VOL. XXV. NO. 91 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12,1993 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Officers• vote to amend ■ .'in■«■■■ - SMC parietal policy By JENNIFER HABRYCH administration and Residence Assistant News Editor Life have given their effort. RHA proposed the change in December, but the Senior Offi­ Saint Mary’s Senior Officers cers asked them to conduct a voted Tuesday to amend the follow-up survey to illustrate College’s current parietal policy that student support existed for on a trial basis. the change. The survey results Under the new policy, which indicated that 94.34 percent of takes effect March 1, males will the students were in favor of no longer be required to leave the proposed change. picture identification at the The Senior Officers re­ front desks of the residence sponded to the proposal so halls. Males will be required to quickly because of the RHA’s sign in, but not sign out on well-researched presentation home football weekends and that took earlier concerns into nights of dances, according to account and responded well to Karen Fordham. president of them, said Sister Mary Brassil. Residence Hall Association Senior Officer and acting dean (RHA). of Student Affairs., The Senior Officers are cur­ “We felt they had answered rently drafting a response to our questions, given us all the RHA that states their approval information and looked at all of of the proposal. the ramifications." said Brassil. Fordham said the policy will “We felt they had done all of be in effect on a trial basis until this in a responsible manner, the end of the 1993-94 school and that it was the right time year. At the end of that period, and the right thing to do.” the Senior Officers will examine Junior Laura Murray, co­ how effective the change has chair of RHA hall improvement, been and vote on whether or said that she is very happy that 'Marguerite not to make the change a per­ the administration acted so Elegance and beauty manent one. quickly in accepting the Olympic and World Figure Skating Ice Dancing Champions from 1992, Marina Klimova and Sergei Fordham said that she is very proposal and hopes the trial Ponomorenko from the Commonwealth of Independent States, dazzle the JACC audience. picoacupleased with wmi all<m theuiv support »upyvi ithe me see pPARIETALS a r ie t a l s z/ papage 4 Hijacker forces jet from Europe to N.Y., surrenders fromfr/irwi Frankfurt.Prankfnrl Germany,Cormanv totn of anonymity » Tschims"Tschuss" — Aa ('.PrmanGerman formfom of NEW YORK (AP) — A gunman two Africajacltles. The plane The source said hostage no- “goodbye." hijacked a Jetliner with 104 warn diverted' to Hanover. Ger- gotlators in Kennedy Interna- The hijacker then walked off pepple aboard Thursday and many, where it was refueled tional Airport Y'control tower the plane with his hands behind ;d it .(Say Austria And (t&ewed to "*er- N; talked yith the man during the his head. Federal Aviation — and hrf*" " a *'$.<»- * -*•“ * \ surrendered. threatened to kill hostages. /w m atm Dunca.i ^ v - No one was i/ijured during German authorities said the Ing negotiations." forcement agents met the hi- the 11-hour ordeal, the first hijacker, who had a pistol, gave The twfn^ngine Airbus, 310 jacker, and the passengers left trans Atlantic hijacking in more assurances he would surrender landed safely at Kennedy at the plane than 16 years. once he arrived in the United 3:50 p.m. and taxied to a re Seven Americans were Germany’s Interior Ministry States. RMANY mote area of the airport aboard, along with Japanese. said the hijacker was a Somali Egyptian and German passen­ l o l CZECH national being deported by German Interior Minister REP The gunman turned his gers and one Canadian. Rudolf Setters identified the hi­ 4 weapon over to the captain,* Lufthansa spokesman Jim Norway and was trying to force Frankfurt \ H,,acked who held it up to the plane’s Freeman said. officials to let him and his wife jacker as Shurlye Far ah Siyad, Plane heads 1 Ab. over Austria and child, still in Somalia, go to 31. The U.S. State Department tor Cairo J window to show law enforce­ • * the United States to apply for gave his name as Ferah Siyad ment officials outside. Fox said the hijacker would asylum Shurlye. ' , The hijacker left behind his be arraigned Friday on an air The htyacker kept the gun in hat and a note for the pilot, said piracy charge, which carries a The man hijacked the his hand during the entire James Fox.‘head of the FBI's ' potential jail sentence of 20 Lufthansa plane at gunpoint flight, said a law enforcement Ne\V York office. The note said, years to life. over Austria during a Right source who spoke on condition "Thank you. Here’s yours. DeMars: Effort in ND Student Government proposes new debit card Ethiopia needs By CARRIE KINSELLA chines. entrance to computer dent priorities for card use. the pro ject. They visited clusters, and access tfi dorms followed by laundry machines, schools such as Western Michi­ further study Implementing the card would vending machines, copy ma­ gan University, where a card By KRISTIN MCGOWAN involve purchasing and setting chines. the Bookstore, and the system has been implemented, A student Identification card up the new system, then Copy Shop. and found that students were that would double as a debit adapting all existing equipment Sixty four percent of the stu­ "crazy about them they re a card is one of the projects to accommodate the card. dents surveyed preferred the huge convenience." The efforts of humanitarian being researched by student organizations in the recent government this year. THE CARD The newly elected team of Ethiopian war. or In any war. The proposed system would Frank Flynn and Nikki Well Top six services students felt should be are best studied from the per­ use student ID s as declining mann wilt also be involved in spective of market analysis, balance cards. Students would in the debit card system working on the card system said William DeMars . in a lec­ pay for the card at the begin­ ture yesterday at the Hesburgh ning of the year and charges le 90.9% In addition to being easier to Center. would be deducted from it in­ machines 77.3% handle than cash and Detexes. Most accounts of humanitar­ stead of having to carry rash, the card could be reproduced ian action are descriptive stud­ according to Student Body S T Ve ng machines It. 7% i Va in twenty-four hours, instead of ies by scholars and journalists President Greg Butirua. machines 63.2% the typical three weeks. Stu­ which tend to oversimplify The Identification card is dent Body President Greg tore 63.6% in conditions. DeMars said Such presently used for meals at the Butrus said. "The operational j / accounts frequently Ignore the dining halls, check-out at the Shop 54.5% costs would be smaller and the relationship between humani­ library. Bookstore charge ac­ The Observer Atw Mane Coorado services much greater" with tarian aid and politics, assum­ counts, Identification for ath­ the proposed card. ing that "humanitarian aid Is Butrus said deblt card system to carrying letic events, and check-cashing cash Similarly, the same per­ above politics." he said. A student survey given by and checking account autho­ Special Projects Commissioner centage of students felt they The working group has fin­ They also often mistakenly rization. ished an extensive proposal conclude that aid Is offered to Shannon Windsor earlier this wbuld eat more often at the year Indicated that 90 percent Huddle If such a card were and submitted It the the Uni­ promote the aims of one or In addition to Its current versity officers It is included more of the warring factions, of the students are in favor of available. functions, the card would also such a system, primarily for it# Thirty departments were on the agenda for the next according to DeMars They be­ be used for laundry facilities, meeting and will be addressed lieve that "It's all politics and convenience. represented in the working the Huddle, the Oak Room. The Huddle led the list of stu- group appointed to research then. see DEMARS / page 4 Alumnl-Senlor Club, copy ma­ Friday, February 12, 1993 The Observer P 5 R R A 5 T Forecast for noon, Friday, February 12 WEATHER REPORT Winter weather advisory with snow Lines separate high temperature zones for the day. likely and highs near 30. Lows in 20s Saturday cold and snoyv to continue with highs near 30 TEMPERATURES City H L You re n d e r me Anchorage 36 25 powerless under your Atlanta fire. When you gaze into Bogota my eyes. I am smitten by Cairo * 57 41 Chicago 33 30 the sparks that ignite Cleveland 33 32 between us. Dallas 47 40 Well, maybe that's a ■ P W r s W Detroit 30 27 little Strong for a first Anna Marie Tabor Indianapolis 39 34 love letter, but there Saint Mary’s Editor Jerusalem 43 36 something to be said for London Los Angeles 65 49 it. A societal tragedy is _________________ Madrid 57 39 occurring. People aren't Minneapolis 24 18 writing letters anymore, and cheesy Shoebox FRONTS cards with trite rhymes are replacing the lyrical Nashville 52 49 epistles of yesterday. What a pity, for a heartfelt, New York 44 39 succulent message lingers in the heart and mind Pans 41 36 WARM STATIONARY 0 1903 Accu-Weather, Inc Philadelphia 52 33 for much longer than a stranger's prose.
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