VoL 2, No. 3 (Published Fortnightly) 5th February, 1968 Outright confidence 1n• Rhodesia INANCED entirely by F private enterprise and given Government blessing, the £17m. nitrogenous ferti­ lizer factory to be built on a 300-acre site eight miles out­ side Que Que, is the largest capital investment in a single project in Rhodesia since Lake Kariba. Sponsoring the undertaking is a Rhodesian company, Sable Chemical Industries Ltd. The Minister of Commerce and ladustry, Mr. Jacll Mussett, said In • 1250 "I The crowd at the Salisbury Town House which a televhion interview that a condition EPlC , • ml e welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hennings and their: of the agreeme:ot on tbe project wu . family at the end of their 1,250 miles journey fro,; tbat when Government desired, Rho­ trek ends ID the Free State in a horse-drawn wagon, "Spirit of deslau would be able to bold SI per • South Africa"'. Thousands of people churl!d the c:eDt. of the equity. Sahsbury trekker; as they were escorted in!o. the dry by /50 He said the advantages of the electro­ local nders on their way to a c1v1c welcome. Mr. lysis method to be used in the new Hennings pres_entl!d Mr. lan Smith with a tho,~oughbred colt, Beaufort, "as a token factory would outweigh the disadvan­ of estum wh1ch befits a great leada of men • The horse is from a special breed tages. (Boerperde) kept pure for more than a century by the Hennings family. Money The c:apital for the project bad mainly collected on their joume1 was handed to the Friends of Rhodesia Trust. come from outside the country. An illuminated message of thanks "If ever there was a sign of outright from tile people of Rhodesit., signed by confidence in Rhodesia this is it", said the Prime Minister, Mr. Ian Smith, and Mr. Carol HeurUey, president of the a copper firescrccn decorated with the The ideal Rhodesia Tobacco Association. He said bead of a horse, was presented to Mr. Olympic a fantastic amount of capital had been Henoings by the Friends of Rhodesia invested in the country in the past few Trust at an evening reception. The Olympic Su_pporten• ADo­ dation, formed to support the r.tonths. Thanking Mr. Hennings for his epic The President of the National Far­ effort, the Minister of Information, Mr. Olympic Ideal and to eacourap mers' Union, Mr. Tim MitchcU, said it Jack Howman, said t.':!e trelc of 1,250 the publk to take an active part Remed clear that agriculture would In the movemaat, wu laaudled In derive long-term benefit from the pro­ miles by horsewagon, at the rate of 40 Bulawayo by the prestntatioo of ject. miles a day, was a unique feat probably not equalled since Hannibal crossed the a speciU sUver fJ11d&e to the Prime The Town Clerk of Que Que said Minlster, Mr. Jan Smith. industries 5uch as this would attract Alps. Mr. Howman spoke of the fund of A Rhodesian team will &o to allied and secondary industries and the Mexico this yna.r. building of tbc factory would be a goodwill Rhodesia had e .. perienced over milestone in the hi~olury uf the luwn. the pa!ol two years. -.D:bG OO'::C # 0::0 •o• www.rhodesia .me.uk 2 RHODESIAN COMMENTARY S~ Febru2ry, 1968 Salisbury auport will accept biggest aircraft Well-being of children of all races NEW £18,000 CENTRE HE Salisbury Child Protection T Society is living up to its repul.ation of promotina the well-being of children of all races. The Society's African centre at Hifh· field township has been carina or African children since 1962 and since then, it has handled 664 children. A new venture is under conside,..tion and will be run in conjunction with the Red Cross. This will be a course in mothercraft, including simplo hygiene and initiaJly four African &iris will undergo training at the African centre. Work wiU start soon on the buildina of an £18,000 children's day centre in the European suburb of Eastlca. To be run on the lines of a cr~hc, the centre will cater only for the child­ ren of women who, for various reasons, have to ao out lo work. It will bold about SO children and will be run on a non-profit basis. Mothers will be cbarsed an amount they can easily aJford. n.e Prime Mbdster, Mr. Jaa Smith, IDipeds ~ oa file 1680,000 I'UIIWilY This will be the Society's bigest ven­ uteasloa ol Salisbury Airport wlddt wiD iDcreale dte ..... from 8,600 feet ro ture to date and will employ a perma­ 15,000 feet aad wUb Us 200 llllort toa ca.-:Uy, will IKCiiPt aDJ aircraft DOW ill the nent European and African staff. plannlq smp. Tbe co..aete for tJae nlllWII1 tbrelllold IIM .._ Wd by ooe ol tile ..- up to ct.te plaD la the world aacl tbe oaly .- of ltl ldud la Africa; it Is electroakally coab'olled. It Is Gpeded tbat the ~year coiiiCnadJoo contract will New pharmaceutical be completed oa time by May 31. Tbe picture shows aa oftldal explalniDc tbe Cedullqae ..et ID llllfaclD& tbe ruaway. laboratory £70,000 A Salisbury pharmaceutical factory, Hennes Laboratories, now manufactures £60,000 improvement nearly 200 preparations and not only achieved import substitution but a sharp New £100,000 motor to racecourse reduction ln retail prices. Examples ate Js. 6d. a 100 for soluble Aspirin com­ racing circuit for Work. costing about £60,000 on the pared with Ss. 3d. for 98; 7s. 6d. a 100 Bulawayo construction of additional seating for for another a.nalgesic Pa,..cetamol, 4,500 will enable attendances of upwards aaainst 30s. a lOO; and 38s. 6d. a 100 of IS,OOO at Salisbury's Borrowdale race> Between £65,000 and for oral Penicillin tablets against 8Ss. 6d. course. creastngly prescn"bed. £100,000 is to be spent before The Company's new factory of 27,000 the end of the year by the square feet with th.e It acre stand will Bulawayo Motor Racing Asso­ £70,000 golf clubhouse cost £70,000. It has had a areat deal of help from overseas concenu in design ciation in the construction of Tho Royal Salisbury Golf Club plans and layout. a new racing circuit to have its £70,000 scheme for clubhouse Production bep.n with tablets, syrups The first phase will include expansion completed during the year. and ointments, expanded to include in­ jectable preparations in ampoules and a track of about two and a vials and now also includes dips, anti­ half mHes. grand stands, pits, a biotic:.s and other remedies for veterinary paddock area, and toilet and RICE TRIALS: Two experimental half­ use in a&riculture. Quality control is viaorously main­ bid acre rice plantinp under irrigation have refreshment facilities in a been established in the Que Que area. tained in manufacturing to the hiahest to hold the ninth Bulawayo One is at the Mlezu Agricultural School international standard and for this reason Grand Prix on the new track on sandveld, where the crop is being the Company's products are bcina in- grown under a paddy 1ystem, and the Hennes Laboratories are also manu· on November 30 and Decem· other is on red clay soils under flood facturers under licence for two world­ berl. irrigation by the ridae and furrow famous finns-Pfiz.er of America and system. May and Baker of Britain. www.rhodesia .me.uk 5th February, 1968 RHODESIAN COMMENTARY 3 Rfabt: A view ltCI'OIS tbe town lowards tbe hllls wbldl mmpletdy ADTOUDd H." RJPt: ne statue of lhe ~ Kinpley Fairbrl~e, wtao adaleved a plan to briDI andcrprhilqed chDdrea to Rllodesla, witb his Afric:u c:oenpanloo ad his dog. Tbe dvlc centre set amoq rolllag lawns. Ou the left la the Queeo•s Hall wltb tbc Towu Oftica laubedlately npt. Tile Apollo dnema Is ID the centre md oa tbe rtpt tbe Cortauld 'l'lleatR. cradled in the U MTALI mountains Third largest and OM of the most beautifully situated of Rho· desian towns, Umtali is the centre of the scenic &stern Highlands. Only a f•w milu from the Morambique bnrder. it iJ an important distribution point on the road and rail routu betwun the two countri1!s. In its own right, howt!ller, it continues to grow as a trading, industrial, farming and forestry ~ntre. A block of pnlen flats. ne aplcadld aew national ro8d wbJch dlmbe tbroup tbe mouataiDI to Umtali. www.rhodesia .me.uk 4 RHODESIAN COMMENTARY 5th February, 1968 Chiefs derive their posttton• • from hereditary right O facilitate a proper understanding of the role of Chiefs in their Society, matrilinear or collateral. In all three cases, various spiritual ceremonies must T an account of the social system of the African people of Rhodesia has precede consideration of the selection been published in a pamphlet entitled "The Voice of the Tribes". It will of a Chief, and tribal traditional leaders have duties to perform and procedures also enable appreciation of the reasons why the Government, seeking to to follow before claims can be investi­ harmonize tradition with emerging trends and to preserve the familiar bonds gated and considered. of the past and make them part of the fabric of the future, has urged and The matter is investigated and con­ continues to urge the recognition of the place held by Chiefs in African sidered in public and the aim is to achieve, as far as possible, unanimity society, by drawing them into a second Chamber or Senate where wisdom, and agreement because it is extremely experience and detachment can play their full part.
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