1 HEADQUARTERS FOR FIRST TELEHONE WANT ADS CLASS JOB PRINTING TO NUMBER NINE «:s\ SIXTY-FIFTH YEAR BUCHANAN. MICHIGAN THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1933. TRAM SOLUTION Now H ere’s SAT. MARCH 2 5 the Proposition THEME SONG Filings Closed Monday Eve­ Members of Boys and Girls Bi Haws ning without Addition to Physical Education Cla&SeS Soon we’ll be rich again List Candidacies Print­ to Appear at H. S. Gym- Bight here in Michigan ed Last Week. Wealthy again; in 13 Events. Bright days are near again, Saturday, March 25, will be the New cars to steer again, Buchanan high school’s annual last day for registration for the gym show will be given Friday Pretzels and beer again— city election by those not hither­ Don’t ask me when! night, March 24th, in the local to entered on the poll hooks of tlie gym. The-time will be 7:30 p. m. • city according to City Clerk and has been stated, the price will Soon will the stocks go up Harry Post. Swelling like, poisoned pups. be only 10c to all. This small Deadline for the filing of pe­ charge is necessary to defray any All in good time; titions for city candidacies passed Soon we’ll be rich again and all expenses incurred by the Monday evening without addition show. Right here in Michigan to the list published in the Record national rail problems as the fi­ Bank books and sich again— The classes are working hard on last week, as follows; nancial bolstering of the Recon­ the show. They have a great Lend me a dime? For commissioner, Phay Graf- CLARK PRODUCT struction Finance Corporation, by variety of acts ready to present to fort, Eugene Steele, Wilson Letter. the public. Last year- there were Isn’t Moving Terrible! For ’supervisor from Precinct 1, enabling the rail companies . to ■ Here we are ail settled in our meet and vanquish the highway many people in attendance. ' This Harry Boyce. MAY BRING R .R . year should see even more. Par­ new home on Days avenue, 111 is For supervisor from Precinct 2, omnibus in its own field. the number, and come in and look ents, especially, are urged to William Fette, Burton Montgom­ The Autotram is designed to come and see what their boys and us over if you haven’t been in al­ ery. OUT OF THE RED ready, as most people have. We furnish a cheaper, faster and more girls are doing. After all,- it is Justice of Peace, Lee Mathie, about as clean and sane a way to think we are going to like our Philip Landsman, E. N. Schram. adaptable form of railway pass­ new location, here, I’ll take that Nationwide Recognition Ac­ spend an evening as can be Constable, Edward F. Mitchell, enger transportation than the old thought of. Best of all is the type case off the chair so. you John Montgomery, Fred French. corded to Possibilities of can sit down.' W e’re not exactly style passenger. train, with its fact that the price is only -10o to Nominations Buchanan Township Local Product Over cumbrous schedule and. its heavy everybody. Only 10c for a dollar’s settled as a matter of fact--just Supervisor: William R. Whit­ kind of dumped in, but we’ll be Press and Radio. overhead of operating which has worth of entertainment. You can't taker, Rep.; Dem,, Richard Dean made it a large factor in the go wrong. ■ strung out by the end of the week. Clark. The lighting is wonderful in this growing railway deficits since the Every grade from the loW0st to Clerk: Rep. Clayton E. Spauld­ The enthusiastic greeting ac­ invasion o f the automobile in its the highest will take part and place.and so far the neighbors ing; Dem. Fred Elmer Hall. corded by the national press dur­ have been agreeable. We’re right field. they all have something' worth Treasurer.: Rep. Paul C. Wynn; ing the past few -weeks to the while to present Tumbling, .pyra­ next to the Standard filling sta­ Dem. Verna A. Kool. The Clark product made its tion where all the big hold-ups Autotram indicate that the pro­ first appearance from the Battle miding, drills, taps, boxing, wrest­ Highway Commissioner: Rep. ling, tug of war, general caliStnen- take. place, and right across the James E. Reed; Dem. David E. duct of the Clark Equipment Creek plant early in December ■ Street from the hotel where the and since that time the demon­ ics, apparatus work and a host of Lolmaugh. company might possibly have as other .attractions, well worth any­ bus stops. ’ And there is a won­ Overseer of Highway; Rep. stration car has covered over 4,- derful view directly across at the much to do with the solution of 000 miles of rail, and has been one’s time and attention. > There Amos C. Harroff; Dem, Charles is some real talent in our local old mill falls. And they say that A. Sebasty. inspected with interest by repre­ there’s a bar going in the emp­ sentatives o f 18 main trunk rail­ schools that is worth while. K Justice of Peace: Rep. Charles Miss Alice Rockenbach and Har­ ty building on' the north. And Clyde Gunyon; Dem. Charles E. ways. It is an all-aluminum, there’s that handsome I. & M. streamlined automotive car, with old Bradfield, athletic directors, Tiohenor. have some fine acts ready and are headquarters kittering across the Board of Review: Rep. Bert B. a speed which enables it to cover street—and just lamp that lulu in long routes on a 70-mile per hour working hard to make a real hit Mitchell; Dem. August C. Ernst. of this year’s show. Below is the the window—yoo-hoo-o-o-o! Yes, Constables: Rep. Harvey J. schedule, including stops. she waved back! I think we’re go­ program for the evening: Letcher, Perry Frederick Wallace, . Built in , the shape commonly Tumbling (3-4-5-6 girls) ing to like our new location. In known as stfeam-lineji in order to Fred A. Hall, Herbert W, Harroff; Free play. (5-6 boys) fact, I’m sure we are. Dem, Richard Verl Clark, Harold reduce atmospheric resjstence-to a minimum, Che Autotram, has the DU11. (7 girls) ------r^O------- — . , Sebasty, Lawrence E, Jones; Calisthenics. (7-8 hoys) i Ralph E. Hess. ■ , general body lines of . a |iatfidh, bro&d but >well-rounded' front ahd Pirate-Dahce. (girls) Funeral Services Nominations Bertrand Township H. ,'S. Aparatus. (boys) , Supervisor: Rep. William Kell; a tapering; rear, and with the Stream-ling principle applied to Military Tap. (girls) . Dem. Fred Koenigshof. Boxing and Wrestling, (boys) This Afternoon for Clerk: Rep. Daisy Crawford; every projection, including the headlight. Bowery, (girls) Mrs. Martha Fowler Dem. Trella Rhoades. Boys Tumbling. ‘ Treasurer: Rep. O. B. York; It is constructed of light alumi­ Pyramids, (girls) Dem. Ray Travis. num alloys, known as dur­ Funeral services for Mrs. M. W. Girls Tumbling. Highway • Commissioner: Rep. aluminum, through the use of Tug-of-War. (boys) Fowler, 79, will be held at 2 p. m. Edwin Rough; Dem., Ira House. which the weight has been re­ today from the home at Third Highway Overseer, Dist. 1; Rep. stricted to 30,000 pounds, when and Cayuga streets, with Rev, W. C. Sheldon; Dem. M. J. Erdley. similar steel construction would F. Boettcher in charge, and burial Highway Overseer, Dist. 2: Rep. have weighed not less than 55,000 Civic Committee will be made in Oak Ridge ceme­ L. F. Cauffman; Dem. Otto Sei- pounds. This duraluminum is tery. wert. the same material that is used in Reports Against Martha Elva, daughter of Ja­ Highway Overseer, Dist. 3; the construction - of airplanes and cob and Lucinda Dalrymple, was Rep. Earl Bestle; Dem. Fred of Zeppelin frames. The light Berrien Opening bom in Buchanan, Sept. 9, 1853. Reum. weight contributes to its speed ' On September '11th, 1870, she Highway Overseer, Dist. 4: Rep. and keeps the cost down to 12 1-2 was united in marriage to That the proposed opening of ' Larue Gillette; Dem. James Knox. cent for a 42 passenger car, mak­ Berrien Street between Chicago John A. Holliday by Rev. Horace Board of Review: Rep. Fred ing it possible to operate at fares . Hall, at Niles, Mich. To this union and Rynearson streets aS a pro­ Siekman; Dem. Will Eisele. of 2c per mile or less. ject for the ‘employment of men were born three daughters and a Justice o f Peace: Rep. G. O. son. Her husband, son and one Vite; Dem. Clarence Straub. With the aid of rubber mount­ receiving aid from the city is not daughter preceded her in death. ings for motor, and chassis, the feasible on the score of benefit re­ Constables: Rep. Edward Ham­ ceived in proportion to outlay - of The task remained for her to ilton, Simmons Messlnger, Albert passenger is insulated from the •carry on through the days of sor­ Siekman, Ralph Cohen; Dem. Cas- shock and ja r consequent to trav­ expense required was the sub? row and sunshine, as all good sle Rozelle, William Newsom, How­ el at a high rate of speed. The Stance of the report made at'th'S mothers do. • ard Gogley, Claude Haslett. wheels are so constructed that meeting of the Buchanan Civic On August 28, 1895, she was there is rubber between the tires Association Monday evening by married to Allen J. Helmick. This and the hubs, and eventual use of the second committee of that body union was again dissolved by his pneumatic tires is considered.
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