SP - Allocated Applications 30 05 2016 District Area Site Name Planning Site Address Description Xpoint Ypoint Proposal Received Prev.History Consulting Member Date to Deadline Deadline (WSCC Ref.) Reference Date & Comments Officer Date Date S106 Adur & Worthing CDBS - AWDM/1657/15 AWDM/1657/15 36, Lesser Foxholes, Shoreham by Sea, West Sussex, 520892 106174 Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of four 4 bedroom detached 31-May-2016 RECONS - Adam Charlton Adam Charlton (SRU) Debbie Kennard 02-Jun-2016 21-Jun-2016 - Councils Coastal BN43 5NT dwellings with associated landscaping and parking. (Shoreham) Revised plans. Adur & Worthing CDBS - AWDM/575/16 AWDM/0575/16 176, South Farm Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN14 514235 104047 Vehicular access. 31-May-2016 WB/643/10 - Lucy Seymour (nearby) SRU (HW) Bryan Turner 02-Jun-2016 21-Jun-2016 - Councils Coastal 7AY (Broadwater) Adur & Worthing CDBS - AWDM/640/16 AWDM/0640/16 263, Goring Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN12 4PA 511343 102570 Formation of vehicular parking to frontages and alterations to shopfronts. 26-May-2016 - SRU (HW) Steve Waight 02-Jun-2016 16-Jun-2016 - Councils Coastal (Goring) Adur & Worthing CDBS - AWDM/717/16 AWDM/0717/16 4, Western Road, Lancing, West Sussex, BN15 8RR 517467 103443 Conversion of ground floor shop to 1 no. four bedroom dwelling combining 31-May-2016 RECONS - Katie Kurek SRU (HW) Michael Glennon 02-Jun-2016 21-Jun-2016 - Councils Coastal residential unit over shop; alterations to shopfront and loft conversion with new (Lancing) dormer window to west elevation; raised flat roof with roof light to single storey rear projection; 1m high wall to enclose proposed garden area at front; provision of 1 car parking space at rear. Adur & Worthing CDBS - AWDM/721/16 AWDM/0721/16 Land North Of, Fulbeck Avenue, Worthing, West Sussex 510768 105154 Application for approval of Reserved Matters pursuant to outline planning 27-May-2016 WB/275/11 - Tim Townsend Tim Townsend (HW) Robin Rogers 02-Jun-2016 17-Jun-2016 - Councils Coastal permission WB/11/0275/OUT relating to details of 149 dwellings (104 market and (Northbrook) 45 affordable) with associated roads, parking, garaging and landscaping for Parcel Areas 2C and 3C of development of land north of Fulbeck Avenue, West Durrington. Adur & Worthing CDBS - AWDM/796/16 AWDM/0796/16 219, Tarring Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 4HW 513448 103300 Change of use from A1 to D2 use as yoga/pilates studio. 31-May-2016 AWDM/176/16 - Katie Kurek Alison Meeus (HW) Paul High 02-Jun-2016 21-Jun-2016 - Councils Coastal (Worthing West) Adur & Worthing CDBS - AWDM/797/16 AWDM/0797/16 136, Beach Green, Shoreham-By-Sea, West Sussex, 520730 104558 Change of use of redundant A1 (hairdressers) to 1 no. two bedroom flat (C3) 01-Jun-2016 NOTICE/29/15 - Emma Waters SRU (HW) Mick Clark 02-Jun-2016 22-Jun-2016 - Councils Coastal BN43 5YA including enclosure of verge area to south west for garden use. (Saltings) Adur & Worthing CDBS - SDNP/2022/16 SDNP/16/02022/DCOND Country Lodge Nursing Home, Cote Street, High 511397 105860 Discharge of conditions 4, 6 and 8 on SDNP/15/04425/FUL. 31-May-2016 RECONS - Ian Hayward Ian Hayward (SRU) John Rogers 02-Jun-2016 21-Jun-2016 - Councils Coastal Salvington, Worthing, West Sussex, BN13 3EX (Cissbury) More information. Adur & Worthing CDBS - WSCC/027/16/WB WSCC/027/16/WB Vale School, Vale Avenue, Worthing, West Sussex, BN14 512655 106666 The installation of a new artificial grass sports pitch with rainwater crates and 27-May-2016 WSCC/003/12/WB(LAND) - Julie Bolton Jamie Brown (HW) John Rogers 02-Jun-2016 17-Jun-2016 - Councils Coastal 0DB drainage pipes to support the intensive use of the area Kevin Brook (SWD) (Cissbury) Arun District Council CDBS - AL/59/16 AL/59/16/PL West Barn, Old Dairy Lane, Norton, Chichester, West 492788 106498 Mews of 6 No. two storey low rise live work studios. Resubmission of AL/79/14/PL. 01-Jun-2016 AL/79/14 - Chris Pratt SRU (HW) Derek Whittington 02-Jun-2016 22-Jun-2016 - Coastal Sussex, PO20 3AF This application is a Departure from the Development plan. This application affects (Fontwell) the character & appearance of Norton Lane, Norton Conservation Area. Arun District Council CDBS - BE/81/16 BE/81/16/PL Rear of 26, Central Avenue, Bersted, West Sussex, PO21 492208 100511 Change of use from rear access to garden land. 26-May-2016 - SRU (HW) Ann Rapnik 02-Jun-2016 16-Jun-2016 - Coastal 5HH (Bersted) Arun District Council CDBS - F/8/16 F/8/16/PL Land north east of Northwood House, Burndell Road, 498564 102887 5 No. dwellings with associated access & parking. This application is a Departure 26-May-2016 F/7/15 - Tim Townsend (nearby) SRU (HW) Joan Phillips 02-Jun-2016 16-Jun-2016 - Coastal Yapton, West Sussex, West Sussex, Bn18 0HR from the Development Plan. (Middleton) Arun District Council CDBS - FP/113/16 FP/113/16/PL Land behind, Sea Road and adjacent to Starry Nook, 494720 99221 1 No. dwelling (resubmission following FP/34/15/PL). 01-Jun-2016 FP/34/15/PL - Adam Charlton SRU (HW) Graham Jones 02-Jun-2016 22-Jun-2016 - Coastal Felpham, PO22 7AW (Felpham) Arun District Council CDBS - FP/121/16 FP/121/16/PL Land Between 91 And 95, Crossbush Road, Felpham, 496523 997745 1 No. dwelling with detached garage. 27-May-2016 - SRU (HW) Graham Jones 02-Jun-2016 17-Jun-2016 - Coastal West Sussex, PO22 7NA (Felpham) Arun District Council CDBS - FP/60/16 FP/60/16/PL Rear of 8-11, South Road, Felpham, West Sussex, PO22 494941 100205 5 No. dwellings including the partial demolition of 10 South Road to allow for 31-May-2016 RECONS - Adam Charlton SRU (HW) Graham Jones 02-Jun-2016 21-Jun-2016 - Coastal 8EF access. (Felpham) More information. Arun District Council CDBS - LU/114/16 LU/114/16/PL Toddington Level Crossing, Toddington Lane, Toddington, 503420 103793 Retention of 2 No. red light safety cameras on approach to level crossing. 31-May-2016 - Tim Townsend (HW) Nigel Peters 02-Jun-2016 21-Jun-2016 - Coastal Littlehampton, West Sussex (Arundel & Wick) Arun District Council CDBS - LU/136/16 LU/136/16/DOC Hollyacre, Toddington Lane, Littlehampton, West Sussex, 503271 103877 Application for approval of matters reserved by condition imposed under 27-May-2016 LU/116/13 - Tim Townsend Tim Townsend (HW) Nigel Peters 02-Jun-2016 17-Jun-2016 - Coastal BN17 7PP LU/116/13/ relating to conditions 17 (vehicular access), 19a (surface water (Arundel & Wick) drainage), 21 (pedestrian visibility splays) & 26 (vehicle parking & turning areas). Arun District Council CDBS - LU/399/15 LU/399/15/PL 73, Clun Road, Wick, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN17 502219 102694 1 no. dwelling with parking and crossover. 31-May-2016 RECONS - Ian Hayward Ian Hayward (SRU) Ian Buckland 02-Jun-2016 21-Jun-2016 - Coastal 7ED (Littlehampton Town) Further information. Arun District Council CDBS - LY/10/16 LY/10/16/PL McDonalds Restaurants, Crossbush Service Station, 502763 105505 Refurbishment of the restaurant including minor extension, works to elevations, 01-Jun-2016 - Jamie Brown (HW) Nigel Peters 02-Jun-2016 22-Jun-2016 - Coastal Lynminster, West Sussex, BN17 7QQ new cladding to the roof & new drive through booths. Alterations to the site, (Arundel & Wick) inclusive of the increase in car parking capacity Arun District Council CDBS - SDNP/1821/16 SDNP/16/01821/HOUS Poachers Cottage, Rewell Wood, Chichester Road, 498286 107241 Replacement detached building to form annexe. 01-Jun-2016 - SRU (HW) Derek Whittington 02-Jun-2016 22-Jun-2016 - Coastal Arundel, West Sussex, BN18 0AJ (Fontwell) Arun District Council CDBS - SDNP/1907/16 SDNP/16/01907/FUL Garden Room Land Adjacent To The Jubilee Gardens, 502005 106999 The proposed development relates to the extension of the existing Garden Room 01-Jun-2016 SDNP/2325/15 - Jamie Brown (nearby) Emma Waters (HW) Nigel Peters 02-Jun-2016 22-Jun-2016 - Coastal Queen Street, Arundel, West Sussex, BN18 9JG and change of use to tourist accommodation. (Arundel & Wick) Arun District Council CDBS - SDNP/2192/16 SDNP/16/02192/DCOND Houghton Farm, The Street, Houghton, BN18 9LW 501846 111530 Discharge of conditions 3,4,6 and 7 on planning consent SDNP/13/04807/FUL and 01-Jun-2016 H/24/07 - Ian Gledhill (nearby) Emma Waters (HW) Nigel Peters 02-Jun-2016 22-Jun-2016 - Coastal conditions 3 and 4 on consent SDNP/13/04808/LIS. (Arundel & Wick) Arun District Council CDBS - SDNP/2499/16 SDNP/16/02499/HOUS 2, Mill Road, Slindon, Arundel, West Sussex, BN18 0LZ 496878 107563 Two storey side extension and removal of windows on the North West Elevation. 01-Jun-2016 SDNP/2539/13 - Jamie Brown (nearby) SRU (HW) Derek Whittington 02-Jun-2016 22-Jun-2016 - Coastal (Fontwell) Chichester District CDBS - CC/1018/16 CC/16/01018/FUL 82, East Street, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1HA 486146 104796 External seating. 27-May-2016 CC/400/06 - Spencer Bryan SRU (HW) Margaret Evans 02-Jun-2016 17-Jun-2016 - Council Rural (Chichester South) Chichester District CDBS - CC/161/16 CC/16/00161/FUL Unit A2, Barnfield Drive, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 487473 105989 Variation of Conditions 3, 34, 35, 36 of planning permission CC/15/01435/FUL. 31-May-2016 RECONS - Dominic Smith Dominic Smith (HW) Simon Oakley 02-Jun-2016 21-Jun-2016 - Council Rural 7AG (Chichester East) Amended description. Chichester District CDBS - CC/1681/16 CC/16/01681/DOM 3, Springbank, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 6BX 485907 106394 Front single storey extension, alterations to garage and new vehicular access. 26-May-2016 - SRU (HW) Jeremy Hunt 02-Jun-2016 16-Jun-2016 - Council Rural (Chichester North) Chichester District CDBS - CC/3542/15 CC/15/03542/FUL Squirrels, 11, Broyle Close, Chichester, West Sussex, 485899 106313 Retrospective application to use garage as habitable space for a 7th bedroom and 31-May-2016 RECONS - Katie Kurek Katie Kurek (SRU) Jeremy Hunt 02-Jun-2016 21-Jun-2016 - Council Rural PO19 6BG turn house into HMO.
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