1902. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 2475 By Mr. SULLOWA Y: Petition of Woman's Christian Temper­ ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. ance UnJons of Ashland, Epsom, and Keene, N.H., for the pas­ The message further announced that the Speaker of the House sage of the anti-polygamy amendment bill-to the Committee on had signed the following enrolled bills; and they were thereupon the Judiciary. · signed by the President pro tempore: Also, resolutions of Post No. 92, Grand Army of the Republic, of A bill (S. 2977) authorizing the Missouri and Meramec Water Center Barnstead, N.H., favoring the construction of naval ves­ Company to take water from the Missouri River, and to construct sels at the Government navy-yards-to the Committee on Naval and maintain a dam or other devices for that purpose; Affairs. A bill (H. R. 61) to authorize the establishment of a life-saving Also, resolutions of Granite Cutters' Union of Redstone,N.H., station at or near Bogue Inlet, North Carolina; and of Mixers and Servers' Union No.309,of Portsmouth, N.H., A bill (H. R. 1796) granting an increase of pension to Hiram favoring a Chinese-exclusion law-to the Committee on Foreign Cronk; Affairs. A bill (H. R. 1939) granting an increase of pension to Pem·ose By Mr. TATE: Petition of W. H. Scott, of Milton County, Ga., W.Reagan; for reference of war claim to the Court of Claims-to the Com­ A bill (H. R. 5106) for the relief of Rasmussen & Strehlow; mittee on War Claims. A bill (H. R. 5801) to authorize the St. Clair Terminal Railroad By :M.r. TAYLOR of Alabama: Resolution of :Mobile Lodge Company to construct and maintain a bridge across the Monon­ No. 4, International Association of Mechanics, in favor of the gahela River; exclusion of Chinese laborers from the United States and insular A bill (H. R. 5833) temporarily to provide revenue for the possessions-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Philippine Islands, and for other purposes; By Mr. THOMAS of Iowa: Resolutions of Division No. 84, A bill (H. R. 5863) granting an increase of pension to Benjamin Order of Railway Conductors, Perry, Iowa; Lodge No. 25, Brittingham; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, Boone, Iowa, and Lodge A bill (H. R. 7035) for the relief of Charles Hurrle; No. 546, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, Valley Junction, A bill (H. R. 7933) providing for the commutation for town­ Iowa, favoring the passage of the anti-injunction bill-to the site purposes of homestead entries in certain portions of Okla­ Committee on the Judiciary. homa; By Mr. THOMAS of North Carolina: Papers to accompany the A bill (H. R. 8180) granting an increase of pension to William claim of James F. White, and papers to accompany the claim of S. Derby; the heirs of Needham B. White-to the Committee on War Claims. A bill (H. R. 8581) making appropriations for the payment of By Mr. TOMPKINS of New York: Petition of citizens of Go­ invalid and other pensions of the United States for the fiscal year shen, N.Y., for amendment of Constitution to prohibit and pun­ ending June 30, 1903, and for other purposes; ish polygamy and defining legal marriage-to the Committee on A bill (H. R. 10070) establishing a United States court at Cat­ the Judiciary. lettsburg, in the eastern district of Kentucky; and By Mr. TOMPKINS of Ohio: Resolution of National Shoe A bill (H. R. 11611) to divide the State of Texas into four ju­ Wholesalers' Association, urging the removal of the duty on dicial districts. hides-to the Committee on Ways and Means. · PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. By Mr. VREELAND: Petition of W. E. Hornblower and others, of Portville, N.Y., favoring House bill 7667, to prevent false Mr. McLA~IN of Mississippi presented a petition of sundry branding of food and dairy products-to the Committee on Inter­ citizens of Starkville, Miss., and a petition of sundry citizens of state and Foreign Commerce. Brookhaven, Miss., praying for the passage of the so-called Grout Also, resolution of Frewsburg Post, Grand Army of the Repuh­ bill, to regulate the manufacture and sale of oleomargarine; lic, Department of New York, favoring the construction of war which were ordered to lie on the table. vessels in the Government navy-yards-to the Committee on He also presented a petition of Bricklayers' Local Union No.1, Naval Affairs. American rederation of Labor, of Meridian, Miss., praying for the Also, resolution of Barbers' Union No. 128, of Jamestown, N. reenactment of the Chinese-exclusion law; which was referred Y., for restrictive legislation on immigration-to the Committee to the Committee on Immigration. on Immigration and Naturalization. Mr. KEAN presented petitions of the New Jersey State board Also, resolutions of Textile Workers' Council No.4, Jamestown, of agriculture, of the board of agriculture of Gloucester County, N.Y., and Switchmen's Union No. 176, of Salamanca, N. Y., N.J., and of 43 citizens of Oxford, N, J., praying for the passage favoring the reenactment of the Chinese-exclusion act-to the of the so-called Grout bill, to regulate the manufacture and sale Committee on Foreign Affairs. of oleomargarine; which were ordered to lie on the table, By. Mr. WILSON: Papers relating to the claim of Peter Moly­ He also presented a petition of the Grocers' Association of neaux-to the Committee on War Claims. Plainfield, N.J., praying for the repeal of the duty on tea; which Also, resolution of the Manufacturers' Association of New was referred to the Committee on Finance. York, for legislation amending the existing interstate-commerce He also presented a petition of Mutual Circle, No. 47, Brother­ act-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. hood of the Union, of Trenton, N.J., praying that an appropria­ By Mr. ZENOR: Resolutions of the Central Labor Union of tion be made providing for the purchase of the Valley Forge en­ New Albany, Ind., in favor of the exclusion of Chinese laborers­ campment ground by the United States to be used as a national to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. park; which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Also, resolution of Bricklayers' Union No. 29, of West Baden, He also presented petitions of Bricklayers and Plasterers' Local Ind., for the pa-ssage of laws which Will prevent the immigration Union No. 18, of Elizabeth; of Boiler Makers and Shipbuilders' of persons who can not read-to the Committee on Immigration Local Union No. 16, of Elizabeth, and of Journeymen Bricklayers' and Naturalization. Local Union No.7, of Camden, all in the State of New Jersey, praying for the reenactment of the Chinese-exclusion law; which were referred to the Committee on Immigration. SENATE. Mr. HEITFELD presented a petition of the Chamber of Com­ merce of Genesee, Idaho, praying for the ena.ctment of legislation FRIDAY, JJfm·ch 7, 1902. providing for the sale and disposal of lands held by Indian heirs; Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. which was referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's pro­ · Mr. DUBOIS. I present a petition of the American Chamber ceedings, when, on Tequest of Mr. BuRRows, and by unanimous of Commerce, of Manila, praying for the enactment of laws allow­ consent, the further reading was dispensed with. ing cooly labor to enter the Philippine Islands under such restric­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Without objection, the Jour­ tions and laws as the Philippine Commission may from time to nal will stand approved. It is approved. time enact. I think that almost every Senator has received one of these petitions, and I should like to have it read. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. There being no objection, the petition was read, and 1·eferred to A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. W. J. the Committee on the Philippines, as follows: BROWl-.'ING, its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had agreed The American Chamber of Commerce, of Manila. An appeal to Congress for to the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 1198) granting the enactment of laws allowing cooly labor to enter the Philippine Islands a pension to J osiah H. Buckingham. under such restrictions and laws as the Philippine Commission may from The message also announced that the House had disagreed to time to time enact. To the Congi·ess of the United States of AnLe?·ica: the RP,l. E: ndmen~ of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 8541) granting an The American Chamber of Commerce, of Manila, P. I., respectfully repre­ increase of pension to Mahlon C. Moores, asks a conference with sents to your honorable body that by authority and under instruction of the Senate on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, resolution adopted at a full meeting of this chamber held on t he 3d day of and had appointed Mr. SULLOW.A.Y, Mr. SAMUEL W. SMITH, and January this chamber does petition and earnestly request the enactment of laws by Congress allowing cooly labor to enter the Philippine Islands un­ Mr. MIERs of Indiana managers at the conference on the part of tt~~~~~~·ictions and laws as the Philippine Commission may from time the House. 2476 CONGRESSIONAL E,ECORD- SENATE. MARCH 7, The present restrictive law aoes not benefit the Filipinos, nor is it of bene­ Mr. PETTUS p1·esented the affidavits of George B. Caldwell, fit to anyone. This labor will not enter into competition with American labor, and its entry into the P hilippine Islands is imperatively needed.
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