Guide to Unit Elections This guide provides information on Order of the Arrow unit elections to both members and non- members. Scouting’s Barriers to Abuse Two-deep leadership for all Order of the Arrow activities must meet the requirements of Scouting’s Barriers to Abuse, which can be found at www.scouting.org/Training/YouthProtec- tion.aspx. The relevant portion of this policy is quoted below: Two registered adult leaders 21 years of age or over are required at all Scouting activi- ties, including meetings. There must be a registered female adult leader over 21 in every unit serving females. A registered female adult leader over 21 must be present for any activity involving female youth. Notwithstanding the minimum leader requirements, age and program appropriate supervision must always be provided. Adult Supervision/Coed Activities Male and female adult leaders must be present for all overnight coed* Scouting trips and out- ings, even those including parent and child. Both male and female adult leaders must be 21 years of age or older, and one must be a registered member of the BSA * Please note: If any female is present, of any age, the event is considered coed. Revised May 2019 Contents Chapter 2: Managing Unit Elections . .1 Resource 1: Sample Letter Announcing Elections. .7 Resource 2: Unit Elections Rules and Procedures . 9 Resource 3: Unit Elections Frequently Asked Questions. .13 Resource 4: Unit Elections Team Training . .21 Resource 5: Unit Elections Team Checklist . 25 Resource 6: Unit Elections Ceremony . 29 Resource 7: Unit Election Report . 33 Resource 8: Unit Election Evaluation Form . 35 Resource 9: Adult Candidate Nomination Form . 37 Resource 10: Sample Letter to Parents of Candidates. 39 Guide to Unit Elections – i – Order of the Arrow, BSA Chapter 2: Managing Unit Elections The lodge is responsible for conducting unit The unit elections committee performs the fol- elections in every troop, crew and ship in the lowing functions: council. All unit members, including non-OA members, elect those Scouts who best exem- • Reviews the previous unit elections com- plify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives mittee’s evaluation and decides how to to become OA members. In this way, member- make improvements. ship is controlled by the youth in their own • Sets a time period for elections, beginning units and not by those who are already Arrow- with determining the time of the year when men. unit elections will be held. The dates must be set well in advance of the start of the The Unit Elections Committee election period so that units and lodge/ chapter committees can properly plan. The unit elections committee sends out infor- Factors to be considered when setting the mation to all scoutmasters, crew advisors, and time period include the dates of Ordeals skippers regarding membership in the OA and and other chapter, lodge, district, and the election procedures. It trains unit elections council Scouting events, the school calen- teams, schedules visits of elections teams to dar, and holidays. A long election period units, ensures that the teams conducting the requires maintaining teams over several elections are well-trained and in proper uni- months which some chapters and lodges form when conducting the elections, and may find difficult. However, a short election records the results of the elections. period requires the elections teams to do more elections in a shorter period thus The lodge chief appoints a youth Arrowman to increasing the burden on the teams and be the unit elections committee chair. The unit requiring more teams. elections chair must have an adviser who is appointed by the lodge adviser. If the lodge • Informs units well in advance of the elec- uses chapters, the lodge chief, vice chief, or tion period by sending an email/letter unit elections chair works with the chapters to announcing unit elections to the unit adult ensure that each chapter also elects or leader with a copy to the unit’s OA unit appoints a youth Arrowman to manage unit representative and adviser. (Refer to the elections at the chapter level. The chapter unit “Sample Letter Announcing Elections” elections chair must have an adult adviser who resource (page 7).) The email/letter should is appointed by the chapter adviser. Chapter set out the time of the year when elections unit elections chairs form the core of the lodge will be held and that only one election can unit elections committee. be held per year, describe the purpose of the elections, provide the elections rules The unit elections committee works closely and procedures, and outline the member- with the lodge officers responsible for mem- ship requirements for youth and adults. The bership records, OA unit representatives, call- letter should advise unit leaders how they outs, and Ordeals. can schedule an election and include an Guide to Unit Elections – 1 – Order of the Arrow, BSA Adult Candidate Nomination Form (page able to handle the elections when the units 37). It may be useful to speak to unit lead- request them. Each unit election typically ers at a district roundtable, reminding them requires two or three members. At any of the email/letter. Commonly, there will given election, some of the team members be some unit leaders who fail to respond to may be unable to participate because of election scheduling requests. This may be other activities. caused by an incorrect address, forgetful- ness, or the inherent limitations of email. A • Offers team members the opportunity to follow-up email or phone call may be nec- provide feedback to the unit elections essary to receive a response from the unit committee on the quality of support they leader. Unit leaders who are resistant to received and uses this information to holding a unit election should be con- improve unit elections the following year. tacted by the chapter or lodge adviser, who • Sets up a system to contact every scout- should explain the benefits of the Order of master, crew advisor, and skipper in the the Arrow to the unit and its members. council and schedule a unit election for all such units. If a unit has eligible Scouts but • Organizes and trains unit elections teams does not desire to have an election, the through recruitment, training, and motiva- chapter or lodge adviser should contact tion. Serving on a unit elections team is an the unit leader and attempt to discover excellent way to give a young Arrowman how the OA can better serve this unit. If the the opportunity to assume a position of unit leader receives better service and sup- responsibility and leadership. The unit elec- port from the OA in the future, the unit tions committee should pay special atten- leader may be more receptive to having tion to the Order of the Arrow members unit elections. who are participating in unit elections for the first time and ensure that the training is • Contacts the various elections teams well well-organized and fun. Training sessions in advance to schedule elections. Works cover the elections process, rules and hard to avoid situations where an Arrow- guidelines and help ensure consistency man is called to help with an election at the between elections teams. The sample Unit last minute and limits the number of elec- Elections Ceremony (page 29) helps ensure tions each team member is expected to consistency. The best elections teams can conduct. deliver an accurate, professional, and meaningful election ceremony and keep • Conducts all unit elections at troop, crew the attention of the unit, allowing for effec- or ship meetings. The reason for this is par- tive communication. The training sessions ticipation: more Scouts attend meetings can be conducted at chapter meetings, in than summer camp and not all units go to conjunction with lodge executive commit- council summer camps. This means more tee meetings or a Lodge Leadership Devel- Scouts have the opportunity to vote and opment Conference (LLDC), or at a there is a greater chance that all those eli- separate training event. Food or refresh- gible will be present. ments could be provided and a game could • Prepares a handout about upcoming be played during training sessions. (Refer to Ordeal weekends that the unit elections two resources: the sample Unit Elections teams can leave with unit leaders, OA unit Ceremony (page 29) and Unit Elections representatives and advisers, and newly Team Training (page 21).) Supplemental elected candidates (after they have been practice can help make sure each speaking called out). This handout should give the part is fully memorized, and this will lead to dates, times, locations, and contact infor- well-informed, meaningful elections. mation for all upcoming Ordeals. • Recruits and trains extra team members so • Sets up a system for quickly and reliably that enough team members will be avail- transmitting the unit elections results Guide to Unit Elections – 2 – Order of the Arrow, BSA which are recorded on the Unit Election Lodge Adult Selection Report (page 33) to the appropriate lodge/ Committee chapter officers. Many chapters/lodges use email and then mail a backup copy to The lodge adviser, the chair of the council ensure that the information is received. committee on which the lodge adviser serves, Information on candidates should be and the lodge staff adviser serve as the lodge entered in the lodge records as soon as adult selection committee. The committee possible after the election with “Candidate” reviews the nominations for adult membership entered where the membership level is received from the unit committees and for recorded. adults serving in council and district positions. Those nominated adults that meet the mem- • Sets up a system to transmit adult nomina- bership requirements for adult unit leaders and tions to the lodge adult selection commit- council and district adult leaders may be rec- tee and communicates the committee’s ommended to the Scout executive by the decisions back to the lodge/chapter and lodge adult selection committee.
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