• , I' Serving the State 'ar1l¥ doDd7 abiI eoD­ University of Iowa Un" eoId ....y. ca. .., _. a uWe _ 81lD- Campus and day. HlP today, M: low, 15. m.ta Friday, $3: ..... Iowa City , at 18. ESI. 1868 - ~p leoled Wire. Wirepholo - Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa. Salurday. Nov. 28. 1953 - Vol. 97, No. 302 • I ussla S 'OK Of Big 4 Meeting Seen As New St~U ~ Goat -Can Look at A Queen Children Mob Stranded Santa ... us ·Calls It Mountaineers To Go WAUKEGAN,JU. -S~taClaUSloundoutFridaYWhatlt's O'Neill, Noted r • • -. r Uke ~:n~, ~i~\~t~ local Chamber of Commerce, came by hell- PI arwright, Obstrudlve cop. for hls annual appearance In Waukepn, bul th plan landed D · 6 I' minut ~!ore an scort wa to arrive to lead him 1hrou&ll the les 5 , R • To Europe Next Yea, busln dlstrlCt. • Stranded In the midst ot several hundred cheering youngsters, 0 earmlng Members at the Iowa Mountain- the old g nneman tatted to proceed lon, but his admirers WOUldn't eers, hiking and mountain cHmb-'lllght. le.vin, their usual campln, I t h m. WASIllNGTON (.4') - Russia's In, club at SUI, will make their equlpm nt home, for Ih y have Tbey pre ed around him, tugging at hI clothing and call1nl' his note aereeln. to a BI, Four con­ Urst trip abroad next summ r fOf made arrane ment,s to tay at name. One at them leaped up II1Id jerked orr his red and whit t - ference was called obstrud.lve and a nouting In the Italian Dolomites, mountain Inns In the countrl led cap. It w recovered only dtel' a hort but b'antie chas . "dlsappolntlng" by the United the Swiss Alps and the Au trlan they visit. They will carry only Fe ring for hi safety, nnd his beard - which ne lIJUred would States Friday. Tyrol region. club oUiclals have camt!ras and 1ilm. Wbil the ex- 10 next - Santa fin Ily was able to duck into a departm nt stofe The State Department analyzed announced. pedltlon Js planned chiefly for thrt'e blockB away. Th re he recovered h compo ure lor hl~ coned it as an effort to .iall the rearm­ Approx.lmately 20 m mbers of Qualified mountain climb , pro- appearance. ing of West German,. and at the the organlzaUon are eKPected to vi Ions have also been made for --:---:-------------------~---- same tJme over,come "the dlsa,­ participate in the climbin, and hikers. They will explore the rec- t traul consequences" of the Soviet', "Wlcompromlslng" policy In lhe SepLhlkini 12. jaunt Preliminary in Europe plans Au,. c 1113 forto Ionsthe othel'saround cUmb. the mountain while 5 UI Rece~·ves G,· Is', put.. air travel from Chicago to Poris. * * * This nu~:ar:fT~::oup Is ex- Wlolderness FOllms av~~ sa~~, !~:~ kl~':r~~!~~ peeted to be joined by several Gran t5 0 f $ 20 000 ficlal reply would be made to the ~~~:~ca~~l tj~:!~~ st~de~r~~ Gifts ond ,rants valued at more ' fh~~~t~~ i;;!=r~ll~~O ~~~~ To Take Audiente ward with nrrangcm nts for w h en the Mounta 1neers arr Ive. than $20,000 ha"e '---n ac-nt-..I G B d II Itt f I W I th I 11 bl d ,,,,:t: ...... L-U org e e , ns rue or 0 n- meetin, - probably at Berlin, as hi c. e actua c m ng an 0 V · d T IS for SUI by the linanc commltt t mal medicine, will tudy the h S I hiking triP will end Sept. 11, some n arle rave o. the ,t~te b~"rd of ""'ucotlon t e ov et sUdest. of the group wl11 remain In Ell- PL Id t p VIII~ M H , ;"h b' narrowing Qf n heart valve (mitral lIloK... OK'. Plan rope for an extra week to visit WlldliCe photOgrapher Dick Bird rea en rg . ane er as stenOSiS) beror nd arter oper - Moscow atated, unconditionally citi 5 and biJtorlc sItes. The oth- will take hLs audience with him on announced. tlons. Eugene O'Neill its acceptance of a for 1&11 minis- ers wl11 rel.lrrn to the United States travels tbrouah the wlldern. Largest sum 6,000 from the For cholarahlps for two stu- obcl Prize \\'iJlrIcr ters' meetln,. imm diat Iy. [rom northern Canad to Central Iowa Counell on Economic Educa- dents trom Germany,Kaethe Jaes- In London, the Brlttah. Foreign The hardy Mountain rs who Bnd South Amcrica Sunday whrn lion - a I'roup of bu In ssmen, chole In social weltare nnd Her- Oftlce welcomed the new Sovl t spent lost summer In th BJ,aboo he presents the fourth In a serl farm n, labor I aders and teoch- man Laur In journalLsm, the Na- BOSTON fA') - Eug n O'Neill, approach as an acceptance of the and Bobbl Burns range In Can- ot adv nture travelogues brougM ers - for the support of the an- tional Social W Ilare A embly, playwright nd Nobel Prl~ win- western power,' propollals for 11 ada, will Itnrt the European out- to the eampus by the JOWD Moun- nual ummer workshOp on eco- Inc., of New York provld d $37'. n r, died t his home Friday of Four Power session. Ing by climbing Mt. Blanc In Italy, talncera. nomic lXIucat\on at the university. And the General Education Board bronchial pneumonia. He was 65. However, It seemed likely that highest mountain in central Eu- The tlrst !11m, entitled "Pa, :mt From the estate of the late Dr. ot New York provided $256 for The one-time prolllic writer had no oHlctal replT would be made • THE GOAT ~IASCOT 0' the WeI b military ..uard draws a brlJ'hi rope. From there they wlll to to of Nature," will be shown lit 2:30 Anna Bartsch-Dunne of Washlng- scholanlhJps lor fl"aduate tudenls be n fII tor lever.1 y ors with Par- untll after PresIdent ElJenhow r • lihUe from Queen ElIzabetb durin&, an encount.er at the rovemor'. the Swiss Alps. p.m. In MacBride auditorium. It ton, D.C. came ecurltjes valued at B nJamJn L. Wigfall or RJchmond, klnson'se dis ase, on aliment meets with Prime Mlnlster Wln- o(tk!lal residence 10 KJonton, Jamalea. The royal par~)' wu tebed- ClIm" LItW will show an Infinite varltey of $4,670 to be added 10 the Bartsch V ., and Helen L. Richards of which cau ed 0 form of palsy and ston Churchill and Pr ml r Laniel uj'J 10 All toef.y lor the Panama Canal Zone for the nex~ tan of They will then tackle the Ber- birds, mamma ,In ta, now 1"1, Medical scholarship endowment M ny, La. mad wrltln, practically Impossl- of France in Bermuda a week from c~ lI,,"n'. round-the-"'orld commonwulth tour. nina mountain group In En,endln reptile., and fishes, nll !limed In [unl!. The qnnual income from this The Eiyptlan Education bureau ble. Frldoy. -.I.::....-------------------------Ivalley on the Switzerland-Austria their natural hobitat. lund provides cholarshlps for ot Washlniton, D.C .. , provided He was awarded the Nobel Prize CrIaIa Poe&poaecl border, followed by the Ortler .. Newroun~!and-Canada's . New- women, pr terably trom Burlinll- $256 for !lrst semester scholar- tor literature in 1936 for his out- With news that Laniel's govern- mountain rall¥e in Au tria and the cst Province, Is the film Blrd will ton, who entet' the lown college of ahlps lor E,yptian student.. Ela!- alandln, dramatic works. He pre- m nt had survived a parliamen­ diUlculi 'Koenigspitz.e Icc climb. show at 8 p.m. Sunday. Her hI' m Icln . If a woman medical tu. slouty Mostafa, 0, Ebay d Ahmcd vlou.ly won the Pulltl.er Prize Cor tory vote of confld nee, despJle IJniversity Players Their path will then take them to will take the audience through the dent from that city Is not avail- Zelneldln, G, nnd Ibr him Mil- drama three tim ,in lD20, 1922 the sprin,ln, of the KTemlin sur- the Itallnn Dolomlt s, and finally picturesque province ot C nada abl Of eligible, oth r appllcaa houd. and 1928. prlse Thursday nliht, there 'was 11 to lh Grosgl!c!cn r mountains In and make a trip to the bIrd island,; from Iowa are con idcred, accord- Fluhee Research WJle UrvlVH teelln, In Woshlnaton that (or the. To Present· ~ Noah' A~'ttla. ott th coast of Labrador. In, to th terms ot Dr. Bartsch_ For unsp Wed medlc-al re- He was morrled thrce times and moment th crisiS In'Western unity The moun~alnccrs will travel Bird, who has traveled through- Dunne', wlll. s arch in the Iowa c0m liege of ed- hi. third wife, Carlotta Monlerey, had been pasS(!d. "Noah," a fantasy by the F~ench out the world II.! a news photo- 1 lurvives. He also] av a daugh- Prospects for a European army I i hAd Obe ill S graph r. begnn his photolTaphiC' Bers: Receive. G",n' cine, 2S0 'JfDS donated trom the ter, Oona O'N 1I1 eh plin, wife ot be h ~ ~~r g ;~ :: Unl:C~~ y t~~ !~ , g:~~I~n7~t~;ry ~~~e~t~f~ 1 D d 5 I " ed career when he was H. In r cenl The Nutrition Foundation, Ine., ~Jjv S. MJ,llcr and F. Wend I movie comedJan Charlie Chaplin ::nat~e:y ::'Ight h~V~\~~eenblrit:~: tr~ Thursday under tl1e direction wa~ke, Wis.; Nancy Groves, A2, ea, RJUr y ars he has traveled over 25,000 of N w York provid 2,000 tor lIlet.
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