MAHER CUP PLAYERS LIST - This update created on 6 May 2017 Given Name Surname Nickname Team Years Played Notes Herbert Abberton Bert Canowindra 28 1908-1980 Probably Leo Abberton (1903-1971) brother of Bert who also played with Glebe 1925 & L Abberton Canowindra 26 Balmain 1926 Les Abberton Cootamundra 22 WW1; Railway worker Canowindra stalwart; Cudal coach 1928; Mick Abberton Canowindra 28 Trundle 1932 Erik Alec Abbott Paul Grenfell 47 1927-2008; baker Ray Abbott Grenfell 48, 49 Also boxer John Abel Jack Cowra 38 Captain 1938; Norths 1935-36 In Army at Cowra POW camp; Easts 1947- Kevin Abrahamson Cowra 45 48; Coached Narromine 1950 School teacher; St George Rugby Union Alan Ackland Cootamundra 63, 65 1955-59; died in car accident 1982 John Adams West Wyalong 60 Dentist? Cecil Adnum West Wyalong 33, 34 1910-73; from Aberdeen NSW Keith Aitken Tumut 53 Captain coach c1942-2005, brother of Mick Alchin, uncle Greg Alchin Cootamundra 60 of Jason Alchin Brian Alexander Tumut 62 Died 1979 aged 38 Glebe 1929, Balmain 1930, Souths 1933, George Algie Tumut 32 coach South Grafton 1934 Milton Allatt King Tumut 21, 22, 23, 25 1895-1975, WW1 soldier Tom Allbutt Cootamundra 37 From Wallenbeen? Harry Allen Cowra 41 Ron Allen Gubby Temora 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61 Later referee and club official William Allport Billy Wyangala Dam 66, 67 Narrawa North, stationhand? R Allsopp Cootamundra 29 Captain-coach 1954 & 1955; often recorded George Alsbury Junee 53, 54 as Aylesbury Jim Alston Tumut 47, 48, 49 1925-2009, Captain 1949 Arch Anderson Cowra 37, 39, 40, 41, 45, 48 Captain 1945 Dave Anderson Grenfell 53, 55 Auto mechanic ; born about 1928 David Anderson Wamoon 69 1891-? ; Souths 1911; 1916-19, West E Anderson Dutchy West Wyalong 24 Wyalong coach 1922 & 1930 Greg Anderson Young 58, 59, 60, 61, 64 Captain 1948; Canterbury 1944; coached Jack Anderson Cowra 48 Redfern All-blacks 1947 MAHER CUP PLAYERS LIST - This update created on 6 May 2017 Given Name Surname Nickname Team Years Played Notes Jack Anderson Temora 49 Captain 1949, ex-New Zealand fly half Joe Anderson Cowra 40 Played first Maher Cup aged 17; died Max Anderson Mazza Junee 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 25.4.1991 aged 60 Neville Anderson Barmedman 70 Norm Anderson Young 62 Perhaps same as Grenfell player Norm Anderson Grenfell 63, 66 Captain 1966 Wal Anderson Cowra 41 C Anderton Teddy Cootamundra 32 Wests 1931 &33, Newtown 1932 Noel Andrews Boorowa 59 Reg Andrews Cowra 41 Ted Andrews Barmedman 27 Milton Angel Wagga 23, 27 From Borambola Spencer Angel Wagga 23 From Borambola 1924-? ; Bricklayer; Norths 1947-48 with Reg Angus Barmedman 49 Tom Kirk Annetts family were from Shephardstown Clive Annetts Hook Young 60 near Adelong Horace Anthony Temora 26, 29, 31 Storeman at Pardey's Flour Mill Kevin Apps Snowy Harden-Murrumburrah 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 70, 71 Station Hand Mick Apps West Wyalong 57 From Ungarie Tom Apps Bristles Harden-Murrumburrah 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65 Shunter Also known as a boxer ; later coached Albert Arabin Alby Young 61, 62, 65 Young Stan Archer Cootamundra 53 Newtown 1952; Thirroul 1954 Athol Thomas Arentz Tom Tumut 52 30.8.1922-1998; brother of Kevin Arentz Kevin Arentz Smacker Tumut 46, 47, 48, 51, 53 16.9.1926-25.8.2012 B Argaet Harden-Murrumburrah 53 contractor, later barber at Cootamundra; Bill Argaet Harden-Murrumburrah 28, 29 1905-1987 Bill Argaet Cootamundra 34, 35 Ex-Harden-Murrumburrah Col Argaet Harden-Murrumburrah 60, 62, 64, 65, 66 David Argaet Harden-Murrumburrah 70, 71 Edward Argaet Ted Harden-Murrumburrah 38 P Argaet Harden-Murrumburrah 54 Ollie Armour Harden-Murrumburrah 35 Ex-Junee Railway worker; later a referee; 17.6.1904- Ollie Armour Junee 28, 29 22.1.1974 MAHER CUP PLAYERS LIST - This update created on 6 May 2017 Given Name Surname Nickname Team Years Played Notes T Armour Temora 39 Jack Armstrong Junee 41 Brother of Mick and Ron; 1920-1994 Mick Armstrong Junee 46, 47 Brother of Jack & Ron; 1922-2009 Ron Armstrong Junee 46 Brother of Jack & Mick; 1928-2003 Bill Arthur Binalong 46 Charlie Ashton Chook Mallee Plains 47 Charlie Ashton Chook West Wyalong 40, 41 J Ashton Young 29, 30 Jim Ashton Boorowa 57, 59 East Juniors 1954; Souths reserves 1956 Noel Ashton Young 71 4.9.1951-24.12.2009 R Ashton Digger Young 48, 49, 50 Grazier from Mt Horeb; sapper in WW2; Neville Asimus Gundagai 46, 47, 48, 49 10.10.1922-1994 Alf Aston Grenfell 50 born 1930 ; carpenter Milton Atkinson Cootamundra 53 Easts 1948-1949, Souths 1950-1951, 1953 Cliff Attwood Gundagai 50, 51, 52 Later moved to Wagga Later Gundagai Shire president, died Ralph Attwood Gundagai 45, 46, 47, 48, 50 18.2.1991 aged 64. Reg Austin Cootamundra 61, 62 Tom Austin Cootamundra 64 W Ayres Cootamundra 35 Kevin Bacchus Gundagai 55 1895-1957; labourer and grocer ; later George Bacon Barmedman 26, 27, 33 Barmedman selector Toby Bacon Barmedman 62, 63, 64 Phil Bagwell Temora 26 Souths 1923; also spelled Bagwill R Bailey Cowra 53 Nick Bain Barmedman 40 Allan Baker Tumut 57, 58 Barry Baker Young 62, 63 Edgar Baker Tumut 20, 21, 22 Fireman Gordon Baker Tumut 35 Neville Baker Boorowa 52 R Baker Young 64, 65 Reg Baker Loppy Tumut 34, 35, 36, 37 Killed in motor vehicle accident 1949 G Ball Cootamundra 46 John Ball West Wyalong 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63 K Ball Junee 56 MAHER CUP PLAYERS LIST - This update created on 6 May 2017 Given Name Surname Nickname Team Years Played Notes Kevin Ball West Wyalong 56, 57, 58, 59, 60 Ray Ball West Wyalong 39, 40 Army WW2 Brian Ballard Tumut 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62 Ernie Ballard Tumut 55 George Ballard Foo Gundagai 41, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 born 1924 J Ballard Temora 67 John Ballard Grenfell 55 Ken Ballard Ned Tumut 65 Terry Ballard Harden-Murrumburrah 70 Ballard Curley Gundagai 63, 64 Arch Bamblett Cowra 45, 46 Bob Banks Tumut 29, 30, 32, 34, 35 Captain 1934 ; also boxer Keith Barber / Barker Barmedman 32, 33 Warren Bardsley West Wyalong 58 Eddie Barker Young 39, 40 Teacher, ALP member Worked on building Catholic Church at Bill Barnes Cowra 37 Cowra Brian Barnes Young 63 Harold Barnes Snowy Boorowa 55, 56, 57 Influential country rugby league David Barnhill Wamoon 69 administrator; died June 2015 aged 75 Alan Barrett Temora 63, 64, 65, 66, 67 Bruce Barrett Bruiser Temora 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 40, 41, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, Keith Barrett Cobber Temora 53, 54 Captain 1949 Brian Barrington West Wyalong 65 Fred Barrington West Wyalong 54, 55 Lloyd Barrington West Wyalong 69 Ray Barrington West Wyalong 65, 66, 67, 68, 69 Bob Bartlett Gundagai 55, 57 A Barton Temora 25 Joe Barton Young 51 Probably same at Boorowa player Joe Barton Boorowa 53 Tony Barton Moose Tumut 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61 Captain-coach 1969 W Barton Tumut 39 Bruce Bashford West Wyalong 63 Allan Bassett Gundagai 63, 64, 65 Fred Bateup Binalong 46 Born 1910 MAHER CUP PLAYERS LIST - This update created on 6 May 2017 Given Name Surname Nickname Team Years Played Notes Bill Batley The Plumber Boorowa 53 Mascot 1951; Souths reserves 1952 Bill Batley Temora 54 Bill Batley Barmedman 55, 56, 57 Ex Boorowa J Battenally Tumut 48, 49 Bill Battye Grenfell 38, 39 Elwyn Battye Cowra 34, 38 J Battye Cowra 36 Possibly same at Grenfell player John Battye Grenfell 35, 38, 39 Ron Battye Gundagai 52, 53 Ex Balmain T Beasley Harden-Murrumburrah 31 Beasley Harden-Murrumburrah 23 Recorded also as Beasy A Beaulock Junee 33, 34 Captain-coach 1963 ; ex Easts 1959, 1960; Ray Beavan Tumut 60, 61, 63, 71 Canterbury 1962 B Beazley Bronco Harden-Murrumburrah 40, 41 B Beazley Bronco Young 46, 47, 48 Ex Harden Bernie Beck Boorowa 51, 52 Ex lower grade Parramatta Mac Beecher West Wyalong 35, 36, 37 Neville Beegling Tumut 25, 28, 31 Brother of Otto 'Boydie' Beeglin Ran in foot race that preceded the first Otto Beegling Boydie Tumut 23, 25 Maher Cup match; died 22.11.1953 aged 55 Ted Begley Grenfell 63, 64 Captain 1963 Allan Behan Mick Barmedman 37, 38, 39, 40 1909-1990; fettler Barry Beiber Grenfell 65, 66 A Bell Cootamundra 39 (1932-1999?); Bill, Bob, Max & Ken were Bill Bell Cootamundra 57, 58, 59, 60 brothers Bob Bell Cootamundra 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 62 Bill, Bob, Max & Ken were brothers Jack Bell Onion Cootamundra 40, 41, 46, 47, 48, 49 Ken Bell Corky Cootamundra 58, 59, 60, 62, 63 Bill, Bob, Max & Ken were brothers L Bell Gundagai 48 (1935-2003?); Bill, Bob, Max & Ken were Max Bell Maxo Cootamundra 56 brothers Bell Chummy Junee 51 From Illabo W Bellow Junee 27 Barry Belt Tumut 60, 61 Brian Bembrick Grenfell 60, 64 Brother of Bob Bembrick farmed 'Wirega' MAHER CUP PLAYERS LIST - This update created on 6 May 2017 Given Name Surname Nickname Team Years Played Notes Farmer 'Wirega' Grenfell, had Merino Stud, Robert Bembrick Bob Grenfell 50, 51, 52, 53 served on Weddin Council Barry Bennett Young 63 Later to Barmedman Barry Bennett Barmedman 66 Captain 1966 Bob Bennett Young 56 F Bennett Cowra 24 Hurtle Bennett Temora 48 Ted Benny West Wyalong 54 Tom Bensley Harden-Murrumburrah 27 Tom Bensley Grenfell 35, 38 WW2 ; born 9.8.1911, died Young 1972 M Benson Tumut 23 John Berg Barmedman 51, 52, 54, 55 J Bernhardt Mo Young 51 Vic Berry Temora 25 Jim Bevan Grenfell 39 Ex Yass Peter Birch Wagga Magpies 69 Lyle Birks Grenfell 62 Baker Peter Birks Grenfell 49 John Biscaya Gundagai 51 From Lockhart; ex Wagga; teacher Billy Bischoff Barmedman 47 Captain 1947 Ron Bishop Tumut 56 Captain 1956 R Bitten Tumut 33 Barry Black Harden-Murrumburrah 62, 64, 65 Barry Black Cootamundra 66, 69, 70 Ex Harden ; Captain-coach 1970 Reg Bladwell Young 29, 30, 31 Alf Blair Smacker Wagga 31 Captain 1931; Souths 1917-27, 29-30 Dave Blake West Wyalong 34 Railway worker; to Barmedman 1935 Dave Blake Barmedman 35 Eric Bland Temora 41 Colin Blizzard Young 70, 71 Barry Blundell Grenfell 54 ex lower grade Easts Bob Blundell Lofty Harden-Murrumburrah 58 Will Galvin gives name as Bill Originally from Queanbeyan moved to Barmedman as a paid player July 1927; Father of squash champion Heather McKay Frank Blundell Barmedman 27 ; died 28.8.1987 aged 83 Frank Blundell Gundagai 28 MAHER CUP PLAYERS LIST - This update created on 6 May 2017 Given Name Surname Nickname Team Years Played Notes Played with his home team Queanbeyan in Frank Blundell Cootamundra 30 1929.
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