The Euclid Mission Luca Valenziano INAF/IASF-Bologna On behalf of the Euclid ConsorBum Planck 2014 Conference - Ferrara Euclid Primary ObjecBve: the Dark Universe • Understand the origin of the Universe’s accelerang expansion • Probe the properBes and nature of Dark Energy and Gravity • Probe the effects of Dark Energy, Dark Maer and Gravity by: • Using at least 2 independent but complementary probes • Tracking their observaonal signatures on the: • Geometry of the universe: Weak Lensing (WL), Galaxy Clustering (GC) • Cosmic history of structure formaon: WL, RedshiZ-Space DistorBon (RSD), Clusters of Galaxies (CL) • Controling systemac residuals to an unprecedented level of accuracy. December 5, 2014 L. Valenziano on behalf of the EC Disnguishing decisively Planck Collaboration 2013, XVI • Assuming: • DE equaon of state: P/ρ = w , and w(a) = wp + wa(ap-a) • Growth rate of structure formaon: f ~ Ω γ ; • Nature of dark energy • DisBnguish effects of Λ and dynamical DE: Measure w(a) à slices in redshi • From Euclid data alone, get FoM=1/(Δwa x Δwp) > 400à ~1% precision on w à if data consistent with Λ, and FoM > 400 : Λ favoured with odds of more than 100:1 = a “decisive” stasBcal evidence. • Nature of gravity on cosmological scales • Probe growth of structure à slices in redshi • Separately constrain the metrics potenBals (Ψ,Φ) as funcBon of scale and Bme • DisBnguish effects of GR from MG models with very high confidence level: à absolute 1-σ of 0.02 on the growth index, γ , from Euclid data alone. à WL and RSD are differently sensiBve to Ψ, Φ December 5, 2014 L. Valenziano on behalf of the EC The Euclid Wide Survey Machine External Photometry Space Euclid VIS and NIR observer of stars and galaxies 9 9 7 and 12 10 sources, 1.5 10 WL galaxies, >3 10 spectra +Deep calib. External Spectroscopy VIS Imaging NIR Photometry NIR Spectroscopy -16 2 -1 IAB=24.5 ; 10σ YJH = 24 ; 5σ 2 10 erg.cm .s ; 3.5σ Other Euclid Cosmic Shear Galaxy Redshift probes survey survey Dark Matter and Galaxy Power Spectra with look back time Planck, Cosmological explorer of Legacy eROSITA, … gravity, dark matter, dark energy Science and inflation Cosmo. Simul . Tiny differences between DE/MG models z=0.0 z=0.5 z=1.0 z=2.0 Euclid Imaging 16 September 2014 L. Valenziano on behalf of the EC w(z) from BAO SDSS LRGs at z~0.35 20% of the Euclid slitless data at z~1 Total effecBve volume Total effecBve volume (of Euclid) 3 -3 3 -3 Veff = 0.26 Gpc h Veff = 19.7 Gpc h December 5, 2014 L. Valenziano on behalf of the EC Requirements to Design the Mission Requirements Mission • WL and systemacs Wide survey Deep survey Survey: 6 years size 15, 000 deg 2 40 deg2 N/S +<c2> VIS imaging • Small PSF, Knowledge of the PSF size 2 Depth ngal > 30/arcmin MAB = 26.5 MAB =24.5, 10σ • Knowledge of distorBon for gal size 0.3 » • Stability in Bme à cryogenic space telescope à <z> ~0.9 PSF size σ[R2]/R2<10-3 • Visible photom photo-z accurary: 0.05x(1+z) knowledge • AddiBonal ground-based photo surveys (g,r,i,z) Multiplicative bias σ[m]<2 .10-3 in shape • 0<z<2.0 Additive bias in σ[c]<2 .10-4 shape Ellipticity RMS σ[e]<2 . 10-4 • GC and systemacs NIP photometry: YJH • Understand selecBonàDeep field (photo+spectro) Depth 24 MAB 26 MAB • Completeness NIS spectroscopy: 4 R exp., 3 R orientaGons • Purity Flux limit (erg/ 2 10-16 5 10-17 •dz/(z+1)< 0.001 cm2/s) •0.7 < z < 2.05 Completness > 45 % >99% •> 3500 redshiZ/sq deg Purity >80% >99% Confusion 3 rotations >12 rotations •ESA mission The Euclid Mission •Selected in Oct. 2011 - Fully funded •Partners: ESA, TAS, Airbus DS, Euclid ConsorBum (EC) •Overall mass: ~2020 kg, Power : 1920 W (E0L) •Data rate: 850 Gbit/day •Telescope (T=125K, passive): • 1.2m aperture primary, 3 mirror Korsch anasBgmat •2 Instruments (VIS, NISP) – T = 100-140 K (passive) • Wide field instrument, VIS: 36 e2v 4kx4k CCDs 0.55<λ<0.92 μm, 576 M pixels, 0.11 arcsec/pix, 0.53 deg2 FoV • Photom. (Y, J, H) +spectrom.: 16 H2GR HgCdTe detectors; • 64 Mpixels, 0.30 arcsec/pix, 0.53 deg2 FoV (=VIS) • Grism slitless spectro (1B + 3R grisms) 0.92<λ<2.05 μm, R>250 •Downlink Rate: X/X + K-band to Ground Staon 55 Mbits/s. 850 Gbit/day to transfer 4hr/day. • Ground Segment: ESA (50%,) EC (50%, EC leads science and external data): 1.5 billion galaxies for WL, 30 million redshiZs, 12 billion sources (3sigma) •L2 orbit •Launch Vehicle – Soyuz- Fregat •Launch date 2020, from Kourou space port •6.25 years mission + addiBonal surveys ( exopl, SN) •Main surveys: 15,000 deg 2+40 deg2 2 mag. deeper •Science drivers: DE • Science leads: Euclid ConsorBum Euclid Consorum o 14 EU countries + NASA+ US labs o More than 120 insBtutes/ labs o More than 1100 members An arBst view of the Euclid satellite – courtesy ESA www.euclid-ec.org sci.esa.int/euclid The Euclid Mission in one slide Soyuz@Kourou PLM+SVM: 2010-2027+ 2020 ? VIS imaging: 2010-2020 (VIS team) NIR spectro-imaging 2010-2020 (NISP team) Surveys: 2010-2027+ (Survey WG) SGS: 2010-2028+ 6.25 yrs - 15,000 deg2 • Commisionning – SV Ground data SWG: • Euclid opération: 2019-2028+ >5.5 yrs:Euclid Wide+Deep 20-30 PB data processing (EC-SGS team) – Science analyses Breadboarding Euclid Red Book RSD-only f forecasts Euclid potenBal 8 Expected errors on growth rate obtainable from the Euclid redshiZ survey through the combinaon of amplitude and redshiZ-space anisotropy of galaxy clustering MajeroTo, Guzzo, Samushia, Percival, Wang, et al. 2012 December 5, 2014 L. Valenziano on behalf of the EC The full power of Euclid Dark Energy equation of state from combined Weak Lensing and Galaxy Clustering (BAO), clusters, ISW Answering Euclid key science question 1: Is dark energy simply a cosmological constant, or is it a field that evolves dynamically with the expansion of the Universe? Euclid Red Book ESA/SRE(2011)12 December 5, 2014 L. Valenziano on behalf of the EC The full power of Euclid Growth rate of structure from combined Weak Lensing (tomography) and Galaxy Clustering (redshift-space distortions) ! f(z)=[m(z)] n! Po(k)=Ak Answering Euclid key science question 2: Is is the apparent acceleration instead a manifestation of a breakdown of General Relativity on the largest scales? Euclid Red Book ESA/SRE(2011)12 December 5, 2014 L. Valenziano on behalf of the EC Forecast for the Primary Program Modified Initial Dark Matter Dark Energy Gravity Conditions Parameter γ m ν /eV fNL wp wa FoM = 1/(Δw0×Δwa) Euclid primary (WL+GC) 0.010 0.027 5.5 0.015 0.150 430 EuclidAll (clusters,ISW) 0.009 0.020 2.0 0.013 0.048 1540 4020 à Euclid+Planck 0.007 0.019 2.0 0.007 0.035 6000 Reference (2009) 0.200 0.580 100 0.100 1.500 ~10 Improvement Factor 30 30 50 >10 >40 >400 Ref: Euclid RB arXiv:1110.3193 Assume systematic errors are under control December 5, 2014 L. Valenziano on behalf of the EC Summary ü Euclid is an experiment combining GC and WL: an unprecedented match of an imaging and redshiZ survey from space, building a sample of >109 galaxy shapes and ~5 107 galaxy distances (and much more). ü Euclid results may well revoluBonize our understanding of physics: for sure it will provide a huge database for unexpected discoveries (legacy). ü Ideal complementarity to CMB observaons. ü Euclid is one of the most sophiscated scienfic instruments ever launched: large cryo opBcs, large focal planes, the most powerful on-board data processing. December 5, 2014 L. Valenziano on behalf of the EC Acknowledgements The Euclid ConsorBum acknowledges the European Space Agency and the support of a number of agencies and insBtutes that are funding the development of Euclid. A detailed complete list is available on the Euclid web site (hTp://www.euclid-ec.org ). In parBcular the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, the Centre Naonal d’Etudes Spaales, the Deutches Zentrum fur Lu- and Raumfahrt, the Danish Space Research InsBtute, the Fundação para a Ciênca e a Tecnologia, the Ministerio de Economia y CompeBBvidad, the Naonal AeronauBcs and Space Administraon, the Netherlandse Onderzoekschool Voor Astronomie, the Norvegian Space Center, the Romanian Space Agency, the United Kingdom Space Agency and the University of Helsinki. We thank C. Bonoli, B. Garilli, F. Grupp, L. Guzzo, T. Maciaszek, Y. Mellier, R. Toledo for directly contribuBng to this talk. Copyright: Euclid ConsorBum 2014 December 5, L. Valenziano on behalf of the EC 2014 .
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