January 31, 1991 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 2617 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Thursday, January 31, 1991 The House met at 11 a.m. United States Interparliamentary We have armed the participants and The Chaplain, Rev. James David Group during the 102d Congress. we could disarm them. I look at this Ford, D.D., offered the following pray­ The message also announced that, very approvingly. er: pursuant to section 276 of title 22, Unit­ Teach us, O God, to work for justice, ed States Code, as amended, the Chair, forgive us of any selfish purpose, en­ on behalf of the Vice President, ap­ IMPLEMENTATION OF STATE OF courage us to be in reconciliation with points Mr. BURNS as vice chairman of THE UNION PROVISIONS each other, unite us in the spirit of the Senate delegation to the (Mr. GEKAS asked and was given peace, and grant us Your benediction. Interparliamentary Union during the permission to address the House for 1 May Your word of hope, gracious 102d Congress. minute and to revise and extend his re­ God, be with us in difficult times and The message · also announced that, marks.) especially upon those to whom great pursuant to sections 276h-276k of title Mr. GEKAS. Mr. Speaker, today I responsibility has been given. Bless us 22, United States Code, as amended, the will be introducing a bill which will this day and every day. Amen. Chair, on behalf of the Vice President, help implement some of the provisions appoints Mr. GRAMM as vice chairman of the State of the Union Message pre­ of the Senate delegation to the Mexico­ sented by President Bush just the THE JOURNAL United States Interparliamentary other evening. The President called for The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam­ Group during the 102d Congress. initiatives in Government, and specifi­ ined the Journal of the last day's pro­ cally at one point, for a new highway ceedings and announces to the House program, for the new world that will be his approval thereof. here when our troops come home from Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour­ APPROVAL OF UNITED STATES­ the successful exercise in Saudi Arabia nal stands approved. SOVIET ROLE and Kuwait. (Mr. MAZZOLI asked and was given My bill would provide for taking a permission to address the House for 1 highway trust fund off budget. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE minute and to revise and extend his re­ What would that do? That would marks.) allow a new infusion of funds to our The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman States, new allocations of funds from from Kentucky [Mr. MAZZOLI] please Mr. MAZZOLI. Mr. Speaker, the the taxes paid by our motor public, so come forward and lead the House in the newspapers today are full of stories that the infrastructure, bridges and Pledge of Allegiance. concerning the statement on Tuesday highways in our country, can be given Mr. MAZZOLI led the Pledge of Alle­ night of Secretary Baker and the For­ a new burst of construction and recon­ giance as fallows: eign Minister of the Soviet Union, Mr. struction. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Bessmertnykh, in which it is suggested What this does along the way is to United States of America., and to the Repub­ that there could be a cessation of hos­ help fight the recession, create jobs, lic for which it stands, one nation under God, tilities, a cease-fire, on two conditions: and bring everyone a part of a new indivisible, with liberty and justice for a.11. One, that Iraq signals that it would highway system and infrastructure make an unequivocal commitment to that will make the United States even leaving Kuwait; and second, that Iraq MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE more competitive in the world com­ take immediate and concrete steps to petition for trade and for free enter­ A message from the Senate by Mr. do so. prise. Hallen, one of its clerks, announced This has caused dismay in some that the Senate had pa!!ed without countries of the world. It has caused amendment a bill of the House of the dismay to our friends like the State of NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER following title: Israel. Some people feel it might signal (Mr. DUNCAN asked and was given H.R. 556. An a.ct to provide for the Sec­ a change of policy. permission to address the House for 1 retary of Veterans Affairs to obtain inde­ I really do not share this dismay or minute and to revise and extend his re­ pendent scientific review of the available sci­ this concern. I think this is very entific evidence regarding associations be­ marks.) tween diseases and exposure to dioxin and healthy. As a matter of fact, I am en­ Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, I have other chemical compounds in herbicides, and couraged by it because it signals that just returned from the National Prayer for other purposes. despite the fact that the hostilities are Breakfast and certainly our Nation and The message also announced that the well underway and are being very fine­ indeed the world is in great need of Senate had passed a bill' of the follow­ ly led by our President and the various prayer today. At this breakfast, Presi­ ing title, in which the concurrence of generals in the field, there are behind dent Bush, Billy Graham, Coach Joe the House is requested: the scenes, and perhaps even on top of Gibbs, and leaders of both parties S. 296. An a.ct to amend the Immigration the scenes, diplomatic efforts and other spoke. The House can be especially and Nationality Act to provide for special dynamics underway. These efforts proud of the participation of the gen­ immigrant status for certain a.liens who have could probably reach the goals the tleman from Texas [Mr. STENHOLM], served honorably (or are enlisted to serve) in President has set, which are the evic­ the gentlewoman from Ohio [Ms. KAP­ the Armed Forces of the United States for at tion of Iraq from Kuwait, the restora­ TUR], the gentleman from Pennsylvania least 12 years. tion of the Kuwaiti Government, and [Mr. GRAY], and former Congressmen The message also announced that, the stability in that region, because it Buddy Roemer, and DANIEL AKAKA. pursuant to sections 276d-276g of title is very clear, Mr. Speaker, that if there Many of the problems we face, both 22, United States Code, as amended, the is ever to be, most importantly, peace as individuals and as a Nation have Chair, on behalf of the Vice President, and stability following this hostility, come about because we have wrongly appoints Mr. STEVENS as vice chairman the United States and the Soviet Union placed so much faith in men and laws of the Senate delegation to the Canada- will be big partners in it. and so little faith in God. We mean DThis symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 2618 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE January 31, 1991 well, and we try hard, but we have Mr. SLATTERY. Mr. Speaker, today for the administration's efforts to con­ passed so many laws that would fill I am being joined by the gentleman clude this action in the Persian Gulf buildings, and no one, no human being, from Ohio [Mr. KASICH], and 15 other successfully and with a minimum num­ not even the most advanced computer Members of both parties, in introduc­ ber of casualties. can keep up with them all. Probably ing legislation to rescind the appro­ everyone unintentionally violates laws priation included in H.R. 5268, the fis­ that they do not even know are on the cal year 1991 appropriations measure VACATION OF 5-MINUTE SPECIAL books. for "Agriculture, Rural Development, ORDER AND PERMISSION FOR 15- What we really should do is to elimi­ and Related Agencies," that earmarks MINUTE SPECIAL ORDER nate perhaps 50 percent or more of the $500,000 in rural economic development Mr. DORNAN of California. Mr. laws on the books today and place funds for a museum at the birthplace of Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to more emphasis on the Ten Command­ Lawrence Welk in North Dakota. rescind my 5-minute special order ments and the other teachings of the We also are sending President Bush a today and ask for a 15-minute special Bible, and the simply human kindness, letter urging him to use the rescission order. one to another that is called for there. authority he holds under the title X of The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. At the breakfast this morning, Presi­ the Congressional Budget and Im­ OWENS of Utah). Is there objection to dent Bush called for a National Day of poundment Control Act of 1974 to ask the request of the gentleman from Prayer on Sunday, February 3. I hope Congress for permanent cancellation of California? the Congress and all Americans will the Lawrence Welk appropriation. There was no objection. strongly support and participate in Mr. Speaker, $500,000 is a drop in the this National Day of Prayer on Feb­ bucket in our $1.23 trillion budget. But ruary 3. to most Americans who are struggling REMEMBERING OUR POW'S to pay their bills, provide heal th care (Mr. DORNAN of California asked for their. families, or finance their chil­ and was given permission to address COMMENDATION TO CONGRESS dren's education, it is not a small sum.
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