Pages FASHION LINK 45-46 Chopstix Linking Bergen, Essex, Middlesex, Passaic & Union Counties Issue #239 Order on-Line at www.chopstixusa.com Kid of the 201-833-0200 Month! Shneur Garb SEESEE AD AD ON ON PAGE PAGE 51 JEWISH LINK July 13 | 1 Av Parshat Matot-Masei Light Candles: 8:09 PM July 12, 2018 | 29 Tamuz, 5778 CANDLE Shabbat Ends: 9:17 PM OF NEW JERSEY LIGHTING Rabbeinu Tam: 9:40 PM HAVE A SCOTUS Pick Draws Mixed SweetSUMMER Reactions From Jewish Groups By Algemeiner Staff drew mixed reactions from U.S. Jew- ish groups. President Donald Trump’s an- The Republican Jewish Coalition nouncement on Monday of his nom- praised the pick, saying in a tweet: ination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh “Congratulations to Judge Brett See our ad on back cover to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court Kavanaugh and his family. POTUS NechamaComfort Expands Its Services By Pearl Markovitz KEN SCHWARTZ, REALTOR® U.S. President Donald Trump introduces his Supreme Court nominee, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, in the East Room of the White House in Washington, DC C: 201.564.8361 • O: 201.636.7200 Reva Judas and her team know the mean- [email protected] • LinksNJ.com on July 9. CREDIT: REUTERS / LEAH MILLIS ing of nechama. They have taken their sad- NJAR CIRCLE OF EXCELLENCE 2017 BRONZE LEVEL ness and feelings of emptiness following their made another great pick. We look “possesses the requisite intellect personal losses and elevated them to a place forward to his confi rmation!” & integrity that should easily in- where they and the individuals and families Former Senator Norm Cole- sure his confi rmation.” they support can remember, fi nd comfort and man, now the national director of achieve renewal. NechamaComfort, founded the RJC, tweeted that Kavanaugh CONTINUED ON P. 11 in 2008 as a non-denominational nonprofi t organization, is comprised of a team of four: Reva Judas (director of Necha- SPORTS founder Judas of Teaneck, Ellen Krischer of maComfort) and her husband, Chevra Lacrosse % Danny, holding the picture of 10 OFF CONTINUED ON P. 16 their fi rstborn son, Pesach. \RXUåUVWRQOLQHRUGHU* Sees Success Afield @ GLATTEXPRESSX 2QOLQHFRP By Zach Marcus with four kids in sec- Just One Life Empowers ond grade on Sunday Despite lacrosse be- mornings, has now Women in Israel ing the fastest-grow- grown into a full, youth ing sport nationally, lacrosse program that See Our Ads on Next Two Pages By Pearl Markovitz according to U.S. La- has impacted hundreds crosse, it’s a sport that of kids. During the upcoming Nine Days, previously had no Goldfarb played la- the Teaneck community will once traction in the Jewish crosse as a kid and again have the zechut of ensuring world. But that is soon wanted to make an im- the future of am Yisrael through changing, as grassroots pact in his communi- their support of Just One Life— efforts are building lo- A Chevra Lacrosse ty. He had also been at- Nefesh Achat B’Yisrael, which to date cally thanks to the pio- player enjoying the tending a shiur called See our ad on page 63 game. has facilitated the healthy and wel- neering efforts of Pas- Chovos Halevavos comed births of over 17,000 babies saic’s Marc Goldfarb. In the fi ve which motivated him to give back in Israel. As Just One Life celebrates years since the launch of his suc- to others and make a difference. its 30th anniversary year, its mission cessful program, Chevra Lacrosse, “I realized boys attending yeshi- to encourage and support the birth of Rabbi Bini Maryles, left, with a Just he is seeing great success and has va needed a real lacrosse program, One Life family and social worker in high hopes for the sport to ex- See our ad on page 11 CONTINUED ON P. 19 the Old City of Jerusalem. pand even more. What started CONTINUED ON P. 68 *ONLY QUALITY CONSTANT $AVINGS AT COSMO! 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GET OUR WEEKLY DEALS FIRST! @ *ODWW([SUHVVFRP'HDOV Ŗ u;;vb7;Ѵblb|;7|ov;Ѵ;1ঞom-|ঞl;o=ru1_-v;ĺou-bm1_;1hvĺŖŖ ;-Ѵv--bѴ-0Ѵ;bmŊv|ou;ouomѴbm;ĺ ;-Ѵv]oo7|_uo]_ƕņƑƏņƐѶĺ)_bѴ;vrrѴb;vѴ-v|ĺƐƏѷ ]oo7=ou=uv|Ŋঞl;omѴbm;ou7;uvomѴĺ 201-371-3212 • WWW.JEWISHLINKNJ.COM July 12, 2018 • 29 Tamuz, 5778 3 WORLD NEWSBRIEFS Crews Use Israeli Tech to Assist military asked for help in communicat- salaries to convicted terrorists and their billions of dollars of revenue into the Israe- Thai Soccer Team Rescue ing with the team; software engineer Yu- families, despite new Israeli legislation li economy. (Mara Vigevani/TPS) An Israeli technol- val Zalmanov set out from Israel with 17 withholding funds in the amount paid to According to the Israeli Ministry of Tour- ogy provided voice and video communica- of the company’s signature radio units and killers and attackers from taxes collected ism, from January to June 2018 about 2.1 mil- tions between rescue workers and 12 teen- trained emergency crews on how to use for the P.A. lion tourist entries were recorded—an in- age members of a soccer team and their the technology, and the devices were in use “We will not allow anyone to interfere crease of 19 percent over the same period in coach who were rescued this week after less than 12 hours later. with the money that Israel is against us 2017 (1.74 million) and 26 percent more than having been stranded underground for Uzi Hanuni, CEO of Maxtech, said he paying to the families of martyrs and pris- in 2016. Since the beginning of the year, tour- close to three weeks in Tham Luang, North- fi rst thought of the idea to create recep- oners,” Abbas said, in a transcript released ism has injected more than NIS 12 billion ern Thailand. tion technology that does not rely on direct by the Palestinian Wafa news agency. ($3.3 billion) into the Israeli economy. Maxtech Networks is an Israeli tech- lines of sight to be used in emergency situa- He said the P.A. would continue to give June also saw a continued rise in tour- nology that allows smart devices to com- tions while watching rescue efforts on Sep- salaries to those who participated in ter- ism, with 310,200 entries—2 percent more municate with one another even in ex- tember 11, 2001. Since then, said Boaz Dagan, ror attacks against Jews, as it has done than June 2017. Revenue from tourism in treme situations and in the absence of the director of development at Maxtech, the since 1965. June reached about NIS 1.66 billion ($457 reception. The idea is elementary: The in- technology has become standard issue for On July 2, Israel’s Knesset passed legisla- billion). struments work together like rings in a search-and-rescue crews around the world. tion that would subtract the amount used “The marketing efforts and activities chain.
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