J, P, SDUR, FIREARM ATTACHMENT, APPLICATION FED OCT. 2, 1916. 1,208,674. Patented Dec. 12, 1916, Fig.1. - - aé aa, 7 ze v 47 - 24, 27 It i? On 250 I rvue in tot v/-Z Zazzezzr elttorne rive Norris Prices co, PMoTourna, wastnorow.re. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN P. SIDUR, OF WARE, IVIASSACHUSETTS, FIREARNI ATTACHINIENT. 1,208,674. Specification of Letters Patent. Patented Dec. 12, 1916. Application filed October 2, 1916. Serial No. 123,829. To all whom it may concern; collar 13 is attached to the barrel 11 adja Be it known that I, JoHN P. SIDUR, a cent the muzzle thereof, being secured in subject of the Emperor of Austria-Hungary, place by means of a screw 14 while a mount residing at Ware, in the county of Hamp ing catch 15 is secured to the barrel 11 rear 5 shire and State of Massachusetts, have in Wardly of the member 12 being in the form 60 vented certain new and useful Improve of a collar 16 surrounding the said barrel, followingments in Firearm is a specification. Attachments, of which the Secured in position by a screw 17. A tubular This invention relates to certain new and Scabbard 18 substantially rectangular in cross-section is provided with a perforated 65 10 useful improvements in firearm attachments. lug 19 at its forward end pivotally at The primary object of the invention is tached to spaced depending ears 20 of the the provision of a pistol sword attachment pivoting Support 12. The rear end of the for rifles whereby the Sword member is em Scabbard 18 is provided with an incut notch ployed as a bayonet when the pistol Sword 21 adapted for the reception of the latch 15 is attached to the rifle. 22. Of the catch member 15, a spring 23 70 A further object of the device is the pro being carried by the said catch for normally vision of a pistol Sword having a detach maintaining the latch 22 projected in en able connection with a rifle barrel whereby gaigement with the notch 21 of the scabbard the pistol Sword may be suspended from When the latter is in its normal position 75 20 the barrel and readily removed therefrom in parallelism with the barrel 11. A releas for use when found desirable, a pivotal ing button or head 24 is carried by the latch scabbard member being employed for the 22 whereby the latch may be readily with device. - drawn from the notch 21 for releasing the A still further object of the invention is scabbard 18, allowing the same to swing 25 to increase the efficiency of a rifle by pro downwardly upon the pivot member 12 viding a detachable pistol Sword mounted When found desirable. A pistol sword 25 on the barrel thereof, the Sword of the at comprises a pistol 26 and a sword 27 ex tachment furnishing a bavonet for the rifle tending forwardly thereof, the said sword while the pistol sword may be instantly de being adapted for slidable reception within 30 tached when desired for separate use. the Scabbard 18. The passage 31 through In the drawing forming a part of this ap the Scabbard 18 is suitably shaped for the plication and in which like designating char reception of the Sword 27 when the latter acters refer to corresponding parts through is in its inverted position, the cutting edge out the several views: Figure 1 is a side 32 of the sword lying adjacent the barrel 33 90 85 elevation of a rifle provided with the pres of the pistol 26. A notch 28 is provided ent device, the pistol Sword being shown in the lower edge of the sword 27 adapted to by dotted lines in its released position for aline with the scabbard notch 21 when the removal from the lifie. Fig. 2 is a side Sword is inserted therein whereby the latch elevation of the pistol sword detached. Fig. 22 will engage the sword notch 28 as well 95 40 3 is an enlarged side elevation of the muzzle as the Scabbard notch 21, retaining the pis portion of the rifle as shown in Fig. 1, with tol Sword within the scabbard in an inverted parts broken away. Fig. 4 is a perspective position beneath the barrel 11 of the gun. view of the mounting catch detached. Fig. When desired to remove the pistol sword 5 is a perspective view of the scabbard mem 25 from the gun 10, the button 24 is moved 00 45 ber detached. Fig. 6 is a perspective view rearwardly releasing the latch 22 from the of the pivotal mounting member detached, Scabbard and pistol Sword, allowing said and, Fig. 7 is a sectional view taken upon members to swing downwardly as illustrated line 7-7 of Fig. 3. by dotted lines in Fig. 1 of the drawing It will be understood that the present de until the forward shoulder 29 of the lug 19 105 50 vice broadly consists of a pistol sword and engages a shoulder 30 of the pivot member means for detachably mounting the same on a 12. The Sword notch 28 having been re firearm and the invention is herein illus leased from the latch 22, the pistol sword trated in connection with the rifle 10 hav 25 is readily removed rearwardly from the ing the same attached to the barrel 11 Scabbard 18, being ready for immediate use. 10 55 thereof. - When the pistol sword is not carried by the A pivot mounting 12 provided with a gun 10, the Scabbard 18 is swung into en 2 1,208,674 pivoting mount and having a keeper notch 30 gagement with the latch 22 taking up but in its rear end with the said latch positioned ittle room and adding only slight weight therein when the scabbard is normally ar to the firearm. - ranged parallel with the gun barrel, and a What I claim as new is:- Sword member detachably secured within the 1. A firearm attachment comprising a said scabbard. 35 catch mount and a pivot mount secured in 4. An attachment for rifle barrels com Spaced relations to the barrel of the firearm, prising a pivoting mount Secured adjacent a scabbard hingedly attached to the pivot the muzzle of the barrel, a catch mount se mount and detachably connected to the catch cured upon the barrel rearwardly of the piv O mount, and a Sword member removably ar oting mount, a spring-pressed latch carried 40 ranged within the said scabbard. by the catch mount projecting forwardly 2. A firearm attachment comprising a thereof, a scabbard hingedly attached to said catch mount and a pivot mount secured in pivoting mount and having a keeper notch spaced relations to the barrel of the firearm, in its rear end with the said latch positioned a scabbard hingedly attached to the pivot therein when the scabbard is normally ar 45 mount and detachably connected to the catch ranged parallel with the gun barrel, a pistol mount, a pistol sword having the sword sword having the Sword portion thereof portion thereof adapted for slidable recep adapted for slidable reception within the tion within the scabbard and having a keeper said scabbard and arranged with a keeper 20 notch adapted for engagement by the said notch positioned in allinement with the said 50 catch when the scabbardis in its normal re scabbard notch when the Sword portion is tained position. positioned within the scabbard whereby the 3. An attachment for rifle barrels com said latch is in seated relations with the prising a pivoting mount Secured adjacent sword notch when the same is engaged with 25 the nozzle of the barrel, a catch mount se 55 cured upon the barrel rearwardly of the piv the scabbard notch. - oting mount, a spring-pressed latch carried In testimony whereof I affix my signature. by the catch mount projecting forwardly thereof, a scabbard hingedly attached to said JOHN P. SIDUR. Copies of this patent may be obtained for five cents each, by addressing the “Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D.C.' - .
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