Scottsdale Art Auction Results April 7, 2018 Lot Artist Title Medium Dimensions Hammer PriceHammer + PremiumAvailable For Sale 1 Frank Hoffman Columbine Gouache 14 3/4 x 11 1/2 inches $800 $ 936 2 Frank Hoffman The Long Ride Home Black & White Wash 18 x 13 1/2 inches $1,800 $ 2,106 3 Joe Beeler An Open Range Cowboy Graphite 9 1/4 x 5 3/4 inches $900 $ 1,053 4 Jim Norton Buckley's Place Oil on board 18 x 24 inches $1,200 $ 1,404 5 G. Harvey Green Broke Bronze, cast number 20/30 24 inches high $6,500 $ 7,605 6 Edward Borein Noontime in Taos Etching & Dry point 8 x 11 3/4 inches $1,400 $ 1,638 7 Carrie Ballantyne Perry Whiteplum Graphite 7 x 6 inches $1,300 $ 1,521 8 Tom Lovell Friendly Willows Charcoal 6 x 10 inches $1,700 $ 1,989 9 Dale Ford Collection of 5 Wagons Wood Carved $9,000 $ 10,530 10 George Catlin Ball Play Hand Colored Lithograph 12 1/2 x 18 1/2 inches $2,750 $ 3,218 11 Karl Bodmer Scalp Dance of the Minitarres Hand Colored Lithograph 12 x 17 inches $3,000 $ 3,510 12 Gene Kloss Christmas Eve - Taos Pueblo Dry point Etching 11 1/2 x 15 inches $3,000 $ 3,510 13 Gene Kloss Song of Creation 1949 Dry point Etching, edition 59/7512 x 15 inches $3,500 $ 4,095 14 Edward Borein Cow Pokes Etching 6 3/4 x 5 inches $1,000 $ 1,170 15 Edward Borein Who Wins Etching 4 3/4 x 4 inches $1,000 $ 1,170 16 Edward Borein California Vaqueros Etching 7 3/4 x 6 3/4 inches $900 $ 1,053 17 Edward Borein The Bell Mare Etching 9 3/4 x 11 3/4 inches $2,250 $ 2,633 18 Charles Schridde Locked and Loaded Oil on canvas 40 x 30 inches $6,000 $ 7,020 19 Fritz White The Winners Bronze, cast number 6/25 9 1/2 inches high, 17 inches wide $1,800 $ 2,106 20 R.S. Riddick Sisters of the Sage Graphite 23 x 15 inches $1,500 $ 1,755 21 William Ahrendt Mountain Man Charcoal 19 1/2 x 12 1/2 inches $900 $ 1,053 22 William George The Mosquito Hours Oil on canvas 30 x 18 inches $1,800 $ 2,106 23 John Fawcett Evening Watch Oil on canvas mounted on board9 x 12 inches $800 $ 936 24 Buck McCain The Great Hunt Oil on canvas 40 x 50 inches $10,500 $ 12,285 25 Buck McCain The Oracle Oil on canvas 48 x 60 inches $8,000 $ 9,360 26 Shannon Stirnweis His Guide West Oil on board 20 x 22 inches $800 $ 936 27 Tom Darro Berries for Pemican Oil on canvas 38 x 26 inches $15,000 $ 17,550 28 Chuck DeHaan Crow Ceremonial Dress Oil on board 24 x 18 inches $1,900 $ 2,223 29 Steve Lang In Black Hills Country Oil on canvas 24 x 36 inches $2,500 $ 2,925 30 Allan Houser The Decoy Deer Acrylic 18 x 14 inches $2,500 $ 2,925 31 Malcolm Furlow Indian at the Alter Oil on canvas 58 x 46 inches $1,100 $ 1,287 32 RC Gorman Seated Woman Bronze, cast number AP 11 inches high $3,250 $ 3,803 33 George Carlson Collection of 4 Busts Bronze 7 - 8 1/4 inches $2,750 $ 3,218 34 David Halbach The Blacksmith Watercolor 18 x 24 inches $1,600 $ 1,872 35 Todd Connor Searching Oil on canvas 28 x 22 inches $1,800 $ 2,106 36 James Reynolds Getting Ready Oil on canvas 18 x 24 inches $14,000 $ 16,380 37 Gary Carter The Portrait Painter Oil on canvas 13 x 25 inches $4,250 $ 4,973 38 Wayne Baize Sortin' Oil on canvas 9 x 12 inches $1,500 $ 1,755 39 Loren Entz Colts Conte Crayon 23 x 17 inches $800 $ 936 40 Wayne Justus Remnants Oil on canvas 30 x 40 inches $6,500 $ 7,605 41 James Robinson Dawns Early Light Oil on canvas 24 x 36 inches $9,000 $ 10,530 42 Bob Wygant Recent Rain Acrylic 24 x 48 inches $14,000 $ 16,380 43 Arthur Shilstone Flushed Watercolor 18 x 24 inches $1,200 $ 1,404 44 Arthur Shilstone Ring-Neck Double Watercolor 18 x 24 inches $1,800 $ 2,106 45 Bob Kuhn Duck Hunters Gouache 8 x 12 inches $2,250 $ 2,633 46 Morten Solberg Morning Frost Watercolor 18 x 30 inches $1,900 $ 2,223 47 Dean Mitchell RT Williams - Buffalo Soldier Oil on board 6 x 5 inches $2,000 $ 2,340 48 Don Spaulding Hurry Up and Wait Oil on canvas 18 x 12 inches $3,250 $ 3,803 49 Gerald McCann The Trappers Oil on board 20 x 30 inches $1,700 $ 1,989 50 Russ Vickers Contact with the Renegades Oil on canvas 20 x 40 inches $7,000 $ 8,190 51 Don Prechtel Advance On Brawner Farm Oil on board 20 x 30 inches $2,750 $ 3,218 52 Steve Devenyns Mountain Men Oil on board 9 x 12 inches $400 $ 468 53 John Jarvis On Horseback, Near Esclante, UTGouache 10 x 13 inches $900 $ 1,053 54 William Ahrendt Jeremiah Johnson Oil on canvas mounted on board14 x 9 1/2 inches $1,800 $ 2,106 55 Robert Lindneux Parting Shots Oil canvas 20 x 38 inches $1,400 $ 1,638 56 Jim Carson Beaver Men Scouting Oil on canvas 28 x 40 inches $11,000 $ 12,870 57 David Mann Delicate Negotiation Watercolor 14 x 21 inches $1,800 $ 2,106 58 Jim Rey The Scout's Return Oil on canvas 8 x 10 inches $600 $ 702 59 Buck McCain Day's End Oil on canvas 20 x 16 inches $700 $ 819 60 Stan Davis The Warrior's Prayer Oil on canvas 28 x 34 inches $4,000 $ 4,680 61 Stan Davis Lock & Load Oil on canvas 14 x 18 inches $1,400 $ 1,638 62 Robert Duncan Leaving Winter Camp Oil on board 20 x 40 inches $4,750 $ 5,558 63 David Wright Lure of the Mountain Oil on board 27 x 38 inches $9,000 $ 10,530 64 Alfredo Rodriguez Trappeur Libre Oil on canvas 18 x 24 inches $9,000 $ 10,530 65 Alfredo Rodriguez Live Wild and Free Oil on canvas 30 x 40 inches $7,500 $ 8,775 66 Howard Post Two by the River Oil on canvas 24 x 36 inches $11,000 $ 12,870 67 Oleg Stavrowsky Stagecoach Oil on canvas 30 x 68 inches $10,000 $ 11,700 68 Bonnie Marris Into Blanco Canyon Oil on board 18 x 36 inches $6,000 $ 7,020 69 Veryl Goodnight Come Forth a Dream Bronze, cast number 16/25 15 inches high, 30 inches wide $2,750 $ 3,218 70 Gordon Snidow American Camp Oil on board 19 1/4 x 24 1/2 inches $4,000 $ 4,680 71 Ray Swanson A Break in the Action Oil on canvas 30 x 24 inches $9,500 $ 11,115 72 Dave McGary Old Glory Bronze, cast number AC/30 26 inches high $4,000 $ 4,680 Page 1 of 6 Scottsdale Art Auction Results April 7, 2018 Lot Artist Title Medium Dimensions Hammer PriceHammer + PremiumAvailable For Sale 73 Robert Duncan The Last of Winter Oil on canvas 32 x 42 inches $6,500 $ 7,605 74 Clark Hulings Still Life with Wine and Onions, 1971Oil on canvas 20 x 24 inches $9,500 $ 11,115 75 Jerry Venditti Pueblo Maiden Oil on canvas 35 x 32 inches $2,500 $ 2,925 76 Bob Kuhn Burro Conte Crayon 12 x 14 inches $1,300 $ 1,521 77 Clark Hulings Burro Pen & Ink, Gouache 8 1/2 x 12 1/2 inches $3,000 $ 3,510 78 Wayne Baize Saddled Donkey Colored Pencil 16 x 20 inches $1,500 $ 1,755 79 George Carlson Matachine Bronze, cast number 20/21 16 inches high $900 $ 1,053 80 George Carlson To the Four Directions Bronze, cast number 20/21 27 1/2 inches high $3,750 $ 4,388 81 George Carlson Dancers of Norogachic Bronze, cast number 20/21 27 inches high, 23 inches wide, 20$8,500 inches $ deep 9,945 82 Olaf Wieghorst Mexican Vaquero Profile on HorseWatercolor 12 x 11 inches $3,500 $ 4,095 83 Olaf Wieghorst Indian on Horse Looking Left Watercolor 12 x 10 inches $4,750 $ 5,558 84 Olaf Wieghorst Cowboy Roping on Horseback Watercolor 13 x 10 inches $3,750 $ 4,388 85 Austin Barton Attitude Adjustment Bronze, cast number 7/20 47 inches high, 24 inches wide $12,000 $ 14,040 86 David Griffin Morning Rose Oil on canvas 24 x 18 inches $1,600 $ 1,872 87 Veryl Goodnight Looks Are Deceiving Bronze, cast number 2/25 22 1/2 inches high $2,250 $ 2,633 88 Jim Daly Tommy Oil on canvas 16 x 12 inches $800 $ 936 89 Don Crowley The Buffalo Robe Oil on board 11 x 14 inches $3,250 $ 3,803 90 Howard Rogers Country Lass Oil on canvas 18 x 14 inches $700 $ 819 91 Howard Rogers Fond Memories Oil on canvas 18 x 28 inches $3,500 $ 4,095 92 Leland Curtis The Cathedral Group Oil on canvas 24 x 32 inches $5,000 $ 5,850 93 Curt Walters First Glimpse Oil on canvas 20 x 16 inches $1,800 $ 2,106 94 George Browne Collection of 4 Oil Paintings Oil (unframed) 9 x 11 inches each $800 $ 936 95 George Browne Collection of 2 Paintings Oil on unstretched canvas (unframed)11 x 15 inches each $1,900 $ 2,223 96 George Browne Collection of 3 Paintings Oil on board (unframed) 10 x 14 inches each $1,000 $ 1,170 97 Paul Calle Victorian Houses Graphite 20 x 30 inches $3,250 $ 3,803 98 Joseph Zbukvic Passing Shower on the Plaza Watercolor 22 x 30 inches $5,500 $ 6,435 99 Doug Hall Gathering at the Falls Oil on canvas 48 x 36 inches $10,000 $ 11,700 100 John Buxton Secluded Pool Oil on canvas 16 x 12 inches $1,700 $ 1,989 101 Robert Rishell Navajo Shepherd Oil on canvas 36 x 30 inches $13,000 $ 15,210 102 Ray Swanson Arvena and Her Herd Oil on canvas 49 x 30 inches $42,500 $ 49,725 103 Luke Frazier The Sweet Air of September Oil on board 40 x 60 inches $5,500 $ 6,435 104 Greg Beecham Two of a Kind Oil on board 14 x 11 inches $3,000 $ 3,510 105 Sandy Scott Eat More Beef II Bronze, cast number 6/75 50 inches high, 60 inches long, 42$25,000 inches wide$ 29,250 106 Nancy Glazier Thunderhead Oil on canvas 34 x 48 inches $12,000 $ 14,040 107 Dustin Van Wechel Prairie Dog Days of Summer Oil on board 34 x 24 inches $8,000 $ 9,360 108 Nancy Glazier Starry, Starry Night Oil on canvas 22 x 34 inches $6,500 $ 7,605 109 Michael Coleman Sunset-Nimpkish River Oil on board 20 x 28 inches $2,750 $ 3,218 110 Dan Metz Hunted Oil on canvas 26 x 40 inches $4,000 $ 4,680 111 Bill Anton Melting Snow Oil on board 12 x 16 inches $3,250 $ 3,803 112 Matt Smith Horse Mesa Barrel Oil on canvas mounted on board12 x 12 inches $2,500 $ 2,925 113 Matt Smith Log Corral Canyon Oil on canvas 20 x 24 inches $4,000 $ 4,680 114 Len Chmiel Red Canyon, CO Oil on board 12 x 16 inches $2,250 $ 2,633 115 Len Chmiel Of September Fields Oil on board 12 x 16 inches $200 $ 234 116 Bill Anton Lee's Ferry Bend Oil on board 16 x 20 inches $3,000 $ 3,510 117 Clyde Aspevig Autumn
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