3734 THE LONDON GAZETTE, AUGUST 3, 1886. or belonging to such machinery, or of any Civil Service Commission, August 3, 1686. steam engine or other engine for sinking, IN pursuance of the provisions of Her Majesty's draining, or working any mine or quarry, or Order in Council of the 12th February, 1876, the of any staith or erection used in conducting Civil Service Commissioners hereby announce that the business of any mine or quarry, or of any the undermentioned Appointments and Transfers bridge, waggon, way, or truck for conveying in the Civil Service were notified to them in the minerals or other product from any mine or month of July, 1886:— quarry. Hugh C. JE. Childers. APPOINTMENTS. Whitehall, 28th July, 1886. British Museum, Randolph Kirkpatrick to be Eyre and Spottiswoode, East Harding-street, Assistant. Fetter-lane, E.C. ; Knight and Co., 90, Fleet- street ; Stevens and Sons, 119, Chancery-lane ; Commons, House o/j"Henry Augustus Ferguson E. Stanford, 55, Charing Cross ; Ford and Tilt, Davie to be Clerk. 52, Long Acre ; Shaw and Sons, Fetter-lane ; Education Department, Wallace Bond to be Inspec- Evison and Bridge, 22, Chancery-lane ; Water- tor's Assistant. low and Sons Limited, 25 to 27, Great Winchester- Fishery Board (Scotland), James Donaldson to be street, E.C.; Waterlow Brothers and Layton, 24 • Fishery Officer. and 25, Birchin-lane, E.C.; and Butterworths, 7, High Court of Justice (England), George Hannen Fleet-street. to be Third Class Clerk in the Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty Division. Joseph Johnstone to be Third Class Clerk in the Supreme Court. GENERAL ORDER of the Local Government Post Office, Frank James Brown, Alexander Board; Altering General Order as regards Paro- Edward Wyndham Codrington, Frederick chial Lists and Statement of Accounts :— Townley Griffith^ Noel Thomas Kershaw, Ashby-de-la-Zouch Union. William Francis Marwood, and Ernest Grant To the Guardians of the Poor of the Ashby- Moggridge, to .be Clerks in the Secretary's de-la-Zouch Union, in the counties of Derby Office, London. and Leicester ;— Susan Elliot to be Postmistress (Melrose). And to all others whom it may concern. Valuation Office, Ireland, Charles James Boland WHEREAS by a General Order dated the and John Carbury to be Assistant Valuers and 27th day of June, 1870, addressed (amongst Surveyors.) others) to the Guardians of the Poor of the said Works, Office of, Edward Carpenter and Alfred Ashby-de-la-Zouch Union, the Poor Law Board William Comey to be Clerks of Works in made provision for the printing, circulating, and England. advertising by the said Guardians of the Parochial William Kennedy to be Clerk of Works in List and Statement of Account therein referred Scotland. to, or any parts thereof; And whereas it is expedient that further pro- Clerks and Boy Clerics of the Lower Division. vision as regards the said Parochial List and Customs, Arthur James Pearce to be Clerk. Statement of Account should be made as herein- Exchequer and Audit Office, George Robert after mentioned: Maguire to be Clerk. Now therefore, We, the Local Government Board, in pursuance of the powers given to Us Inland Revenue, Theodore Lockhart to be Boy by the Statutes in that behalf, hereby order as Clerk. follows :— National Education Office, Ireland, John Allan ARTICLE I. When the said Guardians deem it and Alexander William Cheffins to be Clerks. expedient that, in addition to the said Parochial Post Office, Edwin Lewis Broughton, Harry List and Statement of Account, any such further Hesford, Philip James Knights, and Horatio information relating to the subject matters thereof Leeds to be Clerks. shall be prepared, as can be given within reason- Francis Molison Black to be Boy Clerk. able limits it shall be the duty of the Clerk to prepare the same accordingly. Scotch Education Department, John Patrick ARTICLE II. The said Guardians may, in addi- Moore to be Boy Clerk. tion to the said Parochial List and Statement of TRANSFERS, with the approval of the Lords Account, cause such further information as afore- Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury:— said to be printed and circulated among the Rate- payers of the said Union, or to be advertised in Privy Council Office, Joshua Cornelius, Clerk of some newspaper or newspapers circulated within the Lower Division, from the Post Office. the said Union. Tradf, Board of, Walter William Woodgate, ARTICLE III. The reasonable costs incurred Clerk of the Lower Division, from the Post under this Order by the said Guardians shall be Office. charged to the Common Fund of the said Union. Given under the Seal of Office of the Local Government Board, this thirty-first day NOTICE TO MARINERS. of July, in the year one thousand eight (No. 174.)—HINDOSTAN—WEST COAST. hundred and eighty-six. (1.) Buoy marking Wreck in Narrakel Road. THE Marine Office, Madras, has given notice, dated 9th June, 1886, that the wreck of a vessel James Stansfeld, lies sunk in Narrakel Road, in five fathoms water, President. with the following bearings :— Narrakel Flagstaff; E. by N. £ N. Alfred D. Adrian, Assistant Secretary. Cochin Lighthouse, S.E. £ S. Position, lat. 10° 2' N., long. 76° 10' E. A buoy painted green has been placed two.
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