20TT02A.qxd 1/19/2012 10:49 PM Page 1 2 A Witness To History: 130 Years THE TRIBUNE, CHANDIGARH, FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 2012 PM: Good journalism is very serious Gandhiji considered The Tribune as the business, and very difficult work best ‘views paper’ Full text of PM Manmohan Singh's There are efforts to report constructively on address at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi subjects that are of vital national importance. AM delighted to be in the midst Serious Business of The Tribune family once BUT we also see sensationalism, driven by again. The last time I was a desire to sell a story at any cost. There are “I involved in your celebrations, I stories without a clear understanding of the had the pleasure of releasing an anthology underlined issues. There is reporting which of selected writings to commemorate 125 is prejudiced. There is trivialisation of years of this magnificent paper. Today important matters. There is corruption. The marks the release of a comprehensive his- prevalence of the practice of ‘paid news’ tory of The Tribune, on completion of 130 exposed recently has come as a shock to all years of its publication. It is truly pleasant right-thinking people. It has been our gov- to go down the memory lane with the news- ernment’s avowed belief that the Fourth paper of my choice, which has been my sta- Estate is an essential pillar of our democra- ple reading every morning for decades. ‘A cy. We believe in complete independence of Witness to History’is an apt title of a book the media from external control. It is true that records the 130 year old history of The that sometimes irresponsible journalism Tribune. Indeed, this history stands close- can have serious consequences for social The Tribune Trust president RS Talwar pointed out that the book, ‘A ly intertwined with the story of our coun- harmony and public order, which the pub- Witness to History’, released by the Prime Minister on Thursday, does not confine itself to the history of the newspaper but also critically evaluates try’s journey during this turbulent period. lic authorities have an obligation to main- whether it has lived up to the ideals formulated by its visionary founder. Sardar Dyal Singh Majithia, the newspa- tain, but censorship is no answer. The full text of the address: It is for the members of the Fourth Estate themselves to collectively ensure that objec- T is a matter of great pride acter and preserve its autonomy, tivity is promoted and sensationalism is for us that The Tribune has objectivity, fairness and liberal and curbed. It is for them to introspect how best “I completed one hundred and independent way of thinking, whatev- they can serve our country and society and thirty years of uninterrupted publica- er the odds. Today it gives me great advance their well-being, and how best they tion. The Tribune was founded by the pleasure to say that The Tribune is one can earn the respect of our common citizens. late Sardar Dyal Singh Majithia, a of the most widely respected and read Those in the media should come together to progressive social, political and edu- newspaper in North India. In Punjab, exercise a degree of self-regulation to com- cational reformer far ahead of his Haryana and Himachal, it is the largest bat perversions like paid news. It is an times. In its first issue published from circulated newspaper and also has a important responsibility of the media to Lahore on 2nd February 1881, sizeable number of readers in Delhi, expose corruption and other ills in our poli- Majithia sahib enunciated the guiding Jammu and Kashmir and Uttarak- ty and society. It should also advise the gov- principles of The Tribune. He want- hand. To chronicle the 130 momen- ernment and even reprimand it, when it goes ed it to be an independent, objective, tous and exciting years of The Tri- wrong. But let me also suggest that it should constructive and fearless newspaper, bune, the Trust decided that it would not be all gloom and doom all the time. The free from any sectarian, political or be appropriate to bring out its history world is looking up to us today and it would commercial bias, not aligned to any from inception to the present. The be but fair that positive news is also given dogma or religion. Before his death in project was entrusted to the then dis- per’s founder was a man of rare foresight Reprimand us, if necessary, but it should not❝ be its due share. The Indian development story 1898, Majithia sahib willed that The tinguished Editor-in-Chief, Shri H.K. and a great reformist. He was inspired by is an exciting one and should be told through Tribune be run by a public Trust Dua. He approached Professor V.N. high ideals and wanted The Tribune to be ❝ gloom and doom all the time the print and visual mediums. I believe that comprising persons of integrity and Datta, Professor Emeritus, Kuruk- free of any sectarian or commercial bias, good journalism is very serious business and wide experience who would ensure shetra University, who has a distin- and unaligned to any dogma or political this fine institution. I congratulate the Punjab has begun to beat again, though the a very difficult work. The responsibilities that that it continued to maintain its inde- guished record as a historian and has party. I am happy that the newspaper has author of ‘AWitness to History’, Professor pulse is yet faint.” On May 13, 1948, to mark journalists carry are onerous - to inform and pendence, objectivity and the vision authored many acclaimed books. Pro- by and large lived up to its founder’s V.N. Datta, for writing such a fine book. the Tribune’s shift to Ambala, the then educate the public, to keep a watch on the he had laid down for it. fessor Datta readily consented to vision. While being an effective watchdog Prof Datta recounts how in the early years Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru wrote in government’s work and to highlight issues On behalf of my brother trustees, research and write the history of The of the interests of the people, it has prac- of the 20th century The Tribune became a special message to the newspaper in his of critical importance. It is hard to be a good I would like to say that it has indeed Tribune and the Trust is grateful to him ticed responsible and credible journalism. passionate as a patriotic and nationalist inimitable style: “You have passed through journalist - ever willing to learn, ever alert been a privilege and an honour to for his labour of love. Apart from trac- The Tribune has also been a wonderful newspaper. He elaborates how from 1920 many difficulties and have stood many tests. to new developments, objective, fair, sensi- serve on the Tribune Trust and ing The Tribune’s history, Professor example of what good trusteeship is about. onwards, as events began moving at a fast I trust you will not be carried away by tive, balanced and constructive in approach. always strive to come upto the ideal Datta’s work critically evaluates Its Trustees have been men and women pace and as communal tensions began momentary passions but will function with However, I also believe that collectively the set by the Founder. whether the paper has lived up to the who have distinguished themselves in their building up, the newspaper’s sober and rea- a vision of the future before you.” We have country’s journalists have acquitted them- In these 130 years, The Tribune high standards of objectivity and fair- respective professions and who embody the soned approach attempted to bridge the come a long way from the early years of The selves reasonably well. I am convinced that has been a witness to the tumultuous ness expected of it and be the voice of spirit of The Tribune very aptly. The news- divide between the Hindus and the Sikhs Tribune. Today, while India sits at the high the Indian media is on the balance respon- history of the sub-continent, chron- the people it serves. On behalf of The paper is one of the very few in the country, on the one hand and the Muslims on the table of nations and is looked upon and heard sible and attuned to serving national inter- icling the ongoing events and move- Tribune Trust, I would like to express where the editor is insulated - as much as other. The Tribune was opposed to the dis- with respect, a vibrant media is crucial to our est. I am also sure that the coming years will ments and guiding its readers our deep appreciation of Professor is possible - from managerial demands and memberment of India and made sincere needs-a media that informs and educates, a see even higher standards from our media. through the historic changes while Datta’s painstaking and incisive effort. proprietorial interests. But even more efforts to prevent it, but in vain. media that is inspired by public interest and I thank you for inviting me for this fine occa- voicing their concerns. We are greatly honoured, Prime Min- importantly, the newspaper has always not guided by sectarian or commercial con- sion. Let me end by saying that I look for- From the early twentieth century, it ister, that you accepted our request to been blessed with Editors of impeccable Heart beats again siderations. The Indian media of today has ward to many more milestones in this news- has consistently and courageously release the book and also address us credentials.
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