Mai Muuta Attitudini

Mai Muuta Attitudini

MAIMUUTA US010007923B1ATTITUDINI (12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No. : US 10 ,007 , 923 B1 Strock et al. (45 ) Date of Patent: * Jun . 26 , 2018 ( 54 ) SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR GRANTING ( 56 ) References Cited PROMOTIONAL REWARDS TO CREDIT ACCOUNT HOLDERS U . S . PATENT DOCUMENTS 2 , 005, 003 A 6 / 1935 Patton et al. (71 ) Applicant: JPMorgan Chase Bank , N . A ., New 3 ,230 ,650 A 1 / 1966 Orkin York , NY (US ) ( Continued ) (72 ) Inventors : Bradley R . Strock , Landenberg , PA (US ) ; Lynn Hooper , Newark , DE (US ) ; FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Eugene M . Glavin , West Chester, PA CA 2293321 6 / 1998 ( US ) ; Beth L . Bressler , Kennett EP 959440 11/ 1999 Square , PA (US ) (Continued ) @( 73 ) Assignee : JPMorgan Chase Bank , N . A ., New OTHER PUBLICATIONS York , NY (US ) “ Associates First Capital Corporation " , Hoover ' s Inc ., The Industry ( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Standard : The Newsmagazine of the Internet Economy, thestandard . patent is extended or adjusted under 35 net /companies / cpmpany - display , Apr. 6 , 1999 , 2 pages . U .S . C . 154 (b ) by 410 days. (Continued ) This patent is subject to a terminal dis Primary Examiner — David J Stoltenberg claimer. ( 74 ) Attorney , Agent, or Firm — Hunton Andrews Kurth ( 21 ) Appl . No . : 14 /739 , 344 LLP ( 22 ) Filed : Jun . 15 , 2015 (57 ) ABSTRACT A system and method for providing promotional rewards is provided . First, a promotional reward is communicated to a customer . The promotional reward offer comprises a pro Related U . S . Application Data motional reward associated with one or more promotional (63 ) Continuation of application No . 12 /873 ,411 , filed on reward - earning behaviors and a promotional time frame. Sep . 1 , 2010 , which is a continuation of application The offer may specify a customer population , and the customer may be enrolled in the promotional reward pro (Continued ) gram if the customer is determined to be in the population . The customer is credited a promotional reward if the cus (51 ) Int. CI. tomer accomplishes the promotional reward - earning behav G06Q 30/ 02 ( 2012 .01 ) ior( s ) within the promotional time frame. The customer may (52 ) U . S . CI. also be enrolled in a base reward program . The promotional CPC .. G06Q 30/ 0232 (2013 . 01 ) ; G06Q 30 /0233 rewards and base rewards may be accumulated in a customer (2013 . 01 ) account. A system for implementing a promotional rewards (58 ) Field of Classification Search CPC .. .. G06Q 30 /0207 – 30/ 0277 program is also provided . See application file for complete search history . 24 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets — 70 nterfice 20 Cru BK ON Database Modulo Processor PartyThird Create Partner for Modukt EnPopulation 68 C # Rowing Ascow Popular Modul Partner Account Data Processor Crust Partner wid . Account Internal Handle Cuckor Papadation Bulevor ReWL Dove Account Data Procesor 50 Processor intamogato Rowand Account Etavian Hoduk Exlama Transaction Imika Data Troction Interagua ward Module Dota boount Tront Procesor Exla Sappor Oler communication Module DU ! qualification Pro Fur Ramar Account Det Offw Funkt Practar Modula E Manuary Gateway Procesor Fulfillment CM Non - Monetary Roconction Fuaiment 34 Gateway Wedule Processor Fod Regen 70 Merchanda Raport Atodele 784 Third Party Pukimwi Rooana 804 Partner Airport NDO US 10 ,007 ,923 B1 Page 2 Related U . S . 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