VU.LHIIL XCVI, Number 20 March 10, 1995 I" • Events search-about halfofa nv,::-vear, million federal program on the pos- Ben McCall PASADENA-Hundreds of sci­ sible effects of EMFs- entific studies on rhe biological ef­ may be of scientific Members of the Caltech SEDS fects ofelectromagnetic fields may be said Michael Nesson, re- (Students for the and invalid, researchers suggest in a letter search associate in the State De:velor:llnl~nt of have been to be published in the March 9 issue Un ivc'fS iltv Lleparn:nelnt ofBiochem- working for over three years on the ofthe journal Nature. Controls have development of a Shuttle ex­ been inadequate to prevent contami­ a red flag about periment to study gamma- ray nation by in most what may be causing any SUjJp'Jsed bursts. This their efforts will be off as watch the lab studies done in this field, which bi()logical effects from these electro- will " Nesson said. "It is Shnttle Endeavor carry their includes millions ofdollars of feder­ For more i ally funded research. Impo,rt2mt, because our studies ques­ experiment into earth orbit. payload, or if you questions the contest, The effects of magnetic con­ tion the usefulness of many or most Theit experiment is called GAMCIT please contact Ben McCall at x2902 or bjmccal!@cco. It tamination could explain some ofthe of the research (l,arrlm;l-r;lY P,str·oDhv:slcs Mission at cellular that had been attrib- on the biological ofEMFs." is suggested that contact Ben I if you CIT). uted to exposure, Low-level to a The originally con- according to scientists at Oregon such as those caused ceived in conjunction with Dr. John State University and the California head power lines, household Grunsfeld (formerly a Senior Re- Institute ofTechnology. The findings ances, cellular and other search Fellow at currently of their research do not mean such aspects ofindusnialized have aboard consists of a ele<:rrc,mJlgn<::tic fields, or EMFs, are undergone intense <rrlltinv gamma-ray an X-ray detec- either safe or unsafe, the scientists say, years. There is concern may Il1Vestlgalre and found several pieces of tor, and a Nikon F4s camera. While and the research also has little rel­ cause various health m- electronic friends the Shuttle is in GAMCIT will evance to human epide:mIIOl'Jglcal cancer. No doubt many of you have of indicating his interest in actu- monitor the gamma-ray background, studies on the effects of EMFs. The is still very much out, heard recently of 'Senate Bill S.314', committing the crime. He is cur­ looking for gamma-ray bursts. When But it does indicate that lab re- SEE MAGNETITE, ON PAGE 7 also called titled the "Communica­ rently being held without bond, the a burst is GAMCIT will tions DecencyAct of1995". For those being the federal ofthreat store and data from ofyou that have not, the normal post­ attorney inglletter generally calls the reader's at­ ofthe no bail ml­ tention to "A matter that is ofthe basis that violent Present: LUJll);C;U the to the ASCIT most to all online", fel()ns(indudirlg murderers and Kanna, Greg, Fr;mll:ois account. and then describes the "Com- rOLltinely released on while Gavin, :§> still needs a date for the munications L/L>o.U'>o.y Alkhabaz was held for no basis Adriana Lozano Jenny. formal. 20 is out because ofcon- in such terms as neJinO'US, de:spl,eatlle, othet than his It had even been :§> Immediate Business: Kanna cerrs that weekend and as a Senatorial previousIYaj!,re(~d among US The of the HIV virus gives checks to Fl<:miing and Blacker ones who own tuxes, that all forms of attorney, and Alkhabaz's attorney that and that it leads to a disease has for multihouse and called a bunch of electronic communications, from Alkhabaz took no hostile actionapan and will continue to have an im- leave. for and sdleduhng. News e-mail from his Alkhabaz's attorney pact upon Thousands of :§> We discuss sources of tUl1dlng :§> Random walk SAC to government as well as offered conditions for his release in- have died after developing for ASCIT donuts. James says, 64 with It's 10:28 PM. holding colleges and private industries house arrest, regular checb by AIDS; these deaths have led to a from off campus don't usu­ :§> Greg's recommendation is such as AmericaOnLine and Compu- the and treclUelrlt p:sydlO!clgical awareness of the pernicious ally walk five blocks for donuts." Doubletree on the 12th. Later (post- serve liable for the postings examinations. The effects of this disease. Anyone can be James, you'd be surprised. we discovered that the and e-mail of users. In particular, and it has been said that the judge infected by the HIV virus and develop :§> Ken has a question ofpamphlets Doubleuee was booked for it focuses on pornography and the stated that his daughter wouldn't feel even if it is not the result of a for ski resorts. in the Y. all suitable weekends. Greg is look­ quoting recent cases(such as the one safe at the University of Michigan if sexual encounter. For the people who :§> We approve the salary ofthe Tech ing into numerous other off-campus below) as back up for it. The postings Abraham Alkhabaz was released. are infected with the HIV virus by editor and business manager 6-0-2. possibilities, the Ath- then continue to call the proposal an Cases such as the previous have medical error, rape, or as a result ofde­ Varied about the nature of enaeum is still a Hun- affront to peoples privacy and the lead Democratic Senator James Exon ceit, AIDS must be quite devastating. INSIDE WORLDS surface. tington Gardens is booked umil next Constitutional right to Freedom of of Nebraska and Republican Senator The HIV virus is usually transmitted :§> Laura borrowed a phone from summer. We'll get a reservation there Then, the petition to be sent Gonon ofWashingron to expand cur­ through sexual relations or intravenous the ASCIT office. James got his for the first have available. to Congress, the and the rent FCC regulations on obscene and drug users sharing needles. This is a phone line on lUI:~llay, argue over prices for the stu­ Media is brought up (see the end of indecent audiolrext to cover all con­ disease that is begotten as a result of :§> Laura talked to Gina Armas - we staff, and faculty. this article fot more information on tent covered over allforms ofelectronic carelessness, and the idea that some­ want to terminate the lease on the old :§> Scott Noble strides SAC 64. the tostopS-314). Talk ofthe communications networb, in addition one else's lack ofinhibition can termi­ copier because it would be easier to :§> Greg asks for a budget for the Senate proposal has ovet the to placing criminal liability with the nate one's life is terrifYing. hand copy anything than put it in that formal- how much can we afford for every telepl1011e networks and commercial The discovery that developing copier. Except INSIDE WORLDS. food and drink? Student affairs paid as well as sent online service. In other words, if any AIDS leads to the grave has caused :§> Damian shows up and requests a for the flowers last year. Last year's bymanymcuvlIjmus In addition member of the Caltech community many people to think about and check for $50 for S.P.E.CT.R.E. for band was very good, and PVf>rvl-,o(jv to net resources, the has come up SEE COMMUNICATIONS, PAGE 6 SEE PREVENTION, PAGE 6 second term. are confused about agrees to try to book them No in Newsweek and on CNN. Before dis- how often we pay S.P.E.CT.R.E., and go-go Kanna asks the act and it's ranrlihcatio\;ls, we agree to pay him later. how invitations will be handled. Ken some as to how this came about :§> Dahzi shows up and asks for finds a very unbalanced bud- should prove IHumllunng. $150 for frosh out. We're $600 get from last year and at One recent coun case that has in debt, and Kanna promises to get copies it. He doesn't copy any earned some degree ofnotoriety, is that back to him later in CS2. Kanna INSIDE W'V'l'-LUJ, of Baker(real name Abraham wants everybody who reads this to :§> Ken needs to know who the Alkhabaz), a University of CAMPUS NEWS contact her at kannas@ugcs before represi:nt:Hiv'es from Hf'lmirl17 Ml.chlgan student that posted shon EDITOR'S CORNER LEITERS TO THE EDITOR LJ<JIUlll<:Y, and Ruddock are. are coming to ASCIT meetings and re­ stories onto the forum 'Alr.Sex.Srories'. MEDIA GUY questing money. one of these contact Ken The led to his arrest was a DILBERT® KREATIVE KORNER :§> Ken is blowing on his straw and Walsh at kwalsh@cco. brief first person fictional account of CRIME &: INCIDENT BEAT CSS SPACE NEWS making weird noises. Nobody cares. :§> A random bearded """",~lilr< an ofsexual torture and mur­ ¥NEWS SOCIAL COMMENTARY the room, stops, waves, and der. When a alumnus in SPORTS CROSSWORD moves on. It's 10:50. Moscow read the story, he noticed that GAMES & PUZZLES S&:M :§> Officer KelJOflts: Tom asks ifthere is we the name of Alkhabaz's fictional vic­ FOXTROT can do to attendance at BOC tim was the same as a female classmate BRIDGE WITHOUT SAM Melissa: (shrug) NOTICES mi:etm~:s. He wants to do he knew.
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