75c A Y ear in Advance . ST. JOHNS. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 7, 1890. N umber 49 THE SCHOOL INSPECTORS. elaasification register which contains SAD ACCIDENT. CabiueU $S.OO Per Doxen. record ot each pupil ’s standing and R«pr«H«nt«tlv« Men are Prevent. For August only, Jackson will make course of study for schools. The use of Peter Fink I* Run Over by s Lumber you a dozen fine cabinet photos for only —A Harmunlomi Meettiis. such a reuister is aptiarent. Wniroii end Dieit Froui MU Injuries. $2.00. Hatisfaotloii guaranteed. The Hchool iuHp< ‘ftor« of the county To train our teachers to iierfonn tlieir Peter Fink, who has resided in tliis vil- in aiipnrvitinra room at tJie court work more skillfully and iiitelli>^ntly,the 48 w2 Jackso .s Photo Rooms . Of EmiiiluOTB has caused houne Thenday tvC^moon to elect a meni- meetings of teachers’ associations to take accident last Thursday afternoon which H«>ron«l-H»iid Single Harnetui of the Board of .Stdiool Examiners in place plH4« during the past year. At these proved fatal Saturday moniing. Mr. In good repair for sale. Call at N ews meetings queetious relating to iiiethodsof of J. B. Stone, whose term had expired. Fink was working, in harvest on the John office. _ County Clerk Al>el culled the meeting to teaching properly classitied .schools and matters of literary interestlmve been dh- Scriven farm and drove a team owned by village Taxeii, order and read list of in8p«Ktors. The cusseii with evident profit and to-duy we a Mr. Wilson, who worked a part of the All village taxes must be paid during following were present: have three organizi^ teachers’ associa- farm. He drove into the field and after the month of August. 49w2 \yj Bath—Oiiear D Fletcher. tioiis ill the county. BlDKhain—Lafayette Huffman. I^t August our State Teachers’ Insti­ the team stopfied he w’alked on the tongue C. H. Rkrvks , Marshal. Bengal —Win. Corwin. tute was in session at St. Johns for tliree to check one of the horses, when the team Curtalnn and Carpets Now ’, see here, young man, when I send PallaH—John O. Patteraon (not present). weeks, attended by 135 different teachers got frightened and ran away, throwing When in want of anything in the cur­ Duplaln—(>. .Vf. Pearl. with an average daily attendance of over him off. The wagon passed over his you dow n town again 1 want you to dis­ thirty; A large number of our teachers tain or carpet line it will pay you to get BeWltt—Henry X. Webb. chest, injuring him intenially. He was tinctly understand NOW AND IX)R .4LL EnK>e—Emory Eddy. have thus be«‘n dirtsitly beiiefitted at our prices. _____________J. H icks . Essex—Robert Anderson. these m<>etings and the effect is readily taken home and Dr. Wiggins sent for. Latest Sheet Mnslc TIME Oreenbush—Edwin Burk. setm in the su[)erior skill in teaching He was in his Slst year aud leaves a wife And Music Folios a speciality. Lebanon —F. M. PlKRott. '■ shown by them. and two children. His funeral was held . F. lUrmlngliMni In the matter of the supervision of H. A. Sturois . at the R. C. church Monday nioruiiig, at- Olive—Charles T Rockwell. BchoOlaany by uu>, 1 have fulfilieu the requ ir* Riley —Charles Kimball. ments of law and more, making 200 offic ­ tended by the fire department in a body, ial visits during the year, visiting 156 of which he w'os a member. Paper rags wanted at Stephenson ’s. Victor —Fred E. Greene. 40w4_^ Watertown —Edward A. Rea. different schools. I have with the aid of Mrs. Fink is deeply grateful to the kind tlie Examiners, held eight examinations Is the place to get the BEST GOODS for Westplmllu—I.aurence Keusch. friends who have assisted in any manner For Sale -F.M-. riggott , of .l.channri, \v»H_elected of teachers, which, with the township ex- A second hand organ. Inquin? of J. D. amliiatfop g and Teachers’ Institute havt her comfort in the hour of bereave­ the LEAST MONEY. idiainnaD. The chair appoineed Messrs. taken nearly four months of my time ment. Estes. Mind just what I tell you and Webb and Anderson as tellers. since your meeting last August. Mr. Hoffman i>oid a high compliment Our teachers have manifested great in­ Rv»l KHtate. White OoodM In great variety at Kendrick’s. to the present Board of Examiners and terest in trying to carry out instructions William F Gardner to Edwin M .Smith, LOOK IT TKISI in regard to instructing and classifying presented the name of J. B. Stone to suc­ their schools aud we are having a better \\\ lot 3, block .3 and north 6 inch«>H of Kendrirk'H Prl«e» on iirocerleH this week. ceed himself. Supported by Mr. Burk. class of work done than in former years. of said lot St. Johns, $5,090. 15 Ills. Granulated Sugar ................ $1.00 16 lt»s. .\Sugar ................... 1.00 Mr. Binningham moved that an infor ­ From the report of the .^uiierinteudeiit Samuel W Weber to James H Ruel, un­ Grocery Department! mal ballot be taken. of I’ublic instruction of I find some divided % of west 81 acres of north frac­ 17 Ills. White C Sugar ...................... 1.00 15 facts about our schools which may give Whole number of votes cast tional half of ti e ^sec 6 Dallas, $1. 18 ItiH. IJght Yellow Sugar ............. 1.00 Jerome B. Stone received.;... 1^ Unormation as to the impqrtani* of school ^^++.:.^^B John Keeney received............. ........................ 1 work in the county, in this county, we Miiry A TlatleTo “Joseph have 129 districts in which we have 103 acres sec 16 Westphalia, $1,800. 4 ttiH; Best Stai’ch............................... 2.5 The vote was declared formal. frame and 29 brick school houses, valued Thomas Sammons to Andrew J John ­ 4 tbs. Bi!Ht Saleratus....... ...................25 See what you can buy for Secretary Winston then read- his an­ at f 152,54U. These have 8,457 children 1 111 (^offt*e ...................... .........-....... .25 lietween the ages of five and 20 years. son, 40 acres sec .36 Watertown, $3,(K)0. 1 lb Good Chewing Tobacco ............... 25 nual report as follows : Of thei« 6,406 attended school. Tlie Lafayette Hoffman to Benjamin Knee- (This is a Bargain.) To the Memb ers of the Board of Scfiool average number of mouths of school in land, lot 8 blocJc 115. St. Johns, $425. 111) Good Chewing Tobacco... ........... .35 Fxaminers and the Chairmen of the the count ry was 7Ah—It co st f71,775.18 to niaiutain them; schools of which $41,. Samuel N ITubbel to Jenette Furgesoi t, Boai ds of School Jmpectors: lot 22, block C, Ovid,,$600. Onr 35c Tea lieats all competition. Seven pounda of Rolled Oats fof- .........25c 650.67 was paid for teachers wages; $30,- Butt<*r and Eggs wanteil in exchange at By a thorough supervision of our 326.70 was raised by district taxes for Edward Brown to Hannah B Lance, Seven jipuudH Oat Meal for... .............25c schools last year it was found that our highest market price. Butter bought on all purposes. the oast 100 feet in width of lots 8 9 aud its ments.____________ 1 pound Plug Tobacco .... ./.................25c common schools did not have a purpose, It requires 165 teachers to teach our 1 pound Fine Cut Tobacco ................. 25c or rather, plan of work for wWSn they schools and over 280 different teachers 10, block 12 Enimonsviile, $400. Larg^ Stock Four pounds of Starch./....J............... 2.5c were unitedly working. This arises are employed. The average monthly Alfml I) Lance to Edward Brown, w’t'st Of sun umbrellas and parasols just re­ Four pounds of Soda ...........................2.5c from the fact that until the law of 1887, wages of the men was $38.12 and of the 50 feet of lots 1 and 2 block 4, Enimons ­ ceived at H. L. Kendrick’s. Five pounds of Cracjters......................25c creating county supervisors of schools, women $27.78 viile, $800. Seven pounds of RiCe (broken) ...........25c there had been no bead to our educa- The people of the county an* to be con- Four pounds of Rice (liest)................. 25c lional system in the county, and also gratulateu that they are able to obtain Ann M Taylor to Henry Taylor lots 4 Soin aol Son Sis Three Cans of Corn.............................. 25c short time for which teachers are the excellent class of teachers they do at 5 and six, block 112 and lots 15 16 17 ThreeCans Tojuatoes ...........................25c usually ePiployed does not permit them these prices, which are below what is paid and 18, block 11.3 St. Johns, $1.00. The Dependant Bill is a Law. You that Three pouiK^ of Raisins......................25c to follow a particular plan of work which in about five-sixths of the counties. Isaac Holton to Lafayette Hoffman, claim rights under it or any other claims Ten bars of soap ...................................25c they would have to originate. Some of The cost per capita, based on the school against the Gcivernment, do not let anv one l-pouiid pivckage “Our Owt/’ Coffee,..25c lot In, block 1, avenue addition St. .Johns mislead yon and get your claims in thenands our leacliers expressed thstjBiBelves that census was, for ail districts, $4.92. Tot ­ of attorneys awa.v, where the3’ will be no it would be of little use to do more al cost |)er capita, baseii on tlie enroll ­ $200. earthly use to you, but call on WM.
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