Title Author Car Care: How is Works, How to Look After It Automobile Association Production of wood charcoal in Great Britain Aaron, J R A Sustainable Community in the Egyptian Desert Abouleish, Ibrahim Plants, Seeds, Books & Sundries Agroforestry Research Trust Local environment journal Agyeman, Julian Ed Moving forward; program for a participatory economy Albert, Michael Encyclopedia of social inventions Albery, N. Eds. Soil Fertility & Human and Animal Health . The Albrecht Papers. Volume 8 Albrecht, William, A. Ph.D. A pattern language; towns - buildings - construction Alexander, C et al The Organic Allotment Algar, Anne Home Farm: Complete Food Self Sufficiency Allaby, Michael Growing and Preserving Fruit Allderdyce, Carthew Fresh from the Kitchen Allen, Debbi Off The Grid: Managing Independent Renewable Electricity Systems Allen, Paul Winnie-the-Pooh on management; in which a very important bear and his Allen, Roger E friends are introduced to a very important subject Agroecology: The Scientific Basis for Alternative Agriculture Altieri, Miguel Ecologies of the Heart. Emotion, Belief and the Environment Anderson, E.N Goal Directed Project Management Anderson, Erling.S, Grude, Kristoffer, V, and Haug Tor Growing and Preserving Fruit Allerdyce, Carthew Beekeeping for Beginners Richards, Andrew Creating a Wild Flower Garden Andrews, Jonathan Bike Easy: Top tips and expert advice for the new cyclist Andrews, Peter The Allotment Handbook - A guide to promoting and protecting your site. Andrews, Sophie Edible Cities: Urban Permaculture for Gardens, Yards, Balconies, Rooftops Anger, J, Fiebrig, I and Schynder, M. and Beyond Permaculture Design: A step-by-step guide Aranya The private life of plants Attenborough, David Ecosystem Geography. From Ecoregions to Sites Bailet, Robert, G. The wild side of town; how you can help and enjoy the wild life around you Baines, Chris A guide to habitat creation Baines, Chris Green Glory: The Story of the Forests of the World Baker, Richard St. Barbe The living soil; evidence of the importance to human health of soil vitality, Balfour, E B with special reference to post war planning Open Field Farming in Medieval England The Parish Maps Project Ecosystem Geography Cambridge Topics in Geography Baker, Richard St. Barbe The Green Glory Baker A Portrait of Camphill. From Foundling Seed to Worldwide Movement Bang, Jan Martin Eco-villages: A Practical Guide to Sustainable Communities Bang, Jan Martin Growing Eco-Communities: Practical Ways to Create Sustainability Bang, Jan Martin Sakhnin: Portrait of an Environmental Peace Project in Israel Bang, Jan Martin The business plan workbook Barrow, Colin The Post-Petroleum Survival Guide and Cookbook: Recipes for Changing Bates, Albert Times Soil Searching Barnett, Andrew The Biology of Soil: A community and ecosystem approach Bardgett, Richard Charity Adminstration Handbook Bawtree, Don Cities with a future? Baynes, Ken Planting native trees and shrubs Beckett, K. Pocket guide to herbs Beckett, Kenneth A Hedges - Creating Screens and Edges Bedrich, A Ecology: From Individuals to Ecosystems Begon, Michael, Townsend, Colin, R and Harper, John, L. The Permaculture Garden Bell, Graham The Permaculture Way: Practical Steps to Create a Self-Sustaining World Bell, Graham The Fruit Tree Handbook Pike, Ben Navigating Social Ecological Systems Fikret Berkes, Johan Colding, Carl Folke Sacred Ecology Berkes The Burning Question. We can't burn half the world's oil, coal and gas. So Berners-Lee, Mike and Clark, Duncan how do we quit? Sustainable [R]Evolution: Permaculture in Ecovillages, Urban Farms, and Birnbaum, J and Fox, L Communities Worldwide Know and Grow Vegetables 2 Bleasdale, Prof.J.K.A Ed Readers's Digest illustrated guide to gardening Beckett, K. Dying Forests - A Crisis in Consciousness Bockemuhl, Jochen Britain in Pictures. The British People in Pictures: British Weather Bone, Stephen British Weather Bone, Stephen The whole house book: ecological building, design and materials. Borer, P. Wild Wales Borrow The Herb Book Boxer, Arabella Tools for homesteaders, gardeners, and small scale farmers; a catalog of hard Branch, Diana S Ed to find implements and equipment Cradle to Cradle. Re-making the Way we Make Things Braungart,M and McDonough, W Eat That Frog Tracy, Brian Encyclopaedia of Gardening Brickell, Christopher Gardeners? Encyclopaedia of Plants and Flowers Brickell, Christopher The Self-Sufficiency Handbook Bridgewater, Gill; Bridgewater, Alan Bedrock Geology: UK North. 1:625 000 Scale British Geological Survey: Natural Environment Research Council Bedrock Geology: UK South. 1:625 000 Scale British Geological Survey: Natural Environment Research Council Lichens in southern woodlands; Forestry Commission Handbook 4 Broad, K What Are You Optimistic About?: Today's Leading Thinkers on Why Things Brockman, John Are Good and Getting Better Dessert Pears Brooke, Justin A complete pocket guide to British butterflies Brooks, Margaret A complete guide to British moths (Macrolepidoptera); their entire life Brooks, Margaret history described and illustrated in colour from photographs taken in their natural surroundings Ethics & Agenda 21: Moral Implications of a Global Consensus Brown, Noel J., Ed.; Quiblier, Pierre, Ed. Star matter: towards a new perspective Brown, L. Nature on Your Side : How to Keep Pests Out of the Garden and the Home Bruchner, Greet Backyard fish farming Bryant, Paul Best Soft Fruit Buczacki, Stefan Permaculture: A Beginner's Guide Burnett, Graham Permaculture: A Beginner's Guide Burnett, Graham Permakultura: Vodic? za poc?etnike Burnett, Graham How To Mind Map : The Thinking Tool That Wil Change Your Life Buzan, Tony The Mind Map Book Buzan, Tony & Barry Zapp; the lightning of empowerment Byham, William C Connecting communities, neighborhoods and nature: A toolkit. The Wildlife Calvert, C Trusts Urban Greenspace Project - A place for people and wildlife. Nowtopia: How Pirate Programmers, Outlaw Bicyclists, and Vacant-Lot Carlsson, Chris Gardeners Are Inventing the Future Today! How to win friends and influence people Carnegie, Dale Silent Spring Carson, Rachel Silent Spring Carson, Rachel Papering Know-How Carr, Diane Green it yourself...; a DIY handbook for urban wildlife conservation Carter, Linda The Bioregional Economy: Land, liberty and the pusuit of happiness Cato, Scott , Molly GUIDEBOOK Centre For Altternative Technology : Canoflan Y Dechnoleg Water Supply, Treatment and Sanitation: list of organisations, consultants, Centre for Alternative Technology Publications equipment suppliers, courses and publications. Farmer First: Farmer Innovation and Agricultural Research Chambers, Robert [Ed] Participatory Workshops : a sourcebook of 21 sets of ideas & activities. Chambers, Roberts. The fallow deer Chapman, N G The Earth Dweller's Guide to Sustainability Charter, Steve The Somerset sustainable housing study: the why, what and how of Charter, Steve sustainable housing; a step by step guide Working With Nature: A Philosophy for Life. An Introduction to Raw Food Charter, Steve Nutrition & Permaculture The seed savers' handbook Cherfas, Jeremy Meat Atlas: Facts and figures about the animals we eat Chemnitz, Christine The No-Nonsense Guide Climate Change: The Science, The Solutions , The Chivers, Danny Way Forward Farmers' market: the UK potential Chubb, Alan Farmers' market: the UK potential Chubb, Alan The quiet revolution; 10 years since Agenda 21: measuring the impact of Church, Chris community based sustainable development in the UK One small step; a guide to action on sustainable development in the UK Church, Chris ed Landscape Professional Practice Clamp, Hugh Shewing Clark Constable Gardener?s Fact Finder Clarke, Graham Ed Local Distinctiveness - Place, Particularity and Identity Clifford, S [Ed] Water and the cycle of life; the importance of quality water to soil, plants, Cocannouer, Joseph A animals and man Paint Effects Know-How Cohen,Sacha The Unselfish Spirit: Human Evolution in a Time of Global Crisis Collins, Mick DIY Tools Know-How Collins, Mike Woodwork Know-How Collins, Mike The Worm Forgives the Plough Collis, John Stewart Producing the goods Common Ground The Organic Tradition: An Anthology of Writings on Organic Farming Conford, Philip Ed 1900-1950 Eco-villages and sustainable communities; models for 21st century living Conrad, Jillian ed Eco-villages and sustainable communities; models for 21st century living Conrad, Jillian ed Fungi Cooke, Roderic Know and Grow Vegetables 2 Cooke, R. Escape From the Rat Race - Downshifting to a Richer Life Corder, Nicholas Be The Change : Action and reflection from people transforming our world. Cormack, Trenna Wild garlic, gooseberries ...and me. A chef's stories and recipes from the Cotter, Denis land. Organic Mushroom Farming and Mycoremediation: Simple to Advanced and Cotter, Tradd Experimental Techniques for Indoor and Outdoor Cultivation The Passivhaus Handbook: A Practical Guide to Construcing and Cotterell, Janet and Dadeby, Adam Retrofitting Buuildings For Ultra-Low Energy Performance Seeds For Organic Farmers Cotswold Grass Seeds Direct Fruit and Vegetables for Scotland: What to grow and how to grow it. Cox Kenneth and Beaton Caroline. Creating A Forest Garden: Working with nature to grow edible crops Crawford, Martin Directory of useful plants for temperate climates; volume 1a: trees Crawford, Martin Directory of useful plants for temperate climates; volume 2a: shrubs Crawford, Martin A Brief History of how the Industrial Revolution Changed the World Crump, Thomas
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