November 28, 1983 ALBERTA HANSARD 1863 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF ALBERTA head: INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS (continued) Title: Monday, November 28, 1983 2:30 p.m. MR. COOK: Mr. Speaker, on your behalf, it's a great pleasure for me to introduce to you, and through you, 32 grade 6 students from Aldergrove elementary school, located in the constituency [The House met at 2:30 p.m.] of Edmonton Meadowlark. They are accompanied by their teacher Mr. Kim Falkenberg and by parent Reva Coles. I would ask them to rise and receive the very warm welcome of the PRAYERS House. MR. STROMBERG: Mr. Speaker, this afternoon we have 53 [Mr. Speaker in the Chair] grade 8 students from the rose city of Alberta, which is Cam• rose. The school they represent is Charlie Killam junior high. Along with them are teachers Mrs. Gilbertson, Mrs. Torrence, head: INTRODUCTION OF BILLS Mr. Moen, and student teacher Bob Carter, and one of the better school bus drivers in Alberta, Ken Gerber. They are Bill 257 seated in the public gallery, and I ask them to stand and be An Act to Amend the Liquor Control Act recognized by this Assembly. MR. LEE: Mr. Speaker, I beg leave to introduce Bill 257, An MR. McPHERSON: Mr. Speaker, I'm pleased to introduce to Act to Amend the Liquor Control Act. you, and through you to hon. members of the Assembly, 38 The purpose of this Bill is to permit the sale of beer and grade 6 students from Normandeau school in north Red Deer. wine in Alberta food stores, provided the shelf space devoted Our students are accompanied today by teachers Mrs. Marianne to these products does not exceed 10 per cent. Sales would be Williams and Mr. Marv Harris, along with parents Mrs. D. prohibited on Sundays and, through passage of a local by-law, Jacobs and Mrs. J. Spafford. The students are seated in the municipalities would have the option to opt out. members gallery, and I would ask that they rise and be rec• ognized by the Assembly. [Leave granted; Bill 257 read a first time] MR. NOTLEY: Mr. Speaker, it's my privilege this afternoon head: TABLING RETURNS AND REPORTS to introduce to you, and through you to members of the Assem• bly, 15 representatives of the Committee of the Unemployed. MR. HORSMAN: Mr. Speaker, I'm pleased to table the They hail from throughout the province: Red Deer, Stony Plain, response to Motion for a Return No. 200. I also file with the the Slave Lake area, Spirit River-Fairview, Whitecourt, Banff, Assembly four copies each of the visit books to China, Hong and the Edmonton area. They are seated in the public gallery, Kong, and Japan by Premier Peter Lougheed. and I would ask that they stand and be welcomed by members to the House. MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to statute, I have the honor to table two orders of the Members' Services Committee, Orders 5 and 6. head: ORAL QUESTION PERIOD Labor Legislation head: INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS MR. NOTLEY: Mr. Speaker, in the absence of the ministerial MR. LYSONS: Mr. Speaker, it's my pleasure today to intro• statement I thought might be forthcoming, I'd like to direct the duce to you and to members of the Assembly three very dis• first question to the hon. Minister of Labour. Can he advise tinguished people from Vermilion: His Worship Dave Hughes the House what discussions have taken place between the min• and his wife, Opal, and with them, Rotary Club exchange ister and representatives of the building trades, and what pro• student from Brazil, Nelton Dé Nadai. I would ask them to posals the government has, if any, for re-evaluation or stand and receive the welcome of the House. reassessment of Bill 110? MR. SPEAKER: I believe the hon. Minister of Manpower MR. YOUNG: Mr. Speaker, the government has been consid• wishes to revert to Introduction of Visitors. ering all the representations, but in particular the ones which seemed to be recurring most in the contact between members of construction unions and Members of the Legislative Assem• head: INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS bly during last week. Last Friday afternoon I and a few of my colleagues had a meeting in this building with the Alberta MR. ISLEY: Mr. Speaker, it's my pleasure today to introduce council of the Alberta Federation of Labour, which was formed to you, and through you to members of the House, the Hon. on Thursday and Friday of last week. On Friday evening I had James McGrath, Member of Parliament for St. John's East. some discussions with the Alberta Building Trades Council He was first elected to the House of Commons in 1957. He president. Saturday I had rather long and enduring meetings was re-elected in six subsequent elections, and he served for a with representatives of the Alberta Building Trades Council. period of time as the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans. He is Yesterday I had a variety of discussions by telephone, through seated in your gallery, and I would ask that he rise and receive conference calls and otherwise, and I had yet another meeting the welcome of the House. this afternoon. 1864 ALBERTA HANSARD November 28, 1983 The matters under discussion related to the construction prepared to consider as an option, rather than waiting for pro• industry in general and the challenges facing that industry; the clamation, that Bill 110 be retained in committee until such fact that it is upon difficult times, relative to the rapid build• time as this new working committee the minister is appointing up in capacity, talent, and resources which it enjoyed during has an opportunity to review the labor relations aspect of the the last decade; and the concerns that were expressed about construction industry? Bill 110. On Saturday we explored with the building trades representatives a number of amendments which I might rec• MR. YOUNG: Mr. Speaker, I have not indicated to any of the ommend to my colleagues. representatives of the unions with whom I've been meeting that Mr. Speaker, I think that generally sums up the nature of that is an option. the discussions. I might add that there has been discussion about With respect to an observation made by the hon. Leader of delay in the proclamation of Bill 110. Those are all matters I the Opposition, I want it to be very clear that the committee propose to discuss at further length with my colleagues. is being structured not for itself to do a review of labor relations, but rather to advise on the process which should be followed MR. NOTLEY: Mr. Speaker, a supplementary question to the in a thorough review of labor relations within the industry. minister. What is the status of the review committee? I gather There is a distinction. It may in fact turn out to be the same there is a suggestion that there be a review committee to exam• committee. I await their recommendations. But in fact I have ine the construction industry. Could the minister outline to the asked them to recommend what style of consultation, if you Assembly what the government sees as the composition and will, what process for hearing all inputs from various parties, mandate of this review committee? would be the preferred process, in their view. MR. YOUNG: Mr. Speaker, the mandate of the committee MR. NOTLEY: Mr. Speaker, a supplementary question. The would be along the lines of that proposed during my comments minister indicated that one of the options would be not pro• on second reading of Bill 110. In the first instance, it would claiming the Act. Not proclaiming the Act until when? Until involve a review of the relationships in the industry on a con• tinuing basis: what vehicle might best serve as a multipartite this committee has had an opportunity to make formal rec• forum. It would look at other specific problems, such as the ommendations? To make formal recommendations as to what. process of review of labor relations in the industry. It would As to labor relations or as to the process or what? examine and determine objectives for the construction industry, and particularly for labor relations in the construction industry. MR. YOUNG: Mr. Speaker, the position advanced to me by And finally, it might address other matters that it would agree representatives of the trade unions was that we should consider upon, and report those to me. passing but not proclaiming. The question then becomes: not In terms of the composition, Mr. Speaker, I can indicate that proclaiming until what, and for what purpose would one do last week I had the opportunity to approach both the chairman that? The subsequent suggestion was that we pass and that I of the Construction Owners' Association and the president of submit the Bill to this advisory committee for response or the Alberta Building Trades Council, and invite them to submit reaction prior to proclamation. That is one possibility. In fair• a list of names in the nature of nominees from whom we would ness to all members of the Assembly, I want to be very clear make a selection for that council. This morning I had the oppor• that I indicated that I would raise that matter with my col• tunity to speak with the chairman of the board for the Alberta leagues. I did not, however, indicate that that would be a Construction Association and the chairman of the board for the position which I would necessarily be recommending.
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