u n i v e r s i t y l i b r a r d u q u e s n e COLBERT STS l o c u s t f c P ennsylvania's P A 1 5 2 1 9 PITTSBURGH . I 1 ■ largest w eekly so ü . I circu la tio n mLLL 139th Year, CXLIV No. 44 15 cents Established in 1844: America’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper in Continuous Publication Friday, January 13. 1984 M any from diocese to attend installation B y STEPHEN KARL1NCHAK installed as the ninth bishop of the W isconsin M ilwaukee Archbishop Rem bert W eakland. that a Protestant church in Green Bay w ill be d i o c e s e . O SB. who heads the province of W isconsin, w ill used as a site lo r closed-circuit television view ing M ore than 120 persons from the Pittsburgh Archbishop Pio Lang hi apostolic delegate to preside over the episcopal installation portion of ol the event Diocese are expected to attend the installation of the Untied States, will be the principal the cerem onies In addition. Kuick said that two television Bishop A dam J. M aida as the ninth bishop of the consecrator for the episcopal ordination. Serving Follow ing the ordination and installation M ass. stations in G reen B ay w ill televise* the ordination Green Bay Diocese. w ith Bishop Leonard as co-consecrator w ill be a reception w ill be held in the Schuldes Sports and installation M ass live from the cathedral He Bishop Aloysius W ycislo, the eighth bishop and Center on the cam pus of St. Norbert College, in said that both stations w ill re-broadcast the Bishops Anthony J. Bevilacqua and Vincent M . present apostolic adm inistrator of the G reen Bay nearby DePere, W ise. cerem onies at later tim es Leonard, Aux. Bishops Anthony G. Bosco and D i o c e s e . Bishop-Elect M aida w ill present his credentials K uick said that a series ol regional celebrations John B. M cD ow ell w ill head the group w hich w ill U nlike the cerem onies in P ittsburgh for Bishop from Pope John Paul II to theG reen Bay diocesan will be held on live consectutive Sundays, include approxim ately 60 priests. 20 Religious Bevilacqua, the G reen B ay event w ill include the board ol consultons at a 5 p.m . prayer service on beginning Feb. 5.. across theG reen Bay Diocese. and 40 friends of the bishop-elect. ordination of Bishop-Elect M aida as a bishop Tuesdav. Ja n . 24 in St. Francis X a vie r Cathedral Th e celebrations w ill be held: Feb. 5 in K im b e rly, Bishop Leonard will be one of the co- from the ranks of priests. In Pittsburgh. Bishop Tony Kuick. com m unications director lor the W ise., at H oly N am e Church; Feb. 12 at St. Agnes consecrators at the espiscopal ordination of Bevilacqua cam e to the diocese as an ordained G reen Bay Diocese, said that he was hesitant to Church. Green Bay. Feb 19 at Roncalli High Bishop-Elect M aida on W ednesday, Jan. 25 at 2 bishop, having Leen ordained a bishop for the say how m any cardinals, bishops and pnests w ill School, M anitowoc. W ise . Feb. 26 at St John p.m . in St. Francis X avier Cathedral. G reen Bay. Brooklyn Diocese in 1980 and only needed to be attend the ordination/installation M ass or total Church. Antigo. W ise., and M arch5 at M arinette Follow ing the ordination, the bishop-elect w ill be installed as bishop of Pittsburgh. num ber ol attendees at the M ass. Kuick did say H igh School, M arinette. Wise A look at the new bishop of the Green Bay Diocese By PATRICIA BARTOS Frequently asked w hy he too didn't enter the priesthood, Dan responds, to his wife Pat s From his Polish im m igrant father, Adam J. dism ay, "Som eone has to grow the priests." Dan M aida absorbed the values of integrity, hard and Pat have three sons. w ork and optim ism . He learned from his father's To M sgr. Ferdinand Sojka, now director of St. actions in tim es of both adversity and success. John Vianney M anor in Crafton, who was the Fro m his m other, w ho saw that the fam ily unit M aida fam ily 's form er pastor w hen they lived in was bound tightly w ith m utual love, he learned St. Ignatius parish in Glendale and w ho taught kindness and w arm th. Adam two years of Latin at St. M ary College in These elem ents of his early developm ent add O rchard Lake, M ich ., the bishop-elect w as an "A - texture to the im age of the m an w ho w ill within 1 student," a m an w ho w as "so dedicated and so tw o weeks becom e the ninth Bishop of G reen B ay, sincere that he w as bound to go places. " W ise, in that diocese's 115-year history. M sgr. Sojka preached at the first M asses of Th e 53-year-old Pittsburgh priest has carved a both Adam and Ted. successful and noted career as a canon and civil N ew ly installed Pittsburgh Bishop Anthony J. law yer who has traveled this country and the Bevilacqua also knows the quality of Adam w orld consulting on problem s associated with M a i d a . canon law and church adm inistration. "M y association and friendship w ith Bishop- And. like all m en. he is also m any things to Elect M aida go back m any years. He was alw ays m any people. known as a kind and compassionate priest To his m other, M rs. Sophie M aida of Scott endow ed by G od w ith a special gift of intelligence. Tw p ., he is her first-born son w ho bears the nam e "Th e Diocese of Pittsburgh w ill be losing his of her late husband, a son w ho had alw ays w anted valuable talents and priestly presence but w e are to be a priest, one w ho visits her several tim es a consoled by the conviction that the Diocese of week and. she says with a laugh, takes her G reen Bay w ill be enriched by his leadership. garbage to the curb on collection day. "O n behalf of the Diocese of Pittsburgh I pray To younger brothers Fr. Thaddeus (Ted) and for an abundance of God's blessings in his new Dan M aida. he is a respected and loved older m inistry. W e will always m iss him ." Bishop brother, one who "set a tone and exam ple" for Bevilacqua said. Bishop-Elect Adam J. Maida, who heads the Zagrocki, secretary. Missing is associate legal Ted, w ho also entered the priesthood, and one w ho To his classm ates and fellow priests, Adam diocesan legal office, poses with his staff. From left counsel Bill S l e i d l e . shared his legal expertise and his enthusiasm for are Catherine Figola, secretary, Nicholas P . — Photo by John C. Keenan Steeler gam es and golf w ith baby brother Dan. (Continued on page 3) Cafardi, associate general counsel, and Marie A n a l y s i s In sid e New ties to make U.S. envoy 9s job easier S c h o o l notified ol special events such as beatifications and By JIM LACKEY interview that Lugar toured Europe during Congress' canonizations but would not be officially invited, an St. Joseph Elem entary School M em orial D ay recess last spring and. while in Rom e, American source in Rome told NC News Iasi in O 'H ara Tow nship m ay close W ASHINGTON (NC) — Establishment of formal m et w ith Pope Jo hn P aul II and visited W ilson's offices. N o v e m b e r . its doors. Page 7. diplom atic ties between the United States and the W hile the pope did not raise the diplom atic relations Vatican m ay have little practical effect except for issue with Lugar, W ilson's office in Rom e did, That m eant that the am bassador Irom Cuba, which m aking the job of the U .S . envoy to the H o ly See a little according to Hastings. has diplom atic relations w ith the V atican, w a s ' 'used to I m m i g r a n t s e a s i e r . "They felt they ought to be accredited to the sm irking" at the U.S. representative because the V atican," said Hastings. It w ould m ake their lives so C uban could sit in the place reserved lor the diplom atic St. Ignatius School in In fact, congressional sources told N C News, the m uch easier." corps w hile W ilson could not. the Rom e source said. Glendale helps im m igrant im petus for rem oving the century-old ban that blocked He said the envoy's stall in Rom e used words like Lugar's proposal to end the ban on diplom atic children adjust.
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