6000 MORNING, IOWA CITY! Mostly cloudy with occasional showers today. Warmer. Iowa City was moistened to the tune of OWQJlt 1.63 inches of percip:tation yesterday. r..tabJIah~ 1868 Vol. 78. No. 279-AP New. and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, August IS, 1946-Five Cents lcI~in9' ory ity • Proposed UN ,Sites Jews Call Revolt • 'Palestine; Truman ·Replies to lone Plan Union Spokesman * * * Claims Shipowners R.fuse to Bargain Note Said to Suggest Underground Group CLEVELAND (AP)-CIO Na­ Larger Jewish Area Urges 'Constant War' \ional Maritime union officials an­ IIOUIlced early today that a strike British Cabinet Decides Five Persons Injured 01 itt members called for the Great Lakta at 12:01 a. m. (EST) "is on." To Continue Interim As Troops Disperse A spokesman at strike head­ Policy for Holy Land Ha]a Protest March Quarters here said "the attempts Of the NMU to avert the strike LONDON (AP) - President JERUSALEM {AP)-A broad~ have failed because the shipowners Truman replied yesterday to the cast last night by the clandestine bave stubbornly refused to bar­ proposed plan for dividing Pales­ radio of Irgun ZV/li Leumi, ille­ pin on a 40-houl' week. They tine into tour tedEral provinces, gal Jew~h organization, called have no answer for a refusal of and authoritative Informants said for a general revolt of Palestine a jO-hour week because there is he suggested a larger Jewish zone Jews and unification of Irgun, nooe." Grew members were pouring in­ which would have more power in Haganah and the Stern gan., to strike headquarters for strike controlling Its immigration. similar organizations, into a sin­ A foreign ottlce spokesman an­ duty assignments and union mem­ gle Jewish army. ~rs ,said picket lines were being nounced receipt of the Truman I reply following a meeting in The broadcast called also for an set up at all docks where frelght­ "underground Jewish government" which Britain's cabinet reaffirm­ ~rs were tied up and in fron t ot and requested volunteers both for allY hotel or other building 'that FIVE AII.EAS, aU In New York'. Weslebester eeunt,. were recom­ ed Its interim policy of shutting mended yesterdaY by the United Nation. beadqaarters commission the underground army and the mi,ht house strikebreakers." off the "underground railway" of proposed government. as pOS&lble permanent litel for tbe Unltecl Nations home. (A) hllli­ freviously, there had been re­ illegal Jewish immigration to th The Irgun Zval L.eum\ broad­ cates area of 10 IlIlUAre miles; (B) area of ·20 llIlu&re mUes; (B) and ports that union members were Holy Land. caster declared "We must exert (C) cOlJlblned as a 40 lICluare IJIlle area; (0) a 2 IIClllal'e mile area, and leaVing their vessels before the Contents Undl closed our every strength against two strike deadline. (0) and (E) cOlJlblned a 5 lIluare mile area. The commission. pre­ The contents of the American parlne a final report for tbe Sept. n meelln, of tbe reneral assembly. enemies- the BritiSh and time." In Chicago, Ralph Moser, who president's nole to Prime Minis­ The underrround ,0vernlJlent identified llimself as a union or­ pared down Its orlrlnal list 01 15 lites to tbese five. eIJDlinaUne all ter Attlee w re not disclosed. but areas In Connecticut. These Westcheder selectionl now '0 to the Is needed. the broadcaster said. ,arilzer, said that a walkout had aulhorltativ informants said it "to rulde our constant war ..e~ral assembly .which may Pick one 01 them or dltcard them all beaun in the.Chicago area at 2;15 proposed an l,800-square-mlle alaln t 'ho e two adversarle.... p. ·m. (CST). and start lookin.. for another locatlon. Last winter In Loudou, tbe J ewish zon(, compared with one auelJlbb nalJled tbe commls,lon to"examine site. wftbln Weltehester He added that "no lonrer will 'Denies damnA' Men Off of 1.500 square miles as outlined we ware a war ot retribution. ,III' Washington, NMU President and Connectteut's Fairfield county. (AP WIREPHOTO) in the proposals advanced by a JEWISIl I1\IM1GRANTS who arrived in Palestine IIJ'-,Illly go up the ellueplank of a Ihlp at Haifa Tues­ but a constant war." Joseph Curran denied the union . British-American cabinet commit­ Listeners of the secret radio was 'calling' Us men off before tee. day to be transported to a detention camp on Cyprus undcr the British Dian lor dlvertlne all lIIeeal ~- mlrratiou trolJl the Holy Land. (AP WIREPHOTO) were requested to stop paying lb.!' deadline of 12:01 a. m. Thurs­ Greek '.' Delegation ~ Assails Bulgaria's Plea Attlee was expected to coli a taxes to the Palestine government dly. 'At strike headquarters here special meeting ot the cabinet to and to turn thl' money over. In­ a lIpokesman ~ also said the dead­ confer on Truman's reply. stead, to "the Irgun Zval Leumi line remained the same. For.More Lenient·P~~ce Treaty Terms Britain on July 31 announced war fund." 'Reports were received in strike conditional approval of the Brit­ to The broadcast was one of the htadqU6rters, howevel~ that .in Ish-American experts' plan which Great B,i#a;n Reject Russian PARIS (AP)- Bulgaria appeal­ When he finished, Foreign Min­ first definite underground reac­ Chicago, Cleveland, Duluth and ed to the 21-nation peace confer­ ister Jan Masaryk of Czechoslo­ proposed establishment of a Jew­ tions since Tuesday's deportation MUwaukee there were known in­ ence yesterday lor the, retum: of vaka' declared that "atter the as­ Ish zone, an Arab zone, a Jer­ by the British of illegal Jewish stances of men leaving their jobs. pwestern Thrace from Gre!!ce, and tonishing and unprecedented dec· usalem zone administered by the Proposal fo Control Dardanelles immigrants from Pale-stine to the At !)eiroit the union's port agent, dr.ew a stLnglng ' reply' from ,the laration of 'the Hungarian delega­ central government, and a south isiand of Cyprus. Tuesday the Cbarles Monroe, said the J 2;01 a. GTeeks branding her as a criminal tion. the , Czechoslovakian delc­ country wne also under cen tral Haganah radio demanded that In: deadline would 'be observed. nation for whom the proposed gation wants to study it and will administration. LONDON {AP)-Brit8in, strlv- By TOM WILLIAMS Informed sources in IstanbUl Jews break the curfew established John Rogan, co-chairman, of the trel\ty draft already was too len- reply tomoftow m<>rning," Each province would be em· ing to mainUlin her position In said Turkey, adhering to her view in Haifa whit th immigrant de­ strike committee. announced- here Ient. ' Unlted 'StateS secretary ot state powered to...et..~wn immi.ra· the rich lind strategic Middle East, tion governing the strotegic straHs that the problem of the Dardan­ portation ship w r b rng loaded. yesterday the naUonal labor rela­ The Ukrainian Sovle\ repllbllc Byrnes, 'who will relinquish the tion, but tlnal control over immi- Is rejecting a Soviet proposa i should not be revised without the elles is an international one, had (The Brililh news aeeney, Uon~ ' board had upheld the union immediately suilported Bulgaria's chairmanship of the conference gration would rest with the cen- which would bar bel' warships concurr~nce of all interested pow­ already rejected the Russian note. Exehanre Tele.. raph . reported in i's ~ Charges of unfair labor prac­ claim to the territory ceded to today, announced that following tral government under this plan. from the Dardanelles, and an ers. Palestine and Egypt fiaured in IrolJl Haifa that hundreds 01 \Ices against the plUsblJfgh steam­ Greece after World War 1. and the debate on the Hungarian state­ Basis for Nerotlatlon Iranian protest against presence Revision of the convention to other Middle East developments. Jews atiempted to march to­ ship company, which I~ the larg­ charged that Greek policy was ment, the Finnish delegalon. last {In Washington, where a tight of her troops in Iraq, authorita­ place the straits under the con­ The British cabinet reaUirmed wards that city's port area and est fl~t operator on the lakes. "instigatec:\ from abroad." Poland's ot the five salelUte states to ap­ official silence has been imposed tive informants declared yester­ trol of Turkey and "other Black Its decision to bar all illegal Jew­ were di8persed in a batoD Give Impetus &0 FI,M delegate declared Bulgaria de. pear, would present its case. on all Palestine policy develop- day. Sea powers" was proposed In an Ish immigration to the Holy Land charre of troops -and pOlice. He saili the decision was a "great serves an "indulgent peace." Not only did Bulgaria call for ment! at the White House and A high government source said Aug. 8 Soviet note to Turkey. despite protests. A foreign of­ Five persons were reJlOr1ed In­ , vlctory for all lake seamen and Both 'Hungary and Bulgaria pre­ the return of western Thrace. a state department, oUlc!als Indi- a British note already had been UndEr It, oniy warships of Black fice spokesman said he "would jured. will give great Impetus to their sented their cases. Like ltilly and narrow strip along the northern cated that President Truman's dispatched to Iran refuting the Sea powers could use the straits not deny" that the Egyptian am­ (Slrone r~lIforcelJlents of flibt tor the 40-hour week." Romania before them, each asked Aegean coast giving GJ:'eece a com­ message to the British govern- protest that presence of British except in cases when special ar­ bassador to London had flown to soldiers alld police blocked roadl . In the Chicago area. Moser said for leniency and each protested it mon frQntier with Turkey, but she men! was designed more as a Indian troops at Basra, across rangements had been made in ad­ Aiexandria with new proposals to leldln, to the.
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