jt* L. , ~"^z: 1 r:TTvt¥jl^^ •'plVwVTJ't"'' >" j£9- " /WT u^t * "Si ' Tr 5" TUESDAY, JtttfE IS, AlD THE FntEWOBKS PCUD v .EahwayXoase_fjiEahwayXoase_bfj;ikks fa again Bponsottf JmJ r an iDdepedderieidddieee Bay flreworKTafi^flrewora^- play f<w the eBieriatouent or Kahway The Rahway Record cltlMBS. The event -wBf b* heM liaTBali- wav RI«* Park July-&-9onatlen< are MTO BBOAJO STREET HJttLJ-O t-he scrap hook needed to make t&ls prorrain a, success- History of HaKwayTSSa New*pai>er~Hles CoatributlSBS wffl be received atTgks -J. a. frUer -CTBTT itt aHiiiFT-g WALTER P. MUtPUS. BtnlMia Mutiat»r HOWARD C WOODKtWF. Edi . -- - „ Rahway 65 Yea*s Ago _• riili N«c«jrai»r was Founded and u Maintained r/psn the Prlndpl* of • From The Advocate and Times, June 19, 18Y2 PBICE 3CSREE Clear, Condae and Unbiased Preteatatlon'of All the Inttrettlne Newt of the RAHWAY, N. J., VtiODAYs 18, 1937 City, oud upon the misto of a Protrusive Editorial policy. The heavy blow of Friday last did but little dam- Addresses Graduates LOW ^ ] ' Published Xoesday Noorj age in this section. JBeyohd the breaking of limbs )lic Service Appeals In Free Movie IOL UKlTitH OVE» from trees and the blowing down of the tent where Revocation Of Despite the-fast that last Given and Friday the festival of- the 1st Church was being held we have hlcbt's tempefatute was much TUESDAY GOOD AFTERNOON heard of nothing. lower than that oteosnsneriee- •JUNE 15, 193? sked To Start Auto licertsfes m*nt ttltdts In recent yean, . In' answer to our lady friend who desires to know tHe large crowd that packed Class Of 184 THE RECORD'S PBOOKAM 1?OB A BETTER RAHWAY why w_e do notimitate the reports of parties and wed- statfy Franklin Beciool audl- ._ lark Bus line toriom aad Srymuaslum, suf^ Selection of CouncUmen and employes baM->n)ted ror the task of run- dings in the same style as the city papers, we can say Urged At Rally nine ibe city, regardless of political affiliation, race orated. fered IateSs«ly from th? heat. Formation or a non-partltnn Doltce_commli»loB. "~ ~~" : thathavingrtried^th&t^thiflg^nce-and-not-being-exactly — A marked lack of"VBfltuii- Maintenance or "a police'department with modtm equipment and a suited with the'matter, submitted the same to a lady HflT State Department Officer lion made the .air' la the s»a- ?""lc''1*t^rof tral"ed men not controlled by nnlltlrlnn. .ml ritens rooms humid tMi fram Trier competitive examination^ open to outside as well asltahuay midenu. the result/was'Hii&.w.miI nrt- o convulsions• - - : WWe~dr d j lyr-Penalttes-Mhst ._ Constant actlvttji_pf thj pumice against motor cods violators, a minimum not care to be convicted of murder and have the lives of ttuupended-nentenceii and no "killed tickets." " Be More Severe _ "a tiona of toilets at"dresa pai'tie3 and weddings. Apathy _ Ihe txcrclsez were being held Formation of nft-iiutustrlal ana nureantue coBimlulon which will further llaa. Egnaflnr. SPiWlntSitr trif* tiii- s lincnitttfr^F-^aliwa^ and-adTonce-local-basijie£r-Qr«Ifarer—~—• Fails iws Locally wlditldt y whichi h would be insidi e And Not Too Rapidly Improvement.in appearance of railroad statloa £ad viaducts. desjiite the low temperatures Demolition or Improvement of unal'hUl bolldlnis. municipal and private. Fred-C.,Bauerthis week outside, officials discarded the An Intelligent so>atlon-of the Juvenile delinquency problem by Rahway 30 Years Ago With automobile- aeei- i public we tts of Madison Hill increase in the nation* it is mal attire. Complt-tlan of the Milton Lake project, Inclndlnt rittoratlon of the former The trained pig of^-Milton is dead! Dead, dead! Even Uiese were uncamfort- lake and development ot surrounBlnt.territory Into a park and residential fcontinuing derriands for able. One wag remafbed thaf" (Names of Graduates on Page 11) ".'"- sites. " and its owner, Miss Mildred Waters, is disconsolate. the duty of officials to to that section. Dur- Use lack of ventilation re- The largest senior class in the history of Rahway Action n Mich uill tang advantage orTBe offer ot lt*t land for a rannlclpal The quaint pet was certainly a remarkably TnTelTige"nt h ^p Metmete ouout Bor more e ayajtidrastiec penalUestpenalties'too mlnaed him of the PWA noit- atlUctlc field and construction or a modern athletic plant on the sits as soon f-thB-GUu*^eowii^ r>EANJrpEO&OEE-*rr)IS'ttiERr- -offeadersr—Deputy—Comm!»Iaoer tii conditions warrant. animal and could do many tricks that Mildred "had iCommlttee Tuesday evening; WUlam 3. Deasden told -a large offIce which was built so hur- -, The new pute sffl 5 ja demanded Tusdathat Publiy eveningc Serv-; - wil 3 Dd told lrg riedly .that the mall drops taught it. • • ' ' • audience at the Safety Council's were foreotten. ' lin School <attd-k-orium last night.as the•' 1937 commence--: by owners of new eirj h«(us«l a contract to furnish rally in, Roosevelt School Wednes- Planning For Future cemplalned to ta» ment exereiies_were held. The class exceeds by. 30 Dr. G. E. Gallaway has purchased an elegant [service, be considered In newEighth Grade day night. : ; Ford Deluxe auto for business and pleasure' pur- Denartoent the 154 seniw s~who" weTe"graduaLed last-year; "0H^ Would Aid Rahway nat, constructed tor Oil Theodore Lftng. Jr., Ing licenses Is attracting Interest poses. plate now In me in thbS a conference •would -be^ar- and Is being watche* by-the State Hundred Years of Secondary Education," was tfie A planning commission for Rahway was sug«- Mr. Colgate, the well known soap manufacturer, will Hlmtnnte all a •& this week with P. P.. Mc- AwafdstJivea Department ol Motor "Vehicles, lie Clark Election theme of the program which was in observance of the unlawful nractlea eti gested last year by ^Qouneilman James H. Plunkett: is siowlyrecovering from his recent illness at the home : of PubUo Seretee. 'Efforts said. Revocation erf the licenses tautliaOas pUwi • fbc made. Lang said, to get a of third-offesters ls^ainr followed Horace Mann centennial. "American* Youth Facef Mayor ^John E. Barger has revived consideration of of Mr. William McKensie. '' -.- In devising the r from Public Service. Class O{-SS3 Pqpils ' marry Fight Likely nf t.ViR address of Prof; tlC the "formation of such a commission and has sub- ; probable that oa? Diplomas At Annual. instances, he said. Tony Laszerl. veteran star of the New Yorfc Yantees. Is only lanager. aeeessary to ded to OOSStE-thls'terSHory Bleyellsto Break' OBSJfJlwJaaiuuilherieari Lea™ baseball stars wh- -« ——• Theodore A. Distler, dean of-men at Lafayette College; mitted data gathered during a survey he made. -' iubrney yWlKk Roosevelt Exercises lit' iaferraftl close-ut> aetiau pletores ta 'TBfeads-t. L'oeser May Be Opposed staiuses.- Tot - K. o. Schotffler. former Safety speakers who spoke ori subjects 'pertaili-? Rahway 15 Years Ago . O*orge R. Browrfer. >gho T fldlth Public Council President. Intrdduead the tbe General Motors official American Leaeue tum to be As we-have pointed'"otrt previously, a planning County -which la'• dii Bmiitr nn Vttr Hr atar^rwr^howforboyaafidElrUattlie Rohtra^ Thratrn "By Democrat In PPim- program's theme were Lucille L. Calais; Prom The Rahway ""Record, June 13. 1822 Trenton Facts - - - - --•—ay Theatre at 10 "Commission would be of much value to the future wel- poratloa la various sals espceltles by thI , decision hi&3 reached Diplomas were awarded to 23? at the alms of his A, M. nest Wednesday. Official pictures of the AU-Ameriean ary; Portugal May Jlun^ •whose topic was "Horace Mann—? r known In 1 aul^-»ar.»« « welras-Kahm£JlaKahm£J _19SC fare of the.:.cityw .Eahway, aleng with .jnany..other Definite decision on the part of Rev. Chester. M, By BKSATOB _. to proriSptSTatBty anrj; derby pictures w|tt.be:shown. the Father of Secondary slstant ceneral sales manajRir of -J"4 [Towruaiip Committee destrojr- exercises in Roosevelt School Tues- Mayor John E. Barge*- cited trie 't forget th6 da% of this blr. 'Clarlc Township, usually unani- tion," and Elinor L. Weaver < Davis, the Chicago pastor, to accept the call to become r H day afternoon. •Petees .free event, boys and girls. communities, is now paying the cost of a failure to Oldsmeblle In charge et-retail sell- Ubllc Service's Interest tn the y* apathy of motorists to tha laws of mously 'Democratic by a large ma- theme was "The ^Growth, and pastorof the First Presbyterian Church of this city ing. • ••- -^- •-—-•• the better "r: a»a dtion when It give Security "stand safety. _M, jority, appears to be preparing for plan in the, past. This lack of planning is*- being a»tLjga~and so f orBC dents Scope pf Secondary Education.'' (Editor's note.:. '' In* ftn&ouncing th& appolntmsnt. ion a franchise for the BlcydBts fan to heed, traffic a heated primary fight this year is contained in a letter whi.cjh has been re_ce_iyed by. la aanther cuttles for youtg was stressed and 9 -Joseph GreBun deavered-t-he-ad«;— brought forcibly home by thel present intercepting •n a series of articles on New 3er- the «*««i(«w«i««mTi said it way con-n, S. Ralston. r fl) gyi g 1 fl ftH<l r^t^ff tn Ills W*'i«iiS ^u " Freeland J. Qibbons, secretary of >the Committee of 7 "N" as anoer prefi Super 18^- l"lf the reported controversy is dress of welcome and Winifred sey eov«mrnent by Senator Char- sidering the possible use ot cra*- ~&* of Oldsraobne. esplalaed that " Cit« Las* Or rection In East Cherry street, he : tendent true, the Democratic party will sewer project which might not: have been the head- Nine, which recommended him to the congregation.
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