ISSUE 07 June 2011 MONTHLY www.ONESHIFT.com SINGAPORE'S DEFINITIVE MOTORING MAGAZINE MICA (P) No.152/112010/ FREE COPY +Download the Oneshift.com iPhone App FREE! THE LATEST HOT HATCH IN TOWN GET FREE PETROL VOUCHERS WORTH $200 WITH EVEN HOTTER PERFORMANCE WHEN YOU BUY A USED CAR THROUGH ONESHIFT.COM! Check our used car listings inside! P.25 INSIDE: Motul Engine Oil feature, Win Formula Drift tickets, What’s happening on Oneshift.com and more Ford Galaxy: Ford’s latest offering Melbourne: We take you on a road trip 782 New Cars. Prices And Specs View Over 350 Cars Inside harmonises great utility with power. in this popular tourist spot! With useful information for every buyer! ... In our full colour used cars listings! 2 ʶ Monthly June 2011 Contents 07 Jun 2011 Registered Company Name: ǀǀ ADDRESS 32A Keong Saik Road, Singapore 089139 TELEPHONE ǦȕȔǧȕȔȒȒȔȗȖȗ FAX ǦȕȔǧȕȔȔȖȑȒȒȔ WEB www.oneshift.com P.04 GENERALǽʶǀ EDITORIAL ǽʶǀ ADVERTISING & MARKETINGǽʶǀ USED CAR LISTINGSǽʶǀ PUBLISHER ǀǽʶǀ CONTRIBUTOR ǀǽʶǀ P.09 P.06 CONTRIBUTOR Mark Yeo CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR 04 CONTRIBUTOR Yang CONTRIBUTOR PHOTOGRAPHER 04 GTI LIGHT Wilson Wong NEWS WRITER Zeng Xuyun WRITER Volkswagen Polo GTI 1.4 TSI 5Dr (A) Jo Kho CREATIVE LEAD CREATIVE DESIGNER 06 GALAXY OF STARS - Print Exclusive 06 ȑǀȏ Ǧǧ P.12 For advertising sales, distribution, and marketing opportunities: GROUP ACCOUNT MANAGER ǀǽʶǀ 09 ACCOUNT MANAGER ǀǽʶǀ 09 ROAD TRIP: MELBOURNE Roy Tan ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE ǀǽʶǀ Selene Zhang MARKETING EXECUTIVE ǀǽʶǀ 18 For pre-owned car listings: MORE ROAD TESTS / ONESHIFT APP CUSTOMER SERVICE EXECUTIVE ǀǽʶǀ Raymond Tan ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE ǀǽʶǀ Pre-owned Cars Hotline 6533 3150 06/16 Charlie Tan CHIEF TECHNICAL OFFICER Albert Espineli SENIOR WEB DEVELOPER Chen Zhenshan DEVELOPER 18 209 Kallang Bahru, Singapore 339344 25 All rights reserved. No material in this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of PortalOne Pte Ltd. ʶ We aim to deliver the highest standards in editorial integrity ONESHIFT.COM is a comprehensive car portal developed in Singapore for the whole motoring community. We are proud ƾƽ to service both the car enthusiast as well as the person seeking practical advice on cars. audience. We believe in open lines of communication as we actively engage our audience and the community. Our philosophy is simple – we believe that a strong community will help you to make better decisions and give you more Where to get our magazines? ǀƽʶƽƽ Our magazine can be found at the following places, in or- and other areas such as community-borne reviews on products and cars. der of descending distribution numbers: Caltex and Esso Petrol Stations . Stamford Tyre . Avis . STA . YHI ƽʫ Ǧƽʫʥƽǀǧ ʫƽǀ The magazine is also distributed free in the Central The magazine is merely one part of our ways to reach out to you. More awaits you online, such as Business District and at Raffles City and City Hall MRT our pre-owned car listings, new car data and community forums and reviews. stations in the first week of each month. All rights reserved. No material in this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of PortalOne Pte Ltd. 4 ʶ Monthly June 2011 Road Tests GTI Light on the grille and boot lid, slightly wider wheel arches, twin rear ǀ Njʮ ƽ ƽǀ- ƽƽ ǀƽ NJNj for the hot Polo. Performance, ride and handling ǐ - ǐȐȒȘȏ ǀȐȗȏ ȕȑȏȏƽǂȑȏ ǐȐȏȐȖȏ the Mk V Golf GT's motor can muster. ȑȔȏȑȏȏȏ ȓȔȏȏƽ ǀ ƽ ʴ ǀ ʫ ʯƽ ǀ ʫƽ ȕǀȘȏǂȐȏȏǚ- ǀƽƽȑȐȏ ǀȑȑȘǚǀ Volkswagen’s junior Golf GTI is finally ƽ here and our resident hot hatch freak ǐȔȏȏȏ ǀ ƽ puts it through its paces. ƽ Here is Raymond Lai’s verdict on the ǀ ƽ Polo GTI. ǐǀ Ȗǂ Ȑǀȓǂ ǀ Introduction, styling ʮʫ- ƽȖǂ The Golf GTI has always been in the limelight as Volkswagen's ǀƽ ǂ halo model, causing the Polo to shy away from the attention. It was ǀǂ ǀȖǂ ʮ ƿ for a moment or two before selecting the right gear at slow crawl- NJNjǀ ȓȏʫ- as the Golf GTI, but on a smaller scale? ʫǀ- ǦȏǂȐȏȏǚȗǀȐǧȐȐȔȐǀȓǂ ǀ ƽ ʫ PROS CONS ǂʮǂȉȑƽȏȏȏʫ GTI looks, as quick as Handling not as com- ƽʯ ǀʮǂ- ƽ ƽ ʫ ǀʮ ǀ ʯƽ - Polo GTI was a failure though - just like the Mk IV Golf GTI of that three-door model is for those who want a Polo that looks unique ƽ ƽ ƽ ʫ- ƽ- GTI badge formance. Volkswagen had another go at a hot Polo GTI with the ƽǐʫǂǀ ʫ ƽ Visually, the Polo GTI shouts GTI right away thanks to its familiar VERDICT ȐȔȏȐǀȗǂȑȏǂ- ƽ ǐ charged motor. Volkswagen went back to the drawing board when the radiator grille with a red surround and honeycomb inserts, the ʫƽƽȐȖǂ GTI looks and badge. - the new generation Polo GTI. ƽ ʶ Monthly June 2011 5 Ȑǀȓ ȔǦǧ ƽʶ Interior and conclusion ƽ The GTI's cabin is standard Polo fare, other than the signature ǂǂǂǀʮ ǂǂǀ Nj ǂ- ǂǀʶ ƽʴǂ Ȗǂǐǀ ƽ sibling, signature GTI roof liner in black, brushed chrome accents ʫǂ ʶƽ ʶʮǀ ǀ ʯ - ǀ ǂ ƽ ʮǀ ǐ- ȑȗȏǚ- ȐȕǀȘƽ ƽǂǂ ȐȒȘȏƽ the-mill Polo. The front seats also lack the Golf GTI's embossed ʫǀ ǀƽ black roof liner, red stitching and so on, you somehow feel that ǂƽǐ- ǐ ǐ ǐǂ ǐǀ balanced chassis. Throw the smaller GTI into a series of bends and those who are familiar with the Golf GTI will immediately feel that ǐ- ǐǂ ƽǐ ǀ when hurried. ǂ ǂǀ ǂ ƽ ǐƽǐ ǀ ǐ- ǐǀ ʮǂ ʶƿ ǐ ƽƽǂƽ ǚȐȖǂ Ȑȗȏ ǂ ǚ - ǀǐǂ- ǂ - ǚȖǂ mediate as it ought to be to make it feel truly nimble and agile like ǀ ʶǚ ǂ ǀ ƽ is also found on the Golf GTI / Rear legroom is not abundant ǐƽ Just like its Golf GTI big brother, safety is a major strength of the in this hot hatch / 1.4-litre twincharged unit hauls the car from ǀ ʮ- ȏǞȐȏȏǚȕǀȘǚ ʴǀ missing the signature embossed GTI logo ƽ ǐ - Volkswagen Polo GTI 1.4 TSI 5Dr (A) 2011 - ǐǂ ners, hence tightening the Polo GTI’s cornering line. The lowered ǐ Engine ƽȓȐȕǂ ʫ ǀƽʮ ǀ ǀƽǐ Power ȐȗȏǽȕȑȏȏǦȐȑȘǀȔǚǧ ǀ ǐ Torque ȑȔȏǽȑȏȏȏ NjǦȐȐȘȓ shortcomings and raw edges though, it still makes for a hoot of a Ȗǂǂ ǧ ƽ ƽ ƽ Transmission Ǧ ǧ ǀ ǀOS ƽNjǀ 0-100 km/h ȕǀȘ Volkswagen /Volkswagen Centre Singapore , ȑȓȖƽȐȔȘȘȒȓ Tel:ǦȕȔǧȕȓȖȓȗȑȗȗ Price (As of test date) ȐȑȘƽȒȏȏ 6 ʶ Monthly June 2011 Event Feature GT Radial Tyres GT RADIAL DRIFT TEAM GAINS TRACTION INTO FORMULA DRIFT 2011 Purchase 4 GT Radial tyres via Tyrepac portal from now till 7th June 2011 and get a pair of tickets to Formula Drift Singapore 11th and 12th June 2011. For more information, please log on to www.tyrepac.com nj ʶȑȏȐȐ- ʶƽǍ Adrian ThioƽǦʥǧ ǀnj ƽ ʶ ȑȏȐȐ- ǀǍ ȐȐ ȑȏȐȐƽ Ȑ ʮ- ʶ- ǀ ƽ ʶ yet. Ǧǧ Ǧǧƽ ʶ ƽ ȑȒǀ ƽ ʶ- ʶƽ ȑǀʮ ʶ ƽ ʮƽ ǀ ƽ Nj- ʶȑȏȐȏƽ Ǧǧǀ ʮ ƽ - ʶ ǀ ƽ - ȓȒȏȐȔƽʮ- ȑȕȔǚȒȔȐȗ ǀ 8 ʶ Monthly June 2011 Road Tests Galaxy of stars The Ford Galaxy gets a refresh and a more tax-friendly engine. by Joe Yeo Introduction, styling ǀ ǀ ʫ ǂ ǂƽʯ ȐȘȘȏǀʮ - ǀƽ Nj ǂ NjǂNj Ǟ Ȑȏȏǚ Ǟ ǀ a reasonable 8.8 seconds which is just three-tenths slower than build quality and the lack of reliability back then. ǂƽ Performance, ride and handling ȒǀȒǂ ǀƽ ȑȏȐȏ Ǧ ȑȐȖǚƽǀ ƽ ǂǀ Njƽ ʮǂ ǂƽ ʮȑȏȏȔ - ǧNj Njȑǂ ƽȗ ǀ ƽ ƽ ǀ ǂƽ ʶǀ ȕȏȗȏǀ ʯƽ- ƽǂȐȕȐƽ ƽ Nj ǀ ȑȏȗȑǀȒǂ ǀ ʶǂ ȑǀȒ Nj ǂ ǀ ƽ ǂ ƽ ǂʶȕȏȑǀȏ Njǂƽ ƽǂ ƽ Nj ƽ ǀ ʮȑǀȒǂǞ NJNjƽƽ- ȑȏȒȔȔȏȏȐȕȐȕȔȏȏǀ ʶǀƽ namism and elegance. Ȓȏȏ- Njǀ ȐȖȔȏȓȔȏȏǂ ʶ ǀ ʫ NJʇǚǂNJ ȓȗȑȏƽ Nj ʮȑȏȗȓȑȏȏǀ ȐȖȔȏƽ ʶNjǀ and rear. Like many large MPVs these days, the windscreen area is ʫ- ǀ Nj ƽ ƽ Njǚ- ǀ ǀ ȑȐȘǀ ƽ- ƽ ʮǀ ƽ ȐȖȒȕƽǐ ƽ ʮ ǀ - Nj- well as a new radiator grille. At the rear, there are new and distinc- ƽǂNj- ǀǀǀ ʶ Monthly June 2011 9 ȑǀȏ Ǧǧ Galaxy of stars ǀƽ ʶƿ ǂȐȖǂ ǀ but still aesthetically Njʫ ǚ ʮǀ - Nj ʶ ǚ - ǂ- ƽ - ǀ Nj ǚ Ǟ ǂ row is fully adjustable / ǀ Instrumentation has a clean layout and is easy Interior and conclusion to read / 2-litre engine Nj - ǀƽ ǚȐȑȕȏ ǂNjƽ - ʮ ʫǀ- need ƽ ʶǀ ǂNj ƽ ǀNj- ǂǀʶƽ Nj- inserts.
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