A P R IL , 1967 llint’tij-Jlmu U rn s z f k c_Afmety-c_Afmeg ^ C o umn Spring has sprung! And with the new bership wants unless you COMMUNI­ 'w growth of Spring, there also comes a CATE. Perhaps you have an idea on renewed desire to improve . up­ fund raising that no one else has grade . do something constructive. thought about . tell it! Or you Everything seems to take a ‘new have an idea on how to interest your lease on life’ about this time of year community airport on sponsoring a APRIL, 1967 and it should be no different with the race stop . tell it! Or you know Ninety Nines. a group of women who would like to This is the month of Spring Section become Ninety Nines but aren’t sure THE NINETY-NINES, Inc. meetings . so be sure you plan of the proceedures . tell them! It International Headquarters to attend yours. It is too late for you is only through letting our wants and Will Rogers World Airport to send that nomination, resolution, wishes be made known, that we get Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73159 or application for the AE Scholarship, them accomplished. Headquarters Secretary but it is not too late for you to make MARY VIAL, Phoenix Chairman, DARLA BULLARD your contributions to the AE Fund and I had such a delightful time with or the AWTAR. Wouldn’t it be wonder­ LADY McREYNOLDS, Tennessee ful if each chapter would send in their Chairman, during her visit in Phoenix. Editor contributions NOW and when the re­ We had lunch together around the pool PEG ONG ports are read at convention, we would and talked about (of all things) fly­ 2900 Rockbrook Drive have the TOTAL amounts given and ing! LADY told us what a wonderful Plano, Texas 75074 EVERY CHAPTER contributing? Job EVELYN BRYAN JOHNSON is This is also the month your Execu­ doing on the Morristown Airport. LADY INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS tive Board meets to determine the believe the ability and interest President actions of your organization. Have you EVELYN has shown in Morristown, ALICE ROBERTS made your suggestion to them ? Or is responsible for the industry Mor­ 9828 North 19 Avenue are you going to wait until the Board ristown enjoys. Did you know ALL Phoenix, Arizona 85021 does something and then grumble be­ deliveries to the plants in Morristown cause they didn’t do what you thought are made by air? Vice-President they should? Just for a moment, let’s I am sure we have many members DONNA T. MYERS consider IMPROVEMENT THROUGH who have done many things quietly . Aurora, Colorado 80010 COMMUNICATIONS. All of us are Sometime it would be nice to have a working for the betterment of the ‘horn blowing’ and learn about our Secretary Ninety Nines.. We want to improve many members. Anyone for sending a GENE NORA JESSEN our organization but we can’t possibly note about someone special in your 741 Eastridge Drive know what the maJority of the mem- chapter? Wichita, Kansas 67207 I drove to Prescott last week for a Treasurer meeting with the Northern Arizona RUTH RUECKERT Chapter. The weatherman said DON’T 2037 Rivera Street ATTEN TIO N FLY . and would you believe it San Francisco, Calif. 94116 was absolutely beautiful all the way? It shouldn’t be too long before we Executive Board TREASURERS!! have a Prescott Chapter . there LYDIELLEN “ LYGIE” HAGAN are almost five who fly and they South 1907 Oneida Place are very interested in becoming 99s. FINAL NOTICE: Reminder to all Spokane, Washington 99203 The speaker for the luncheon was Treasurers — if you have not re­ CA'PT. LEDBETTER of American Air­ BETTY W. McNABB ceived your Chapter’s and /or Sec­ lines, who spoke on safety. His think­ 926 Third Avenue tion’s refund check from your chair­ ing is PRIDE causing the most of Albany, Georgia man and/or Governor, to whom the the fatal accidents. Too much pride to execute a 180. Makes sense. He DORIS RENNINGER refund check was sent in February, holds the commercial speed records 10-01 162nd Street contact her for the check, and Beechhurst, N. Y. 11357 for trips from New York to San Fran­ please cash immediately. cisco and Chicago to Mexico City, As of May 31st, 1967, all uncashed has something like 35,000' flying hours DEADLINE FOR NEWS — and admits it is still hard for him refund checks will be voided. The 20th of the Month to make a 180 . but has on many Send Copy to: occasions. A word to the wise? PEG ONG Ruth N. Rueckert, Convention time is drawing near . 2900 Rockbrook Drive Treasurer, 99s. are your plans made? Am looking Plano, Texas 75074 forward to seeing YOU in Washington. Happy communicating . “ Oh, oh G R A N N Y .... You forgot to fasten your safety belt!” Checklists are important even for 1912 Curtiss pusher aircraft ! ! ! (Photo by Jini Larsen, Bellevue, Washington). True Confession: I WAS A TRANSVESTITE FOR THE 99s NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE the Western Washington Chapter of of costume — one doesn’t casually POWER OF A WOMAN, the ads say. the 99s were planning the 1966 Powder pick up “ granny” dresees for a six- Believe me, they know what they’re Puff Derby, they wanted an off-beat foot-two, 200-pound male type. This talking about. Take the Powder Puff gimmick for the Start. ILOVENE was resolved by JAY LAWRENCE, Derby, for example. I’ve known a POTTER was to cut the ribbon with who loaned a calico from her square number of the girls in it, and have her helicopter, but they needed some­ dancing club. The rest of the outfit always taken it pretty much for grant­ thing else. Someone suggested that was up to me and truned into a ed. When Seattle was the starting spot I be invited to dress like my own real adventure. for 1966, I got a good look at the grandmother and fly my 1912 Curtiss Starting from the inside out, I went real work involved, and found that it pusher replica across the line as the looking for lower-level undies. I want­ started nearly three years before! first plane off. Everyone thought it ed some leotards, preferably with hori­ But that’s getting a head of my was a hilarious idea, but doubted that zontal stripes, but no leotards or long story. My name is PETE BOWERS. I would go for it. ILOVENE was di­ stockings could be found — period! I live in Seattle and am quite active rected to ask me anyhow. I solved this one by taking a set of with homebuilt and antique airplanes, Well, with a little hemming and thermal ski longies and painting red flying them at air shows throughout hawing, she did, and I agreed to the stripes on them to make them look the Northwest. Well, when the girls of idea. The immediate problem was one like striped stockings. The bottoms were painted black for a few inches by prearrangement so that they would above the after-ski boots I was to stay together at the pusher’s terrific wear; from a short distance this gave 45 MPH cruising speed. Patter by Peg the effect of high button shoes. For the takeoff, I traded the wide- brimmed straw for helmet and gog­ (Before JAY came up with the dress, gles, which didn’t fit well over the PRES. ALICE says we need to COM­ I had gone looking on my own and wig. The voluminous skirt wasn’t a MUNICATE . I agree and so entered a clothing exchange store. problem — the seat belt held it down. I wi'l! Besides I have a sneaky, in­ When I told the lady what I wanted ILOVENE started the action with her side track to getting past the Editor’s the outfit for, she didn’t say much helicopter, after which I backed off shopping block, huh? but I knew what she was thinking. a couple of hundred yards from the She didn’t have a suitable dress, but starting line in order to be able to I spotted the most ridiculous wide- A DEADLINE is a DEADLINE, is a fly over it. Even when taxiing the brim straw hat with flowers, a set DEADLINE . and that 20th one is pusher puts on a good show. It can’t of lace-edged calico pettipants that “ sumpin’ else!” I never realized how be steered, so “ GRANNY” had to stop fit, and a fabulous wig. The wig was many trips I took departing on the at every turn and lift the nose around for sale on consignment for $35 and 19th . or how many luncheons I was to aim it in the desired direction. After the gag wasn’t worth that much to invited to on the 20th . or how takeoff, I buzzed the flagman, who me. The proprietress couldn’t lend or many chapter meetings seem to be dived flat onto the runway. A photo­ rent it to me herself, but did agree scheduled on the 20th! But now that grapher for the Seattle Times got to call the owner. Since she wasn’t I am aware of the concentration of a good picture of this and the As­ home at the moment, I said I’d come activities, why don’t we change the sociated Press got it into papers a'l back after looking elsewhere for a DEADLINE to the 25th? . that would over the country. I flew on to the far dress. When I did return, there were give us all a few day’s grace.
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