FDA has authority over food structure or function of the body,” he (b) Which suggests an Dympic track event? resolve this short of litigation,” would confirm reports that As­ for the town to pay a fine of $1.5 sistant U.S. Attorney Frank San­ million to the Corps of Engineers. The surgeon general said: “Our tobacco products to its jurisdiction. products, drugs, medical devices and said. (c) Which suggests an aid in fastening packages? Twardy said. nation has mobilized enormous re­ He alsp said Koop’s report ‘is a (d) Which suggests a vital part of the human toro had proposed a fine of A counterproposal was presented Twardy would not comment on $500,000 to be paid to the Corps of by the town on Wednesday calling sources to wage a war on drugs — political document.” body? details of the negotiations, but illicit drugs. We should also give “Its conclusions conform with the (e) Which suggests more delicious peanut butter Engineers for the illegal filling in for no fine, sources have said, and DiRosa said that the remaining of wetlands. Sources have said in response Santoro proposed the priority to the one addiction — surgeon general’s political goal of a sandwiches? bone of contention was “money.” $4 billion needed that Santoro proposed at a $500,000 fine. tobacco addiction — that is killing smokeless society, and undoubtedly He said that would include a fine more than 300,000 Americans each were reached long before the report- Anawera in Claaaified aection. Wednesday meeting of town and DiRosa expressed anger FYi- to be paid to the U.S. Army Corps federal' offlcials that a fine of day over disclosure of details of year.” was drafted,” Whitley said. of Engineers as well as the costs $500,000 be split by the town and the negotiations. He said he didn't Koop, as he has previously, de­ R.J. Reynolds announced last Sep­ for restoring affected wetlandsor the consulting en^neer for the know the source of the leaks but clared that tobacco is as addictive as tember that it would market the Connecticnt Weather creating new ones. He said other to bail out bank project, Metcalf A Eddy. “if I find out, they’re going to be cocaine and heroin. And he told a smokeless cigarette, which contains issues had been pretty much Ihe Corps of Engineers last one sorry puppy dog.” House subcommittee that the FDA tobacco. Unlike other cigarettes, the 3 Maacheater aad vtctalty: Today, sunny, hot and agrhed to in principal by the month ordered the town to stop DiRosa had said that the should regulate any sales of the company says, it heats but does not WASHINGTON (AP) - The Fed­ costly deal” than Continental Illinois. humid. High 92 to 96. Wind southwest around 10 parties involved. work on the secondary part of the parties involved in the dispdte so-called smokeless cigarette be­ bum the tobacco to deliver the eral Deposit Insurance Corp. said late He said all of First RepublicBank’s m|A. Tonight, clear, warm and muggy. Low only 70 “I certainly think that Monday sewage treatment plant because had a gentlemen’s agreement not cause it “contains nicotine, which is a nicotine. Friday it was pledging $4 billion for 41 subsidiary banks would remain to 75. Sunday, partly sunny, hot and humid with might be possible,” DiRosa said. the town failed to get a wetlands to discuss details of the negotia­ NCNB Corp. of Charlotte, N.C., to open under their normal schedule, scattered thunderstorms. High 90 to 95. Chance of Twardy said that a settlement permit from the Corps. tions in public. take over FirstRepublic Bank C^rp. of including those with Saturday hours. showers 30 percent. Dallas in potentially the largest The banks will open under their new . Weal Coaatal, Eaat Goaatal: Today, some federal bank rescue ever. name on. Monday. morning fog, then becoming sunny, hot and humid, The FDIC, which in March pumped - Seidman said the transaction so far 87 To 92. Wind southwest lOmph to 15 mph. Tonight, $1 billion into banks owned by the was an agreement in principle, and he clear and hazy with a chance of patchy fog after N/xon visits — mum’s the word ailing holding company, said it will said he expected it to be made final midnight. Very warm and muggy. Low 72 to 76. infuse an additional $2 billion and “somewhere in the next three Sunday, partly sunny, hot and hun^d with scattered WASHINGTON (AP) — Former President to arrange a meeting with Reagan. expects eventually to have to pay out months.” thunderstorms. Nixon returned to the White House this week to He said Nixon met with Duberstein on another $1 billion. Until then, the FDIC has taken meet with President and Mrs. Reagan and Chief Thursday morning in addition to the later NCNB has agreed to pay between control of the banks under a bridge of Staff Kenneth M. Duberstein, it was meeting with the president and first lady. He said $210 million and $240 million to bank arrangement, a~new legal device Lottery announced Friday. he did not know what was discussed. acquire a 20 percent stake in what will that is being usOd for only the second Presidential spokesman Marlin Fitzwater the Deputy White House Press Secretary Leslye be called NCNB Texas National Bank. time. NCNB w|II manage the banks on four met for about an hour Thursday evening in Arsht said the Nixon-Duberstein meeting was For five years, it will have an > the FDIC’s behalf.
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