1150 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS January 28, 1985 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS BLACK HISTORY IN PRINCE Eagle Harbor which was incorporated Calloway's VISion was to establish GEORGES COUNTY in 1926. Located on the site of a Lincoln as an ideal community for former tobacco farm, the town was black Americans. He described his HON. STENY H. HOYER originally started as a summertime vision in this way, "Lincoln, MD, has a OF MARYLAND resort for black residents of Washing­ plan to establish without restriction as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ton and Baltimore. Although the town to race, but primarily by, for and of now numbers some 200 year-round colored persons, a community with its Monday, January 28, 1985 residents, Eagle Harbor, in southern­ own municipal government, schools, • Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, last year most Prince Georges County on the churches, commercial and industrial I submitted remarks for the REcoRD in banks of the Patuxent River, contin­ life." honor of Black History Month regard­ ues to serve as a resort for families ing the Plummer family of Prince which have been coming there for gen­ In 1908, the Lincoln Land & Im­ Georges County. My remarks were erations. provement Co., of which Calloway was based primarily on the research of Just over the border of the District vice president and general manager, Miss Bianca Floyd, project manager of of Columbia lies Fairmount Heights. had purchased 200 acres of land be­ the black history project of the Mary­ Had incorporation been granted when tween the Vista and Glen Dale sta­ land National Capital Park and Plan­ application was first made in 1922, it tions of the Washington, Baltimore & ning Commission. In the past year, would have been the first black incor­ Annapolis Electric Railway. Lots of 50 Miss Floyd has continued her work porated municipality in the State of by 100 feet were laid out on wide and thanks to the Prince Georges Maryland. streets and were sold for $270 each. County Council, especially Council Due to its proximity to the District Aside from his considerable real man Floyd Wilson and Councilwoman of Columbia and its attractiveness as a estate investments in Lincoln and Hilda Pemberton, a park historian community, a number of activists and nearby Buena Vista, and his law prac­ aide position has been established as a professionals were drawn to Fair­ tice, Thomas J. Calloway was active in career position. mount Heights. Among them was Wil­ establishment of the Bethel A.M.E. One of the subjects of the research liam Pittman, a prominent black ar­ Church, later named the Seaton of the black history project has been chitect of the early part of this centu­ A.M.E. Church. Calloway was also in­ black suburban community develop­ ry. Pittman, a graduate of Tuskegee strumental in establishment of a ment. A number of suburban commu­ Institute, moved to a new home in school in Lincoln. It was fitting that nities were established soon after the Fairmount Heights in 1907. He helped turn of the century in Prince Georges to found the first civic association and he should serve as the first principal County specifically for the black in 1911, he was hired by the Prince of the school which was opened in middle class. One of the recommenda­ Georges County Board of Education to 1922. tions Miss Floyd has made to the design a new high school for the com­ In addition to the church and Maryland National Capital Park and munity. Completed in 1912, the school school, Lincoln had a general store­ Planning Commission is that several housed the first industrial department hotel-restaurant operated by W.A. of these communities be considered for black students in Prince Georges Davis, a native of Philadelphia. The for historic status. County. town had its own water system, gas North Brentwood is the first black Each of the three communities plant and a brick factory. Although incorporated municipality in Prince which I have mentioned continue to the community organization continued Georges County. The town lies close have operating municipal governments to develop, the Lincoln Land & Im­ to the northeast line of the District of today. Another community, the histo­ provement Co. went bankrupt between Columbia. It is situated on a tract of ry of which has been extensively re­ 1917 and 1920 and housing construc­ land which was originally part of the searched by the black history project, tion ceased. The original 20 to 25 farm of Capt. Wallace Bartlett. Cap­ is Lincoln. Although not an incorpo­ homes built in Lincoln are still stand­ tain Bartlett was a Civil War veteran rated town, Lincoln is located off ing, as is the school. who had commanded a regiment of Maryland Route 450 in the Lanham­ Mr. Speaker, from this brief discus­ black soldiers in Texas. Subsequent to Glen Dale area. the Civil War, Captain Bartlett settled Thomas J. Calloway was one of the sion, I know that Members will be able in Maryland. He subdivided his prop­ founders of Lincoln. A close friend and to see the great service that the black erty with the desire that it be inhabit­ associate of Booker T. Washington, history project is providing in adding ed by black families as a memorial to Calloway was a graduate of Fisk Uni­ to the historical record of my county. the soldiers who had served in his regi­ versity. Prior to coming to Lincoln, he Compiling data from written records ment. At the start of this century, the had served as president of Alcorn Col­ and from interviews with older resi­ area had approximately 65 residents, lege in Alcorn, MS <1894-96> and as­ dents, the project benefits all citizens and was known as Randallstown after sistant principal of Tuskegee Institute by teaching us about the development one of its leading families. <1897-99). In 1899, Calloway was ap­ of Prince Georges County communi­ In 1924, the town was incorporated pointed U.S. Special Commissioner to ties. I urge the Members of Congress as North Brentwood. The first mayor the Paris Exposition and was responsi­ to encourage similar projects in their of North Brentwood was Jeremiah ble for organizing a photographic ex­ own communities and districts. Again, Hawkins, a native of Brandywine who hibit of black industrial education in I commend Bianca Floyd for her work was active in Republican politics in the United States. Mr. Calloway and research as well as the Maryland Prince Georges County for more than became a practicing attorney following National Capital Park and Planning 50 years. He served as a delegate to his graduating from Howard Universi­ Commission and the Prince Georges four Republican National Conven­ ty Law School in 1904. He purchased a County government for their support tions. lot in Lincoln for $100 in 1910. Con­ of the black history project.e A second town of special note in the struction of a house on that lot was history of Prince Georges County is completed in 1912. e This .. bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. January 28, 1985 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 1151 TRIBUTE TO COACH GIL available, but are refused by the em­ ments-including tuition, books, fees, RECTOR ployee. and supplies-provided by an employer Mr. Speaker, H.R. 6101 was passed from income. In other words, educa­ HON. IKE SKELTON by the Congress under very restrictive tion can be purchased with tax-free OF MISSOURI conditions and time contraints due to dollars, even if its availability would IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the impending congressional adjourn­ not normally be a deductible business ment. Just as Congress was quickly ap­ expense for the taxpayer. Monday, January 28, 1985 proaching its deadline to act on legis­ Tax-free educational assistance e Mr. SKELTON. Mr. Speaker, I lation, so was the Defense Depart­ allows employees the opportunity to would like to honor Coach Gil Rector ment's ability to provide adequate keep their education up to date­ for being named the Missouri 3A housing for its civilian employees sta­ which is a key factor in their growth Coach of the Year. Coach Rector has tioned in the Republic of Panama potential. Not only does it allow them been coach at Lexington High School coming to an end. Due to the necessity to function more effectively in their for 17 seasons and has led the Lexing­ for expeditious passage of H.R. 6101, present jobs, but it also increases their ton Minutemen to three State titles in we wanted to make certain that the al­ ability for promotion. This, in turn, the past 8 years. I praise him for his lowance was available to these employ­ means increased salaries, and more hard work and wish him continued ees, and that related matters, such as taxes being paid by a more highly edu­ success in the future.e the granting of a tax exemption on cated workforce. U.S. income taxes for the housing al­ The exclusion also benefits educa­ lowance, could await the current Con­ tional institutions. It provides a means DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE gress. for them to promote their own em­ SHOULD ALLOW TAX EXEMP­ Mr. Speaker, my new legislation ployees' education, while also increas­ TION FOR DEPARTMENT OF would grant this tax exemption to ing their enrollment with students DEFENSE EMPLOYEES those Department of Defense person­ who otherwise might be unable to nel stationed in the Republic of afford a higher education. HON. MARY ROSE OAKAR Panama. This exemption is now pro­ The tax-free educational assistance OF OHIO vided to all other Federal civilian em­ plan is also profitable for the corpora­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ployees stationed overseas.
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