Supplement of Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 1769–1790, 2017 http://www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci.net/21/1769/2017/ doi:10.5194/hess-21-1769-2017-supplement © Author(s) 2017. CC Attribution 3.0 License. Supplement of A high-resolution dataset of water fluxes and states for Germany accounting for parametric uncertainty Matthias Zink et al. Correspondence to: Luis Samaniego ([email protected]) and Matthias Zink ([email protected]) The copyright of individual parts of the supplement might differ from the CC-BY 3.0 licence. Table S1. Time and location invariant global parameters of mHM v4.3 which are purpose to an automated calibration. Category Number Paraeter Name Unit Minimum Maximum Interception 1 canopyInterceptionFactor [1] 0.1 0.3 2 snowTreshholdTemperature [◦C] -2 2 3 degreeDayFactor_forest [mm d−1 ◦C−1] 0.0001 4 4 degreeDayFactor_impervious [mm d−1 ◦C−1] 0.5 4 5 degreeDayFactor_pervious [mm d−1 ◦C−1] 0.5 6 Snow 6 increaseDegreeDayFactorByPrecip [d−1 mm−1] 0.1 7 7 maxDegreeDayFactor_forest [mm d−1 ◦C−1] 3 8 8 maxDegreeDayFactor_impervious [mm d−1 ◦C−1] 3 8 9 maxDegreeDayFactor_pervious [mm d−1 ◦C−1] 3 8 10 orgMatterContent_forest [%] 4 7 11 orgMatterContent_impervious [%] 0 0.1 12 orgMatterContent_pervious [%] 1.5 3 13 PTF_lower66_5_constant [-] 0.7 0.8 Soil moisture - 14 PTF_lower66_5_clay [-] 0.0005 0.0015 storage 15 PTF_lower66_5_Db [-] -0.27 -0.25 16 PTF_higher66_5_constant [-] 0.8 0.9 17 PTF_higher66_5_clay [-] -0.0015 -0.0005 18 PTF_higher66_5_Db [-] -0.35 -0.3 19 infiltrationShapeFactor [-] 0.5 4 20 Permanent Wilting Point [-] 0.001 0.5 Soil moisture - 21 Field Capacity [-] 0.5 0.98 evapotranspiration 22 rootFractionCoefficient_forest [-] 0.96 0.98 23 rootFractionCoefficient_impervious [-] 0.91 0.95 24 rootFractionCoefficient_pervious [-] 0.94 0.965 25 minCorrectionFactorPET [-] 0.8 1 Evapotranspiration 26 maxCorrectionFactorPET [-] 1 1.2 27 aspectTresholdPET [◦] 175 195 Direct runoff 28 imperviousStorageCapacity [mm] 0 1 29 interflowStorageCapacityFactor [mm] 1 40 30 fastInterflowRecession_slope [d] 1 10 31 slowInterflowRecession_constant [d] 1 30 Interflow 32 slowInterflowRecession_slope [d] 0 30 33 slowInterflowRecession_Ks [d] 0 30 34 slowInterflowExponent [-] 0 1 35 PTF_Ks_constant [-] 50 60 Percolation 36 PTF_Ks_sand [-] -0.1 -0.05 37 PTF_Ks_clay [-] 0.16 0.17 continued on next page 1 Category Number Paraeter Name Unit Minimum Maximum 38 rechargeCoefficient [d] 1 100 Percolation 39 gain_loss_GWreservoir_karstic [-] 0 1 40 rechargeFactor_karstic [-] 0.75 1.5 41 muskingumTravelTime_constant [-] 0.31 0.35 42 muskingumTravelTime_riverLength [-] 0.073 0.079 Routing 43 muskingumTravelTime_riverSlope [-] 1.95 2.1 44 muskingumTravelTime_impervious [-] 0.09 0.11 45 muskingumAttenuation_riverSlope [-] 0.05 0.5 46 baseflow_parameter_geounit_1 [d] 10 400 47 baseflow_parameter_geounit_2 [d] 10 400 48 baseflow_parameter_geounit_3 [d] 10 400 49 baseflow_parameter_geounit_4 [d] 10 400 50 baseflow_parameter_geounit_5 [d] 10 400 51 baseflow_parameter_geounit_6 [d] 10 400 52 baseflow_parameter_geounit_7 [d] 10 400 53 baseflow_parameter_geounit_8 [d] 10 400 54 baseflow_parameter_geounit_9 [d] 10 400 55 baseflow_parameter_geounit_10 [d] 10 400 56 baseflow_parameter_geounit_11 [d] 10 400 Geology 57 baseflow_parameter_geounit_12 [d] 10 400 58 baseflow_parameter_geounit_13 [d] 10 400 59 baseflow_parameter_geounit_14 [d] 10 400 60 baseflow_parameter_geounit_15 [d] 10 400 61 baseflow_parameter_geounit_16 [d] 10 400 62 baseflow_parameter_geounit_17 [d] 10 400 63 baseflow_parameter_geounit_18 [d] 10 400 64 baseflow_parameter_geounit_19 [d] 10 400 65 baseflow_parameter_geounit_20 [d] 10 400 66 baseflow_parameter_geounit_21 [d] 10 400 67 baseflow_parameter_geounit_22 [d] 10 400 68 baseflow_parameter_geounit_23 [d] 10 400 2 Table S2. List of effective parameters of mHM v4.3 with the corresponding physiographic characteristics and the upscaling operators (Arithmetic mean (A), Harmonic mean (H), Geometric mean (G) and Majority statistic (M)) for the MPR approach is shown. Soil properties include the fractions of sand and clay contents, bulk destiny and rootzone depth, whereas landcover is mainly distinguished in three major classes: forest, sealed and mixed cover. These effective parameters are estimated based on transfer functions connecting physiographic characteristics and global parameters which are shown in Table S1. Physiographic Upscaling Parameter Description Characteristic Operator β1 Thickness of waterfilm on the canopy surface (-). Landcover A ◦ β2 Threshold temperature for phase transition snow and rain ( C). – − −1 ◦ β3 Degree day factor during rainless days (mm d C). Land cover A −1 ◦ β4 Rate of increase of the degree-day factor per unit of precipitation (mm d C). – − −1 ◦ β5 Max. degree-day factor reached during rainy days (mm d C). Land cover A β6 Porosity of soil layers (-). Soil texture, land cover H β7 Field capacity of soil layers (-). Soil texture, land cover H β8 Permanent wilting point of soil layers (-). Soil texture, land cover H β9 Parameter that determines the relative contribution of rain or snowmelt to runoff (-). Soil texture, land cover H β10 Max. ponding retention in impervious areas (mm). Land cover A β11 Fraction of roots in soil layers (-). Land cover A β12 Max. water holding capacity of the unsat. zone (mm). Soil texture, land cover H β13 Fast recession constant (d). Slope A β14 Slow recession constant (d). Soil texture A β15 Exponent that quantifies the degree of nonlinearity of the cell response (-). Soil texture A β16 Effective percolation rate (d). Soil texture A β17 Baseflow recession rate (d). Geology M Fraction of the groundwater recharge that might be gained or lost either as deep β Geology M 18 percolation or as intercatchment groundwater flow in nonconservative basins (-). Length, slope and land β Muskingum travel time parameter (h). − 19 cover of river reach β20 Muskingum attenuation parameter (-). Slope of river reach − β21 Aspect correction factor of the PET (-). Aspect A 3 Table S3: Climatic, hydrologic and land surface characteristics of the 222 supplementary catchments Station Alti- Longi- Lati- Basin Elevation Land cover Posrosity Slope Aspect Period Qobs Precip PET Qsim ET Gauge River ID tude tude tude Area mean stddev forest sealed mixed mean stddev mean stddev mean stddev start end [mm a−1] [mm a−1] [mm a−1] [mm a−1] [mm a−1] name name 6335115 85.00 7.91 49.91 4013.0 349.2 112.8 37.6 6.2 56.2 427.3 83.5 10.7 8.0 175.8 104.6 1955 2009 239.8 749.9 763.5 230.0 519.5 GROLSHEIM NAHE 6335125 173.00 8.03 48.39 954.0 592.1 195.2 69.7 3.6 26.8 346.1 56.2 24.6 14.1 183.3 104.2 1955 2008 773.6 1437.9 762.8 857.0 583.0 SCHWAIBACH KINZIG 6335290 154.00 9.29 49.26 1929.0 405.6 94.4 36.9 5.7 57.4 310.4 73.6 9.3 8.3 182.0 104.3 1955 2009 366.7 915.6 783.4 356.3 560.8 STEIN KOCHER 6335350 135.00 8.36 50.55 3571.0 322.2 102.9 44.1 8.0 47.8 497.2 104.1 9.8 7.4 177.9 102.6 1955 2009 306.7 819.3 746.0 292.7 526.5 LEUN-(NEU) LAHN 6335601 160.00 9.16 49.07 7916.0 489.7 159.3 37.0 12.7 50.4 347.3 109.6 10.3 10.0 174.1 107.4 1955 2009 353.2 911.8 774.1 358.1 561.0 LAUFFEN NECKAR 6335602 245.76 9.42 48.71 3995.0 549.9 144.2 35.5 11.1 53.4 329.0 103.1 10.3 10.4 174.4 108.3 1955 2009 393.5 917.4 768.4 365.0 562.8 PLOCHINGEN NECKAR 6335800 230.00 10.87 49.95 4251.0 427.9 125.9 41.4 4.9 53.7 445.2 169.1 9.9 8.4 180.6 101.6 1955 2009 332.9 831.2 738.7 308.6 524.3 KEMMERN MAIN 6337500 94.98 9.94 51.86 2916.0 276.7 126.3 35.7 6.1 58.2 409.8 126.5 9.5 8.5 177.8 105.2 1976 1987 354.5 828.5 686.9 327.9 492.0 GREENE LEINE 6337501 23.01 9.70 52.68 7209.0 95.8 88.4 31.4 8.8 59.9 600.7 131.2 1.9 3.9 185.6 108.3 1955 2009 179.5 688.6 721.5 195.5 494.0 MARKLENDORF ALLER 6337502 31.80 10.06 52.62 4374.0 113.6 107.4 31.2 7.3 61.5 588.5 132.7 2.5 4.8 184.3 105.9 1955 2009 195.1 681.6 720.8 190.1 492.4 CELLE ALLER 6337504 245.87 8.90 51.16 1202.0 477.0 110.5 55.9 3.8 40.3 497.8 131.6 14.0 9.2 169.8 99.9 1955 2009 504.4 985.9 676.1 485.3 500.9 SCHMITTLOTHEIM EDER 6337506 151.03 9.50 51.19 2975.0 368.7 101.0 42.6 4.8 52.5 469.8 106.4 10.6 6.8 181.7 106.9 1955 2009 282.7 792.2 727.5 278.3 514.6 GREBENAU FULDA 6337507 140.89 9.47 51.23 6366.0 371.2 113.6 42.7 4.8 52.5 484.3 106.2 10.4 7.6 177.7 105.3 1955 2009 294.8 798.2 712.6 292.2 506.6 GUNTERSHAUSEN FULDA 6337508 179.54 9.72 51.00 2523.0 375.7 102.2 41.0 5.1 53.9 469.6 105.7 10.1 6.5 180.6 107.1 1955 2009 286.4 797.8 725.6 286.1 512.5 ROTENBURG FULDA 6337509 43.81 9.68 52.39 5304.0 230.5 130.8 32.8 7.9 59.3 406.8 125.0 8.3 8.3 176.1 108.8 1955 2009 311.1 811.1 707.1 314.9 498.2 HERRENHAUSEN LEINE 6337510 21.00 9.60 52.68 6443.0 203.1 134.7 30.3 8.7 61.0 437.8 142.6 7.2 8.0 177.0 110.7 1955 2009 309.9 793.9 707.8 299.2 496.5 SCHWARMSTEDT LEINE 6337511 143.52 9.98 51.27 5166.0 402.4 132.6 42.1 5.7 52.2 402.8 160.9 11.7 8.9 179.4 105.4 1955 2009 288.9 793.0 704.3 298.0 502.2 ALLENDORF WERRA 6337512 168.02 10.20 51.13 4302.0 417.0 134.6 42.4 6.1 51.6 410.2 166.9 11.5 8.9 180.7 105.4 1955 2009 297.4 798.3 696.1 308.4 498.1 HELDRA WERRA 6337513 117.40 9.71 51.41 5487.0 396.8 133.4 42.8 5.6 51.6 401.8 159.9 11.9 9.0 179.3 105.5 1955 2009 293.1 793.6 706.6 296.8 503.7 LETZTER-HELLER WERRA 6338110 12.42 7.25 52.60 4981.0 69.9 34.8 11.5 9.2 79.4 607.8 104.5 1.2 2.4 193.8 104.6 1965 2009 315.7 804.0 724.7 291.0 511.7 DALUM EMS 6338120 32.71 7.60 52.09 2842.0 83.2 35.7 11.4 10.7 77.9 602.3 108.2 1.3 2.5 196.5 103.2 1955 2008 316.7 802.3 724.4 292.2 511.9 GREVEN EMS RHEINE-UNTER- 6338130 24.19 7.43 52.29 3740.0 76.5 34.7 10.7 9.9 79.4 607.4 107.0 1.2 2.5 193.5 103.5 1955 2007 321.0 796.9 721.9 287.4 509.8 EMS SCHLEUSE-UP 6338800
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