U.S. Potato Consumption Fast Food Growth Boosts Frozen Potato Consumption Biing-Hwan Lin Gary Lucier Jane Allshouse Linda Scott Kantor (202) 694-5458 (202) 694-5253 [email protected] [email protected] otatoes are the most impor­ consumption of frozen potato prod­ capita basis, than other Americans. P tant vegetable crop in the ucts rose steadily to 63 pounds in Seniors favor consumption of fresh United States. The crop's 1999 1999 (fig. 1). Dehydrated potatoes and canned potatoes, while teen­ farm receipts totaled $2.7 billion, or (14 pounds), potato chips (16 agers consume more chips and 18 percent of all vegetable and pounds), and canned potatoes (2 french fries than other age groups. melon farm cash receipts. Potatoes, pounds) represented smaller seg­ These findings are taken from an rich in vitamin C, potassium, and ments of the market. analysis of the 1994-96 CSFII, other vital nutrients, are a staple The growth of the fast food indus­ USDA's most recent food consump­ food in the United States. The 1999 try spurred the shift toward frozen tion survey. Each year of the CSFII' s per capita consumption of vegeta­ potato products. USDA's 1994-96 3-year data set comprises a nation­ bles was 454 pounds, fresh-weight Continuing Survey of Food Intakes ally representative sample of nonin­ equivalent, of which 142 pounds, or by Individuals (CSFII) shows that stitutionalized persons residing in 31 percent, were potatoes. Pound for most U.S. fresh potato consump­ 50 States and Washington, DC. Sur­ pound among U.S. crops, potatoes tion-as well as consumption of vey respondents were interviewed are topped only by wheat flour in potato chips, dehydrated potatoes, in person on 2 nonconsecutive days importance in the U.S. diet. The and canned potatoes-occurs at and asked to recall all the food and most significant changes in potato home. Frozen french fries are sold beverages they had consumed in the consumption over the past several predominately for away-from-home last 24 hours. More than 15,300 indi­ decades have been the rise of frozen consumption, with fast food estab­ viduals provided dietary data for potato use and the decline of fresh lishments accounting for 67 percent both days. The respondents pro­ potato use. of the frozen french fry market, fol­ vided a list of foods consumed as In 1960, U.S. per capita consump­ lowed by a 13-percent share for well as information on where, when, tion of fresh potatoes was 81 restaurants. and how much of each food was pounds (farm weight) per year, CSFII data show distinct regional eaten. The survey collected an array while per capita consumption of all variations in the use of potato prod­ of economic, social, and demo­ processed potatoes was only 25 ucts. French fry consumption is graphic characteristics for each pounds per year. By 1971, per capita much higher in the South and Mid­ respondent. consumption of all processed pota­ west than in the Northeast and USDA's Agricultural Research toes, driven largely by frozen prod­ West. Consumers in the Midwestern Service (ARS) has developed recipes ucts, surpassed fresh potato con­ States consume more fresh potatoes, that list ingredients and their quan­ sumption. While consumption of potato chips, and dehydrated pota­ tities for over 7,300 foods. For each fresh potatoes has averaged about toes than consumers elsewhere. food, ARS has also developed the 50 pounds per person since 1975, Rural residents tend to consume number of servings relative to more potato products than con­ USDA Food Guide Pyramid dietary sumers living in metropolitan cities recommendations. Servings data and suburban areas. comprise the five major food Lin, Allshouse, and Kantor are agricultural econ­ CSFII data also show that African­ groups-grain, vegetable, fruit, omists with the Food and Rural Economics Divi­ sion, and Lucier is an agricultural economist with Americans consume more potato dairy, and meat-as well as their the Market and Trade Economics Division, Eco­ nomic Research Service, USDA. chips and french fries, on a per subgroups. For example, the FoodReview • Volume 24, Issue l 38 U.S. Potato Consumption Figure 1 Frozen Potatoes Now Outweigh Fresh Potatoes in Consumer Preference Pounds per capita 70 60 50 40 30 20 Chips ' --------- ;::::: : 7 - 10 Dehydrated________ Canned 0 1970 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 2000 Source: USDA's Economic Research Service. vegetable group has six subgroups, Figure 2 including potatoes. The ARS recipe Fresh Potatoes and French Fries Are Most Likely To Be Consumed files include 33 potato products. on a Given Day These 33 products are grouped into Percent of population six categories: fresh potatoes, chips, 30 dehydrated potatoes, frozen french fries (called french fries), other frozen potatoes (such as hash 25 browns and Tater Tots), and canned potatoes (see box on potato use in 20 the United States). Our analysis of the CSFII data shows that fresh potatoes and french 15 fries are the two most frequently consumed potato products in the United States. On a given day, more 10 than a quarter of consumers (26 per­ cent) ate fresh potatoes and 13 per­ 5 cent ate french fries (fig. 2). French fries accounted for about 95 percent of the total servings of all frozen 0 potatoes. About 1 in every Fresh Chips Dehydrated Frozen Other frozen Canned 12 consumers (8 percent) ate potato trench fries chips on a given day. Other potato products, including dehydrated, Source: USDA's CSFII 1994-96, 2-day dietary recall data. other frozen potatoes, and canned potatoes, were consumed less frequently. January-Ap ril 2001 39 U.S. Potato Consumption Potato Use in the United States Although there are numerous U.S. consumers, reflecting both the the fragile chips during trans­ potato varieties, most can be importance of potatoes in the portation. grouped into three general cate­ national diet and their incredible • Dehydrated potatoes are made gories: russet, white, and red. versatility. About 85 percent of the into extruded potato chips (such U.S. potato crop is used for food. • Russet potatoes account for about as Pringles and O'Boise' s ), The remainder of the crop is either 70 percent of the U.S. crop, with mashed potatoes, potato pancake lost (shrinkage and loss during stor­ production heavily concentrated mix, and some canned stews. age and handling) or used as seed in Western States. Russet vari­ These food products use 11 per­ or livestock feed. eties are used for the fresh mar­ cent of the U.S. potato crop. The major food uses of potatoes ket and for processing and are include the following: • Canned potatoes, 1 percent of the particularly well suited for french total U.S. potato crop, are used in fries. • Fresh (also called table potatoes) such canned products as small • White potatoes range in shape potatoes account for 27 percent of whole potatoes, corned beef from oblong to round and are the U.S. potato crop and are used hash, various stews, soups, grown nearly everywhere in the primarily for baked, boiled, or chowders, and commercial Nation, with the heaviest concen­ mashed potatoes. potato salad. tration in the Central and Eastern • Frozen french fries account for 29 States. White potatoes account percent of the U.S. potato crop. Less than 0.3 percent of the U.S. potato crop is used in foods as for about 25 percent of the U.S. • Other frozen potato products, crop. They are used primarily for potato flour and potato starch. such as Tater Tots, spiral fries, Potato flour is used in processed potato chips and fresh-market homefries, wedges, and frozen consumption. foods, such as breads, rolls, cake whole potatoes, use 6 percent of mixes, crackers, and pastries, and as • Red potatoes, named for their skin U.S. potatoes. a thickener for soup bases and color, are marketed largely in the • Potato chips (including canned sauces. Potato starch is used in fresh market. Red potatoes shoestring potatoes) use 10 per­ baked goods, such as specialty account for about 5 percent of the cent of the U.S. potato crop. The breads, rolls, and crackers, instant U.S. crop, with production con­ Nation's 116 chip manufacturing pudding mixes, and molding con­ centrated in the upper Midwest. plants are located regionally, fections, such as gum drops, jelly Potatoes are consumed daily in largely to minimize breakage of beans, and chewing gum. some form by about 54 percent of Fresh Potatoes Prepared obtained or prepared, not where it ordered and picked up at a counter, at Home, French Fries was consumed. For example, a restal:lrants are places that have wait bagged lunch prepared at home and staff, and school cafeterias include Prepared Away consumed at work is classified as daycare facilities and summer food at home. A commercially pre­ camps. The category "other" is a Eating out is increasingly popular pared pizza delivered and con­ catchall category that includes com­ in the United States. In 1970, Ameri­ sumed at home is classified as food munity feeding centers, bars/ tav­ can consumers spent 33 percent of away from home. erns, vending machines, and other total food expenditures away from Food at home is generally sources of foods. home. By 1999, that number had obtained at a retail store, such as a CSFII data show that about 2 per­ risen to 47.5 percent. USDA survey supermarket, grocery store, or a cent of consumers did not eat any data show that fast food places and convenience store. Food consumed at-home food on a given day (table restaurants each accounted for only at other people's homes is also clas­ 1).
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