TODAY Omij **&, cfcfjpta (f RED 23,775 mtmw afawt M. Net M mUd WedoMdty. See waatfatr, p*gt DIAL 741-0010 Iiiiul diUT, Monday Uirouib Frtaay. Bacend Cluui Poiut" VOL. 86, NO. 174 hid « JW Bank u>l U AddlUonil llnllnf Olltcu. RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1964 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Plane Lost With 85 Aboard TAHOE VALLEY, Calif. |AP) to get under way today, weather three investigators, headed by Eighteen of the 81 passengers those unable to board and drove In contrast, residents of the — A Paradise Airlines Constella- permitting. George R. Barber, to the scene, jwere employees of twa discount instead to Tahoe. area said it was snowing hard jon, carrying 81 passengers and It- was Hie first mishap in the Tho 81 passengers were flying hoiiKfis, the Monte Mart in Expressing how completely the and winds were high and gusty— a crew of four, vanished yester- two-year old Paradise Airlines toward a gay Sunday at Nevada's Salinas and the Monte Mar in plane vanished, and with no clues, not unusual at this season in the day as it prepared to land in a operation. gambling casinos, theaters, bars nearby Monterey. They were on Paradise Airlines president Her- High Sierra. Winding snowstorm at this gam- The four-engine, propeller-driv- and restaurants — Only two miles an informally organized one-day man Jones, 32, said: And investigator Ivan Stracener bling resort on the California-Ne- en Connie may have plunged in- from the airport at the south end pleasure trip. Manager Lit Ng of "There have been no reports, of the Civil Aeronautics Board vada border. to the huge lake, which is 6,200 of Lake Tahoe. the Salinas Mart said the flight no sightings, no nothing. said "the pilot reportedly had feet high in the 10,000-plus alti- Fifteen other pleasure seekers was not store-sponsored. "We don't know what hap- seen a hole in the overcast and The veteran pilot, Henry Nor- tude granite Sierra. — who had purchased $15.75 tick- His father, Poy Ng, was aboard. pened. As far as we can trace, was beginning his approach. The ris, 43, radioci at noon that he Norris possibly turned and ets for the 150 mile flight from the flight was all routine. There weather was: so' stinking you was starting his 27-rriile approach crashed into the mountains. The San Jose — were unable to get Mrs. Alice Thomas, wife of was nothing alarming about the couldn't search" yesterday. down 23-mile long Lake Ta.hoe scene is only a few miles from seats on the Connie. They were tavern owner Cornelius (Bud) weather at the time. However, This was the third major com- in the- rugged Sierra Nevada. Squaw Valley, scene of the 1960 taken 50 miles to Oakland to Thomas of San Jose who sold 35 the weather at Lake Tahoe was mercial airline crash in less than That was the last heard from the Winter Olympics. board another plane— but were tickets for the flight, was an- dtppping. Snow showers. Pilot a week. plane. In Washington, the Civil Aero- turned back there with a report other aboard. But Thomas and Norris never • said anything ad- Wednesday, an Eastern Air Search efforts were scheduled' nautics Board said it was sending the weather was bad. his son, Bill, 20, were among verse to the flight." (See PLANE, Page 2) May Condemn Land for 62-Acre Park RARITAN TOWNSHIP - The Manning, Recreation Commission Green Acres program) would pay filled with water, Mr. Roggeman A park on the 62-acre site The commission is also seeking Recreation Commission has ap- chairman; Mr. Roggeman, and 50 per cent and the' federal gov- said. • • : could be utilized for many pur- Green Acres and federal aid for proval from state officials to file Township Attorney Alfred T. Hen- ernment 20 per cent of land ac- poses. The commission plans to 34 acres of land on Middle Rd. nessy, Jr. quisition costs. Under state statutes, the Rec- application for Green Acres funds reation Commission, created in leave some of its natural wood- and Union Ave. for a picturesque 62-acre site Mr. Wolfe was enthusiastic land area intact for picnics and ODD VIIW — Unexpected ventilation of tho Shrews- The land is owned by Natco January by ordinance adopted The Union Ave. site includes a which may become one of Mon- about the site, Mr. Roggeman Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa. It borders nature trails, and there might bury police station toolc place when a county snow plow by the Township Committee, has multi-story house. The recrea- mouth County's major parks. reported. He told the local com- Natco Lake and includes about the power of condemnation. be boating—as well as organized mission to file its application recreational activities. tion body hopes to locate three hit it Friday night. Hero Patrolman Robt. Hoffman peers Announcement was made yes- five acres ' of the lake. or four ballfields and a picnic terday by Commissioner Warren immediately. Mr. Roggeman, predicted that The commission has asked the through brand new opening, which later was given The corporation, Mr. Rogge^ the commission will use that pow- area, along with other facilities, J. Roggeman. Mr. Hennessy will prepare the man informed The Register, has state Bureau of Parks and Rec- •m»rgency repairs, to keep out the weather, by Frank papers this week, along with an er if the site is stale-approved reation to study the Natco tract on the Middle Rd.-Union Ave. The property situated off Rt. refused to sell, on grounds that property, and may put rhe houss Dancey of Patterson Ave. 36, extending south nearly to the application to the federal govern- and the corporation^cDntinues to and make recommendations for it intends to use the land in the refuse to sell the land. to use as a recreation building. high school between Laurel and ment, through its Housing and future for new clay diggings. facilities and types of uses for Union Aves., may have to be con- Home Finance Agency, Philadel- He estimated its worth at the land. This study is expected demned. phia. The present Natco- Lake is an "about $100,000." Based on this to get under way this month. The tract was toured Friday by 70% Grants old clay pit, out of use since de- figure, if state and federal funds If established, the new park Howard A. Wolfe, state *Green If maximum grants are ap- pression day,s when diggers hit are forthcoming, the, township's would be one of the largest in 3 Schools 195,000 Take underground springs and the area Acres administrator; Vernon M. proved, the state (tinder its share would be $30,000. Monmouth County. Won't Need 3d Polio Cube Democrats Pick Howard Fire System ASBURY PARK - Some 195,-, Only those wiho have received 022 Monmouth County residents— all three types of the vaccine are RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Three 58.4 per cent of the population immune to all three types of township schools will be exempt polio, officials of the Medica — munched sugar cubes coated As Ca hdida te for Congress from the state regulation requir- wiffli Sabin oral vaccine yester- Society warned. They urged res- day in the third and final phase idents who failed to receive the ing automatic fire detection sys- of the county Medical Society's vaccine yesterday to attend one By WILLIAM HENDERSON chairman Al Cucci, last night endorse Monmouth's choice of tems. massive campaign against polio. of the clinics Sunday, and said were scheduled to endorse How- Freeholder director Joseph C. LONG BRANCH — The Demo- In a communication to tha The number of persons receiv- those who have not received the ard, too, but the session was Irwin and, instead, gave their two other types of vaccine should crats are acting like the Repub- canceled. blessings to Freeholder Marcus Board of Education read Friday, ing the vaccine against the Type licans. the state Department of Educa- II polio virus yesterday fell 10,- obtain it from their family Two weeks ago, the Republican Daly. physicians. Monmouth County Democratic organization in Ocean refused to Of course there's nothing Ocean tion advised the board that the 933 below the number participat- Beers Street, Cove Road, and ing in the first feeding of the chairman P. Paul Campi of Little Democrats can do about the rest Holmdel Township led the Silver yesterday named his ypung of.Campi's slate, including Don- Lillian Drive schools are exempt Type III vaccine in January. But county in the number of resi from the requirment. it was 4,117 more than partic- slate of county-wide candidates ald Cunningham, for surrogate, dents participating in the fina without a hitch in the proceed- and Eugene Bedell, for freehold- ipated in the first feeding of phase of the anti-polio fight—as The exemption is granted be- ings. Artist jGives er Candidates were named at a cause in all three schools therf Type I vacoine in December. it had in the first feeding. Some But his choice of 36-year-old breakfast at the Garfield-Grant are exits leading directly out- Between 10,000 to 15,000 more 2,654 persons — B6.5 per cent of James J. Howard, acting prin- Hotel. doors from every classroom, ac we expected to receive the Type the population turned up at the His Portrait cipal at Wall Township elemen- A candidate was not named for cording to board secretary II vaccine at "makeup" clinics Indian Hill School yesterday to tary school, to run for Congress county clerk, considered by most Charles S.
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