THE MILITANT Published in the Interests of the Working People Vol. 32-No. 35 Friday, August 30, 1968 price lOc "SOLDIER COMRADES, go home and fight for socialist democracy!" Czech citizens surround Soviet tank in Bratislava, near Hungarian border. Soviet troops, go home! U.S., get out of Vietnam! Fred Halstead, presidential candidate of since Novotny was ousted last January Vietnam is justified by its pretext of pro­ they hoped to bring Dubcek and his as­ the Socialist Workers Party, issued the with enthusiastic backing from the over­ tecting "freedom." sociates to their knees, force them to scrap following statement Aug. 21. whelming majority of the Czechoslovak the liberal reforms and revert to the Stal­ Indeed, the Soviet invasion of Czecho­ masses. It is designed to halt the further inist practices of the deposed Novotny slovakia directly injures the Vietnamese disintegration of Stalinist monolithism gang. As the presidential candidate of the So­ revolution since it is being exploited by which has already enabled one satellite Dubcek explained to them in his response cialist Workers Party, I unequivocally the U. S. imperialists and their allies to regime after another to gain greater na­ on July 18 that "any indication of a return condemn the brutal occupation of Czecho­ sanction the continuation of their war tional autonomy from the Kremlin. It to these methods would evoke the resis­ slovakia and the suppression of its reforms against the Vietnamese people. It serves seeks to prevent the example of Czecho­ tance of the overwhelming majority of by the Kremlin and its stooges. to dishearten the antiwar forces within slovakia's repudiation of unrestrained party members and the resistance of the The invasion and occupation of Czecho­ the United States. A call for the invading bureaucratic domination from spreading working class, the workers, the coopera­ slovakia by the armed forces of Moscow Warsaw Pact armies to get out of Czecho­ to their own domains and jeopardizing tive farmers and the intelligentsia." When, and its four accomplices- East Germany, slovakia must be coupled with an equally their continued rule. despite minor concessions, his government Poland, Hungary, and Bulgaria-is a vigorous demand for U. S. troops to with­ The assault not only damages and dis­ refused to comply with their demands, criminal and indefensible deed. It deserves draw immediately from Vietnam. credits socialism in the eyes of world opin­ the Kremlin and its agents moved to take the severest condemnation on both socialist ion. It likewise undermines the security of Since early July the Soviet leaders and over Czechoslovakia and install a sub­ and democratic grounds. the Soviet Union and the other workers their stooges have been conducting a furi­ servient regime, as was done in Hungary The action violates the independence of states by disrupting and weakening the ous campaign against the Dubcek govern­ in 1956. a small nation and tramples on its right fraternity and solidarity of the forces for ment and its supporters, accusing them The pretext of "counterrevolutionary to self-determination. This second Hungary socialism in East Europe and on an inter­ of counterrevolutionary complicity with danger" invoked by the Kremlin to cover deals severe blows to the cause of world national scale. Moscow's military inter­ West German Nazis, U.S. imperialists, its intervention is utterly hypocritical and socialism. ference can no more be justified by false the CIA and other ultrareactionary ele­ baseless. As their declarations and deeds It is aimed to crush and reverse the claims of defending the interests of social­ ments. By military maneuvers, diplomatic demonstrated, the Czechoslovak masses strides toward socialist democracy taken ism than Washington's intervention in pressures and a barrage of press attacks were not sliding backward to restore capi­ talism and landlordism, butgoingforward to the formation of a genuine socialist democracy. The Soviet, East German, Huey Newton case: surprise witness Polish and other bureaucrats were thrown into panic fear by the precedentthe Czecho­ slovaks' progress toward that goal was By Stephen Bloom Newton is accused of killing policeman the person who had been with Newton that setting for their own peoples. OAKLAND, Calif., Aug. 21- Defense at­ John Frey and wounding Herbert Heanes night. The real promoters of counterrevolution torney Charles Garry dropped a bomb­ when the two cops stopped a car in which The defense began presenting its case in this situation are those Stalinist bureau­ shell here today when he called a surprise Newton and an unknown companion were Aug. 19, after Judge Monroe Friedman crats around the world who have plotted, witness in the 22-day-old murder trial of riding last Oct. 28. granted a defense motion for acquittal on executed and approved the rape ofCzecho- Black Panther leader Huey P. Newton. After the noon recess Garry called 26- (Continued on page 12) ( Continued on page 5) year-old Gene McKinney to the witness stand and asked him if he had been in Free ·· .. Hl.ley! the car with Newton on the 28th of Octo­ IN THIS ISSUE: ber, the day the shooting took place. When What you can do: McKinney answered that he had been, 1 .. Hold a "Free Huey" dem~ Garry then asked, "Did you shoot Officer Convention p.3 onstratio~ or rally in y()nr ·area~ Frey?" Peace and Freedom 2. Send a contribution to the In response the witness stated that on Huey P. Newton Defense Fund, the advice of his lawyer he refused to an­ P•. 0. ·. Box . 8641, .. Emeryville swer the question because, "the answer Branch, Oakland Calif'. might tend to incriminate me." McCarthy plank on Vietnam p.4 a.· Wear a "Free .. HMeY'' button. McKinney also took the Fifth Amend­ These can be ordered for .50 cents ment in response to a question concerning • from. the Huey P. Newton Defense the shooting of Officer Heanes. Fred Halstead 1n Saigon p.12 Fund. Posters are also available The testimony of McKinney confirmed for one dollar~ the fact, long rumored among observers of the trial, that the defense would produce Page2 THE MILITANT Friday, August 30, 1968 THE MILITANT Peace and Freedom's radicalism i a copy of the magazine. After Editor: BARRY SHEPPARD Business Manager: BEVERLY SCOTT 'Wishy-washy collage' reading the article, I put my copy Published weekly by The Militant Publishing Ass'n., 873 Broadway, New York, of the magazine in the rack in the N.Y. 10003. Phone 533-6414. Second-class postage paid at New York, N.Y. Subscription: domestic, $3 a year; Canada and Latin America, $3.50; other dayroom. A few days later this foreign, $4.50. By first class mail: domestic and Canada $9.00; all other coun­ Urbana, IlL tries, $14.00. Air printed matter: domestic and Canada,$12.50; Latin America, copy was gone, too. $23.00; Europe, $27.00; Africa, Australia, Asia (including USSR), $32.00. Being an ex-member (I say this On July 26, I had another in­ Write for sealed air postage rates. Signed articles by contributors do not nec­ with pride) of the local Peace and essarily represent The Militant's views. These are expressed in editorials. teresting experience. I was sitting Freedom Party, I would like to in the service club near two mem­ share a few personal insights with Vol. 32-No. 35 .121 Friday, August 30, 1968 bers of the Special Forces. They readers of Tire Militant. were talking to a member of the CLAIM: The Peace and Free­ 82nd Airborne. One of the SF dom Party is a democratic orga­ was telling the story of his first This column is an open forum nization, structured from the bot­ assignment in "N am." for all viewpoints on subjects of tom up, in which all members He and the members of his out­ general interest to our readers. have an equal say. fit had been ordered to burn down Please keep your letters brief. Where FACT: The local chapter is in­ a Vietnamese village, some 25 neCessary they will be abridged. What's wrong with fluenced by an authoritarian fig­ miles from Saigon. As he entered Writers' initials will be used, names ure from the campus SDS, who the village, the members of his being withheld unless authorization often ignores the mandates of the unit opened frre with flamethrow­ is given for use. membership when they conflict ers, setting fire to the huts. A few with his own desires. of the Vietnamese were able to the Democratic Party main entrance. His car arrived, CLAIM: PFP is a radical party remove what meager possessions and he stepped out, surrounded which offers a choice to persons they had. Others could only watch by several Secret Service agents. By George Novack who are fed up with Democratic their homes and clothing go up The now angry crowd pushed Going from right to left, there will be four significant aspirants and Republican machinations. in smoke. closer to him, yelling, swearing FACT: The local group is a Some of the villagers were for the Presidency at the Democratic convention in Chicago. These and trying to pound their fists on wishy-washy collage which places trapped in their homes and were him. The police tried in vain to are Gov. Lester Maddox of Georgia, Vice President Hubert Hum­ most of its hopes on attracting badly burned. Among these were phrey, Senator George McGovern of South Dakota and Senator push back the demonstrators. As McCarthy supporters after the women and children. At this point, white as a ghost, he was rushed Eugene McCarthy of Minnesota. 1 Democratic convention. At a re­ the SF said that this was the first inside. In evidence throughout the This quartet of contenders well symbolizes what the Democratic cent meeting, some of these so­ time he questioned the U.
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