2446 Dec. 8 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1998 and David Pryor as the second-best Gov- milestone on America's long march towards ernors Arkansas ever had. [Laughter] And I justice and equality and reconciliation. forgive him because it's probably true. At this time, when the world needs so He was an inspiration to David and me, much from the Middle East to Northern Ire- as David said. And as I look back on his long land to the Balkans to central Africa to our public career, including his service as Gov- own meanest streets, a remembrance of what ernor and the 9,447 votes he cast in the is basic and good and fundamental about our United States Senate, votes for energy con- national life, when we need so badly to be servation, votes to preserve the ozone layerÐ reconciled one to another and to reach out people used to make fun of Dale Bumpers to those around the world, the enduring leg- about the ozone layer, the way they used to acy of Betty Bumpers and Peace Links, and make fun of Betty about Peace Links. Two Dale Bumpers' entire career as a public offi- days ago I got a report on the hole in the cial, to me was somehow crystallized on that ozone over the South Pole; it's the biggest magic day when we celebrated a seminal it has ever been, and its duration is longer event in all of our lives, and his commemorat- than any we've ever measured. And we have ing it for all time to come. at least made some progress on it because We will remember them for all of our days he started griping about it so long ago. with gratitude, thanks, and laughter. God He stood up for reform of our laws on nat- bless you both, and congratulations on your ural resources, and he got some things done, award. Please come on up. and we didn't get everything we wanted to This magnificent and beautiful award is do done because there were too many people richly deserved. It's also very heavy. [Laugh- like Simpson stopping us, butÐ[laughter]Ð ter] But, what the heck. If John Glenn can eventually we'll get it done. go into space, they can hold this award. He stood up for the Constitution of the God bless you. Congratulations. United States, for the welfare of our children, for the future of America. In his own way, NOTE: The President spoke at 8:36 p.m. in the just as Betty did in Peace Links, he was al- ballroom at the Capitol Hilton Hotel. In his re- ways trying to build bridges to tomorrow over marks, he referred to Joan Baker, chair, and the fears and ignorance and conflicts of Elisabeth (Deba) Leach, vice chair, Peace Links; today, always trying to bring out the best. Rev. J. Phillip Wogaman, who delivered the invo- cation; Peter Duchin, orchestra leader; Ann And I was sitting here looking at David Bingaman, national link and wife of Senator Jeff and Barbara and Betty and Dale, and I was Bingaman; former Senator Alan Simpson, master thinking, it does not take long to live a life. of ceremonies; and former Senator David Pryor Time passes quickly. And all we can do is and his wife, Barbara. Peace Links, founded by make the most of every day God gives us. Mrs. Bumpers in 1982 to help educate women I think that my days have been richer, and on nuclear arms issues, presented Senator and I know that Hillary's have, and I believe our Mrs. Bumpers with the ``Eleanor Roosevelt Living public service has been better because very World Award'' at the 12th annual ``Peace on early on we met, came to know, love, admire, Earth'' gala for their combined years of public service. and learn from Dale and Betty Bumpers. We will love them always. On Dale Bumpers' last official visit to the Remarks on Receiving the W. Averell White House, not very long ago, a couple Harriman Democracy Award of weeks ago, we had this huge gathering December 8, 1998 under a tent of every soul we could find in Washington connected to Arkansas. And I Thank you for the wonderful welcome. My signed legislation making Little Rock Central good and longtime friend Paul Kirk, thank High School an historic site, a companion to you for your wise words and your kindness a bill that will award Congressional Gold and for the award. Generally, I don't think Medals to all the Little Rock Nine who inte- Presidents should get awards. But I like this grated that high school so long ago, a real one awful well. [Laughter] VerDate 14-DEC-98 08:54 Dec 17, 1998 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 M:\TERRI\P50DE4.TXT TXED01 PsN: TXED01 Administration of William J. Clinton, 1998 / Dec. 8 2447 I am honored to be here with the NDI. three decades, but the arguments went back I thank Ken Wollack, Jean Dunn, and all the for hundreds of years. others here who worked to make your work Fortunately, the people of Northern Ire- a success. I thank you for establishing a fel- land today are looking forward to a shared lowship in Cecile Ledsky's name. I thank you 21st century in freedom, democracy, and for honoring our other honorees who richly peace. So many people are making progress deserve to be recognized. around the world, but we all know it's hard. I thank the members of our Government It's hard right now in Northern Ireland. It's who have helped me to become involved in hard right now in the Middle East. Hillary Ireland. I thank the Members of Congress and I and members of our administration are who are here whose support and interest and going to Israel and Gaza at the end of this consistent commitment has been absolutely week to do what we can to keep the process indispensable for the work that we have done agreed to at Wye on track. in these last few years. It's hard in Kosovo, where American diplo- I thank our AmbassadorsÐPhil Lader, our macy under Dick Holbrooke's leadership and Ambassador to Great Britain; and our new NATO's threat of military force averted a cri- Ambassador to Ireland, my longtime friend sis but where we still must have a political Governor Mike Sullivan. I welcome him. Jim settlement and political reform in Serbia to Lyons, thank you; Brian Atwood; all of our have a lasting peace. It is hard. special guests from Northern Ireland and One of the things that makes it so hard, Ireland; my fellow Irish-Americans; and a and one of the things that makes democracy special thanks to George Mitchell. I thank so essential, is that people have to be both you all. free to be the best they can be, free to live Let me also say I'm delighted to have an their dreams and lift people according to award named for Averell Harriman. Hillary their aspirations. They have to know that they and I had the great honor and real joy of count just as much as anyone else. But one getting to know Governor Harriman in his of the things that makes democracy so essen- later years. We spent the night with him a tial is they have to know that there is some time or two. We once stayed up half the night restraint, on themselves and on others, be- listening to him talk to us about how he was yond which they cannot go. Roosevelt's envoy with Churchill and Stalin. For how many times have I seen, these It is a pretty hard act to follow. last 6 years, leaders of opposition factions, But I thinkÐI believe Governor Harriman in talks or at the edge of conflict, or trying and the men and women of his generation to get out of conflict, desperately, desperately would be proud of America, as it stands on want to reach across the lines that divide the eve of a new century and a new millen- them to advance the cause of peace, but so nium. We can look ahead to the last year frightened that, instead, they had to rub salt of this, the ``American Century,'' with con- in their adversary's wounds, so as not to lose fidence that we have never been a stronger the political support of their own folks at force for peace and for democracy. home. It is imperative that we push peace Some of the most entrenched conflicts the and democracy at the same time. world has known have given ground in the One thing I would like to say to the Irish last few years to a new spirit of cooperation. hereÐboth the IrishÐIrish from the North Countries dominated for centuries by strife, and from the Republic, the American IrishÐ speaking a new language, talking about a is that it is impossible for you to understand, shared future: in the Middle East, where reli- perhaps, that even though all these issues gious hatred seemed as old as the region may seem unrelated, a breakthrough in one itself; in the Balkans, where I heard propa- area can dramatically increase the confidence gandists blame tensions on the battle of and the passion of other peacemakers. Kosovo in 1389; in Peru and Ecuador, where The Good Friday agreement and its over- a border war had roots that went back cen- whelming ratification by voters sent a strong turies; and, of course, in Northern Ireland, signal around the world.
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