Gorilla Journal Journal of Berggorilla & Regenwald Direkthilfe No. 32, June 2006 The Stories of Bwindi-Impenetra- The Cross-Sanaga Humans and Go- Mugaruka and ble: 15 Years as a Gorillas: North- rillas – what Kind Chimanuka National Park ernmost Gorilla of Relationship? Populations BERGGORILLA & REGENWALD DIREKTHILFE Authors of this Issue a scientifi c assistant at the Inst. of Bio- CONTENTS science at the University of Rostock. D. R. Congo 3 Stephen Asuma is a Field Offi cer Jean Claude Kyungu Kasolene Trip to Kahuzi-Biega 3 for IGCP in Uganda. led an ecology NGO, the Tayna Gorilla Attack on the Mugaba Patrol Post 3 James Byamukama has worked Reserve and the Walikale Community Le Gorille Magazine 2006 4 for IGCP as a Field Offi cer since April Gorilla Reserve and is now Project Ma- The Stories of Mugaruka and Chi- 2004. Since 1991 he has worked with nager for Tshiabirimu Gorilla Project. manuka ... so far 4 the Uganda Forest Department and Dr. Eric Leroy is a virologist and the The Silverback Mugaruka 5 with UNDP/GEF. chief of the “Emerging Viruses Unit” in New Patrol Post at Mt. Tshiabirimu 6 Prof. Dr. Raymond Corbey is a the Centre International de Recherch- Uganda 8 philosopher and anthropologist who is es Médicales de Franceville, Gabon. Bwindi-Impenetrable: 15 Years 8 connected to the Dept. of Philosophy of Dr. Alastair McNeilage is currently HuGo – the Uganda Experience 10 Tilburg University and the Dept. of Ar- the director of the Institute of Tropical Cross River 13 chaeology of Leiden University. Forest Conservation in Bwindi. He has Trip to Nigeria 13 Prof. Dr. Dr. Jean-Paul Gonzalez been involved with gorilla research and Investigating Killing of “Gorillas” 14 is the Director of UR178 at the Insti- conservation for the past 17 years. The Cross-Sanaga Gorillas 16 tut de Recherche pour le Développe- Dr. Angela Meder studied captive Gorillas 19 ment, Mahidol University at Salaya, gorillas and now works as a book edi- Ebola: from Bats to Gorillas 19 Thailand. tor. Since 1992 she has been a mem- Humans and Gorillas 20 Prof. Colin P. Groves teaches pri- ber of the Board of Directors of B&RD. Who Is the Beauty and Who Is matology and human evolution at the Dr. Bethan Morgan has been work- the Beast? 20 Australian National University and does ing for the Zoological Society of San Di- Lessons of Dian Fossey and research on various mammals. ego’s CRES in Cameroon since 2002. Establishment of POPOF-Japan 21 David Jay has worked with the Ape Robert Mulimbi is the chef de gui- Gorillas as Others 23 Alliance since 1998 and since 2001 for des for the ranger teams who lead tou- Another View of Gorilla GRASP as well as for the Born Free rists to the gorillas in the Kahuzi-Biega Relationships 24 Foundation’s Primate Program. National Park. A Step Away from King Kong 26 Richard Johnstone-Scott spent 10 Denise Nierentz worked for one Other Nations 28 years at Howletts Zoo Park. In 1979 he year at the Endangered Primate Res- Smiling Gorillas 28 returned to Jersey and was promoted cue Centre in Cuc Phuong, Vietnam, Reading 29 in 1997 to Head of Mammals. and is now a zoo animal keeper. Berggorilla & Regenwald John Kahekwa has been working at Dr. Xavier Pourrut (DVM) is an epi- Direkthilfe 30 the Kahuzi-Biega National Park since demiologist who works in the research Members’ Meeting 2006 30 1983. He founded the Pole Pole Foun- program “Ebola reservoir”. Finances 31 dation in 1992. Dr. Martha Robbins, a research as- Dr. Ursula Karlowski worked in rain sociate at the Max Planck Institute for forest conservation in southwestern Evolutionary Anthropology, has been Organization Address: Uganda. Currently she is working as studying gorillas for 14 years. Berggorilla & Regenwald Direkthilfe Dr. Kelly Stewart studied the goril- c/o Rolf Brunner Gorilla Journal 32, June 2006 las at Karisoke during the 1970s and Lerchenstr. 5 Editor: Dr. Angela Meder early 1980s. She is a research asso- 45473 Muelheim, Germany Augustenstr. 122, 70197 Stuttgart, ciate in the Anthropology Department, Fax +49-208-7671605 Germany University of California at Davis. E-mail [email protected] Fax +49-711-6159919 Jacqueline L. Sunderland-Groves Website: E-mail [email protected] started a gorilla survey in Takamanda http://www.berggorilla.org Translation and Proofreading: Ann in 1997, and after 2000 she studied Bank Account: DeVoy, Bettina and Andrew Grieser Cross River gorillas in other areas. Account number 353 344 315 Johns, Colin Groves Prof. Dr. Juichi Yamagiwa has Stadtsparkasse Muelheim, Germany Design: Edwin Artho, Angela Meder been involved in fi eld work on eastern Bank code number 362 500 00 Cover: Boy and gorilla in Bukima gorillas since 1978, mainly at Kahuzi- IBAN DE06 3625 0000 0353 3443 15 Photo: Christian Kaiser Biega. 2 Gorilla Journal 32, June 2006 D. R. CONGO Trip to the Kahuzi-Biega Luhoho National Park Kalehe Attack on the Mugaba Patrol Post At the end of January 2006, I visited Lemera Musenyi the Kahuzi-Biega National Park ac- Lake The attack on the patrol post took companied by the photographer Chris- Lwiro Kivu place during the night of 10 to Bitale Kahuzi tian Kaiser. We also visited projects Tshibati 11 April, 2006, commencing at in the surroundings of the park that Mugaba 11.30 pm. It was carried out by have been supported by Berggorilla Madiri Tshivanga the Mai-Mai division of Colonel & Regenwald Direkthilfe over the Mabolongo, “alias 106”, and Hutu KALONGE Miti last few years. Carlos Schuler had Biega rebels under the leadership of organized everything perfectly and was Fendula “Chuck Norris”. The post was NINDJA Kasirusiru a wonderful host during our stay. Cyangugu attacked by approximately 50 The offi ce of the ICCN/GTZ project, troops, with another 50 on stand- Ihembe parts of which burnt down last year, Mulume- Bukavu by in the vicinity of the post. was in the process of being rebuilt. I Munene Ruzizi The outcome was that one presented a computer to park director soldier of the FARDC (Forces Bernard Iyomi Iyatshi; this will provide Walungu Armées de la République Dé- park staff with permanent access to the mocratique du Congo) was killed Internet. The computer was funded by and one was injured; 4 of the sol- employees of the bank Kempen & Co. now been educated for some years – it diers’ wives and 26 men were kid- in Amsterdam; they collected this do- is only thanks to the PNKB/GTZ project napped and taken into the for- nation at a Christmas auction for us that they can go to school at all. The est; these people happened to be and we received it via the Apenheul school in Lukananda has admitted 16 on a lorry that was looted at the Primate Conservation Trust, the con- of these children (a total of 300 stu- post. On the side of the attackers, servation foundation of the Apenheul dents are taught there). 2 rebels were killed and a major primate park. Volker Jährling paid for part of the received a bullet wound. The post Of course, we also wanted to see tuition fees and for costs of teaching was looted: 2 AKA rifl es with 60 the gorillas, and we decided to visit materials for 200 Pygmy pupils in 2005. rounds of ammunition, one GPS, the Chimanuka group, hoping to catch The company ESGE in Albstadt, Ger- one Motorola phone, one solar a glimpse of the twins. Unfortunately, many, has fi nanced their 2005/2006 panel and the food rations of the the mother was not interested in meet- academic year in its entirety, to mark guards were stolen. ing us; but we spent a long time watch- the occasion of the company’s anniver- During our visit to the patrol ing Chimanuka feed and also observed sary; on behalf of the students, we ex- post, one of the women hostages some other group members. tend a heartfelt “thank you” to manag- returned – having been freed on The next day, we visited one of the ing director Karl Eugen Maag, who has 13 April. The other 3 women and schools where Pygmy children have most of the men were also freed in the meantime, but some still are with the attackers. According to the information given by the returning woman, the objective of the attack had been to abduct the guards and the troops stationed at the post and incorporate them into the rebel force; unfortunately for the attackers, they encountered re- sistance. Since the attack, only Books that were donated to the new Pygmy children in the Lukananda 7 soldiers and 6 guards remain at library after our appeal school, with their new benches the Mugaba patrol post. Photo: Carlos Schuler Photo: Angela Meder 3 Gorilla Journal 32, June 2006 D. R. CONGO Unfortunately, we found that the or- Le Gorille Magazine 2006 phanage, which currently houses 20 chimpanzees and numerous small- In the Gorilla Journal No. 30 we asked er monkeys, is in a pitiful state. Food, you to donate money for the magazine medicine and new enclosures are re- Le Gorille. This magazine is distributed quired urgently. Gorillas are not kept in free of charge in the vicinity of the Kahuzi- Lwiro – they would not survive the con- Biega National Park. After our call for help, ditions there. several people donated varying amounts of Angela Meder money. Thanks to their help, we could pay for some of the printing costs and ensure the future publication of the magazine. The Stories of Mugaruka Many thanks to all the donors! They have and Chimanuka ..
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