‘ -a X' <' . FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1933 THE SEMI-WEEKLY MADISON COUNTY DEMOCRAT, LONDON, OHIO ...... % ;- SAVE WITH A NEW CHEVROLET the DEMOCRAT’S Township Honors Graduating Pupils WANT COLUMN The third annual banquet, spon­ Save on purchase price • Save on gas and oil sored by the board members and the teachers of the township and honor­ 1 Always Brings The Answers ing the 14 graduates of the eighth grade w’as held at the Gillivan school Save on upkeep Telephone 81 or 82 building Wednesday evening, April 26. • I—FOR SALE—t 2—FOR RENT—2 At 7:15 a bounteous banquet din­ ner was served by the Gillivan P.-T. FORDSON TRACTOR—and plows in 5-ROOM HOUSE—Located at 12 So. A. Following this a most enjoyable good condition. Swaney garage.—36 Madison road, just off Higa. In­ quire Mrs. Rose Gain, 66 W. High St. program was given with Mr. Bidwell DODGE TRUCK—Two ton, standard, —36 acting as master of ceremonies, The 136 inch wheel base. Can be used first part of the program was given for any heavy duty work. Less than APARTMENT—Semi-modern, 4 rooms by different members of the eighth a year old and in A-l condition. Can over bakery. Newly decorated, $10 grade. Class History by Ralph En­ be seen at Brock & Bcathard garage, per month. Inquire at Thibaut’s Bak­ 10 E. First St., London, O. —36 ery. —36 gle; readings by Marjorie Ball and Celesta Corney; playlet by Dorothy I PIANO—Made by W. Knabe & 7o., In HOUSE—Modern, desirable location. excellent condition. Call 549-W.—36 Corner Maple and East High Sts., Phillips, Virginia King and Charles Rent reasonable. Phone 379-W, 117 E. Ruffing; class prophecy by Wayne TURKEY EGGS—Mr.>. V/. L. Over­ High. Mrs. Ervin Curry. —36 Webb. The latter part of the pro­ turf, R. 1, Plain City, Resaca phone 3810. WE — 36HAVE a complete listing of gram was given over to the older homes in every part of the citv. All members of the assembly. Supt. L. w A DODGE COUPE—1925, in fine condi­ reduced rents. Diury & Co. ‘ —34 C. Dick gave a most interesting talk tion. See Geo.- Wickline, Midway and ail the other guests did their St., London, Ohio. —36 7-R00M HOUSE — On West Center ■1 best to help make the evening a suc­ St. J. Fred Schlegel, phone 269-W. EVENING DRESS — Size 20. Call *t***34 cess. 482. -—“3 bl About 45 were in attendance, in­ 111 ACRE FARM — 1 mile north of GAS RANGE—Good condition, $5.00. Summerford on Route 56, Well cluding the honored graduates, Mr. Inquire at Thibuut’s Bakery. —36 improved and good buildings, passed and Mrs. Dick, the board members AKftOunCIftG THE NEW TOWN SEDAN Tl’RKEY' EGGS — Mrs. Ed Slattery. inspection for dairy laim. Thos, F. and their wives, the teachers ami Greet another brilliant newcomer to the Chev­ London, R. D. Call Resaca phone.—35 Brennan, London, Ohio. —tf their guests. You’ll pay less for a rolet ranks; the Master Six Town Sedan, smartest, most colorful car ever to brighten 1929 PLYMOUTH coach. Low mileage 5-ROOM HOUSE — Modern in every Chevrolet than for any respect. Basement. Coal furnace, RECEIVE DIPLOM AS the low-price field —priced at only $545, mechanically O.K. Puced for quick Highly instructive and interesting f. o. b. Flint, Michigan. sale. Madison County Auto Co. —35 garage. Hardwood floors throughout. other six-cylinder closed car on the Inquire this office. _ as w< 11, was the class address given SALE OR TRADE—Fordson tractor by Supt. Cookson of the Urbana market. You’ll spend less on it for for farm horse. Phone 475-.T. —35 3—WANTED TO BUY—3 schools, at the eighth grade com­ gasoline and oil than you would on MODEL T TRUCK — Grain bed in DAY BED—In good condition. Call 81 mencement exercises which were held good condition. Will exchange for —36 at the high school auditorium Tues­ any other full-size automobile. You’ll good milk cow. Denyas Chevrolet. day evening. The hall was crowded Co. ~34 WILL BUY’—10 cow’s to be fresh in also spend less to keep a Chevrolet in 4 to 6 weeks, Jerseys, Guernseys or to overflowing for the event. TRUCK—1932 long-wheel base, heavy mixed breeds at right age with good Rev. Floyd S. Webb gave the invo­ first-class mechanical condition. duty International truck. Dual shaped udders, with size and good or­ cation and songs were sung by the wheels, helper springs, 32x6 tires, like der at right price. Box 465, Spring­ new. Den yes Chevrolet Co. —34 field, Ohio. 37 township and town pupils, following Then, in addition to saving all this which a reading was given by Ce­ WATCHES—Uncalled for, for more lesta Corney. The American Legion money, think how much better off than 30 davs. Cary Smith, Jeweler, 5—WANTED TO Th A DE—5 '1 see thia Chevrolet Standard Six is medal was presented by C. J. Mur­ 79 E. Fourth St. —34 65 ACRES good land, extra good advertised as the world’s lowest-priced you’ll be in every other way. You’ll "Syncro-Mesh? buildings fully equipped, well finan­ ray. Diplomas were distributed and six-cylinder closed car.’* STUD RECORD BOOKS — We have honor club pins were awarded. own a big, comfortable Fisher Body “Oh, sure—and a silent second, too! them on hands, made up, ready for ced, trade. What have you? Drury & Co. —34 The class roster follows: ‘Well, at $445, it certainly is a great buy.1 Listen to how nice and quietly we hit use. THE MADISON PRESS CO.—39 car—a fast, dependable, smooth-run­ INCOME PROPERTY in near-by city. Gillivan—Celesta Corney, Virgil El­ 40—without even shifting into high TIMOTHY SEED—Nice choice home lis, Hollie Evans and Edward Clifton. gear. grown, $1.25 per bu. Inquire or cail Income now $160 per month on re­ ning six—one of the smartest, most duced rental basis, clear, trade for B Centralized—Dorothy Mae Phil­ McClellan Simmerman, R. D. 2, South farm and assume difference.-—Drury & attractive cars on the road today— Solon, O., phene No. 4 on G4. —34 Co. —34 lips, Virginia King, Ralph Engle, Charles Ruffing, Wayne Webb, Rich­ RAG CARPET—20 yards, cheap. Mrs. and the most advanced car ever to L. Filler, 207 S. Toland St., phone AUTO—1930 model, cost $6,000, per­ ard Hayes, Charles Johnson and fect condition, small mileage, will John Dillior.. appear in the low-price field. SAVE 33-J. —34 trade for property. Drury & Co. —34 A Centralized—Marjorie Ball and —with a NEW Chevrolet! BABY CHICKS 6—HELP WANTED—6 Ralph Thompson. Heavies £8.00? Leghorns, $7.00 West Jefferson — Beatrice Baber, CHEVROLET MOTOR CO., DETROIT, MICH. Discount on Ordeers of 300 or more FARM HAND—Married man. No chil­ Robert Yantes, Paul Bennet^ Ellis dren. House furnished. J. E. Har­ CUSTOM HATCHING per. —36 Berry, Earl Byerly, Leona Chance. / 3c per Live Chick Jean McKinley, Major Merrick, Ruby “Remember—in the old car, you always /LONDON BUCKEYE HATCHERY J--SITUATIONV/ANTED—7 Osborn, Goldie Shrum, Helen Strauss. wanted the front window open, and I “Which make of ca. in your fleet uses the— 'Hl N. Oak St., (Opp. Court House) Eugene Dowell, James Hockenberry wanted it closed?** s t s PAPER HANGiNGTnd PAINTING^ 445 ° 565 least amount of gasoline and oil?’* Marjorie Hopper, Genova Hopper, AU prices f. o. b. Flint, Mich. Special equip­ BOSTON BULLS—One female, two /'ll woik guaranteed. Wm. Summers phone 850-J1. —34 Josephine Stoner, Cavilla Littler. **Yes— thank goodness for this Fisher ment extra. Low delivered prices and easy “Chevrolet! Our cost records always malt s, 6 months old, neatly marked. Ventilation. Now everybody’s satisfied,** G, M. A. C. terms. A General Motors Value. show that,** Excellent pedigrees. Mrs. R. H. Knight Charles McCarty, Harriett Sidner,; R. F. D., Wilmington, Ohio. —~uo 8—AG EMT W A MT ED—8 Donald Guyton, Dorothy eJster, Ma- ( LAWN SEEDS—Good mixed seed for WANTED—One Beer Salesman AT bel Harbage and James Johnson. lawns. We also have fertilizer for ONCE with a small capital of $500 grass and gardens. VanWagener Ele­ and a small truck to establish and con­ TO CELEBRATE vator. 35 trol this business in two local coun­ The members of Coral Rebekah ties. The w’ell advertised Beer will be and Odd Fellows lodges will celebrate ROY GORHAM DENYES CHEVROLET CO. delivered from a centralized warehouse WEST JEFFERSON, OHIO LONDON, OHIO therefore eliminating or rather divid­ the one hundred and fourteenth an­ ing the high lincense fee. Write Belle­ niversary of the Order on Monday Wool fontaine Beer Distributors, Bellefon­ evening, May 1st, with a potluck sup­ R. L. (Link) Farrar taine, Ohio. —35 per and program, to which the fam­ will pay die top price for ilies of the members are also invited. tunes of Jerry Allerton’s Rhythm 10:30 Morning prayer and sermon. graduated. wool 12—MISCELLANEOUS—12 Supper will be at 7 o’clock, for which SUMMERFORD Kings will round out an evening of Rev. F. C. F. Randolph. Summerford, April 27—Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Timmor Phones: Office 700; Res. 737J CHICKEN AND STEAK DINNERS— all are asked to contnb’jte something. real pleasure. Dr. C. H. Damsel, chiropractor, of Special dinners by appointment. Call Mrs. Fred Swartz, of Akron, were Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Seaborn ai BASEBALL SUNDAY One of the feature events will be London, will sing during the morning us for your next party.
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