-Inauguration Edition- THE NATIONAL UNIO PEACE UNITY LIBERTY AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE PEOPLE OF FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA Volume 12 Palikir, Pohnpei, May 30,1991 Number 10 Olter cited public welfare, the singular aim of his administration PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM IN- FORMATION SERVICE) - Presi- dent Bailey Olter in his inaugural address May 21, during his formal inauguration here said, "Let there be no doubt that from this day for- ward the public welfare is the singu- lar aim of this administration. I call on the Congress and the State Gov- ernments to rededicate ourselves to this goal. This collective goal can- not be attained without the active participation of the men and women of this land." The new President who is from Pohnpei and Vice President Jacob IN A UGURA TION CEREMONY - Standing at the podium is FSM President Bailey Nena of Kosrae took office May 11, Olter delivering his inaugural address during his formal inauguration held in front immediately after being elected by of the FSM Congress Chamber at Palikir. In the back are attendents of the inaugu- the 7th FSM Congress from among ration ceremony held May 21,1991. its four at-large members to replace Australia, South Korea, Philippines, Olter pledge that he, "shall up- John R. Haglelgam of Yap and Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, New hold the FSM laws and constitution Hirosi H. Ismael of Kosrae respec- Zealand, Marshall Islands and Palau, and protect and foster the customs tively. Guam, Northern Marianas, the FSM and traditions," as he assume the (See text of President's inaugural States and other governments, pri- leadership of the nation with the address on Page 2) vate and local people. Vice President as he express his Olter and Nena were sworn in President, 59, quoted a theme by gratitude to the people of the nation publicly May 21 by FSM and Oliver Wendell Holmes," the great and Congress for their support and Pohnpei Supreme Courts Associate thing in this world is not so much pays tribute to former Presidents Justices Richard Benson and Judah where we are, but in what direction Tosiwo Nakayama and John R. C. Johnny respectively, before a we are moving," adding, "under our Haglelgam for their monumental crowd of several thousand specta- constitution, we have over a decade, achievements and dedicated every- tors at Palikir in front of the FSM proven the viability of the FSM." one to follow their footsteps. Congress Chamber, during a cere- But the year to come holds more re- He called on everyone to apply mony attended by diplomats and sponsibility and challenge for all of themselves conscientiously to the representatives of the U.S., Japan, us, he said. (See INAUGURATION, Page 3) Inauguration_ (Continuedfrom Page 1) ourselves on an increasing propor- to extend to us what we extend to them, nation in their respective capacities tion from domestic resources. Our peace, friendship, cooperation and love in what they do, "if the nation is to ability to increase food sufficiency in our common humanity." achieve an acceptable degree of for our people will be a sure yard The President extended his gratitude stick to measure success or failure in to the traditional leaders for their sup- economic self-sufficiency andmain- port and assured them that the, "efforts our national development," Olter said. ' tain political independence in the in building this nation assures them remaining ten year of the Compact." "I do not know the solutions to prob- their role as respected leader of the o The President told the young lems we face," he said, "but I am pre- FSM." pared to work with the Congress and z people that since they are "Let all our friends," he said, "in the our four states to find solutions," and to j tomorrow's leaders, to seek and South Pacific Forum know that this achieve some measure improvement in obtain the skills and knowledge to administration values very much our I education standard, health services, and nation's relations with them." make them effective, citing that public health education. knowledge will be the key to indi- The President expressed his heartfelt "The training of our work force has gratitude for the assistance the United vidual successes which the nation lagged behind expectation and way out States has continued to extend to the need now and in the future. And to of pace with the crying need for skilled H those now skilled and working he FSM and smooth implementation of the manpower. While we must look to Compact of Free Association Treaty. In asked that they apply their knowl- ourselves for ultimate solution, we shall addition he expressed utmost apprecia- continue to rely on the assistance of the edge and skill to the best of their tion to Japan, China for their valuable international community and our Mends ability. assistance; Australia, Philippines, around the world. Skilled manpower is Olter cited that, "the agenda be- China, and the United States for estab- fore us is an awesome agenda for the pivotal ingredient to an orderly lishing their embassies in Pohnpei, and nation building. It calls for vigor- growth of this nation. My administra- pledge to work closely with the govern- tion shall spend concerted effort in the ments of Guam, Saipan, Palau, and the ous and immediate action to address training of our people," the President Marshall Islands to strengthen coopera- the pressing needs of our young said. tion between the islands and this nation. nation in economic development," Olter called on the national and state and for, "strong commitment for In conclusion the President said, 'To legislative leaderships and state gover- my fellow Micronesians, I wish to reit- political unity. We must put in nors to work together with his admini- erate that your government needs your place economic infrastructures to stration as team mates, and for Con- support to carry out its programs to spur economic activities and devel- gress to work with his administration, make our islands become a better place "to further promote and expand the opment. for us to live, for us and for future gen- nation's international personality. The President emphasized on the erations. To this end I invite all citizens "Currently," he said, "our most im- need to expand and improve doc of the FSM to seek information and portant objective with international facilities to meet FSM's increasing become more aware of your govern- organizations is to take our place as a commercial requirements and enact ment and what it does and fails to do. memberof the United Nations," in order policies as well as develop and Let us work together. My message is to, "participate in the resolution of many for every FSM citizen to simply unite manage the fisheries and marine crucial worldwide concerns, some of and work hard for your nation. There resources. which have a crucial bearing on our are no magical ways for achieving our With the, "economic development future lives." national goals without increase and resting largely on the development Referring to the adverse changes in active participation of you, the citizens of private sector of the nation's econ- the world's climate as an example of of the FSM in the affairs of your nation. omy," private sector must be devel- worldwide concerns, he said, "small I know that through concerted and united oped, he said, and called for, "pas- island countries such as the FSM stand effort by the national and state govern- to lose the very land on which we exist sage of legislations that will protect ments, traditional leaders and the people, if the gradual rise in ocean levels cannot our national interest and our citi- our nation, the goals of political unity, be reversed. This is too important to us zens and to create incentive and fa- stability andeconomic development will vorable atmosphere to attract for- merely to look on as outsiders." be achieved." eign investors." "And so," Olter told all friendly and free nations, "what we seek from our Our people are our most "We need to squarely address our friends and all free and peace-loving nation's imbalance of trade and de- precious resource. nations is the courtesy of recognizing Vice President Jacob Nena said, "our pendency on imported food. We our just struggle and our inherent sover- must develop the means to feed eignty and independence. We ask them (See Inauguration, Page 3) Inauguration. (Continuedfrom Page 2) stones have given us hope for a prosperous future. The nation H and its people will be eternally fruitful for their dedication Eq people are our most precious resource. It is with them that our and wisdom." Z resources and development programs must begin and end." " As we prepare to enter the twenty-first century, " he said, "The key to solving the problems of our nation," he said, 'is I pray for our continued commitment to national unity, peace regional cooperation and assistance," citing the extended and liberty, and our realization of growth economic inde- family system that the Pacific islanders are known for, "the pendence and prosperity. Today the monumental task of regional associations we participate in give us strength and leadership in the FSM will be passed to a new President. On support to grow and develop in peace and harmony with our his shoulders, and on those of the newly constituted Con- neighbors. Therefore, we will continue to work with these gress, rests the hopes, faith and aspirations of our people. I organizations and to seek help from them," adding," we look am confident that they will bear this responsibility with a forward to working to solve our problems within the context sober sense of stewardship and that they will make us all of our area of the world.
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