SERVING CRANFORD, GARWOOD and KENILWORTH A Forbes Newspaper USPS 136 800 Second Class Vol. 97 NO. 15 Published Every Thursday Thursday, April 12,1990 Postage Paid Cranford, N.J. 50 Cents In brief Zoning official defends Holiday legality of large signs . -, '/• Because of Good Friday, li- braries and municipal offices at Blockbuster Video will be closed tomorrow. By Cheryl Moulton for the installation of the signs. Zoning, official John Gall de- Duryee instructed Gall to inform closed. The Post Office and fended the legality of the Blockj the parties ((Elberon, oWner- banks will be open during buster signage last week—refusing developer) as to the proper ap- regular hours. Cranfbrd Li- to recall permits he granted as proval procedures, not only for brary will be closed Saturday. requested ~T>y -township officials Blockbuster but also for other Cranford public schools are who said proper procedures were signs on the property (Drug Fair). closed until Tuesday while St not followed. •• ."" '..'•'.. According to the Cranford Land •> Michael School remains closed Development Ordinance (LDO) until April 23. In an April 2 letter to township -administrator Edward—Murphy,.-the Drug FauL^ignage_aIsa_does;_ U—J! Gall stated it was his', opinion as not comply; the individually lit zoriing officer the Blockbuster letters protrude further than the Easter services sign conformed to the approval ordinance allows. granted by the Planning Board, Attorneys Keefe and Taylor A complQte^Ji/ung of church and a return is hot necessary. based their opinion upon two, . services for Easter can be Gall's letter was a direct rebut- points: the signs were not specif- found on page B-l. tal to the .letter acting township ically reviewed and-or approyepl . administrator John Duryee 3ent to by either the Downtown Man- Gall March 27 after recent con- agement Corp, (DMC) or the. Fund raiser ^ I ""•*«! troversy erupted among southside Planning Board as the Lt>0 re- merchants objecting .to the quires and the signs do hot meet Kiamie Agency co-workers Blockbuster sign. Duryee said in the LDO's Aticle V which requires are planning a fund..,.raiser for his letter he had been requested signs conform to the Sign plan/ a young mother stricken with by township administrator Ed- approved by the Planning board/ leukemia. Page A-3. ward Murphy to have the entire as part of the site plan approval:; (m. issue reviewed by Planning Board for the property. '; attorney James Keefe. According In his letter Gall states he did' Garwood to Duryee, Keefe in turn dis- "not agree with' John Duryee's) cussed the matter with township memo dated March 27. The per-' Both political parties an- ; attorney Ralph Taylor. It was this mits to install the signs are valid: nounced • their endorse- joint decision that prompted and I will not rescind them. If ments...The borough still isn't Duryee's letter to Gall informing anyone, including the (Planning) accepting the computations of board attorney, wishes Elberon to the Rahway Valley Sewerage . Photo by Poierwamstoker him the approvals or permits for return to the Planning Board, I Authority. Pages A-8 and A-9. EXTINGUISHING BLAZE: Cranford firefighters bring hose into burning house at 2 Roosevelt Ave. the signage were granted in error suggest they request them to re- . while smoke billows out windows during Monday morning fire. Maureen Ulrich and her three young and are "forthwith rescinded." : The letter further states permis- turn." . - daughters escaped unharmed, but fire and smdke destroyed interior of house. sion should not have been granted Gall disputed Duryee's citing of Trip to Russia the LDO, saying this section of the ordinance "further proves my Two Walnut Avenue Scllbol point as the substitution of the teachers.are planning a trip to Bedroom fire routs Roosevelt Avenue family Blockbuster Video sign for the: Russia. Page B-3. shaken. Sears sign conforms to the re-; By Peter Wamsteker Her ^year-old twin daughters, quirements of the Planning Board Responding to the sound a Kelly and Erin, and another approval as to location, letter size; smoke detector's alarm, a mother lighting, height and dimension, daughter, Megan, 2t were kept in- Community response and. her three-daughters managed side the neighbor's house while Color was never mentioned in any to escape unharmed Monday from they waited . for their father, By the time fire fighters left the burned home at 2 Roosevelt correspondence I have." their burning Roosevelt Avenue Glenn, to return from his job. Ave. Monday morning smoke and heat from the fire had de- Gall said the only problem he home. The fire originated in the Meanwhile several firefighters, stroyed the family's clothing and furniture. (Please turn to page B-5) children's first floor bedroom.and dressed in yellow protective coats "Community support for the family has been extremely respon- was reported at 9:53 a.m. by sev- and wearing air masks, could be sive," said police.Capt Harry Wilde who, at the scene, asked eral neighbors, according to fire seen walking in and out of the police headquarters to begin making temporary living arrange- Capt Robert Bendlin. front door carrying axes. Shards ments for the family. Republicans Two fire trucks and about a. of glass sprayed from each win- Especially painful to the mother and her 8-year-old'twin daugh- dozen firemen arrived within a dow of the smoldering home and ters, Kelly and Erin, was the loss of the girls' First Communion Hoeffler and few minutes and were able to the crunching sound of splintering dresses in the fire. But the sadness did not last for long. contain the blaze to the children's "Someone must have heard me over the radio when I called bedroom, said Bendlin. wood could be heard as fire- headquarters about the dresses," said Wilde, "because shortly Biach to run Egg hunt The fire was extinguished fighters attempted to create a thereafter a member of the American Legion Women's Auxiliary within 10 minutes but riot before ventilation system to clear the Republican Municipal Commit- Cranford VFW Post 335 will of Roselle called to say that new dresses would be provided." thick black clouds of smoke and thick smoke. Since the fire originated in the children's bedroom most of the tee chairman Doug Nordstrom hold its annual Easter egg intense heat damaged the interior announced today the selection of hunt Saturday at noon in Un- While this was happening, po- clothing lost in the fire belonged to the three Ulrich girls. Neigh- walls and destroyed furniture and lice blocked off traffic from adja- bors have attended to immediate needs, however, other dona- Bob Biach, and J.R. "Bob" Hoef- ami Park, It was postponed clothing on the first floor of the ffler, as the Republican Party's from last week due to the cent Burnside and Hillside ave- tions, including toys, would be welcome, according to Wilde. two story house. nues and restrained onlookers to Other friendly overtures from township residents included the candidates for Cranford Township spring snow. Children ages 1 : "I don't know how it happened," Committee. Commissioner Vince to 12 are invited to participate. the sidewalk across the street availability of a vacant apartment owned by a local businessman said the mother, Maureen Ulrich. There was never a need to for the family's use.at no expense, said Wilde. The Red Cross Brinkerhoff has elected not to run "I heard the alarm. I grabbed my evacuate the residents of nearby offered accommodations at the Coachman Inn. for a third term, "Brink" will have children, and I ran out the front homes, according to Bendlin. However at the present time, the family is living in the convent completed six years on the Budget debuts door," she said as she sat "The fire was under control and at Garwood's Church of St Anne. Township Committee this De- wrapped in a pink blanket on the cember. The Cranford 1990 municipal at no time was there a danger to Residents who wish to contribute items for may do so by calling front steps of a neighbor's house nearby houses," he said. "It is always a loss when a per- budget was introduced Tues- across the street Coughing the Rev. Ed Swierzbinski, pastor, 789-0280. son with the character and integ- day at the Township Commit- heavily and often, she was visibly (Please turn to page A-14) rity that Brink has demonstrated tee's formal meeting. The over the years decides to leave public hearing for the. $14.5- local office- Not many people af- million spending plan, with a Trivelli and Rosko to run on Democratic line ter working for the town for 34 6-point tax increase for home- years would then decide to dedi- owners, is set for May 8. superconductivity. She was cited help set the agenda for Cranford cate six more years of their life to Vincent Trivelli and Dorothy isco Law School. His wife is a work further to improve it In Kramp Rosko have announced professor of law at the City Uni- earlier this year by the National for the 1990s. "I see this commu- Writers Club. Currently she is nity as positive in terms of rearing December, Vince Brinkerhoff will their candidacy as regular Dem- versity of New York, have given 40 years of service to Questions ocratic organization candidates He currently is the New Jersey working oh a non-fiction book a young family. I want to use my based on the 1983 shootdown of background to help! make the this community. Brink has earned Cranford school board can- for Cranford Township Commit- legislative coordinator for the his retirement," Nordstrom said.
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